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paradentosis/ explanation

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It looks like my good old English dictionnary is not up to date with

medical terms ;-) What I've found out is that you call it

" periodontitis " and this is the explanation:

> DEFINITION: Any abnormality, inflammatory or degenerative, of the tissue

around a tooth. (Periodontal means “located around a tooth”) The term refers to

any disorder of the gums

> or other supporting structures of the teeth.


> Periodontitis is the inflammation or degeneration, or both, of the dental

periosteum, alveolar bone, cementum, and adjacent gingiva. Suppuration ususally

occurs, supporting bone is

> resorbed, teeth become loose, and recession of gingivae occurs. Usually

follows chronic gingivitis, ’s infection, or poor dental hygiene.


> CAUSES: Gingivitis is considered to be an early stage of periodontal disease

caused by sticky deposits of bacteria, mucus, and food particles called placque.

Some researchers believe

> this placque causes the gum to become infected and swollen, and bleed. As the

gum swells, it forms a pocket between the teeth, causing a trap for more plaque.

The gum becomes red,

> soft, and shiny. Other possible causes of gingivitis include breathing through

the mouth, badly fitting fillings irritating surrounding gum tissue, and a diet

consisting of too many soft foods

> that rob the teeth and gums of much needed exercise.


sent me this link:


Thanks and Beth for information.

Best wishes -



Just A Perfect Day - The Soap Factory


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