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Moderate CR is better?

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Hi All,

I thought that you might enjoy to see the below supporting moderating of CR is


Yossi Dagon, Yosefa Avraham, Iddo Magen, Arie Gertler, Tamir Ben-Hur, and Elliot



Nutritional status, cognition and survival-a new role for leptin and AMPK

JBC published October 3, 2005 as doi:10.1074/jbc.M507607200


While adequate nutrition is essential for optimal neural activity and survival,


energy restriction may improve cognition and prolong longevity. Energy status is

monitored by cellular AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) system, while leptin

regulates total energy balance. We investigated the roles of AMPK and leptin in

cognition and survival under diet restriction (DR). Hippocampal AMPK activity

increases with energy restriction. Modest activation (DR to 60%) induces

neurogenesis and improves cognition. However, DR to 40% augmented AMPK activity,

reduced cognition, catecholamines and increased neural apoptosis and mortality.

Leptin signaling is preserved only in DR to 60%, countering the effects of AMPK

“over-activation” by preventing neuro-apoptosis, restoring noradrenergic


and behavioral performance and increasing longevity. The balance between leptin


AMPK is crucial in determining neuronal fate, cognitive ability and survival.


these findings extend to Man, then controlled activation of AMPK may improve

neurodegenerative diseases, and leptin may have a new role in treating stress

associated malnutrition.

Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@...


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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