Guest guest Posted September 3, 2005 Report Share Posted September 3, 2005 Hi All, See the below Medline citation and abstract and brief text excerpts for a paper suggesting that deep-sea water is good for minerals in our avoiding atopic eczema/dermatitis. For defintions, see: eczema = A pruritic papulovesicular dermatitis occurring as a reaction to many endogenous and exogenous agents. It is characterised in the acute stage by erythema, oedema associated with a serous exudate between the cells of the epidermis (spongiosis) and an inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis, oosing and vesiculation and crusting and scaling and in the more chronic stages by lichenification or thickening or both, signs of excoriations and hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation or both. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of dermatitis. Synonym: eczematous dermititis. eczematous = Pertaining to eczema; having the characteristic of eczema. dermatitis = Inflammation of the skin. Here below, are the items from the paper. Hataguchi Y, Tai H, Nakajima H, Kimata H. Drinking deep-sea water restores mineral imbalance in atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2005 Sep;59(9):1093-6. PMID: 16015263 & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\ ct & list_uids=16015263 & query_hl=19 .... atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS). Study of hair minerals revealed an imbalance of essential minerals and an increase in toxic minerals in AEDS patients. .... 33 patients (mean age 26 y, range 1-50 y, 13 male and 20 female subjects) with mild to moderate AEDS ... Results: After drinking deep-sea water, the levels of the essential mineral, potassium (K), were significantly decreased, while the levels of selenium (Se) increased. On the other hand, drinking deep-sea water significantly decreased the levels of the toxic minerals, mercury and lead. Moreover, after drinking deep-sea water, the skin symptoms were improved in 27 out of 33 patients. Conclusion: These results indicate that the mineral abnormalities/imbalance may be involved in the pathogenesis of AEDS, and that drinking deep-sea water may be useful in the treatment of AEDS. .... Amami no Mizu Hardness 1000 is a product of Ako Kasei Co., Ltd., and is a bottled water which is rich in Mg (Kimata et al, 2002). It is made from deep-sea water by removing NaCl and prepared at a concentration of Mg/Ca that is equivalent to hardness 1000. Deep-sea water was obtained from the sea off the coast of Muroto in Kochi Prefecture. Patients ingested 500 ml/day of deep-sea water, Amami no Mizu Hardness 1000, for 6 months. .... Table 1. Effect of drinking deep-sea water on essential minerals in hair ............................................ Mineral Normal range (ppb) Before a After a P-value b ............................................ Na 30 000 & #8722;910 000 56 031 (22 738) 61 942 (22 497) NS K 6000 & #8722;407 000 49 404 (9791) 18 860 (3411) <0.0005 Mg 12 000 & #8722;108 000 102 076 (14 966) 18 8317 (47 820) NS Ca 100000 & #8722;1 560 000 840 230 (124 882) 788 227 (15 750) NS Cr 65 & #8722;165 176 (13) 212 (21) NS Mo 29 & #8722;48 36 (5) 41 (7) NS Mn 98 & #8722;352 224 (43) 200 (46) NS Fe 4000 & #8722;47 000 6138 (427) 7131 (742) NS Cu 6000 & #8722;19 000 33 892 (8676) 30 861 (5579) NS Zn 760 000 & #8722;231 000 192 310 (15 583) 195 643 (17 452) NS P 126 000 & #8722;222 000 148 697 (4335) 150 752 (6315) NS Se 900 & #8722;5000 443 (29) 565 (28) <0.0001 ............................................... a Values are the means (s.d.). b NS: Not significant. Table 2. Effect of drinking deep-sea water on supposed essential minerals in hair ............................................... Minerals Normal range (ppb) Before a After a P-value b ............................................... Li 1.3 & #8722;8.0 7.8 (2.3) 8.9 (4.0) NS V 8.0 & #8722;95.0 112.8 (28.3) 97.9 (22.4) NS Co 6.0 & #8722;40.0 22.8 (2.5) 64.6 (35.2) NS Ni 125.0 & #8722;1700.0 1209.6 (520.3) 639.1 (192.1) NS B 100.0 & #8722;500.0 503.4 (82.2) 298.6 (61.6) <0.05 Ge 70.0 & #8722;150.0 65.3 (6.5) 148.2 (6.5) <0.0001 Br 600.0 & #8722;12000.0 3600.1 (784.3) 9949.5 (4511.2) NS I 15.0 & #8722;150.0 5986.3 (4506.9) 832.9 (478.4) NS ................................................. a Values are the means (s.d.). b NS: Not significant. Table 3. Effect of drinking deep-sea water on toxic minerals in hair ................................................. Mineral Normal range (ppb) Before After P-values ................................................ Cd 4.5 & #8722;49.0 18.1 (2.8) 15.1 (2.6) NS Hg 1100.0 & #8722;5650.0 3914.3 (473.3) 2776.9 (379.5) 0.0015 Al 1900.0 & #8722;9500.0 5303.5 (815.6) 4478.8 (629.4) NS Pb 170.0 & #8722;1700.0 1278.2 (262.0) 864.9 (160.5) 0.0254 As 11.0 & #8722;80.0 40.3 (4.8) 46.2 (5.6) NS ................................................. Values are the means (s.d.). Table 4. Clinical evaluation of the skin symptoms ................................................. Evaluation Number of patients ................................................. Markedly improvement 16 Improvement 11 No change 6 Aggravation 0 .................................................. A total of 33 AEDS patients were evaluated for skin symptoms after drinking deep-sea water for 6 months. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... ____________________________________________________ Start your day with - make it your home page http://www./r/hs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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