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Vinegar reduces glucose and insulin; raises satiety

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Hi All,

Vinegar reduces blood levels of glucose and insulin, it seems; vinegar raises


The below is pdf-available and the data from the three tables.

Ostman E, Granfeldt Y, Persson L, Bjorck I.

Vinegar supplementation lowers glucose and insulin responses and increases


after a bread meal in healthy subjects.

Eur J Clin Nutr. 2005 Sep;59(9):983-8.

PMID: 16015276

.... glycaemic index (GI) ... Three levels of vinegar (18, 23 and 28 mmol acetic

acid) were served with a portion of white wheat bread containing 50 g available

carbohydrates as breakfast in randomized order after an overnight fast. Bread


without vinegar was used as a reference meal. ... A significant dose-response

relation was seen at 30 min for blood glucose and serum insulin responses; the

higher the acetic acid level, the lower the metabolic responses. Furthermore,


rating of satiety was directly related to the acetic acid level. Compared with


reference meal, the highest level of vinegar significantly lowered the blood


response at 30 and 45 min, the insulin response at 15 and 30 min as well as

increased the satiety score at 30, 90 and 120 min postprandially. The low and

intermediate levels of vinegar also lowered the 30 min glucose and the 15 min

insulin responses significantly compared with the reference meal. When GI and II

(insulinaemic indices) were calculated using the 90 min incremental area, a

significant lowering was found for the highest amount of acetic acid, although


corresponding values calculated at 120 min did not differ from the reference


Conclusion: Supplementation of a meal based on white wheat bread with vinegar

reduced postprandial responses of blood glucose and insulin, and increased the

subjective rating of satiety. There was an inverse dose-response relation


the level of acetic acid and glucose and insulin responses and a linear

dose-response relation between acetic acid and satiety rating. The results


an interesting potential of fermented and pickled products containing acetic


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\

ct & list_uids=16015276 & query_hl=14

Table 1. Blood glucose levels and glycaemic indices (GIs) at 90 and 120 min in


healthy subjects at a breakfast with carbohydrate equivalent portions of white


bread served with various amounts of vinegar


Meal GI 90 min GI 120 min


White wheat bread (WWB) 100a 100a

WWB+18 g vinegar 89.44.3ab 96.25.6a

WWB+23 g vinegar 104.711.2ab 117.015.8a

WWB+28 g vinegar 76.87.9b 84.88.7a


Values within a column not followed by the same letter are significantly


Table 2. Serum insulin levels and insulinaemic indices (Is) at 90 and 120 min in


healthy subjects at a breakfast with carbohydrate equivalent portions of white


bread served with various amounts of vinegar


Meal II 90 min II 120 min


White wheat bread (WWB) 100a 100a

WWB+18 g vinegar 102.812.0ab 108.411.4a

WWB+23 g vinegar 87.311.2ab 94.212.7a

WWB+28 g vinegar 77.810.4b 84.611.3a


Values within a column not followed by the same letter are significantly


Table 3. Area under curve (0 & #8722;120 min) for satiety scores in healthy


after a breakfast with carbohydrate equivalent portions of white wheat bread


with various amounts of vinegar


Meal n Area under curve for satiety score


White wheat bread (WWB) 10,21045a

WWB+18 g vinegar 10 36338ab

WWB+23 g vinegar 11 4,3575ab

WWB+28 g vinegar 11 5,12105b


Values within a column not followed by the same letter are significantly


Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@...


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