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Mediterranean diet effect

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Hi All,

The below seems to present a breakdown of the Mediterranean dietary


The amount of fat in the Mediterranean diet seems to be relatively low. The


of n-9 fatty acids (which are in olive oil

http://www.freshhempfoods.com/nutrition/comp-table.html?) was less for the

Mediterranean diet? The Medline citation and Table 2 from the apparently

free-to-all full-text pdf is provided. Fish oil fats were higher.


dieters were not significantly CRed.

The Table 2 data below are for those who may have difficulty with pdfs.

Hagfors L, Nilsson I, Skoldstam L, Johansson G.

Fat intake and composition of fatty acids in serum phospholipids in a


controlled, Mediterranean dietary intervention study on patients with rheumatoid


Nutr Metab (Lond). 2005 Oct 10;2(1):26 [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 16216119

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\

ct & list_uids=16216119 & query_hl=33



.... Table 2. Comparison of average daily intake (excluding supplements) of


fat and specific fatty acids between the Mediterranean Diet (MD) group and the

Control Diet (CD) group. The dietary intake is based on the diet history


performed between study weeks seven and twelve.


MD group CD group P-value*

(n=17) (n=17)


Energy (MJ) 8.8±1.6 9.8±3.2 p=0.242

Fat (g) 60.4±21.9 89.3±33.1 p=0.005

Total saturated fatty acids (g) 18.3±8.2 40.5±18.3 p<0.001

Total monounsaturated fatty acids (g) 25.3±10.5 31.9±11.1 p=0.088

Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (g) 11.8±3.9 10.6±3.5 p=0.381

Total n-6 fatty acids (g) † 7.9 ±2.5 8.2±2.7 p=0.743

Total n-3 fatty acids (g) ‡ 3.1±1.3 2.0±0.9 p=0.008

Ratio n-6:n-3 2.7±0.6 4.4±0.9 p<0.001

Fat (E%) 25.0 ±5.3 33.7±5.6 p<0.001

Total saturated fatty acids (E%) 7.5±2.4 15.0±3.7 p<0.001

Total monounsaturated fatty acids (E%) 10.5±2.8 12.2±2.2 p=0.067

Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (E%) 5.0±1.1 4.1±1.1 p=0.028 ¶

Fatty acids (g):

4:0-10:0 0.77(0.32-1.59) 3.51(1.72-4.79) p<0.001

12:0 0.44(0.28-0.93) 1.67(0.93-2.56) p<0.001

14:0 1.81(1.07-2.90) 4.68(2.79-6.19) p<0.001

16:0 9.46(7.29-13.29) 18.54(14.98-26.00) p<0.001

18:0 2.80(1.99-4.34) 6.85(5.94-9.97) p<0.001

20:0 0.14(0.10-0.19) 0.19(0.16-0.38) p=0.016

16:1 n 7 0.95(0.70-1.22) 1.25(1.05-1.84) p=0.014

18:1n-9 20.50(14.98-28.05) 27.55(21.52-35.67) p=0.049

18:2n-6 7.42(5.80-9.46) 7.90(5.78-9.77) p=0.892

18:3n-3 1.79(1.23-2.36) 1.42(1.09-2.09) p=0.454

20:4n-6 0.08(0.05-0.10) 0.08(0.04-0.13) p=0.708

20:5n-3 0.35(0.23-0.59) 0.11(0.06-0.18) p<0.001

22:5, n-3 and n-6 0.07(0.05-0.11) 0.02(0.01-0.05) p=0.001

22:6n-3 0.73(0.44-1.03) 0.21(0.12-0.30) p<0.001


Data are presented as mean±SD for normally distributed variables and as


(25th-75th percentiles) for variables with skew distributions.

*The P-values refer to the difference between diet- and control group.

Differences between groups were analyzed by the Students t-test for independent

samples for normally distributed variables and by the Mann-Whitney U test for

variables with skew distributions

†sum of 18:2n-6 and 20:4n-6

‡sum of 18:3n-3, 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3

E% = percent of total energy.

¶Difference between groups regarding E% polyunsaturated fatty acids was not

significant (p=0.101) when under- and over-reporters

were excluded.

Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@...


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