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Delighted with CRON, but two questions

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I would experiment if I were you. Stop the tennis for a couple of weeks to see if it's related to that. Just do some walking instead and see if the problem improves. Try other things too assuming that you've been to the doctor and they can't find a cause. There are plenty of other forms of exercise that may be easier on your body.

As for the itching, are you sure you're not allergic to anything? I had a terrible rash a few years ago related to my introduction of a daily Brazil nut to my diet. It took weeks for me to figure out that it was the daily one Brazil nut that had induced the problem, which by then was so bad that I was on steroids and ready to admit myself to the hospital. Fortunately, by trial and error I realized the problem by researching allergies on the web and discovering that tree nuts are a very common allergen. Now if I take a piece of a Brazil nut every few days, I can tolerate that, but a whole nut every day induced a reaction that over time got worse and worse.

on 12/4/2005 10:27 AM, Barry Gamble at chronart@... wrote:

I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting worse with CRON. I am

having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps in the evening after 3 sets

of doubles tennis in the mornings.

The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin transplant would be my choice

in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got them in both leg calf

muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both legs. First I would stretch

both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have my wife push down on my

toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would re-cramp. After 20

minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration. This episode was 9 months

ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and hobble to the hot tub to do

the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping at 2 AM.

I have been having these problems for years, but in the last 5 months they have gotten

considerably worse. It could be things (don't you love my technical vocabulary) being

released into my blood stream as I have lost weight. I am 65 years, 6' tall and weigh in at

167 pounds today. I have lost 23 lbs in the last 5 months since starting CRON. I have

been doing 17 hours of tea only each day and then eating my calories in 7 hours. Diet is

good; lots of steamed veggies, wild salmon, great salad variety (with black beans and

quinoa, a couple of nuts, and a couple of eggs a week. Some Ortho-Core and Longevinex

thrown in for good measure.

So the question, have any of you had similar problems?

I have been taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Glutathione since I started CRON to aid the

chelation of anything released by my fat reduction.

Oh, some additional info about the itching. About 2 years ago my doctor said, " time for

your once in a lifetime pneumonia shoot. " Well --- I got a rash with itching that never

went away but got slowly better for 18 months. Then I started CRON and it is much

worse. If you see a guy on the street that can't go through a door without rubbing his

back on the doorframe, that's me. New type of obsessive compusive behavior

But no way am I going to stop CRON. I feel great! A bounce in my step, happy mood,

good energy, a little giddy --- what black cloud, I don't see any black cloud (Visualize

with head snapping back and forth, confused Alzheimer look). ?

Barry Gamble

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I would experiment if I were you. Stop the tennis for a couple of weeks to see if it's related to that. Just do some walking instead and see if the problem improves. Try other things too assuming that you've been to the doctor and they can't find a cause. There are plenty of other forms of exercise that may be easier on your body.

As for the itching, are you sure you're not allergic to anything? I had a terrible rash a few years ago related to my introduction of a daily Brazil nut to my diet. It took weeks for me to figure out that it was the daily one Brazil nut that had induced the problem, which by then was so bad that I was on steroids and ready to admit myself to the hospital. Fortunately, by trial and error I realized the problem by researching allergies on the web and discovering that tree nuts are a very common allergen. Now if I take a piece of a Brazil nut every few days, I can tolerate that, but a whole nut every day induced a reaction that over time got worse and worse.

on 12/4/2005 10:27 AM, Barry Gamble at chronart@... wrote:

I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting worse with CRON. I am

having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps in the evening after 3 sets

of doubles tennis in the mornings.

The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin transplant would be my choice

in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got them in both leg calf

muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both legs. First I would stretch

both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have my wife push down on my

toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would re-cramp. After 20

minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration. This episode was 9 months

ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and hobble to the hot tub to do

the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping at 2 AM.

I have been having these problems for years, but in the last 5 months they have gotten

considerably worse. It could be things (don't you love my technical vocabulary) being

released into my blood stream as I have lost weight. I am 65 years, 6' tall and weigh in at

167 pounds today. I have lost 23 lbs in the last 5 months since starting CRON. I have

been doing 17 hours of tea only each day and then eating my calories in 7 hours. Diet is

good; lots of steamed veggies, wild salmon, great salad variety (with black beans and

quinoa, a couple of nuts, and a couple of eggs a week. Some Ortho-Core and Longevinex

thrown in for good measure.

So the question, have any of you had similar problems?

I have been taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Glutathione since I started CRON to aid the

chelation of anything released by my fat reduction.

Oh, some additional info about the itching. About 2 years ago my doctor said, " time for

your once in a lifetime pneumonia shoot. " Well --- I got a rash with itching that never

went away but got slowly better for 18 months. Then I started CRON and it is much

worse. If you see a guy on the street that can't go through a door without rubbing his

back on the doorframe, that's me. New type of obsessive compusive behavior

But no way am I going to stop CRON. I feel great! A bounce in my step, happy mood,

good energy, a little giddy --- what black cloud, I don't see any black cloud (Visualize

with head snapping back and forth, confused Alzheimer look). ?

Barry Gamble

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I can't offer any insight into the itching but I have personally

experienced relief from night time cramps by supplementing with simple

table salt. This may seem counter intuitive since there is so much

general advice to cut down on dietary salt, but if you are eating

healthy home cooked meals (not processed crap) and very active (read

sweating a lot) you may actually be low on sodium.

I won't repeat my longer thesis/discussions about this but you are

invited to search the archives for past threads on this specific



Barry Gamble wrote:

> I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting worse with

CRON. I am

> having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps in the evening

after 3 sets

> of doubles tennis in the mornings.


> The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin transplant would be

my choice

> in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got them in both

leg calf

> muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both legs. First I

would stretch

> both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have my wife push

down on my

> toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would re-cramp.

After 20

> minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration. This episode was

9 months

> ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and hobble to the hot

tub to do

> the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping at 2 AM.


> I have been having these problems for years, but in the last 5 months they

have gotten

> considerably worse. It could be things (don't you love my technical

vocabulary) being

> released into my blood stream as I have lost weight. I am 65 years, 6' tall

and weigh in at

> 167 pounds today. I have lost 23 lbs in the last 5 months since starting

CRON. I have

> been doing 17 hours of tea only each day and then eating my calories in 7

hours. Diet is

> good; lots of steamed veggies, wild salmon, great salad variety (with black

beans and

> quinoa, a couple of nuts, and a couple of eggs a week. Some Ortho-Core and


> thrown in for good measure.


> So the question, have any of you had similar problems?


> I have been taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Glutathione since I started CRON to

aid the

> chelation of anything released by my fat reduction.


> Oh, some additional info about the itching. About 2 years ago my doctor said,

" time for

> your once in a lifetime pneumonia shoot. " Well --- I got a rash with itching

that never

> went away but got slowly better for 18 months. Then I started CRON and it is


> worse. If you see a guy on the street that can't go through a door without

rubbing his

> back on the doorframe, that's me. New type of obsessive compusive behavior


> But no way am I going to stop CRON. I feel great! A bounce in my step, happy


> good energy, a little giddy --- what black cloud, I don't see any black cloud


> with head snapping back and forth, confused Alzheimer look). ?


> Barry Gamble








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About the itching, Francesca could be right that it is an allergy.

Make a list of ALL the foods that you eat, and ALL the cosmetics,

soaps, laundry detergents, and anti-static fabric softeners that you

use. You say " I started CRON and it is much worse " . Check to see if

you are now eating something that you did not eat before.

With regard to the cramps " after 3 sets of doubles tennis " , you are

probably not consuming enough salt and the cramps are due to

hyponatremia. After exercise, make sure to replace your electolytes

lost by sweating. When you get the cramps at night, immediately take

1/2 glass of water with a 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

I normally lose 1 lb to 1-1/2 lb of weight overnight from

perspiration. The amount of salt that goes along with the sweat can

be considerable.

One pound of liquid is about 454 grams and since sweat contains around

2g of salt per liter, the body can lose about 1 gram to 1-1/2 grams of

salt overnight.

It seems to me that a scientific way to approach the rehydration and

salt replacement problem would be to weigh yourself at bedtime and

when you wake up before going to the bathroom. The weight difference

should be the amount of water lost as perspiration. From this you can

calculate how much salt you lose overnight.



Sweat contains between 2.25 and 3.4 grams of salt per litre


Studies have shown that athletes can lose 2 (or more) grams of salt

per liter of sweat.


On average, one liter of sweat contains anywhere from 1.75 grams of

salt (700 mg of sodium plus 1050 mg of chlorine) to three grams of

salt (1200 mg of sodium plus 1800 mg of chlorine).


--- In , " Barry Gamble " <chronart@s...>



> I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting

worse with CRON. I am

> having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps in

the evening after 3 sets

> of doubles tennis in the mornings.


> The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin

transplant would be my choice

> in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got them

in both leg calf

> muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both legs.

First I would stretch

> both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have my

wife push down on my

> toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would

re-cramp. After 20

> minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration. This

episode was 9 months

> ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and hobble

to the hot tub to do

> the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping at 2 AM.


> I have been having these problems for years, but in the last 5

months they have gotten

> considerably worse. It could be things (don't you love my technical

vocabulary) being

> released into my blood stream as I have lost weight. I am 65 years,

6' tall and weigh in at

> 167 pounds today. I have lost 23 lbs in the last 5 months since

starting CRON. I have

> been doing 17 hours of tea only each day and then eating my calories

in 7 hours. Diet is

> good; lots of steamed veggies, wild salmon, great salad variety

(with black beans and

> quinoa, a couple of nuts, and a couple of eggs a week. Some

Ortho-Core and Longevinex

> thrown in for good measure.


> So the question, have any of you had similar problems?


> I have been taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Glutathione since I started

CRON to aid the

> chelation of anything released by my fat reduction.


> Oh, some additional info about the itching. About 2 years ago my

doctor said, " time for

> your once in a lifetime pneumonia shoot. " Well --- I got a rash

with itching that never

> went away but got slowly better for 18 months. Then I started CRON

and it is much

> worse. If you see a guy on the street that can't go through a door

without rubbing his

> back on the doorframe, that's me. New type of obsessive compusive



> But no way am I going to stop CRON. I feel great! A bounce in my

step, happy mood,

> good energy, a little giddy --- what black cloud, I don't see any

black cloud (Visualize

> with head snapping back and forth, confused Alzheimer look). ?


> Barry Gamble


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About the itching, Francesca could be right that it is an allergy.

Make a list of ALL the foods that you eat, and ALL the cosmetics,

soaps, laundry detergents, and anti-static fabric softeners that you

use. You say " I started CRON and it is much worse " . Check to see if

you are now eating something that you did not eat before.

With regard to the cramps " after 3 sets of doubles tennis " , you are

probably not consuming enough salt and the cramps are due to

hyponatremia. After exercise, make sure to replace your electolytes

lost by sweating. When you get the cramps at night, immediately take

1/2 glass of water with a 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

I normally lose 1 lb to 1-1/2 lb of weight overnight from

perspiration. The amount of salt that goes along with the sweat can

be considerable.

One pound of liquid is about 454 grams and since sweat contains around

2g of salt per liter, the body can lose about 1 gram to 1-1/2 grams of

salt overnight.

It seems to me that a scientific way to approach the rehydration and

salt replacement problem would be to weigh yourself at bedtime and

when you wake up before going to the bathroom. The weight difference

should be the amount of water lost as perspiration. From this you can

calculate how much salt you lose overnight.



Sweat contains between 2.25 and 3.4 grams of salt per litre


Studies have shown that athletes can lose 2 (or more) grams of salt

per liter of sweat.


On average, one liter of sweat contains anywhere from 1.75 grams of

salt (700 mg of sodium plus 1050 mg of chlorine) to three grams of

salt (1200 mg of sodium plus 1800 mg of chlorine).


--- In , " Barry Gamble " <chronart@s...>



> I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting

worse with CRON. I am

> having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps in

the evening after 3 sets

> of doubles tennis in the mornings.


> The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin

transplant would be my choice

> in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got them

in both leg calf

> muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both legs.

First I would stretch

> both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have my

wife push down on my

> toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would

re-cramp. After 20

> minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration. This

episode was 9 months

> ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and hobble

to the hot tub to do

> the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping at 2 AM.


> I have been having these problems for years, but in the last 5

months they have gotten

> considerably worse. It could be things (don't you love my technical

vocabulary) being

> released into my blood stream as I have lost weight. I am 65 years,

6' tall and weigh in at

> 167 pounds today. I have lost 23 lbs in the last 5 months since

starting CRON. I have

> been doing 17 hours of tea only each day and then eating my calories

in 7 hours. Diet is

> good; lots of steamed veggies, wild salmon, great salad variety

(with black beans and

> quinoa, a couple of nuts, and a couple of eggs a week. Some

Ortho-Core and Longevinex

> thrown in for good measure.


> So the question, have any of you had similar problems?


> I have been taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Glutathione since I started

CRON to aid the

> chelation of anything released by my fat reduction.


> Oh, some additional info about the itching. About 2 years ago my

doctor said, " time for

> your once in a lifetime pneumonia shoot. " Well --- I got a rash

with itching that never

> went away but got slowly better for 18 months. Then I started CRON

and it is much

> worse. If you see a guy on the street that can't go through a door

without rubbing his

> back on the doorframe, that's me. New type of obsessive compusive



> But no way am I going to stop CRON. I feel great! A bounce in my

step, happy mood,

> good energy, a little giddy --- what black cloud, I don't see any

black cloud (Visualize

> with head snapping back and forth, confused Alzheimer look). ?


> Barry Gamble


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You may need more essential fatty acids. A symptom is dusty elbows.

Do you do a low fat diet?


[ ] Delighted with CRON, but two questions

I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting worse with CRON. I am having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps in the evening after 3 sets of doubles tennis in the mornings.The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin transplant would be my choice in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got them in both leg calf muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both legs. First I would stretch both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have my wife push down on my toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would re-cramp. After 20 minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration. This episode was 9 months ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and hobble to the hot tub to do the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping at 2 AM.I have been having these problems for years, but in the last 5 months they have gotten considerably worse. It could be things (don't you love my technical vocabulary) being released into my blood stream as I have lost weight. I am 65 years, 6' tall and weigh in at 167 pounds today. I have lost 23 lbs in the last 5 months since starting CRON. I have been doing 17 hours of tea only each day and then eating my calories in 7 hours. Diet is good; lots of steamed veggies, wild salmon, great salad variety (with black beans and quinoa, a couple of nuts, and a couple of eggs a week. Some Ortho-Core and Longevinex thrown in for good measure.So the question, have any of you had similar problems?I have been taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Glutathione since I started CRON to aid the chelation of anything released by my fat reduction.Oh, some additional info about the itching. About 2 years ago my doctor said, "time for your once in a lifetime pneumonia shoot." Well --- I got a rash with itching that never went away but got slowly better for 18 months. Then I started CRON and it is much worse. If you see a guy on the street that can't go through a door without rubbing his back on the doorframe, that's me. New type of obsessive compusive behaviorBut no way am I going to stop CRON. I feel great! A bounce in my step, happy mood, good energy, a little giddy --- what black cloud, I don't see any black cloud (Visualize with head snapping back and forth, confused Alzheimer look). ?Barry Gamble

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You may need more essential fatty acids. A symptom is dusty elbows.

Do you do a low fat diet?


[ ] Delighted with CRON, but two questions

I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting worse with CRON. I am having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps in the evening after 3 sets of doubles tennis in the mornings.The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin transplant would be my choice in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got them in both leg calf muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both legs. First I would stretch both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have my wife push down on my toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would re-cramp. After 20 minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration. This episode was 9 months ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and hobble to the hot tub to do the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping at 2 AM.I have been having these problems for years, but in the last 5 months they have gotten considerably worse. It could be things (don't you love my technical vocabulary) being released into my blood stream as I have lost weight. I am 65 years, 6' tall and weigh in at 167 pounds today. I have lost 23 lbs in the last 5 months since starting CRON. I have been doing 17 hours of tea only each day and then eating my calories in 7 hours. Diet is good; lots of steamed veggies, wild salmon, great salad variety (with black beans and quinoa, a couple of nuts, and a couple of eggs a week. Some Ortho-Core and Longevinex thrown in for good measure.So the question, have any of you had similar problems?I have been taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Glutathione since I started CRON to aid the chelation of anything released by my fat reduction.Oh, some additional info about the itching. About 2 years ago my doctor said, "time for your once in a lifetime pneumonia shoot." Well --- I got a rash with itching that never went away but got slowly better for 18 months. Then I started CRON and it is much worse. If you see a guy on the street that can't go through a door without rubbing his back on the doorframe, that's me. New type of obsessive compusive behaviorBut no way am I going to stop CRON. I feel great! A bounce in my step, happy mood, good energy, a little giddy --- what black cloud, I don't see any black cloud (Visualize with head snapping back and forth, confused Alzheimer look). ?Barry Gamble

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Hi Barry:

I agree with JW's comments here. For many years I used to get

itchiness all over, only for twenty minutes after I emerged from the

shower. Occasionally it was so extreme I had to go back into the

shower to relieve the symptoms. But that didn't really help as I

could not stay in the shower for ever!

Then I changed my diet by adding (usually oily) fish, and more nuts

than previously - raising my fat intake from ~10% of calories to ~20%.

It took a while for me to notice that the disappearance of symptoms

was associated with the change in diet. But I am convinced this was

the explanation. Whether it is overall fat intake or some particular

type of fat I do not know. But fish/nuts fixed the problem I had.

But my symptoms, only lasting for twenty minutes at a time, seem to

be be somewhat different from yours.


--- In , " jwwright " <jwwright@e...>



> You may need more essential fatty acids. A symptom is dusty elbows.

> Do you do a low fat diet?


> Regards.

> [ ] Delighted with CRON, but two questions



> I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting

worse with CRON. I am

> having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps

in the evening after 3 sets

> of doubles tennis in the mornings.


> The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin

transplant would be my choice

> in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got

them in both leg calf

> muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both

legs. First I would stretch

> both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have

my wife push down on my

> toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would

re-cramp. After 20

> minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration.

This episode was 9 months

> ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and

hobble to the hot tub to do

> the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping

at 2 AM.


> I have been having these problems for years, but in the last 5

months they have gotten

> considerably worse. It could be things (don't you love my

technical vocabulary) being

> released into my blood stream as I have lost weight. I am 65

years, 6' tall and weigh in at

> 167 pounds today. I have lost 23 lbs in the last 5 months since

starting CRON. I have

> been doing 17 hours of tea only each day and then eating my

calories in 7 hours. Diet is

> good; lots of steamed veggies, wild salmon, great salad variety

(with black beans and

> quinoa, a couple of nuts, and a couple of eggs a week. Some

Ortho-Core and Longevinex

> thrown in for good measure.


> So the question, have any of you had similar problems?


> I have been taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Glutathione since I

started CRON to aid the

> chelation of anything released by my fat reduction.


> Oh, some additional info about the itching. About 2 years ago my

doctor said, " time for

> your once in a lifetime pneumonia shoot. " Well --- I got a rash

with itching that never

> went away but got slowly better for 18 months. Then I started

CRON and it is much

> worse. If you see a guy on the street that can't go through a

door without rubbing his

> back on the doorframe, that's me. New type of obsessive

compusive behavior


> But no way am I going to stop CRON. I feel great! A bounce in

my step, happy mood,

> good energy, a little giddy --- what black cloud, I don't see any

black cloud (Visualize

> with head snapping back and forth, confused Alzheimer look). ?


> Barry Gamble











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The oils previously mentioned are derfinitely worth a try. Also, I'd

get a general blood test that includes

iron test. Skin on my legs went nuts when I was anemic. Also, a

nutritionist told me once that

rough elbows were a sign of Vit C deficiency... just another idea:


Barry Gamble wrote:

>I have two problems that are not CRON related but may be getting worse with

CRON. I am

>having trouble with itching and I am having trouble with cramps in the evening

after 3 sets

>of doubles tennis in the mornings.


>The itching has gotten to the point that a whole body skin transplant would be

my choice

>in some alternate universe. And the cramps --- well once I got them in both

leg calf

>muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same area, in both legs. First I

would stretch

>both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop that and have my wife push

down on my

>toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the calves would re-cramp.

After 20

>minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and frustration. This episode was

9 months

>ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a week and hobble to the hot

tub to do

>the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather be sleeping at 2 AM.





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Thank you, TU, TU! In reverse order:

Rodney, you got me. I was having fun exaggerating as you guessed. 20 minutes


and night, only with clothes off, do I get into the itching and scratching. And,

yes the

shower is hard to get out of in any short time. And there is a history; I had

very bad acne

as a teenager and have had a bias to avoid oils (with no real basis, just 40

year old habit)

ever since. I am going to add up all the calories from oil but I can guess the

result already

that I am closer to 10% than 20%. All the oils have been good ones, but not


JW and dusty elbows: Hey, great comment, for two reasons. First, it reminds me


something else. About 13 years ago I started taking DHEA. It was sort of

amazing. It was

the only supplement I have ever taken that I could tell within days if I had

stopped or

started. I could even tell that some brands have more or less than the label

said. If I took

too much my skin became oily, like a teenager, and when I took too little my

response to a

tennis ball fell off that tenth of a second that was very noticeable. And my

wife would say

to me, your back used to be scaly (hear dusty) now with DHEA it is smooth again.

When I

started CRON I stopped DHEA, my skin got dryer. I forgot about this change.


valuable technical insight stars to you. Love the power of many brains.

And, you are right I have fallen into the " general advice " sand trap about salt

-- way too

much avoidance. I would take potassium and even started avoiding Gator-aid


tennis because of the glucose. Every time I filled out my food intake in DWIP I

saw the salt

hole but just assumed it was there by some reverse osmosis in the air. I am sure

glad the

pain of the cramps last night got me off my duff to ask. Thank you, one and


Tony, your reminders about how much salt I lose at night explains a lot about

the timing

that I didn't understand --- why this was occurring late at night. That

insight really

helps. Plus, I see other ways I add to the problem. Being cold more due to CR,

running at

96.5 degrees, I tend to wear a lot more layers of clothing and then occasionally

get in too

warm a place and don't shed layers quickly enough – result more sweat and salt


And Francesca, right on about the brazil nuts. I started eating two a day with

dinner when

I started CRON. I will immediately try removing them from my diet as an easy


experiment a long with adding more oils.

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Interesting, I thought I was the only one suffering

from this itchy rash skin thing. I took a break from

food altogether & fasted yesterday (which usually

clears me up) didn't work completely this time.. I

think maybe due to the warm dry inside winter air? ..

Thanks, will investigate the deficiency issues, didn't

think about anemia either...Of course the

dermatogolist just focuses on the symptoms instead of

the cause. One peice of advice however you may want to

heed, and has helped me is forgoing what we love

(again)- that being a HOT shower.

Making it cooler will cool the skin off..

best regards,


--- Apricot85 <apricot85@...> wrote:

> The oils previously mentioned are derfinitely worth

> a try. Also, I'd

> get a general blood test that includes

> iron test. Skin on my legs went nuts when I was

> anemic. Also, a

> nutritionist told me once that

> rough elbows were a sign of Vit C deficiency... just

> another idea:




> Barry Gamble wrote:


> >I have two problems that are not CRON related but

> may be getting worse with CRON. I am

> >having trouble with itching and I am having trouble

> with cramps in the evening after 3 sets

> >of doubles tennis in the mornings.

> >

> >The itching has gotten to the point that a whole

> body skin transplant would be my choice

> >in some alternate universe. And the cramps ---

> well once I got them in both leg calf

> >muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same

> area, in both legs. First I would stretch

> >both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop

> that and have my wife push down on my

> >toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the

> calves would re-cramp. After 20

> >minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and

> frustration. This episode was 9 months

> >ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a

> week and hobble to the hot tub to do

> >the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather

> be sleeping at 2 AM.

> >

> >

> >

> >





Start your day with - Make it your home page!


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Interesting, I thought I was the only one suffering

from this itchy rash skin thing. I took a break from

food altogether & fasted yesterday (which usually

clears me up) didn't work completely this time.. I

think maybe due to the warm dry inside winter air? ..

Thanks, will investigate the deficiency issues, didn't

think about anemia either...Of course the

dermatogolist just focuses on the symptoms instead of

the cause. One peice of advice however you may want to

heed, and has helped me is forgoing what we love

(again)- that being a HOT shower.

Making it cooler will cool the skin off..

best regards,


--- Apricot85 <apricot85@...> wrote:

> The oils previously mentioned are derfinitely worth

> a try. Also, I'd

> get a general blood test that includes

> iron test. Skin on my legs went nuts when I was

> anemic. Also, a

> nutritionist told me once that

> rough elbows were a sign of Vit C deficiency... just

> another idea:




> Barry Gamble wrote:


> >I have two problems that are not CRON related but

> may be getting worse with CRON. I am

> >having trouble with itching and I am having trouble

> with cramps in the evening after 3 sets

> >of doubles tennis in the mornings.

> >

> >The itching has gotten to the point that a whole

> body skin transplant would be my choice

> >in some alternate universe. And the cramps ---

> well once I got them in both leg calf

> >muscles and the front shin muscle, in the same

> area, in both legs. First I would stretch

> >both the calf muscles but the minute I would stop

> that and have my wife push down on my

> >toes of both feet to stretch the front muscles, the

> calves would re-cramp. After 20

> >minutes of this I was in tears of both pain and

> frustration. This episode was 9 months

> >ago. Today I have quinine, only play tennis once a

> week and hobble to the hot tub to do

> >the stretching in hot water. But still, I'd rather

> be sleeping at 2 AM.

> >

> >

> >

> >





Start your day with - Make it your home page!


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