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NDSS Conference

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what exactly is a go board and who manufactures it>>>>> thanks leah

>From: jfcanfield@...



>Subject: Re: NDSS Conference

>Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 06:16:15 -0000


>Hi ! Wanted to share this , many of you are aware of some of this

>information .

>This morning was our local Autism Society Meeting, the discussion was

>on Communication . My favorite was a Go Board W/Icon Holders (9) . Of

>course this could be done with construction paper , laminated pec

>pictures , velcro and etc.


>Suggested Assistive Technology for Individuals with Autism :

>Voice output

>Picture symbols

>Sequence / cue cards

>Touch screen

>Modified keyboard

>Switch access

>Sign language


>Who to contact for Information /Evalution :


>Public school

>Private Practice (Rehab, PT,OT,SLP/Aud)

>University Clinics

>Hospitals Clinics

>Rehabilitation Centers


>Useful internet sites :


>www.rehabtool.com - provide information on AT devices and use also

>gives comprehensive product information and direct links to vendors.

>www.augcom.com - a good link for augmentative communication devices .

>www.autism-info.com - good information concerning AT and useful

>links .


>Routines are an important aspect of working with individuals with

>autism . Therefore incorporating AT devices within the routines

>increases the opportunities for communication .

>Settin up the environment : Introducing the activity (i.e.dressing )

> Adding visual supports (pictures ,

>objects ,printed word with AT device )

> Repeat activity to establish routine .

> Wait for initiation from individual .

>The importance of using AT is to incorporate into all opportunties of

>social interaction to communicate and participate in educational,

>daily living events .


>As most of these Assistive Technology are expensive and if needed at

>home . Sometimes it could be claim through Insurance as Durable

>Medical Equipment .


>Language Development Software for Individuals with Autism -

>Level 1 : Individuals with Low-level Language Skills.

>Level 2 : Individuals with Emerging Language Skills .

>Level 3 : Individuals with Moderate-Level Language Abilities .

>Level 4 : Individuals with Higher-Level Language Skills .


>Websites :



>Vendor Information :











>A big plus discussed was Parent Training -Parent training can occur

>at any location . The committee should have some assessment of parent

>skills needed to implement the parent part of educational

>responsibilites . If the parents need to develop skills , then the

>committee determines how those needs will be met . Some districts

>choose to finance attending meetings or conferences. Some districts

>create and offer training at a district level . Some districts choose

>to provide consultants that can provide the needed training . Again ,

>this is an individual decision based on individual needs and may or

>may not take the form of what is typically provided to parents .


>An example was given from a High School Teacher , there are alot of

>young adult with special needs that could not talk . Due to parents

>not following through at home with communication training .


>The best communication suggestion was the one and only PECS .

>Interactive visual was the winner .





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Here is information on the Go! Board - Board system is designed for

lower functioning children who would benefit from a picture

schedule . Pictures or symbols representing a desired activity or

task are inserted into colored icon holders and held in place with a

protective mylar cover . When the activity is completed, the icon

holder is removed and placed into the box at the base of the Go !

Board . The Go ! Board System is a valuable asset for any classroom

that uses scheduling techniques . It helps children who have

difficulty transitioning from one activity to the next and enhances

the learning of receptive and expressive vocabulary. Go ! Boards are

constructed of sturdy , high impact polystyene .

Website : http://www.enablingdevices.com/index2.cfm

When just getting started at home we should all start with the

Disability Solutions Ideas that Joan had shared . There were nice

examples on Communication Ideas . When we do not feel like spending ,

Right ?

Irma , 12 DS/ASD .

- In @y..., " leah leah " <okieleah@h...> wrote:


> what exactly is a go board and who manufactures it>>>>> thanks leah


> >From: jfcanfield@p...

> >Reply-@y...

> >@y...

> >Subject: Re: NDSS Conference

> >Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 06:16:15 -0000

> >

> >Hi ! Wanted to share this , many of you are aware of some of this

> >information .

> >This morning was our local Autism Society Meeting, the discussion


> >on Communication . My favorite was a Go Board W/Icon Holders (9) .


> >course this could be done with construction paper , laminated pec

> >pictures , velcro and etc.

> >

> >Suggested Assistive Technology for Individuals with Autism :

> >Voice output

> >Picture symbols

> >Sequence / cue cards

> >Touch screen

> >Modified keyboard

> >Switch access

> >Sign language

> >

> >Who to contact for Information /Evalution :

> >

> >Public school

> >Private Practice (Rehab, PT,OT,SLP/Aud)

> >University Clinics

> >Hospitals Clinics

> >Rehabilitation Centers

> >

> >Useful internet sites :

> >

> >www.rehabtool.com - provide information on AT devices and use also

> >gives comprehensive product information and direct links to


> >www.augcom.com - a good link for augmentative communication

devices .

> >www.autism-info.com - good information concerning AT and useful

> >links .

> >

> >Routines are an important aspect of working with individuals with

> >autism . Therefore incorporating AT devices within the routines

> >increases the opportunities for communication .

> >Settin up the environment : Introducing the activity

(i.e.dressing )

> > Adding visual supports (pictures ,

> >objects ,printed word with AT device )

> > Repeat activity to establish

routine .

> > Wait for initiation from individual .

> >The importance of using AT is to incorporate into all opportunties


> >social interaction to communicate and participate in educational,

> >daily living events .

> >

> >As most of these Assistive Technology are expensive and if needed


> >home . Sometimes it could be claim through Insurance as Durable

> >Medical Equipment .

> >

> >Language Development Software for Individuals with Autism -

> >Level 1 : Individuals with Low-level Language Skills.

> >Level 2 : Individuals with Emerging Language Skills .

> >Level 3 : Individuals with Moderate-Level Language Abilities .

> >Level 4 : Individuals with Higher-Level Language Skills .

> >

> >Websites :

> >www.dimensionsspeech.com

> >

> >Vendor Information :

> >www.laureatelearning.com

> >www.learningfundamentals.com

> >www.edmark.com

> >www.intellitools.com

> >www.earobics.com

> >www.scilearn.com

> >www.attainment-inc.com

> >www.mayerjohnson.com

> >www.silverlingmm.com

> >

> >A big plus discussed was Parent Training -Parent training can occur

> >at any location . The committee should have some assessment of


> >skills needed to implement the parent part of educational

> >responsibilites . If the parents need to develop skills , then the

> >committee determines how those needs will be met . Some districts

> >choose to finance attending meetings or conferences. Some districts

> >create and offer training at a district level . Some districts


> >to provide consultants that can provide the needed training .

Again ,

> >this is an individual decision based on individual needs and may or

> >may not take the form of what is typically provided to parents .

> >

> >An example was given from a High School Teacher , there are alot of

> >young adult with special needs that could not talk . Due to parents

> >not following through at home with communication training .

> >

> >The best communication suggestion was the one and only PECS .

> >Interactive visual was the winner .

> >

> >

> >


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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At 06:02 AM 4/23/01 -0000, you wrote:

>Here is information on the Go! Board - Board system is designed for

Oh! I've seen these! This is sort of how we set things up for Andy. Same

concept. Long line of things but the basket keeps disappearing. We tacked

up a pice of trim painted white like all the trim in the house and put

velcro on it. The cards go on pieces of plastic like that system is made of

(it's from something else) and we take them off as we go.



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The box is what caught my attention , that is why I liked it , never

thought about baskets . Some of the Teachers had shown me with a

baggie attached at the end . Gee ! Makes me want to hop on the plane

to check out your home . Oh ! Joan my husband wanted me to Thank

You ! for guiding us in the direction we needed for our son . It is

such a relief that my son is doing great at school and at home . May

your prayers always be answer for you and your family .

Irma , 12 DS/ASD .

In @y..., Joan <jmedlen@q...> wrote:

> At 06:02 AM 4/23/01 -0000, you wrote:

> >Here is information on the Go! Board - Board system is designed




> Oh! I've seen these! This is sort of how we set things up for Andy.


> concept. Long line of things but the basket keeps disappearing. We


> up a pice of trim painted white like all the trim in the house and


> velcro on it. The cards go on pieces of plastic like that system is

made of

> (it's from something else) and we take them off as we go.


> Cool!


> j

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi : I've never been to an NDSS conference,

but I did go to the NDSC conference in '98. It was

great! Lots of workshops, networking, presentations,

etc. I took workshops in Gross Motor Skills, Birth

thru 3 w/ Winders (She wrote the book Gross

Motor Skills for Children w/DS), a session on

digestive disorders, a session on speech, etc. Mike

went to sessions on IFSP's, Writing IEP's, etc. Lots

of great info, so many interesting topics to choose

from. Plus they had a banquet and Gene Stallings was

the Key Note Speaker (His book, Another Season, A

coaches story of raising and Exceptional Son had

recently been released). Plus they also had lots of

sessions for siblings, self advocates, etc. as well

as dances and get-togethers for teens. I think you're

going to enjoy

going, learn lots of new things and meet lots of new



--- Verissimo <justelou@...> wrote:



> We are planning to go to the conference in San Diego

> this July. We have never been to one of these

> things before. What should we expect?



> mom to Amy (13), Kelsey (11), Davey (DS) 14 months,

> and Will 14 months<br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE

> download of MSN Explorer at <a


href= " http://explorer.msn.com " >http://explorer.msn.com</a><br></p>



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Sounds like we are going to have a great time. We are going to do all the "tourist" things in San Diego. The girls are already getting excited. We are driving our trailer and staying at the KOA. I am really looking forward to seeing who the speakers are going to be. We went to the International Parent to Parent last year, but the boys were very young and it was a little crazy. The conference was in Reno, only 20 minutes from home. Didn't get to attend as many of the sessions as I had hoped for. mom to Amy (13), Kelsey (11), Davey (DS) 14 months, and Will 14 months Re: NDSS conference Hi : I've never been to an NDSS conference,but I did go to the NDSC conference in '98. It wasgreat! Lots of workshops, networking, presentations,etc. I took workshops in Gross Motor Skills, Birththru 3 w/ Winders (She wrote the book GrossMotor Skills for Children w/DS), a session ondigestive disorders, a session on speech, etc. Mikewent to sessions on IFSP's, Writing IEP's, etc. Lotsof great info, so many interesting topics to choosefrom. Plus they had a banquet and Gene Stallings wasthe Key Note Speaker (His book, Another Season, Acoaches story of raising and Exceptional Son hadrecently been released). Plus they also had lots ofsessions for siblings, self advocates, etc. as wellas dances and get-togethers for teens. I think you'regoing to enjoygoing, learn lots of new things and meet lots of newpeople.Judi--- Verissimo <justelou@...> wrote:>>> We are planning to go to the conference in San Diego> this July. We have never been to one of these> things before. What should we expect?>> > mom to Amy (13), Kelsey (11), Davey (DS) 14 months,> and Will 14 months<br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE> download of MSN Explorer at <a>href="http://explorer.msn.com">http://explorer.msn.com</a><br></p>>__________________________________________________

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  • 1 month later...
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If this offer is still open , fill me in . Catching up on reading our

e-group post , I was away , visting my in-laws in South Bend , Ind.

We had a marvelous time on our trip . 's behavior was just

great . I did notice some misbehavior due to , too much sugar . So I

know that was my fault giving in , when I wanted to reward him with a

soda (pop), bad mistake . My husbands family notice the changes in

, they were surprised to hear and see the difference . Back to

NDSS Conference , keep me posted .

Irma , 12 , DS/ASD .

-- In @y..., " leah leah " <okieleah@h...> wrote:



> >if anyone wants to room at ndss let me know....i got a partial


> >and am trying very hard to squeeze in airline......i don't smoke


> >promise to keep my hands to myself....lololol

> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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i am sorry to say i won't be going to the ndss conference...i got partial

scholarship and was hoping the state funds would go through for my plane

fare,but thatis not the case,so unless some huge miracle falls down in the

next three weeks, i don't see me going.... :-( i drove to nc, andmichigan,

but driving to cali is a totally different story, would take me five days,

lmao dont think i am quite up to that challenge.......

>From: jfcanfield@...



>Subject: Re: ndss conference

>Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 14:00:27 -0000



>If this offer is still open , fill me in . Catching up on reading our

>e-group post , I was away , visting my in-laws in South Bend , Ind.

>We had a marvelous time on our trip . 's behavior was just

>great . I did notice some misbehavior due to , too much sugar . So I

>know that was my fault giving in , when I wanted to reward him with a

>soda (pop), bad mistake . My husbands family notice the changes in

> , they were surprised to hear and see the difference . Back to

>NDSS Conference , keep me posted .

>Irma , 12 , DS/ASD .


>-- In @y..., " leah leah " <okieleah@h...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > >if anyone wants to room at ndss let me know....i got a partial


> > >and am trying very hard to squeeze in airline......i don't smoke


> > >promise to keep my hands to myself....lololol

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com



Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Sharon & ,

My husband and I are attending the NDSS Conference in Chicago this year.

It's being held at the Fairmont Hotel July 7-10. I attended the conference

in Washington D.C. last year with my 8 week old son. It was fantastic. I

really learned a bunch. In fact, I met a table full of people from our

local area in Northern Virginia and have run into them a number of times.

What a small world! We are from the Chicago area and will make it a

vacation plus conference.

Deb Balderas

Mom to Raegan 3 1/2 yrs & 10 mos (DS)


Buddy Walk Coordinator

Ph. 703-923-9591

Cell 703-861-2256


Re: Special Accomodation

In a message dated 3/14/2005 12:17:11 AM Central Standard Time,

rdill@... writes:

I am some bothered if the same parents who want total inclusion for

their child and then ask for special accomodation, particularly when the

child's peers are present.

Hi Rick

This is what bothers me sooooooooooooo much, its almost like a mindset that

there is a special place for Sara, an all disability world that she will


up to go live in. No, Rick all should be included in every setting of our

world, no restrictions period. it's funny people don't have problems with


aged getting any " perks " to make activities easier, easier for them to be

included in life, its seems the disability community is what gets slammed


I think I am saddened more that this " mindset " seems to be coming from a

peer parent of a child with different needs and abilities ........ another

parent who has a child with DS

Sorry Rick but I had to express my thoughts on this, especially since it

bothered me so much that you can't understand the concept of having my child

participate in " everything " even if it's with accommodations.

Kathy mom to Sara 13

¸...¸ ___/ /\ \___ ¸...¸

,·´º o`·, /__/ _/\_ \__\ ,·´º o`·,

```)¨(´´´ | | | | | | | | | ```)¨(´´´

¸,.-·²°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°²·-.¸

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Josh. 24:15

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Guest guest

Hi Sharon & ,

My husband and I are attending the NDSS Conference in Chicago this year.

It's being held at the Fairmont Hotel July 7-10. I attended the conference

in Washington D.C. last year with my 8 week old son. It was fantastic. I

really learned a bunch. In fact, I met a table full of people from our

local area in Northern Virginia and have run into them a number of times.

What a small world! We are from the Chicago area and will make it a

vacation plus conference.

Deb Balderas

Mom to Raegan 3 1/2 yrs & 10 mos (DS)


Buddy Walk Coordinator

Ph. 703-923-9591

Cell 703-861-2256


Re: Special Accomodation

In a message dated 3/14/2005 12:17:11 AM Central Standard Time,

rdill@... writes:

I am some bothered if the same parents who want total inclusion for

their child and then ask for special accomodation, particularly when the

child's peers are present.

Hi Rick

This is what bothers me sooooooooooooo much, its almost like a mindset that

there is a special place for Sara, an all disability world that she will


up to go live in. No, Rick all should be included in every setting of our

world, no restrictions period. it's funny people don't have problems with


aged getting any " perks " to make activities easier, easier for them to be

included in life, its seems the disability community is what gets slammed


I think I am saddened more that this " mindset " seems to be coming from a

peer parent of a child with different needs and abilities ........ another

parent who has a child with DS

Sorry Rick but I had to express my thoughts on this, especially since it

bothered me so much that you can't understand the concept of having my child

participate in " everything " even if it's with accommodations.

Kathy mom to Sara 13

¸...¸ ___/ /\ \___ ¸...¸

,·´º o`·, /__/ _/\_ \__\ ,·´º o`·,

```)¨(´´´ | | | | | | | | | ```)¨(´´´

¸,.-·²°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°²·-.¸

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Josh. 24:15

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