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Deprivation, food craving and restraint

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Hi All,

A new study examines individual differences in wanting desirable food and


Whether you can CR easily may affect how much you are attracted to tasty foods,



See the pdf-available article described below.

Polivy J, J, Herman CP.

The effect of deprivation on food cravings and eating behavior in restrained and

unrestrained eaters.

Int J Eat Disord. 2005 Oct 31; [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 16261600

OBJECTIVE: The relation between being deprived of a food and intake and craving


that food was investigated in restrained and unrestrained eaters. METHOD: For 1

week, 103 female undergraduate students were assigned to be chocolate deprived,

vanilla deprived, or nondeprived. Only chocolate deprivation was expected to


cravings, as chocolate is not easily substituted, whereas vanilla is. RESULTS:


main effect of chocolate deprivation on consumption was qualified by an


with restraint. Chocolate-deprived restrained eaters consumed more chocolate


than did any other group. Restrained eaters experienced more food cravings than


unrestrained eaters and were more likely to eat the craved food. Moreover,

restrained eaters deprived of chocolate spent the least time doing an anagram


before a " taste-rating task " in which they expected that chocolate foods might


available. CONCLUSION: Converging measures of craving indicate that deprivation

causes craving and overeating, but primarily in restrained eaters.

....TABLE 1. Chocolate intake and time spent on anagrams as a function of


and deprivation status


Restraint Category Total Chocolate Intake (g) Anagram Time (s)

Deprivation Status M SD M SD



CD 208.42a 11.78 303.00x 261.07

VD 83.24b 12.45 696.53y 226.07

ND 97.00b 12.10 724.78y 224.43


CD 93.47b 12.45 499.94z 304.96

VD 86.41b 12.45 586.47yz 278.43

ND 103.80b 13.26 659.07yz 229.60


Note: Means in the same column with different superscripts are different from


other (p < .05).

U = restricted; UR - unrestricted; CD = chocolate deprived; VD = vanilla


ND = nondeprived.

Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@...


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