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Re: Liquid sucralose

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Not liquid, but powder pure:


BTW, I have read that these " Chinese " sources were pass through from a German manufacturer. As many are aware, McNeil in the US and Tate & Lyle in GB own the patent rights to sucralose. Apparently they have one working plant, in Alabama, and one being constructed in Singapore. Outside of countries accepting the patent exclusion, the German company can sell.

On 11/26/05, Diane Walter <dianepwalter@...> wrote:

Hi Folks,Some time ago Francesca asked me to check out the dead links in our " Shopping Links for CRON-Supportive Products " files. In particular,

she wanted me to find alternative sources for liquid sucralose(Splenda). Sure enough, most of the links for sucralose were gone,although I did find it sold as DaVinci simple syrup, Sweetzfree,Fiberfit (liquid sucralose plus soluble fiber), and a Canadian company

selling it. They have a link for American customers so they can saveon shipping costs, but that link is dead.There is a lot of talk on low carb discussion group sites about theshortage. Lots of pleas to find the stuff. Many people supplied

links for products, but they were all dead, except for the ones I havein the files now.I found some articles talking about a Splenda shortage, because themanufacturers can't keep up with demand:

CBS Newshttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/02/14/health/main674116.shtmlSupplier McNeill uncooperative

http://www.holdthetoast.com/httblog/archives/000019.htmlI did a search on sucralose suppliers and came up with several sitesthat list only 3 factories - all in China!

http://www.chemindustry.com/chemicals/1091425.htmlhttp://www.buyersguidechem.de/AliefAus.php?pname=Sucralose & pnu=790694844616 & cass\

=So there are sources of liquid sucralose, but they are not plentiful.Because of the shortage, companies are starting to substitute otherlow calorie sweeteners, such as stevia and acesulfame potassium.

Acesulfame potassium was getting such bad reviews in the low carbgroups that I did not chase down any links. I posted a couple ofstevia sources in the files, though.If you do run across any other suppliers of liquid sucralose, please

send them to me (and tell me how you found them!)Thanks,Diane

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Not liquid, but powder pure:


BTW, I have read that these " Chinese " sources were pass through from a German manufacturer. As many are aware, McNeil in the US and Tate & Lyle in GB own the patent rights to sucralose. Apparently they have one working plant, in Alabama, and one being constructed in Singapore. Outside of countries accepting the patent exclusion, the German company can sell.

On 11/26/05, Diane Walter <dianepwalter@...> wrote:

Hi Folks,Some time ago Francesca asked me to check out the dead links in our " Shopping Links for CRON-Supportive Products " files. In particular,

she wanted me to find alternative sources for liquid sucralose(Splenda). Sure enough, most of the links for sucralose were gone,although I did find it sold as DaVinci simple syrup, Sweetzfree,Fiberfit (liquid sucralose plus soluble fiber), and a Canadian company

selling it. They have a link for American customers so they can saveon shipping costs, but that link is dead.There is a lot of talk on low carb discussion group sites about theshortage. Lots of pleas to find the stuff. Many people supplied

links for products, but they were all dead, except for the ones I havein the files now.I found some articles talking about a Splenda shortage, because themanufacturers can't keep up with demand:

CBS Newshttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/02/14/health/main674116.shtmlSupplier McNeill uncooperative

http://www.holdthetoast.com/httblog/archives/000019.htmlI did a search on sucralose suppliers and came up with several sitesthat list only 3 factories - all in China!

http://www.chemindustry.com/chemicals/1091425.htmlhttp://www.buyersguidechem.de/AliefAus.php?pname=Sucralose & pnu=790694844616 & cass\

=So there are sources of liquid sucralose, but they are not plentiful.Because of the shortage, companies are starting to substitute otherlow calorie sweeteners, such as stevia and acesulfame potassium.

Acesulfame potassium was getting such bad reviews in the low carbgroups that I did not chase down any links. I posted a couple ofstevia sources in the files, though.If you do run across any other suppliers of liquid sucralose, please

send them to me (and tell me how you found them!)Thanks,Diane

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