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Re: Re: Off topic - Does the Truth Lie Within?

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The Dr. Herman Taller idea. Exploited by Atkins.

We know how it happens, but we don't know the long term effects.

You can look up Herman Taller in the SSDI.


He is the one born 1906, I believe. d1984

His book; "Calories Don't Count", 1961, is hard for me to figure out - exactly how to implement the diet, but safflower oil was a major factor.

He used an ounce before each of 3 high meat meals. Only carbs that were <5%.

Page 151, "Overall the average obese person will lose best on a diet which is 65% fat. 2/3 of the fat should be unsaturated. 30% of the diet should be protein. Only 5% should be carbohydrate."

And, IMO, buy a large bottle of Citrucel pills.

There are probably some CRONies using a diet similar to that.


[ ] Re: Off topic - Does the Truth Lie Within?

Hi folks:Well ............... yes ................. BUT:The term "a few" is generally reckoned to be "three or four".So a few tablespoons of oil a few times a day might be considered to be 3.5 x 3.5 = 12.25 tablespoons of oil per day.No wonder he wasn't very hungry at meal times, he was already consuming 1519 calories a day just of oil, even before considering what he ate at meals.He claims to have lost 40 pounds doing this? Then his overload of empty fat calories must have so mucked up his intestines they were no longer capable of absorbing anything.Or is there another explanation?Rodney.

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The Dr. Herman Taller idea. Exploited by Atkins.

We know how it happens, but we don't know the long term effects.

You can look up Herman Taller in the SSDI.


He is the one born 1906, I believe. d1984

His book; "Calories Don't Count", 1961, is hard for me to figure out - exactly how to implement the diet, but safflower oil was a major factor.

He used an ounce before each of 3 high meat meals. Only carbs that were <5%.

Page 151, "Overall the average obese person will lose best on a diet which is 65% fat. 2/3 of the fat should be unsaturated. 30% of the diet should be protein. Only 5% should be carbohydrate."

And, IMO, buy a large bottle of Citrucel pills.

There are probably some CRONies using a diet similar to that.


[ ] Re: Off topic - Does the Truth Lie Within?

Hi folks:Well ............... yes ................. BUT:The term "a few" is generally reckoned to be "three or four".So a few tablespoons of oil a few times a day might be considered to be 3.5 x 3.5 = 12.25 tablespoons of oil per day.No wonder he wasn't very hungry at meal times, he was already consuming 1519 calories a day just of oil, even before considering what he ate at meals.He claims to have lost 40 pounds doing this? Then his overload of empty fat calories must have so mucked up his intestines they were no longer capable of absorbing anything.Or is there another explanation?Rodney.

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"His regimen seems to satisfy a set of requirements that many commercial diets do not: it was easy, built on a scientific theory and, most important, it did not leave hungry."

I can argue it's not based on scientific theory."

Hunger, of course, is what people have to overcome when eating fewer calories. The body wants to have an intake to support what's there.

"And a few spoonfuls of sugar may be just the kind of sacrifice that Americans can handle."

Is it oil or sugar?

"But will Seth 's strange weight-control solution - he calls it the Shangri-La Diet - really work for the millions of people who need it?"

Of course the oil works to lower weight. Banting, Taller, Atkins showed that. How long? What's the effect on lifespan, coronaries?

Fructose? Isn't that pretty close to high fructose corn syrup?

What's different between his and Atkin's diets?


[ ] Re: Off topic - Does the Truth Lie Within?

Hello,Notice on page 48, item 3 of, "A Pavlovian Theory of Weight Control"http://www.freakonomics.com/pdf/whatmakesfoodfattening.pdfthat the author advocates consuming only a small fraction of one'sdaily calorie intake via no flavor foods. This would seem to implythat the verbiage of the NY Times article, "A few tablespoons ofunflavored oil (he used canola or extra light olive oil), swallowed afew times a day between mealtimes, gave his body some calories butdidn't trip the signal to stock up on more." is probably somewhatmisleading if interpreted in a literal manner. Would have to believethe author just meant to consume a few (two or three) tablespoons perday. Swallowing is not optional. (Where have I heard that before?)I think someone with a razor known by the name occam said that thesimplest explanation is usually the best. Since the guy is supposedlythe picture of health and also lost 40 Lbs, I'd have to go with theonly a few tablespoons a day (2 or 3) theory.Aequalsz

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"His regimen seems to satisfy a set of requirements that many commercial diets do not: it was easy, built on a scientific theory and, most important, it did not leave hungry."

I can argue it's not based on scientific theory."

Hunger, of course, is what people have to overcome when eating fewer calories. The body wants to have an intake to support what's there.

"And a few spoonfuls of sugar may be just the kind of sacrifice that Americans can handle."

Is it oil or sugar?

"But will Seth 's strange weight-control solution - he calls it the Shangri-La Diet - really work for the millions of people who need it?"

Of course the oil works to lower weight. Banting, Taller, Atkins showed that. How long? What's the effect on lifespan, coronaries?

Fructose? Isn't that pretty close to high fructose corn syrup?

What's different between his and Atkin's diets?


[ ] Re: Off topic - Does the Truth Lie Within?

Hello,Notice on page 48, item 3 of, "A Pavlovian Theory of Weight Control"http://www.freakonomics.com/pdf/whatmakesfoodfattening.pdfthat the author advocates consuming only a small fraction of one'sdaily calorie intake via no flavor foods. This would seem to implythat the verbiage of the NY Times article, "A few tablespoons ofunflavored oil (he used canola or extra light olive oil), swallowed afew times a day between mealtimes, gave his body some calories butdidn't trip the signal to stock up on more." is probably somewhatmisleading if interpreted in a literal manner. Would have to believethe author just meant to consume a few (two or three) tablespoons perday. Swallowing is not optional. (Where have I heard that before?)I think someone with a razor known by the name occam said that thesimplest explanation is usually the best. Since the guy is supposedlythe picture of health and also lost 40 Lbs, I'd have to go with theonly a few tablespoons a day (2 or 3) theory.Aequalsz

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