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Re: Silver Nanoparticles Appear to Kill Viruses-can lipids do it better?

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It would seem so.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & dopt=Abstra\

ct & list_uids=8030973

Inactivation of enveloped viruses in human bodily fluids by purified


Isaacs CE, Kim KS, Thormar H.

Department of Developmental Biochemistry, New York State Institute for

Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, Staten Island 10314.

Antimicrobial lipids are found in mucosal secretions and are one of a

number of nonimmunologic and nonspecific protective factors found at

mucosal surfaces. Lipids can inactivate enveloped viruses, bacteria,

fungi, and protozoa. Lipid-dependent antimicrobial activity at mucosal

surfaces is due to certain monoglycerides and fatty acids that are

released from triglycerides by lipolytic activity. Medium chain length

antiviral lipids can be added to human blood products that contain

HIV-1 and HIV-2 and reduce the cell-free virus concentration by as

much as 11 log10 TCID50/ml. The presence of lipids does not interfere

with most clinical assays performed on human blood samples.

Antimicrobial lipids can disrupt cell membranes and therefore lyse

leukocytes which potentially carry virus. Genital mucosal epithelial

cells should be protected from damage by the mucous layer. Preliminary

studies indicate that lipids decrease sperm motility and viability

suggesting that lipids may potentially be used as combination

spermicidal and virucidal agents.

-- In , " Rodney " <perspect1111@y...> wrote:


> Hi folks:


> A possible anti-viral treatment? Kills HIV. I wonder if it kills

> people too?


> " ............ Scientists tested, in vitro, each of three silver

> nanoparticle-preparations in HIV-1 cells. Yacaman and his colleagues

> incubated the samples at 37 C. After three hours and 24 hours,

> respectively, 0% of the cells were living ............... Although

> this study shows silver nanoparticles may treat HIV-1, scientists

> need to research this relationship further. " We lack information

> regarding the long-term effects of metal nanoparticles, " cautioned

> Yacaman. Scientists are forming a preventive cream for HIV-1, which

> they will test on humans. Scientists are also studying other uses

> for silver nanoparticles. " We're testing against other viruses and

> the 'super bug (Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus).' Our

> preliminary results indicate that silver nanoparticles can

> effectively attack other micro-organisms, " Yacaman said "


> http://www.physorg.com/news7264.html


> Rodney.


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It would seem so.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & dopt=Abstra\

ct & list_uids=8030973

Inactivation of enveloped viruses in human bodily fluids by purified


Isaacs CE, Kim KS, Thormar H.

Department of Developmental Biochemistry, New York State Institute for

Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, Staten Island 10314.

Antimicrobial lipids are found in mucosal secretions and are one of a

number of nonimmunologic and nonspecific protective factors found at

mucosal surfaces. Lipids can inactivate enveloped viruses, bacteria,

fungi, and protozoa. Lipid-dependent antimicrobial activity at mucosal

surfaces is due to certain monoglycerides and fatty acids that are

released from triglycerides by lipolytic activity. Medium chain length

antiviral lipids can be added to human blood products that contain

HIV-1 and HIV-2 and reduce the cell-free virus concentration by as

much as 11 log10 TCID50/ml. The presence of lipids does not interfere

with most clinical assays performed on human blood samples.

Antimicrobial lipids can disrupt cell membranes and therefore lyse

leukocytes which potentially carry virus. Genital mucosal epithelial

cells should be protected from damage by the mucous layer. Preliminary

studies indicate that lipids decrease sperm motility and viability

suggesting that lipids may potentially be used as combination

spermicidal and virucidal agents.

-- In , " Rodney " <perspect1111@y...> wrote:


> Hi folks:


> A possible anti-viral treatment? Kills HIV. I wonder if it kills

> people too?


> " ............ Scientists tested, in vitro, each of three silver

> nanoparticle-preparations in HIV-1 cells. Yacaman and his colleagues

> incubated the samples at 37 C. After three hours and 24 hours,

> respectively, 0% of the cells were living ............... Although

> this study shows silver nanoparticles may treat HIV-1, scientists

> need to research this relationship further. " We lack information

> regarding the long-term effects of metal nanoparticles, " cautioned

> Yacaman. Scientists are forming a preventive cream for HIV-1, which

> they will test on humans. Scientists are also studying other uses

> for silver nanoparticles. " We're testing against other viruses and

> the 'super bug (Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus).' Our

> preliminary results indicate that silver nanoparticles can

> effectively attack other micro-organisms, " Yacaman said "


> http://www.physorg.com/news7264.html


> Rodney.


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