Guest guest Posted November 19, 2005 Report Share Posted November 19, 2005 --- " nebula331@... " <nebula331@...> wrote: > Gene removal makes flies live up to six times longer, study finds > Experiments have produced one of the longest recorded life-span extensions in any > organism and opened doors for anti-aging research in humans, researchers say. > (Story in World Science) > Hi All, The story is: This week in Science 2004 Science 310 (5751) 1087-1088 edited by Stella Hurtley and Phil Szuromi Kinases Involved in Promoting Longevity in Yeast In many organisms, nutrient-sensing and caloric intake regulate aging and longevity, and in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, calorie restriction can increase replicative life span. Kaeberlein et al. (p. 1193; see the Perspective by Rine) analyzed 564 single-gene yeast deletion strains and identified 10 gene deletions that significantly increase replicative life span. Six of these encoded components of the highly conserved, nutrient-responsive TOR and Sch9 pathways. Calorie restriction of cells lacking TOR1 or Sch9 failed to increase life span further. Thus, it appears that TOR and Sch9 kinases are involved in a pathway through which excess caloric intake limits life span in yeast and, perhaps, higher eukaryotes. Rine J. CELL BIOLOGY: Twists in the Tale of the Aging Yeast. Science. 2005 Nov 18;310(5751):1124-1125. PMID: 16293743 The study by Kaeberlein et al. on page 1193 of this issue (1), a recent Science paper by Lamming et al. (2), and a report by Fabrizio et al. (3) present the three latest chapters of the fascinating saga of how the life span of the budding yeast, Saccahromyces cerevisiae, is regulated (see the figure). To put this work into context, yeast mortality was a minor concern of humans until a study revealed that yeast have an ortholog of the human gene in which mutations cause Werner syndrome. This condition has characteristics that resemble premature aging. Mutations in the yeast version of this gene results in substantial shortening in one measure of yeast life span: the number of times a cell can divide, which is defined as its replicative life-span (4). This conserved feature of life span regulation in yeast and metazoans was thus of particular interest to all scientists, especially those of us past a certain age. Subsequent work built upon this lead and found that SIR2, a gene originally famous for its role in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-dependent deacetylation of histones in gene silencing, also promotes longevity of yeast by suppressing recombination in the repeated array of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes. This suppression blocks the accumulation of extrachromosomal circles of rDNA, whose abundance normally limits longevity and leads to the death of yeast mother cells. This result was fabulously interesting in the yeast field but lacked resonance in other organisms where there was no known link between aging and rDNA recombination. Caloric restriction has long been recognized as the most common contributor to longevity in a range of organisms. Interest in yeast aging was reignited by the discovery that it too is extended by caloric restriction. The first paper to look at the involvement of SIR2 in the link between caloric restriction and yeast aging (5) encountered some complexity: rDNA recombination in yeast is repressed by SIR2 but is enhanced by FOB1, a gene necessary for a replication fork barrier between rDNA repeats. In sir2 mutant cells with normal Fob1 function, extrachromosomal rDNA circles accumulate and limit longevity. Nonetheless, in a fob1 mutant, caloric restriction was reported to extend life span in a SIR2-dependent way. Because caloric restriction would lead to more NAD and less of its reduced form, NADH, this result suggested that Sir2 protein and its NAD cofactor may be a universal mediator of the effect of caloric restriction on longevity. The excitement was all the more enjoyable because resveratol, an agonist of Sir2 enzymatic activity, is present in red wine, giving a new excuse for the pleasure of self-medication. Figure: Effects of SIR2 and SCH9 on replicative and chronological life span. Caloric restriction operates independently of SIR2 and its cousin HST2 to promote replicative life span, as long as extrachromosomal rDNA circles are prevented by the action of SIR2 and HST2. In contrast, SIR2 prevents the extension of chronological life span by caloric restriction. The preeminence of SIR2 took a surprising hit when a study showed that extension of yeast life span by caloric restriction was SIR2-independent. Specifically, caloric restriction could, in fact, extend the life span of yeast lacking both FOB1 and SIR2. The discrepancy was due to reliance in the earlier work on a uniquely odd yeast strain (6). The view in the field was that the high level of recombination in rDNA in sir2 mutants created a potentially yeast-specific mechanism of aging that masked the ability of caloric restriction to extend life span. Only when rDNA recombination was vastly reduced in a fob1 sir2 double mutant could caloric restriction extend life span. In essence, the study predicted a gene or pathway for controlling life span in yeast in response to caloric restriction that was both SIR2-independent and independent of recombination in the rDNA. Just as we were beginning to suspect that all that red wine consumption was in vain, faith was restored in SIR2 and in one of its molecular cousins (2). In this study, the authors used a petri-plate assay for the " recombinogenic state " of rDNA chromatin to screen the yeast genome for genes that, like SIR2, could extend life span through effects on rDNA. Remarkably, HST2, one of the four paralogous cousins of SIR2 in the yeast genome, can repress rDNA recombination and extend yeast life span when it is overproduced. Although caloric restriction can still extend the life span of hst2 mutants, just as it did for sir2 mutants, it cannot extend the life span of a hst2 sir2 double mutant. Thus, although SIR2 could not explain all the effects of caloric restriction on aging, the combination of SIR2 and its HST2 cousin comes close to doing so. However, as clear and interesting as this work is, there are two pesky complications. First, if caloric restriction has effects on yeast longevity independent of rDNA stability, they would likely have been missed by this study because of the rDNA bias in the screen used to uncover the role of HST2. Second, the ability of fob1 to suppress the aging phenotype of sir2mutants was crucial to the argument for a caloric restriction effect on longevity independent of SIR2. Recall that the elevated recombination of rDNA and creation of extrachromosomal rDNA circles in yeast cells expressing FOB1 creates a form of aging that masks the impact of caloric restriction. Alas, it appears that fob1 mutants cannot suppress rDNA recombination in the combined absence of both SIR2 and HST2 (2). Hence, there could still be a caloric restriction effect on yeast aging, independent of both SIR2 and HST2, that would be masked by the extrachromosomal rDNA circles resulting from the heightened recombination in the rDNA. The work of Kaeberlein et al. (1) breaks through the historical bias that influenced key previous studies of yeast aging by screening a collection of mutant yeast, each with a single gene deletion, for the influence of genes on longevity. The elegance of this screen lies not in its genetic sophistication, but rather in the intersection of pragmatism and dedication to measure directly the replicative life span of multiple cells from hundreds of mutants. The results so far are fascinating. Mutant forms of TOR1 and SCH9 (genes encoding two protein kinases involved in nutrient sensing), as well as mutations in other genes of these nutrient-sensing pathways, extend the life span of yeast. Tor and Sch9 mutants also extend the life span of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, encouraging extrapolation of these results more broadly. Indeed, SCH9 is an ortholog of AKT, a gene that encodes a protein kinase in the insulin- insulin growth factor pathway, that figures prominently in life span studies of mice and worms. The increased life span of these Tor1 and Sch9 yeast mutants is SIR2-independent, but at present there are no experimental data on whether HST2, or even another SIR2 cousin, might be necessary. On one hand, the contribution of rDNA recombination to aging seems to be yeast-specific, and hence so are the roles of SIR2 and HST2 in rDNA recombination. On the other hand, the impact of TOR and SCH9/AKT on aging appears to be conserved, and hence their SIR2-independent effects on aging in yeast may well be rDNA-independent. Owing to the difficulty of the assay, the work reported by Kaeberlein et al. surveys only ~10% of yeast genes for their contributions to longevity. Hence, further advances are virtually certain as this work progreses. These studies on replicative life span ignore chronological life span, which is of equal interest given that most somatic cells are not replicating for the major portion of their life span. In the third new twist to this story, Fabrizio et al. (6) report that rather than promoting chronological life span, SIR2 limits chronological life span. Moreover, in sir2 mutants, caloric restriction is needed to extend chronological life span, providing another example of a SIR2-independent response to caloric restriction. As with the recent work on SCH9 and TOR1 (1), there are no experimental data on whether HST2, or even another SIR2 cousin, might be also involved. Clearly, studies of chronological life span are also likely to benefit from an unbiased screen of the yeast knockout mutant collection. Because of the nature of the chronological aging assay, it may be possible to exploit the molecular bar codes unique to each mutant to screen all viable mutants in parallel. As we have seen already in the roller coaster ride of yeast aging research, even these fine new additions are unlikely to be the last surprises in the story. Although the analysis of single and double mutants has proven useful, there is nothing quite as revealing as the phenotypes of the right triple mutant, unless of course it is the critical quadruple mutant, genotypes that may provide even more twists to this story. Kaeberlein M, Powers RW 3rd, Steffen KK, Westman EA, Hu D, Dang N, Kerr EO, Kirkland KT, Fields S, Kennedy BK. Regulation of Yeast Replicative Life Span by TOR and Sch9 in Response to Nutrients. Science. 2005 Nov 18;310(5751):1193-1196. PMID: 16293764 Calorie restriction increases life span in many organisms, including the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. From a large-scale analysis of 564 single-gene–deletion strains of yeast, we identified 10 gene deletions that increase replicative life span. Six of these correspond to genes encoding components of the nutrient-responsive TOR and Sch9 pathways. Calorie restriction of tor1D or sch9D cells failed to further increase life span and, like calorie restriction, deletion of either SCH9 or TOR1 increased life span independent of the Sir2 histone deacetylase. We propose that the TOR and Sch9 kinases define a primary conduit through which excess nutrient intake limits longevity in yeast. Calorie restriction (CR) is the only intervention known to increase life span in yeast, worms, flies, and mammals, but the molecular mechanism for this phenomenon has not been clear. In yeast, CR due to reduced glucose concentration of the culture medium increases replicative life span (the number of daughter cells produced by a given mother cell before senescence) by 20 to 40% (1–3). This increased life span has been attributed to activation of Sir2 (1), a histone deacetylase that is dependent on NAD (the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) (4) and that promotes longevity by inhibiting the formation of extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA (rDNA) circles (ERCs) in the nucleolus (5). Recently, however, the link between Sir2 and CR has been called into question with the discovery that Sir2 is not required for life-span extension by CR (3). To identify genes that regulate longevity in the budding yeast, a large-scale analysis of replicative life span was conducted with the MATa haploid open reading frame (ORF) deletion collection, a set of 4800 single-gene–deletion strains (6). Because replicative life-span analysis requires labor-intensive micromanipulation of daughter cells from mother cells, fewer than 80 different genes have been previously examined for their effect on replicative life span (7). Here we examined the replicative aging properties of 564 single-gene–deletion strains (Fig. 1A; table S1). Fig. 1. TOR activity is an important modifier of yeast longevity. (A) The distribution of observed strain mean life spans for 564 single-gene–deletion mutants (broken line) shows an overrepresentation of short-lived (dark arrow) and long-lived (light arrow) mutants relative to expected mean life-span distribution (solid lines) for wild-type cells of the same sample size (n = 5). ( Deletion of TOR1 increases life span. © Deletion of either RPL31A or RPL6B, ribosomal proteins transcriptionally regulated by TOR, increases life span. Mean life spans are shown in parentheses. [View Larger Version of this Image (10K GIF file)] An iterative method was designed to identify 95% of strains with mean replicative life span at least 30% longer than wild type (8). For each single-gene–deletion strain, replicative life span was initially determined for five individual mother cells. If the mean life span was less than 26 generations, the strain was classified as not-long-lived (NLL). This lower cutoff value is predicted to result in misclassification of a long-lived strain less than 5% of the time (fig. S1). If the mean life span was less than 20, the strain was classified as short-lived (SL). If the mean life span was greater than 36, the strain was putatively classified as long-lived (LL), and an additional 10 cells were examined. This upper cutoff value is predicted to result in misclassification of a strain with wild-type life span less than 2% of the time. For the remaining strains with a five-cell mean life span between 26 and 36 generations, an additional five cells were analyzed (one iteration), and the same classification scheme was applied. This process was repeated until every strain was either classified as SL, NLL, or LL or until replicative life span had been determined for a minimum of 15 cells for each unclassified strain. The replicative life-span data for strains from which at least 15 mother cells had been assayed were compared with cell life-span data from wild-type mothers, matched by experiment, by using a Wilcoxon rank-sum test to generate a P value. Strains with P 0.1 were classified as LL, and strains with P > 0.1 were classified as having a life span not significantly extended (NSE). Of the 564 strains analyzed, 114 were classified as SL, 254 as NLL, 152 as NSE, and 44 as LL. Although nearly 20% of the gene deletions resulted in a significantly shortened life span, relatively few of these are likely to represent a true premature aging phenotype, because dysregulation of many different cellular processes will decrease fitness and longevity (9). For this reason, we focused on genes that, when deleted, resulted in increased replicative life span, reasoning that the proteins encoded by these genes must impede the normal aging process. Of the 44 single-gene–deletion strains initially classified as LL, 13 result in a significant increase in replicative life span (Table 1). Verification was accomplished by determining the replicative life span for the corresponding gene deletion strain from the haploid MATa deletion collection and, in select cases, by generating a new deletion allele in the parental BY4742 strain. Of the 13 genes, FOB1 served as a proof of principle that our method can identify a true-positive aging gene, because deletion of FOB1 is known to increase life span by reducing the formation of ERCs (10). In two cases, gene deletions conferring increased life span occurred in overlapping ORFs encoded on opposite strands (REI1 contains YBR266C; IDH2 overlaps YOR135C), and longevity was comparable for overlapping deletion pairs (table S2). The identification of two different overlapping gene pairs from this screen suggests that a high fraction of true-positive genes were successfully identified. Table 1. Long-lived deletion strains. From a screen of 564 single-gene–deletion strains, 13 genes were found to increase replicative life span when deleted. GDP, guanosine diphosphate; GTP, guanosine 5'-triphosphate; PI3-like kinase, a kinase like phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deletion strain Protein function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bre5 Ubiquitin protease fob1 rDNA replication fork barrier protein idh2 Isocitrate dehydrogenase rei1 Protein of unknown function with similarity to human ZPR9 rom2 GDP-GTP exchange factor for Rho 1p rpl31a Ribosomal protein L31 rpl6b Ribosomal protein L6 tor1 PI3-like kinase involved in regulation of cell growth ure2 Regulator of nitrogen catabolite repression ybr238c Protein of unknown function ybr255w Protein of unknown function ybr266c Hypothetical ORF overlapping REI1 yor135c Hypothetical ORF overlapping IDH2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most striking feature of the 10 (excluding the overlapping dubious ORFs and FOB1) newly identified aging genes is that 6 are implicated in the TOR signaling pathway. TOR proteins are highly conserved from yeast to humans and regulate multiple cellular processes in response to nutrients, including cell size, autophagy, ribosome biogenesis and translation, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, stress response, and actin organization (11). Yeast has two TOR proteins, Tor1 and Tor2. Tor2 is essential and, therefore, not represented in the deletion collection. Deletion of TOR1 was identified from this screen and found to increase both mean and maximum life span by 20% (Fig. 1B). Two downstream targets of Tor1 and Tor2 were also identified: Ure2, which regulates activity of the nitrogen-responsive transcription factor Gln3, and Rom2, a proposed activator of protein kinase C (12, 13). Deletion of three genes that are transcriptionally up-regulated by TOR increased life span: YBR238C, a gene of unknown function (14), and RPL31A and RPL6B, encoding two components of the large ribosomal subunit (Fig. 1C). Not all TOR-regulated ribosomal protein gene deletions examined conferred increased life span. Unlike the case in most multicellular eukaryotes, many of the ribosomal protein genes are duplicated in yeast (e.g., RPL31A and RPL31B), which allows for viable deletion of either paralog (but not both simultaneously). The relative importance of each paralog for ribosomal function, perhaps reflecting differential expression levels, may determine the longevity phenotype on deletion, with the gene coding for the more abundant member of the pair more likely to influence life span. Consistent with this idea, rpl31aD mother cells are long-lived and slow growing, whereas rpl31bD mother cells are not (fig. S2). Protein kinase A (PKA) and Sch9 are nutrient-responsive protein kinases that modulate replicative aging in yeast (1, 15). Mutations that decrease PKA activity increase replicative life span and have been suggested as genetic models of CR (1, 3). TOR is thought to act both upstream and parallel to PKA, whereas Sch9 is thought to act in a pathway parallel to PKA and TOR (16, 17). TOR, PKA, and Sch9 regulate the expression of common downstream targets, including ribosomal proteins, such as Rpl31a and Rpl6b (18, 19). CR of tor1D or sch9D cells failed to significantly increase the life span of these long-lived mutants (Fig. 2, A and , which indicates that, similar to PKA, Sch9 and TOR are targets of CR in yeast. CR by growth on low glucose, or mutations resulting in decreased PKA activity, increase life span additively with deletion of FOB1 (3). Deletion of TOR1 or deletion of SCH9 also resulted in an additive increase in life span when combined with deletion of FOB1 (Fig. 2, C and D). The already long life span of the sch9D fob1D or tor1D fob1D mother cells was not further increased by CR (Fig. 2E). Life-span extension by CR also occurs independently of Sir2, as long as ERC formation is kept low through deletion of FOB1 (3). Deletion of either TOR1 or SCH9 also increased the life span of sir2D fob1D cells (Fig. 2F). These epistasis experiments suggest that decreased activity of the nutrient-responsive kinases Sch9 and TOR in response to CR results in increased replicative life span in yeast. Fig. 2. TOR1 or SCH9 deletion mutants are genetic mimics of CR. (A) CR fails to further increase the life span of cells lacking TOR1. ( CR fails to further increase the life span of cells lacking SCH9. © Deletion of TOR1 increases life span additively with deletion of FOB1. (D) Deletion of SCH9 increases life span additively with deletion of FOB1. (E) Deletion of either TOR1 or SCH9 fails to increase the life span of calorie-restricted fob1D cells. (F) Deletion of either TOR1 or SCH9 increases the life span of sir2D fob1D double-mutant cells. Mean life spans are shown in parentheses. Life-span extension by CR in yeast was initially characterized in the short-lived strain background PSY316 (1). PSY316 is unique among yeast strains used for longevity studies in that, although CR increases lifespan by 30 to 40%, deletion of FOB1 or overexpression of SIR2 fails to result in increased life span (20). To determine whether TOR activity is a general or strain-specific determinant of replicative life span, we examined the effect of TOR1 deletion on life span and Sir2 activity in the PSY316 background. Deletion of TOR1 significantly increased life span in PSY316, but had no effect on Sir2-dependent silencing at telomeres, similar to the effect of CR by growth on low glucose (Fig. 3, A and . Thus, like CR, decreased TOR activity is a strain-independent mechanism to achieve enhanced longevity in yeast. Fig. 3. Decreased TOR activity, like CR, is a strain-independent modifier of replicative life span. (A) Deletion of TOR1 increases life span in the PSY316 background. Mean life spans are shown in parentheses. ( Deletion of TOR1 and CR have no effect on Sir2-dependent silencing of a telomeric URA3 marker gene, as measured by survival in the presence of 5-FOA, in the PSY316 background. An extra copy of Sir2 (SIR2-ox) increases silencing of telomeric URA3. TOR activity is a primary determinant of replicative aging in yeast, and genetic analysis indicates that Sir2-independent life-span extension by CR is mediated by reduced signaling through TOR, Sch9, and PKA, resulting in down-regulation of ribosome biogenesis. Recently, an alternative model has suggested that Sir2-independent CR is caused by decreased ERC formation, resulting from nuclear relocalization and activation of the Sir2 homolog Hst2 (21). However, as long as ERC formation is maintained at a low level, CR increases life span to a greater extent in cells lacking Sir2 than in cells where Sir2 is present, seemingly inconsistent with Hst's simply playing a role redundant to Sir2's. CR increases life span additively with deletion of FOB1, which suggests a mechanism for CR that is independent of ERCs. ERCs also affect aging only in yeast, whereas the longevity-promoting role of CR has been evolutionarily conserved. Decreased activity of TOR and Sch9 orthologs increases life span in Caenorhabditis elegans (22, 23) and Drosophila melanogaster (24), as does mutation of the TOR-regulated S6 kinase (24), which promotes ribosomal protein maturation in multicellular eukaryotes. Therefore, the data presented here are consistent with a model whereby CR increases life span through a highly conserved, Sir2-independent signaling network from nutrients to ribosomes. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... __________________________________ - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2005 Report Share Posted November 19, 2005 --- " nebula331@... " <nebula331@...> wrote: > Gene removal makes flies live up to six times longer, study finds > Experiments have produced one of the longest recorded life-span extensions in any > organism and opened doors for anti-aging research in humans, researchers say. > (Story in World Science) > Hi All, The story is: This week in Science 2004 Science 310 (5751) 1087-1088 edited by Stella Hurtley and Phil Szuromi Kinases Involved in Promoting Longevity in Yeast In many organisms, nutrient-sensing and caloric intake regulate aging and longevity, and in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, calorie restriction can increase replicative life span. Kaeberlein et al. (p. 1193; see the Perspective by Rine) analyzed 564 single-gene yeast deletion strains and identified 10 gene deletions that significantly increase replicative life span. Six of these encoded components of the highly conserved, nutrient-responsive TOR and Sch9 pathways. Calorie restriction of cells lacking TOR1 or Sch9 failed to increase life span further. Thus, it appears that TOR and Sch9 kinases are involved in a pathway through which excess caloric intake limits life span in yeast and, perhaps, higher eukaryotes. Rine J. CELL BIOLOGY: Twists in the Tale of the Aging Yeast. Science. 2005 Nov 18;310(5751):1124-1125. PMID: 16293743 The study by Kaeberlein et al. on page 1193 of this issue (1), a recent Science paper by Lamming et al. (2), and a report by Fabrizio et al. (3) present the three latest chapters of the fascinating saga of how the life span of the budding yeast, Saccahromyces cerevisiae, is regulated (see the figure). To put this work into context, yeast mortality was a minor concern of humans until a study revealed that yeast have an ortholog of the human gene in which mutations cause Werner syndrome. This condition has characteristics that resemble premature aging. Mutations in the yeast version of this gene results in substantial shortening in one measure of yeast life span: the number of times a cell can divide, which is defined as its replicative life-span (4). This conserved feature of life span regulation in yeast and metazoans was thus of particular interest to all scientists, especially those of us past a certain age. Subsequent work built upon this lead and found that SIR2, a gene originally famous for its role in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-dependent deacetylation of histones in gene silencing, also promotes longevity of yeast by suppressing recombination in the repeated array of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes. This suppression blocks the accumulation of extrachromosomal circles of rDNA, whose abundance normally limits longevity and leads to the death of yeast mother cells. This result was fabulously interesting in the yeast field but lacked resonance in other organisms where there was no known link between aging and rDNA recombination. Caloric restriction has long been recognized as the most common contributor to longevity in a range of organisms. Interest in yeast aging was reignited by the discovery that it too is extended by caloric restriction. The first paper to look at the involvement of SIR2 in the link between caloric restriction and yeast aging (5) encountered some complexity: rDNA recombination in yeast is repressed by SIR2 but is enhanced by FOB1, a gene necessary for a replication fork barrier between rDNA repeats. In sir2 mutant cells with normal Fob1 function, extrachromosomal rDNA circles accumulate and limit longevity. Nonetheless, in a fob1 mutant, caloric restriction was reported to extend life span in a SIR2-dependent way. Because caloric restriction would lead to more NAD and less of its reduced form, NADH, this result suggested that Sir2 protein and its NAD cofactor may be a universal mediator of the effect of caloric restriction on longevity. The excitement was all the more enjoyable because resveratol, an agonist of Sir2 enzymatic activity, is present in red wine, giving a new excuse for the pleasure of self-medication. Figure: Effects of SIR2 and SCH9 on replicative and chronological life span. Caloric restriction operates independently of SIR2 and its cousin HST2 to promote replicative life span, as long as extrachromosomal rDNA circles are prevented by the action of SIR2 and HST2. In contrast, SIR2 prevents the extension of chronological life span by caloric restriction. The preeminence of SIR2 took a surprising hit when a study showed that extension of yeast life span by caloric restriction was SIR2-independent. Specifically, caloric restriction could, in fact, extend the life span of yeast lacking both FOB1 and SIR2. The discrepancy was due to reliance in the earlier work on a uniquely odd yeast strain (6). The view in the field was that the high level of recombination in rDNA in sir2 mutants created a potentially yeast-specific mechanism of aging that masked the ability of caloric restriction to extend life span. Only when rDNA recombination was vastly reduced in a fob1 sir2 double mutant could caloric restriction extend life span. In essence, the study predicted a gene or pathway for controlling life span in yeast in response to caloric restriction that was both SIR2-independent and independent of recombination in the rDNA. Just as we were beginning to suspect that all that red wine consumption was in vain, faith was restored in SIR2 and in one of its molecular cousins (2). In this study, the authors used a petri-plate assay for the " recombinogenic state " of rDNA chromatin to screen the yeast genome for genes that, like SIR2, could extend life span through effects on rDNA. Remarkably, HST2, one of the four paralogous cousins of SIR2 in the yeast genome, can repress rDNA recombination and extend yeast life span when it is overproduced. Although caloric restriction can still extend the life span of hst2 mutants, just as it did for sir2 mutants, it cannot extend the life span of a hst2 sir2 double mutant. Thus, although SIR2 could not explain all the effects of caloric restriction on aging, the combination of SIR2 and its HST2 cousin comes close to doing so. However, as clear and interesting as this work is, there are two pesky complications. First, if caloric restriction has effects on yeast longevity independent of rDNA stability, they would likely have been missed by this study because of the rDNA bias in the screen used to uncover the role of HST2. Second, the ability of fob1 to suppress the aging phenotype of sir2mutants was crucial to the argument for a caloric restriction effect on longevity independent of SIR2. Recall that the elevated recombination of rDNA and creation of extrachromosomal rDNA circles in yeast cells expressing FOB1 creates a form of aging that masks the impact of caloric restriction. Alas, it appears that fob1 mutants cannot suppress rDNA recombination in the combined absence of both SIR2 and HST2 (2). Hence, there could still be a caloric restriction effect on yeast aging, independent of both SIR2 and HST2, that would be masked by the extrachromosomal rDNA circles resulting from the heightened recombination in the rDNA. The work of Kaeberlein et al. (1) breaks through the historical bias that influenced key previous studies of yeast aging by screening a collection of mutant yeast, each with a single gene deletion, for the influence of genes on longevity. The elegance of this screen lies not in its genetic sophistication, but rather in the intersection of pragmatism and dedication to measure directly the replicative life span of multiple cells from hundreds of mutants. The results so far are fascinating. Mutant forms of TOR1 and SCH9 (genes encoding two protein kinases involved in nutrient sensing), as well as mutations in other genes of these nutrient-sensing pathways, extend the life span of yeast. Tor and Sch9 mutants also extend the life span of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, encouraging extrapolation of these results more broadly. Indeed, SCH9 is an ortholog of AKT, a gene that encodes a protein kinase in the insulin- insulin growth factor pathway, that figures prominently in life span studies of mice and worms. The increased life span of these Tor1 and Sch9 yeast mutants is SIR2-independent, but at present there are no experimental data on whether HST2, or even another SIR2 cousin, might be necessary. On one hand, the contribution of rDNA recombination to aging seems to be yeast-specific, and hence so are the roles of SIR2 and HST2 in rDNA recombination. On the other hand, the impact of TOR and SCH9/AKT on aging appears to be conserved, and hence their SIR2-independent effects on aging in yeast may well be rDNA-independent. Owing to the difficulty of the assay, the work reported by Kaeberlein et al. surveys only ~10% of yeast genes for their contributions to longevity. Hence, further advances are virtually certain as this work progreses. These studies on replicative life span ignore chronological life span, which is of equal interest given that most somatic cells are not replicating for the major portion of their life span. In the third new twist to this story, Fabrizio et al. (6) report that rather than promoting chronological life span, SIR2 limits chronological life span. Moreover, in sir2 mutants, caloric restriction is needed to extend chronological life span, providing another example of a SIR2-independent response to caloric restriction. As with the recent work on SCH9 and TOR1 (1), there are no experimental data on whether HST2, or even another SIR2 cousin, might be also involved. Clearly, studies of chronological life span are also likely to benefit from an unbiased screen of the yeast knockout mutant collection. Because of the nature of the chronological aging assay, it may be possible to exploit the molecular bar codes unique to each mutant to screen all viable mutants in parallel. As we have seen already in the roller coaster ride of yeast aging research, even these fine new additions are unlikely to be the last surprises in the story. Although the analysis of single and double mutants has proven useful, there is nothing quite as revealing as the phenotypes of the right triple mutant, unless of course it is the critical quadruple mutant, genotypes that may provide even more twists to this story. Kaeberlein M, Powers RW 3rd, Steffen KK, Westman EA, Hu D, Dang N, Kerr EO, Kirkland KT, Fields S, Kennedy BK. Regulation of Yeast Replicative Life Span by TOR and Sch9 in Response to Nutrients. Science. 2005 Nov 18;310(5751):1193-1196. PMID: 16293764 Calorie restriction increases life span in many organisms, including the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. From a large-scale analysis of 564 single-gene–deletion strains of yeast, we identified 10 gene deletions that increase replicative life span. Six of these correspond to genes encoding components of the nutrient-responsive TOR and Sch9 pathways. Calorie restriction of tor1D or sch9D cells failed to further increase life span and, like calorie restriction, deletion of either SCH9 or TOR1 increased life span independent of the Sir2 histone deacetylase. We propose that the TOR and Sch9 kinases define a primary conduit through which excess nutrient intake limits longevity in yeast. Calorie restriction (CR) is the only intervention known to increase life span in yeast, worms, flies, and mammals, but the molecular mechanism for this phenomenon has not been clear. In yeast, CR due to reduced glucose concentration of the culture medium increases replicative life span (the number of daughter cells produced by a given mother cell before senescence) by 20 to 40% (1–3). This increased life span has been attributed to activation of Sir2 (1), a histone deacetylase that is dependent on NAD (the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) (4) and that promotes longevity by inhibiting the formation of extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA (rDNA) circles (ERCs) in the nucleolus (5). Recently, however, the link between Sir2 and CR has been called into question with the discovery that Sir2 is not required for life-span extension by CR (3). To identify genes that regulate longevity in the budding yeast, a large-scale analysis of replicative life span was conducted with the MATa haploid open reading frame (ORF) deletion collection, a set of 4800 single-gene–deletion strains (6). Because replicative life-span analysis requires labor-intensive micromanipulation of daughter cells from mother cells, fewer than 80 different genes have been previously examined for their effect on replicative life span (7). Here we examined the replicative aging properties of 564 single-gene–deletion strains (Fig. 1A; table S1). Fig. 1. TOR activity is an important modifier of yeast longevity. (A) The distribution of observed strain mean life spans for 564 single-gene–deletion mutants (broken line) shows an overrepresentation of short-lived (dark arrow) and long-lived (light arrow) mutants relative to expected mean life-span distribution (solid lines) for wild-type cells of the same sample size (n = 5). ( Deletion of TOR1 increases life span. © Deletion of either RPL31A or RPL6B, ribosomal proteins transcriptionally regulated by TOR, increases life span. Mean life spans are shown in parentheses. [View Larger Version of this Image (10K GIF file)] An iterative method was designed to identify 95% of strains with mean replicative life span at least 30% longer than wild type (8). For each single-gene–deletion strain, replicative life span was initially determined for five individual mother cells. If the mean life span was less than 26 generations, the strain was classified as not-long-lived (NLL). This lower cutoff value is predicted to result in misclassification of a long-lived strain less than 5% of the time (fig. S1). If the mean life span was less than 20, the strain was classified as short-lived (SL). If the mean life span was greater than 36, the strain was putatively classified as long-lived (LL), and an additional 10 cells were examined. This upper cutoff value is predicted to result in misclassification of a strain with wild-type life span less than 2% of the time. For the remaining strains with a five-cell mean life span between 26 and 36 generations, an additional five cells were analyzed (one iteration), and the same classification scheme was applied. This process was repeated until every strain was either classified as SL, NLL, or LL or until replicative life span had been determined for a minimum of 15 cells for each unclassified strain. The replicative life-span data for strains from which at least 15 mother cells had been assayed were compared with cell life-span data from wild-type mothers, matched by experiment, by using a Wilcoxon rank-sum test to generate a P value. Strains with P 0.1 were classified as LL, and strains with P > 0.1 were classified as having a life span not significantly extended (NSE). Of the 564 strains analyzed, 114 were classified as SL, 254 as NLL, 152 as NSE, and 44 as LL. Although nearly 20% of the gene deletions resulted in a significantly shortened life span, relatively few of these are likely to represent a true premature aging phenotype, because dysregulation of many different cellular processes will decrease fitness and longevity (9). For this reason, we focused on genes that, when deleted, resulted in increased replicative life span, reasoning that the proteins encoded by these genes must impede the normal aging process. Of the 44 single-gene–deletion strains initially classified as LL, 13 result in a significant increase in replicative life span (Table 1). Verification was accomplished by determining the replicative life span for the corresponding gene deletion strain from the haploid MATa deletion collection and, in select cases, by generating a new deletion allele in the parental BY4742 strain. Of the 13 genes, FOB1 served as a proof of principle that our method can identify a true-positive aging gene, because deletion of FOB1 is known to increase life span by reducing the formation of ERCs (10). In two cases, gene deletions conferring increased life span occurred in overlapping ORFs encoded on opposite strands (REI1 contains YBR266C; IDH2 overlaps YOR135C), and longevity was comparable for overlapping deletion pairs (table S2). The identification of two different overlapping gene pairs from this screen suggests that a high fraction of true-positive genes were successfully identified. Table 1. Long-lived deletion strains. From a screen of 564 single-gene–deletion strains, 13 genes were found to increase replicative life span when deleted. GDP, guanosine diphosphate; GTP, guanosine 5'-triphosphate; PI3-like kinase, a kinase like phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deletion strain Protein function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bre5 Ubiquitin protease fob1 rDNA replication fork barrier protein idh2 Isocitrate dehydrogenase rei1 Protein of unknown function with similarity to human ZPR9 rom2 GDP-GTP exchange factor for Rho 1p rpl31a Ribosomal protein L31 rpl6b Ribosomal protein L6 tor1 PI3-like kinase involved in regulation of cell growth ure2 Regulator of nitrogen catabolite repression ybr238c Protein of unknown function ybr255w Protein of unknown function ybr266c Hypothetical ORF overlapping REI1 yor135c Hypothetical ORF overlapping IDH2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most striking feature of the 10 (excluding the overlapping dubious ORFs and FOB1) newly identified aging genes is that 6 are implicated in the TOR signaling pathway. TOR proteins are highly conserved from yeast to humans and regulate multiple cellular processes in response to nutrients, including cell size, autophagy, ribosome biogenesis and translation, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, stress response, and actin organization (11). Yeast has two TOR proteins, Tor1 and Tor2. Tor2 is essential and, therefore, not represented in the deletion collection. Deletion of TOR1 was identified from this screen and found to increase both mean and maximum life span by 20% (Fig. 1B). Two downstream targets of Tor1 and Tor2 were also identified: Ure2, which regulates activity of the nitrogen-responsive transcription factor Gln3, and Rom2, a proposed activator of protein kinase C (12, 13). Deletion of three genes that are transcriptionally up-regulated by TOR increased life span: YBR238C, a gene of unknown function (14), and RPL31A and RPL6B, encoding two components of the large ribosomal subunit (Fig. 1C). Not all TOR-regulated ribosomal protein gene deletions examined conferred increased life span. Unlike the case in most multicellular eukaryotes, many of the ribosomal protein genes are duplicated in yeast (e.g., RPL31A and RPL31B), which allows for viable deletion of either paralog (but not both simultaneously). The relative importance of each paralog for ribosomal function, perhaps reflecting differential expression levels, may determine the longevity phenotype on deletion, with the gene coding for the more abundant member of the pair more likely to influence life span. Consistent with this idea, rpl31aD mother cells are long-lived and slow growing, whereas rpl31bD mother cells are not (fig. S2). Protein kinase A (PKA) and Sch9 are nutrient-responsive protein kinases that modulate replicative aging in yeast (1, 15). Mutations that decrease PKA activity increase replicative life span and have been suggested as genetic models of CR (1, 3). TOR is thought to act both upstream and parallel to PKA, whereas Sch9 is thought to act in a pathway parallel to PKA and TOR (16, 17). TOR, PKA, and Sch9 regulate the expression of common downstream targets, including ribosomal proteins, such as Rpl31a and Rpl6b (18, 19). CR of tor1D or sch9D cells failed to significantly increase the life span of these long-lived mutants (Fig. 2, A and , which indicates that, similar to PKA, Sch9 and TOR are targets of CR in yeast. CR by growth on low glucose, or mutations resulting in decreased PKA activity, increase life span additively with deletion of FOB1 (3). Deletion of TOR1 or deletion of SCH9 also resulted in an additive increase in life span when combined with deletion of FOB1 (Fig. 2, C and D). The already long life span of the sch9D fob1D or tor1D fob1D mother cells was not further increased by CR (Fig. 2E). Life-span extension by CR also occurs independently of Sir2, as long as ERC formation is kept low through deletion of FOB1 (3). Deletion of either TOR1 or SCH9 also increased the life span of sir2D fob1D cells (Fig. 2F). These epistasis experiments suggest that decreased activity of the nutrient-responsive kinases Sch9 and TOR in response to CR results in increased replicative life span in yeast. Fig. 2. TOR1 or SCH9 deletion mutants are genetic mimics of CR. (A) CR fails to further increase the life span of cells lacking TOR1. ( CR fails to further increase the life span of cells lacking SCH9. © Deletion of TOR1 increases life span additively with deletion of FOB1. (D) Deletion of SCH9 increases life span additively with deletion of FOB1. (E) Deletion of either TOR1 or SCH9 fails to increase the life span of calorie-restricted fob1D cells. (F) Deletion of either TOR1 or SCH9 increases the life span of sir2D fob1D double-mutant cells. Mean life spans are shown in parentheses. Life-span extension by CR in yeast was initially characterized in the short-lived strain background PSY316 (1). PSY316 is unique among yeast strains used for longevity studies in that, although CR increases lifespan by 30 to 40%, deletion of FOB1 or overexpression of SIR2 fails to result in increased life span (20). To determine whether TOR activity is a general or strain-specific determinant of replicative life span, we examined the effect of TOR1 deletion on life span and Sir2 activity in the PSY316 background. Deletion of TOR1 significantly increased life span in PSY316, but had no effect on Sir2-dependent silencing at telomeres, similar to the effect of CR by growth on low glucose (Fig. 3, A and . Thus, like CR, decreased TOR activity is a strain-independent mechanism to achieve enhanced longevity in yeast. Fig. 3. Decreased TOR activity, like CR, is a strain-independent modifier of replicative life span. (A) Deletion of TOR1 increases life span in the PSY316 background. Mean life spans are shown in parentheses. ( Deletion of TOR1 and CR have no effect on Sir2-dependent silencing of a telomeric URA3 marker gene, as measured by survival in the presence of 5-FOA, in the PSY316 background. An extra copy of Sir2 (SIR2-ox) increases silencing of telomeric URA3. TOR activity is a primary determinant of replicative aging in yeast, and genetic analysis indicates that Sir2-independent life-span extension by CR is mediated by reduced signaling through TOR, Sch9, and PKA, resulting in down-regulation of ribosome biogenesis. Recently, an alternative model has suggested that Sir2-independent CR is caused by decreased ERC formation, resulting from nuclear relocalization and activation of the Sir2 homolog Hst2 (21). However, as long as ERC formation is maintained at a low level, CR increases life span to a greater extent in cells lacking Sir2 than in cells where Sir2 is present, seemingly inconsistent with Hst's simply playing a role redundant to Sir2's. CR increases life span additively with deletion of FOB1, which suggests a mechanism for CR that is independent of ERCs. ERCs also affect aging only in yeast, whereas the longevity-promoting role of CR has been evolutionarily conserved. Decreased activity of TOR and Sch9 orthologs increases life span in Caenorhabditis elegans (22, 23) and Drosophila melanogaster (24), as does mutation of the TOR-regulated S6 kinase (24), which promotes ribosomal protein maturation in multicellular eukaryotes. Therefore, the data presented here are consistent with a model whereby CR increases life span through a highly conserved, Sir2-independent signaling network from nutrients to ribosomes. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... __________________________________ - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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