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Se, marriage and testosterone

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Hi All,

The below may be of interest regarding the role of testosterone levels and

marital/dating status, which are reduced with CR.

A team led by Gray, a biological anthropologist at the University of


Las Vegas, recruited 66 bachelors, 30 married men without children, and 30


fathers aged 21 to 38 in Beijing who twice a day provided saliva for testing.

Compared with bachelors, childless husbands had about 20% lower levels of the

hormone in the morning (when levels are highest), and married fathers had almost


lower levels. Smaller but significant differences showed up in afternoon

measurements, the team reported last week in Proceedings of the Royal Society:


Psychologist Nick Neave of Northumbria University in Newcastle-upon-Tyne says


findings make sense because testosterone is related to " a host of sexual


intended to attract a mate [but which] are not conducive to marital bliss and

especially not when very young children are present. " He adds: " It would be

interesting to see if testosterone levels are associated with poorer male


skills. "

Gray PB, BC, Marlowe FW, Lipson SF, Ellison PT.

Social variables predict between-subject but not day-to-day variation in the

testosterone of US men.

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2004 Oct;29(9):1153-62.

PMID: 15219639

Gray PB.

Marriage, parenting, and testosterone variation among Kenyan Swahili men.

Am J Phys Anthropol. 2003 Nov;122(3):279-86.

PMID: 14533186

Burnham TC, Chapman JF, Gray PB, McIntyre MH, Lipson SF, Ellison PT.

Men in committed, romantic relationships have lower testosterone.

Horm Behav. 2003 Aug;44(2):119-22.

PMID: 13129483

Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@...


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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