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Prehypertension heart disease risk

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Hi All,

The below abstract appears to indicate that prehypertension presents strong


disease risk, while total cholesterol marginally high is not a significant risk.

The ability of the senior author to publish peer-reviewed reports in the area is

evidenced by the not pdf-available:

Lackland DT.

Systemic hypertension: an endemic, epidemic, and a pandemic.

Semin Nephrol. 2005 Jul;25(4):194-7.

PMID: 16202691

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\

ct & list_uids=16202691 & query_hl=37

The effects of systolic blood pressure and total cholesterol on cardiovascular

disease mortality • ABSTRACT

Ann Epidemiol. 2005 15 (8) (September 2005) 635.

X. Zhang, J. Abell, S.R. Lipsitz, Y. Liao, D. McGee and D.T. Lackland


.... NHANESI and NHANES II. Of these 26,913 participants, 12,366 were

Caucasian (Cau) females, 9,888 were Cau males, 2,725 were

African American (AA) females, and 1,934 were AAmales. These

individuals were followed an average for 16 years (SD = 6 years).

Starting age for them was from 25 years to 97 years (mean = 51 and

SD = 14). ...

RESULTS: Two segments were needed to best reflect the effect of

total cholesterol (below 220 mg/dl, 220 mg/dl or above); 3 segments

were needed to best reflect the effect of SBP (below 110 mmHg,

110 to 139 mmHg, 140 mmHg or above). The hazard ratio related

to 20 mg/dl increase in cholesterol is 0.980 (not significantly

different from 1) until it reaches 220 mg/dl. Beyond this cutoff, 20

mg/dl increase is related to 6% increase (p <0.0001) in the hazard

for CVD mortality. The variation in SBP under 110 mmHg does

not have a significant effect on the hazard for CVD mortality (p =

0.14); from 110 to 139 mmHg, 20 mmHg increase in SBP is related

to 49% (p <0.0001) hazard increase and above this range the same

amount increase in SBP is related to 27% hazard increase for CVD

mortality (p < 0.0001).

CONCLUSIONS: The relative hazard for CVD mortality related

to prehypertension is high(greater effect inthe range from110 to 139

mmHg than in the range beyond). Cholesterol effect is as expected.

Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@...


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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