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Vitamin D and Cancer

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What Dr Olree's research shows is that selenium is the most deficient

mineral in cancers, not that it's lack thereof is necessarily the one

and only cause of cancer. The form he recommends is selenomethionine.

tied with this amino acid. selenium in this form is the best utilized

by our cells.



> Dr. Olree, who Acres USA put a book out about his mineral research

> (Minerals for the Genetic Code written by Walters) says all

> cancer is a selenium deficiency.

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On 4/30/07, Parashis <artpages@...> wrote:

> So much for my research. I just believe the latest thing I read. . . .

> I was hoping to pop a few selenium supps and avoid cancer but guess not.

I don't mean to suggest that supplementing wtih selenium isn't wise or

won't protect you from cancer, but it seems like the statement that

" all cancer is a result of selenium deficiency " is probably shooting a

little too broadly.



Christ is risen from the dead; by death trampling down death, and to

those in the tombs bestowing life!

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On 4/30/07, S. Hoaglund <mrhoagie@...> wrote:

> What Dr Olree's research shows is that selenium is the most deficient

> mineral in cancers, not that it's lack thereof is necessarily the one

> and only cause of cancer. The form he recommends is selenomethionine.

> tied with this amino acid. selenium in this form is the best utilized

> by our cells.

Thanks , that makes more sense. I saw some indication that

selenomethylcysteine is better used for some purposes and

selenomethionine for other purposes, so the best form might be a

combination of the two. I haven't yet seen that on the market so I've

been using selenomethionine.



Christ is risen from the dead; by death trampling down death, and to

those in the tombs bestowing life!

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This is a useful review of selenium:


db=pubmed & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=AbstractPlus & list_uids=16830114 & query_hl=2 & i



On Apr 30, 2007, at 3:13 PM, Masterjohn wrote:

> On 4/30/07, Parashis <artpages@...> wrote:

>> So much for my research. I just believe the latest thing I

>> read. . . .

>> I was hoping to pop a few selenium supps and avoid cancer but

>> guess not.


> I don't mean to suggest that supplementing wtih selenium isn't wise or

> won't protect you from cancer, but it seems like the statement that

> " all cancer is a result of selenium deficiency " is probably shooting a

> little too broadly.


> Chris

> --

> Christ is risen from the dead; by death trampling down death, and to

> those in the tombs bestowing life!


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