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Hormone-induced vs restraint CR differ

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Hi All,

See below, relating the subject of CR to the female hormone product, estrone,


pdf-available-free-to-all paper (1).

Also, there is the not pdf-available below paper (2) that found that CR at the


induced artificially by estrone had effects different from the effects of CR


providing fewer calories.

For definition, is: oestrone --> estrone: 3-hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-one.


metabolite of estradiol but possessing less biological activity. According to


fourth annual report on carcinogens (ntp 85-002, 1985), estrone may reasonably


anticipated to be a carcinogen (merck, 11th ed).

As a background for the implications of the hormone studied, estrone, see:

http://lists.calorierestriction.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0510 & L=crsociety & P=R37478 & X\

=01C3DE1BC3D7031B8F & Y=old542000

First, relating the subject of CR to estrone is pdf-available-free-to-all paper


There seemed to have been only transient effects on blood glucose and insulin

levels for the CR occurring in response to estrone.

1. Sanchis D, Adan C, Ardevol A, Del Mar Grasa M, Cabot C, Balada F, Vila R,

Estruch J, Puerta M, Fernandez- JA, Remesar X, Alemany M.

Short-term treatment with oleoyl-oestrone in liposomes (Merlin-2) strongly

reduces the expression of the ob gene in young rats.

Biochem J. 1997 Sep 1;326 (Pt 2):357-60.

PMID: 9291105

Young female rats of 160-180 g were implanted with osmotic minipumps releasing


micromol/day per kg of oleoyl-oestrone in liposomes (Merlin-2) into the


for up to 14 days. Merlin-2 induced a loss of appetite in the first days, later

recovered, and a decrease in body weight of 7%, which contrasts with the 15%

increase in controls during the 2-week period. Neither plasma glucose nor urea


affected by treatment, but liver glycogen increased by 50% in 14 days. Insulin

decreased slightly with Merlin-2 treatment. Plasma corticotropin (ACTH) and

corticosterone showed a transient increase by day 6 of treatment. The expression


the ob gene in adipose tissue fell during the period studied to practically nil


day 14; circulating leptin levels decreased more than 70% from day 1 to day 14.

Oestrone levels increased from 0.3 nM (controls) to a maintained 40-60 nM level


the rest of the experiment. Oleoyl-oestrone levels first increased 4-fold, to

decrease again to the initial levels on day 10, increasing later to 100-fold on


14. The three phases observed in food intake, weight loss and oleoyl-oestrone


match fairly well, which supports the direct involvement of oleoyl-oestrone in

body-weight control. However, the control of oleoyl-oestrone levels seems to be

mediated in part by corticosterone. The practical disappearance of leptin


coincides with the massive accumulation of oleoyl-oestrone in plasma. The


presented suggest the involvement of oleoyl-oestrone in the main mechanisms of

control of body weight and its regulation by glucocorticoids and leptin.

http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1218678 & blobtype=pdf

.... Table [1-3 excerpts] Changes experienced in rats chronically treated with


µmol/day per kg of oleoyl-oestrone in liposomes (Merlin-2)



Parameter----Day: 0 3 6 10 14----14


Initial body weight (g) 168±2^A 169±2^A 172±2^A 168±2^A 168±3^A 163±3^A

Final body weight (g) 168±2^A 166±2^AB 168±2^A 164±3^AB 160±2^B 178±3^C

Body weight change (g) 0.0^A -2.5±0.6^A -4.1±1.7^AB -3.4±1.1^A -8.3±1.8^B


Food intake (kJ/day) 190±8^A 126±4^B 134±4^B 170±5^AC 165±6^C 193±6^A

Plasma glucose (mM) 4.9±0.6^A 6.9±0.8^B 6.3±0.3^AB 5.0±0.5^AB 5.3±0.4^AB


Plasma insulin (nM) 0.44±0.09^AB 0.38±0.04^A 0.25±0.01^BC 0.21±0.02^C

0.25±0.02^BC 0.28±0.01^B


The data are the means±S.E.M. of five different animals per group. Data with

different superscript letters are statistically different (P <0.05; Student's t

test). Food intake was measured over the 24 h before the other measurements on


indicated day. The day 0 value corresponds to that of undisturbed animals.

Now, in (2), it seems that CR induced with and without estrone were compared,


the effects were clearly disparate regarding glucose levels in the blood and


glycogen levels.

2. Rats treated with oleoyl-oestrone maintain glucidic homeostasis: comparisons

with a pair-fed model

Salas, ; Esteve, Montserrat; Mar Grasa, M.; Remesar, Xavier

British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 94, Number 5, November 2005, pp. 738-745


To determine whether or not the weight (and fat) loss induced by oleoyl-oestrone

treatment results only as a consequence of decreased food intake, we compared

treated animals with a pair-fed model. To this end, Wistar female rats received

daily oral gavages of 10 ìmol/kg per d oleoyl-oestrone in sunflower oil, or


alone for 10 or 20 d. A second group of rats received the gavage of sunflower


and the same amount of food ingested as the oleoyl-oestrone-treated animals

(pair-fed group). Rats treated with oleoyl-oestrone maintained glucidic


homeostasis despite a marked decrease in adipose tissue weight (P<0·001).


rats exhibited a different pattern, comparable to short-term starvation, with

greatly decreased glycogen stores (P<0·0001). The most significant effects were

detected in the 10-d period groups. Oleoyl-oestrone affected the activity of the

ponderostat system not only by decreasing appetite but also by modifying energy

partition: treated animals maintained their glucose and energy homeostasis


decreased food intake and the massive depletion of lipid stores.

Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@...


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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