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Salesmanship and CR

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Yesterday, I got in the mail a 20-page flyer advertising the " Bottom

Line Year Book 2006 " . Some of the headlines grabbed my attention.

=== Interesting Headline #1 ===


Food Cure wipes Out Prostate Cancer

- Astonishing find on Pacific " Iland of Immortals "

- Proven in 25-year study by world-renowned longevity expert

- Confers near-immunity to many diseases of aging

Okinawa, Japan -- After 25 years of searching, Harvard-trained aging

expert Bradley J. Willcox, MD, assistant professor of geriatrics at

the University of Hawaii, confirms he's finally found the long-sought

secret of everlasting health...[snip]

Most surprising of all, Okinawans actually ...




Actually, Dr. Willcox's book is promoted in his web site, along with

some interesting informtion:


Readers who grab the bait and pay their hard-earned money for The

Bottom Line Yearbook will be disappointed to learn that you can " eat

all you want " as long as it is no more than 41 SPOON-SIZED servings

per day.

=== Interesting Headline #2 ===

Mars Mission Accidentally Ends BREAST CANCER!

Discovery cuts risk 90%

Somewhere in the Arizona Desert -- For three long years, a crew of

seven famed scientists conducted a truly outrageous experiment to

benefit NASA. [snip]


After just a few months, crew members experienced breathtaking

improvements in blood pressure, insulin levels, cholesterol,

triglycerides, white blood cell counts and other key " age markers " .

All because of what they ate.



Would Dr. Walford be proud that the Biosphere experiment was being

promoted to the masses so deceptively? I doubt it.


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Funny thing, I've talked to many old people over the years, those whom I thought were old - 80 to 102yo, and they never knew much about why they were still alive.

The 102 yo was a pharmacist's wife, worked until 70yo, and never took any drugs, until maybe the final days in the old folks home. No aspirin, no vitamins. And she didn't eat much.


[ ] Salesmanship and CR

Yesterday, I got in the mail a 20-page flyer advertising the "BottomLine Year Book 2006". Some of the headlines grabbed my attention.=== Interesting Headline #1 ==="EAT ALL YOU WANT" Food Cure wipes Out Prostate Cancer- Astonishing find on Pacific "Iland of Immortals"- Proven in 25-year study by world-renowned longevity expert- Confers near-immunity to many diseases of agingOkinawa, Japan -- After 25 years of searching, Harvard-trained agingexpert Bradley J. Willcox, MD, assistant professor of geriatrics atthe University of Hawaii, confirms he's finally found the long-soughtsecret of everlasting health...[snip]Most surprising of all, Okinawans actually ... EAT AS MUCH AS 41 SERVINGS A DAY![snip]===Actually, Dr. Willcox's book is promoted in his web site, along withsome interesting informtion:http://www.okicent.org/Readers who grab the bait and pay their hard-earned money for TheBottom Line Yearbook will be disappointed to learn that you can "eatall you want" as long as it is no more than 41 SPOON-SIZED servingsper day. === Interesting Headline #2 ===Mars Mission Accidentally Ends BREAST CANCER!Discovery cuts risk 90%Somewhere in the Arizona Desert -- For three long years, a crew ofseven famed scientists conducted a truly outrageous experiment tobenefit NASA. [snip]THEIR BODIES GREW PHYSICALLY YOUNGER!After just a few months, crew members experienced breathtakingimprovements in blood pressure, insulin levels, cholesterol,triglycerides, white blood cell counts and other key "age markers". All because of what they ate.[snip]===Would Dr. Walford be proud that the Biosphere experiment was beingpromoted to the masses so deceptively? I doubt it.Tony

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Funny thing, I've talked to many old people over the years, those whom I thought were old - 80 to 102yo, and they never knew much about why they were still alive.

The 102 yo was a pharmacist's wife, worked until 70yo, and never took any drugs, until maybe the final days in the old folks home. No aspirin, no vitamins. And she didn't eat much.


[ ] Salesmanship and CR

Yesterday, I got in the mail a 20-page flyer advertising the "BottomLine Year Book 2006". Some of the headlines grabbed my attention.=== Interesting Headline #1 ==="EAT ALL YOU WANT" Food Cure wipes Out Prostate Cancer- Astonishing find on Pacific "Iland of Immortals"- Proven in 25-year study by world-renowned longevity expert- Confers near-immunity to many diseases of agingOkinawa, Japan -- After 25 years of searching, Harvard-trained agingexpert Bradley J. Willcox, MD, assistant professor of geriatrics atthe University of Hawaii, confirms he's finally found the long-soughtsecret of everlasting health...[snip]Most surprising of all, Okinawans actually ... EAT AS MUCH AS 41 SERVINGS A DAY![snip]===Actually, Dr. Willcox's book is promoted in his web site, along withsome interesting informtion:http://www.okicent.org/Readers who grab the bait and pay their hard-earned money for TheBottom Line Yearbook will be disappointed to learn that you can "eatall you want" as long as it is no more than 41 SPOON-SIZED servingsper day. === Interesting Headline #2 ===Mars Mission Accidentally Ends BREAST CANCER!Discovery cuts risk 90%Somewhere in the Arizona Desert -- For three long years, a crew ofseven famed scientists conducted a truly outrageous experiment tobenefit NASA. [snip]THEIR BODIES GREW PHYSICALLY YOUNGER!After just a few months, crew members experienced breathtakingimprovements in blood pressure, insulin levels, cholesterol,triglycerides, white blood cell counts and other key "age markers". All because of what they ate.[snip]===Would Dr. Walford be proud that the Biosphere experiment was beingpromoted to the masses so deceptively? I doubt it.Tony

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