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Nuts linked to lower cholesterol

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Nut link to lower cholesterol gains credence


62361 & m=1NIU908 & c=lqeudkujayvvlpc

9/8/2005- A new meta-analysis of scientific evidence for nuts'


to lower cholesterol levels confirms that almonds, peanuts, walnuts

and pecans could be useful as part of an overall heart-healthy diet.

Doctors and patients are increasingly seeking to reduce moderately

high cholesterol levels through dietary means, rather than the

prescription of drugs such as statins, which come with potential

serious side effects.

Nuts, an important source of mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids

which are known to have a favorable effect on blood lipids, have

captured the attention of scientists in recent years. A number of

epidemiological studies have linked them to a significantly reduced

risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, and overall longevity.

The study is published in this month's issue of the Journal of

Nutrition. It set out to be a systematic review of dietary

intervention studies of the independent effect of nuts on lipid


Researchers from North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa,

looked at the results of 23 studies, but because of big differences in

study designs no formal statistical analysis was performed. Rather,

the published papers were given a rating based on their methodology.

In three studies where participants ate 50 to 100g of almonds a day

their total cholesterol decreased by two to 16 percent and LDL


cholesterol by 2 to 19 percent, compared to those on a control diet.

The same was true in two peanut studies (consumption of 35 to 68g per

day), one pecan study (72g per day) and four walnut studies (40 to 84g

per day). The results for macadamia nuts (50 to 100g per day) were

" less convincing " , wrote the researchers.

Overall, they concluded that eating between around 50 and 100 g (1.5

to 3.5 servings) of nuts five or more times a week, as part of an

overall diet with total fat content making up around 35 percent of

energy and high in mono- and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids may

significantly reduce total and LDL cholesterol.

" Future food-based strategies for improving plasma lipid

concentrations should consider the lipid-lowering effect of nuts. "

In 2003, the FDA approved a qualified health claim that eating 1.5

ounces (42.8g) of nuts a day may reduce the risk of coronary heart

disease. According to the American Heart Association, 70.1 million

Americans have one or more form of cardiovascular disease, and the

prevalence of coronary heart disease is estimated at 13 million.

As far as future research on nuts goes, the North-West team said it

would be useful to investigate the effects using larger sample sizes

and over longer time periods, especially using mixed nuts and other

varieties not yet considered.

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Hi Dave:

That is interesting about the macadamias. I wonder if the reaason is

the appreciable amount of palmitoleic acid they contain.


> Nut link to lower cholesterol gains credence


> http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/news/ng.asp?n=

> 62361 & m=1NIU908 & c=lqeudkujayvvlpc


> ............ The results for macadamia nuts (50 to 100g per day)

> were " less convincing " , wrote the researchers.


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Hi Dave:

That is interesting about the macadamias. I wonder if the reaason is

the appreciable amount of palmitoleic acid they contain.


> Nut link to lower cholesterol gains credence


> http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/news/ng.asp?n=

> 62361 & m=1NIU908 & c=lqeudkujayvvlpc


> ............ The results for macadamia nuts (50 to 100g per day)

> were " less convincing " , wrote the researchers.


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