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North east region public hearing on Health and Human Rights

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Khurumjari! Warm and respectful greetings!

I am forwarding this invitation to organisations and groups from our region for

your kind attention and action regarding an important Public Hearing that is

being organised by the National Human Rights Commission i Guwahati on 28

November 2004.

As we are all aware, the issue of public health, access to health and welfare

services and, indeed, the effective implementation of our governments'

obligations to peoples' needs of and right to health is a neglected one

particularly in the public domain and debate. Perhaps, with the exception of

critical incidents when we are confronted by, e.g., maternal or child mortality,

HIV/AIDS or denial of service obligations for healthcare professionals and

workers, the long-standing and increasing problems related to our health have

received scant attention from the state.

In fact, we are faced at this time with an ever-shrinking state fiscal

allocation and expenditures for healthcare and a tendency to hand over

responsibilities to private players and organisations.

Furthermore, there are other very critical dimensions of the right to health in

our region. The plans underway, and some already under implementation, for heavy

infrastructure development such as hydroelectric power projects, forest related

issues, roads expansion and other " projects " associated with the liberalisation

and privatisation agenda of the international financial institutions and other

" development agencies " including bilateral aid in our region has also resulted

in eviction, displacement, dispossession, disempowerment and disenfrachisement

of communities and villages with grave implications for health. The ongoing

situation of internal armed conflict and other conflicts in many states of the

region has also been repeatedly seen to impact very adversely on health,

including the right to life and shelter.

In this context, the forthcoming Public Hearing presents a unique opportunity

for all of us and to be present, meet the Commission, present cases and

documentation,and also participate actively in the proceedings. As the PH is

only for a day, I am afraid that the time allocated is very limited and will

never do full justice to all our diverse needs and expectations. This is a

serious limitation for us from the seven States that constitute the so-called

North Eastern region of India. However, we should make a serious attempt to

impress upon the Commission about the serious nature and dimensions of the

problem; and this would contribute positively. Your organisation's and personal

contribution will bring a very realistic and vast picture of the situation home

to the Public Hearing, and should contribute to some very specific and focussed

follow up.

Please contact the responsible focal point for all further enquiries and

information about the Public Hearing.


State Resource Centre Assam,

Mandovi Apartments,

G.N.B. Road, Ambari,

Guwahati - 781001

Ph. 0361 - 2517230, 2524529 : : Fax - 0361 - 2511 794

E-mail: srcassam@... ; srcassam@...

In solidarity

Dr D. Roy Laifungbam, MPH

Director (Indigenous Health and Human Rights)

CORE Centre for Organisation Research & Education

(Indigenous Peoples' Centre for Policy and Human Rights in India's North East)


Nongmeibung Nambam Chuthek

Imphal 795001

Manipur, India

Tel: +91 385 244 48 45/ 244 13 19

Telefax: +91 361 222 87 30

Email: core@...

North Eastern Region

Lane 3 Basisthapur Beltola

Guwahati 781028

Assam India

Tel/ Fax +91 361 222 87 09 /222 87 30

Email: core_ne@...

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