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Honest Opinion

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OK - How does this song make you feel and what are your thoughts on honesty when dealing with illness? Do you think people are dishonest with you? Is honesty an issue when you are not well? What are your experiences dealing with honesty from everyone from medical practitioners to family and close friends?All feedback appreciated!!!!! Much loveAisha Honesty

If you search for tenderness

It isn't hard to find

You can have the love you need to live

But if you look for truthfulness

You might just as well be blind

It always seems to be so hard to give


Honesty is such a lonely word

Everyone is so untrue

Honest is hardly ever heard

And mostly what I need from you

I can always find someone

To say they sympathize

If I wear my heart out on my sleeve

But I don't want some pretty face

To tell me pretty lies

All I want is someone to believe


I can find a lover

I can find a friend

I can have security

Until the bitter end

Anyone can comfort me

With promises again

I know, I know

When I'm deep inside of me

Don't be too concerned

I won't as for nothing while I'm gone

But when I want sincerity

Tell me where else can I turn

Because you're the one I depend upon


*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Believe that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.Believe that you may be that light for someone else.- Kobi Yamada*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Aisha ElderwynEmail: aisha@... ICQ: #55461955 MSN Instant Messenger: aisha_elderwyn@...AOL Instant Messenger: Angelicisha Instant Messenger: AngelicishaIRC: DALnet # angel`ishaWebsite: http://www.elderwyn.com/aishaBeing Sick Support Group:

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  • 2 years later...


My honest opinion - BRAVO!!

If you apply the Serenity Prayer to your situation -

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And the Wisdom to know the difference

Your decision seems to be a good one.

You didn't reach your goal, you discovered there was something you

could do about it and you did it. If I fell significantly short of my

goal, and Dr K agreed there was something that could be done about

it - I would have it done.

I wish you a quick recovery!

hugs, cindy lee

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> My honest opinion - BRAVO!!

, I agree with her 1000% (yes, a THOUSAND) percent!! If the docs

thought you were good for this, don't be second guessing them, they

know their business, and they would NEVER offer, much less do, a

procedure that didn't have your best health in mind.

Good luck and congrats .

And we now return you to that same ol', same ol' DS story:

sip, sip, sip, walk, walk, walk, rinse, repeat... :)


DS - Dr. Keshishian

06/04/02: 424.5 lbs 68.4 bmi

12/01/03: 221.0 lbs 35.8 bmi

-203.5 lbs, + a life! :)

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...I know I should of asked you all about

> your opinion before I made the leap..

HUH? Why the hell would you have to get our opinion?

I remember one meeting when Jo

> Marta and I think Pat where talking about my tummy tuck and


> was getting antzy Jo and Marta pointed out the fat on my sides and

> back and stuff that still needed to get smaller in order to get


> full benifits of the t.t

Sorry, can't remember this conversation. I don't think I have seen

you since July, huh?

.....I'd like to know what everyone

> thinks and if they are against it why? Thanks in advance

> in woodlke

I am for what you did. Why not? This should help you get closer to

goal or possible all the way to goal. As far as the timing, well,

whatever works for you. This timing is best for you, my timing was

best for me, Ann's timing is best for her, etc.

I know I probably could have gotten a better cosmetic outcome if I

had waited longer to have my TT, but hey, it ain't in the stars for

me to wait, so this is what I have. I am an expert at hiding flaws,

anyway! LOL!


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...I know I should of asked you all about

> your opinion before I made the leap..

HUH? Why the hell would you have to get our opinion?

I remember one meeting when Jo

> Marta and I think Pat where talking about my tummy tuck and


> was getting antzy Jo and Marta pointed out the fat on my sides and

> back and stuff that still needed to get smaller in order to get


> full benifits of the t.t

Sorry, can't remember this conversation. I don't think I have seen

you since July, huh?

.....I'd like to know what everyone

> thinks and if they are against it why? Thanks in advance

> in woodlke

I am for what you did. Why not? This should help you get closer to

goal or possible all the way to goal. As far as the timing, well,

whatever works for you. This timing is best for you, my timing was

best for me, Ann's timing is best for her, etc.

I know I probably could have gotten a better cosmetic outcome if I

had waited longer to have my TT, but hey, it ain't in the stars for

me to wait, so this is what I have. I am an expert at hiding flaws,

anyway! LOL!


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> Ok guys I appreciate all the positive feedback on my recent dision


> increasing my weight loss window,,,but I'd really like to know


> you all think the good the bad and the ugly. I know I made the


> descion for me but is it something others think is not a wise


> and if not why? I have always been a fairly priavate person and


> tend to keep things to myself..I know I should of asked you all


> your opinion before I made the leap..I remember one meeting when


> Marta and I think Pat where talking about my tummy tuck and


> was getting antzy Jo and Marta pointed out the fat on my sides and

> back and stuff that still needed to get smaller in order to get


> full benifits of the t.t Pointing that out to me in the nice way


> did made me releize just how much further I had to go. As my 18

> months approcached I got really scared but I feel I did make the

> right descion and also felt I was a good canidate or Dr. Z and Dr.


> wouldn't of agreed. I do not think this is for everyone and as Jo

> said you have leaks to worry about and stuff in fact my mom was

> disapointed in my descion to have the stomache worked on. I


> slipped I wasn't going to even tell her but the night before


> I stayed with her and had to drink the mag citrate and she


> why....anyway again I'm rambling but I'd like to know what


> thinks and if they are against it why? Thanks in advance

> in woodlke


Honest if I had the chanch I would have gone for it...We are all

different,thank God,but you did what you felt you needed to,and to

be quite honest that is your business.Someone has to be second and

why not you???LOL

You go girl,just keep up informed on how you are doing

God bless,


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> Ok guys I appreciate all the positive feedback on my recent dision


> increasing my weight loss window,,,but I'd really like to know


> you all think the good the bad and the ugly. I know I made the


> descion for me but is it something others think is not a wise


> and if not why? I have always been a fairly priavate person and


> tend to keep things to myself..I know I should of asked you all


> your opinion before I made the leap..I remember one meeting when


> Marta and I think Pat where talking about my tummy tuck and


> was getting antzy Jo and Marta pointed out the fat on my sides and

> back and stuff that still needed to get smaller in order to get


> full benifits of the t.t Pointing that out to me in the nice way


> did made me releize just how much further I had to go. As my 18

> months approcached I got really scared but I feel I did make the

> right descion and also felt I was a good canidate or Dr. Z and Dr.


> wouldn't of agreed. I do not think this is for everyone and as Jo

> said you have leaks to worry about and stuff in fact my mom was

> disapointed in my descion to have the stomache worked on. I


> slipped I wasn't going to even tell her but the night before


> I stayed with her and had to drink the mag citrate and she


> why....anyway again I'm rambling but I'd like to know what


> thinks and if they are against it why? Thanks in advance

> in woodlke


Honest if I had the chanch I would have gone for it...We are all

different,thank God,but you did what you felt you needed to,and to

be quite honest that is your business.Someone has to be second and

why not you???LOL

You go girl,just keep up informed on how you are doing

God bless,


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