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The Galactic Times ~ The Year End Rush

The Galactic Times

The Year End Rush ~ 27 Dec 2007

Maybe it felt like watching a new supersonic aircraft take off on its first test flight. While everyone comes to expect the earthquake emulating boom sure to take place when the speed of sound gets shattered by a jet crossing the invisible mach line in the sky, there was no boom. Anti-climatic? Sure; it's understandable. Mars in I-want-to-feel-all-yummy-inside Cancer just retrograded through the opposition to Jupiter now displaying a particular aptitude for worth analysis. You getting your bang for the buck (slang for the dollar, in case that makes no sense for those of you in other lands) in life? Actually it's an effort to assess the conditions of cause and effect in life. When one puts out "x" amount, one might expect a "y" amount in return. So, how's that working out for you?

A few notes might be helpful to all those frustrated by the lack of response from important persons with whom you need efficient, expedient participation in the resolution of major life projects on your plate:

Mars is retrograding, which inherently symbolizes the need to back up in life, wipe the sweat off the brow and assess the immovability of any situation and then find a new tack for inching forward and then building grand momentum to follow. While this Mars-Jupiter opposition wanted to secure the mouths of those compelled to issue not so helpful axioms like, "Everything in its own time," "One step at a time," and other time/result pacification dictums, the planetary opposition also sought explosive, sky-shattering results that failed to fit in with the time demands of season and other celestial factors.

As Mars and all the other Capricorn players just engaged with the keep-a-sense-of-humor-about-it-all Solar Apex, strive to keep as sense of humor about it all. Laugh at irony and yourself - but only at yourself in a non deprecating manner.

Ponder the fact that as Mars soon passes opposite the Galactic Center on or about January 10th, retrograde, he adds new action insights to your plan. The plan you hatched a while back now undergoes upgrade and enhancement packages. All things you didn't think of before can now be noted and included. It might be helpful to keep this in mind while forming New Year's affirmations. Remember to pray to remain open to all the good that intends to come that you've not been able to recognize or imagine thus far. See, there's Jupiter across the room at the New Year's, bash giving you a smile and a wink that he's got a surprise for you now that you're looking his way.

Oh yeah, Mars comes forward to oppose the Galactic Center one more time in this volley on or about February 22nd. Here, even more insights come about that seamlessly integrate into the ongoing plans. Seamlessly. There's no need for a thundering boom to awaken your cosmically tuned instruments, is there?

Now, let's return back to that screaming, nagging sense of urgency. Doesn't it make you crazy that the people you need to assist you lived up to yesterday's Boxing Day agenda, are returning gifts and decided to take the dang week off, right when you're ready to ride the cosmic waves? Part of this trend comes from the fact that the Earth now accelerates to its highest velocity in its orbit around the Sun. Our spaceship continues to do this until 23:52 U.T., January 2nd when Earth reaches perihelion - its closest point to the Sun in its annual orbit. All issues mundane gain momentum and enhanced sense of urgency. Being closest to the Sun, all its emanations affect the Earth more profoundly as they work through a shorter distance. Knowing this, maybe just a touch of the pressure can back off. If you're looking for signs and omens, look for internal ones instead of external signs. Way things are right now with the pragmatic Capricorn approach in play, if you saw a burning bush you might call the fire department first and not consider the God-speak of it all.

More, choices still linger in what appears to be a clearing mist. Neptune and Sedna continue to work with each other through a square, keeping outcomes unknown and seemingly forcing folks to move forward with conscious choices made on the wings of faith, hope and a good portion of the great decision elixir, "what not." Under the surface of the consciousness seas in which Neptune and Sedna love to operate, lies a larger agenda. Choose to bring your creative forces to light. This year, more than most, focus, initiate and persevere. I'm often amazed when a person marvel at the "daunting" task of writing a book. It's not so daunting. It's quite simple really: You get an idea. You outline the idea. You establish your voice. You write the title page. You write the first page. You write the second page... until completion. Gosh, that sounds a lot like one step at a time. Yes and more, it's about applying constant and perseverant discipline to inspiration and creation. Without the discipline of time and energy management and applied intent exerted over a sufficient interval of time, little creation comes about.

This year, especially early on, with Saturn in Virgo trine to Jupiter and Pluto, the Universe rewards those who apply effort to their inspiration. For now, make sure the retrogradation of Mars locates all missing pieces. Include and apply them to the existing plans and ping those you need, allowing ample time for their response.

Perhaps this would be a good time to arrange for a consultation (or purchase galactic study tools). There's the reset the focus theme true with the start of every year. But with the three brothers (Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter) who control the domains of world, underworld and sky all getting along for a spell, maybe invoking them time-wise and intent-wise with your chart as GPS (galactic perception system) could just maybe lead your creative forces to the proper channels at the perfect time. Not only that, with Jupiter in Capricorn and Pluto, lord of wealth soon to be there, too, many astrologers might take a tip from the cosmic patterns and adjust their fee structures in an increasing direction.

By the way, maybe the engineers found a way to break the sound barrier in silence. This could be one of those all ideas are possible intervals. Only one way to find out.


To view a gallery of my photos online, please go to www.theperceptivelens.com and click on "Other Photographers." Browse around the whole site, too. Some great pics in there... and shot on film, the old-fashioned way.

Philip Sedgwick

602.404.6506 or e-mail to: galactic@...

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