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St 's Wort Herb

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St s Wort Health Benefits and Information

Native to Europe, St. 's wort is now found growing in dry areas

such as the edges of fields and along roadsides in many temperate

climates throughout the world. It is a shrub-like weed that spreads

rapidly and invades cultivated land unless controlled. St. 's

wort blooms from late May through September, depending on the

climate. It was believed to bloom on the birth day of St. the

Baptist, June 24 - hence the name St. 's wort.

Best known for use as a mild antidepressant, St. 's wort is also

being studied for its possible affects on other mood disorders such

as anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. St. 's wort herbal

supplements are among the leading medicines used in Germany to

relieve the symptoms of mild to moderate depression. People taking

St. 's wort show an improvement in mood and ability to carry out

their daily lives. Symptoms including sadness, hopelessness,

worthlessness, exhaustion, and poor sleep also may decrease with the

usage of St. 's wort. Used topically, it may have antiviral and

antibacterial effects.

The major active ingredients in St. 's wort include hypericin and

other dianthrones, flavonoids, xanthones, and hyperforin. For many

years researchers believed the antidepressant properties of St.

's wort were a result of its hypericin contnet and the inhibition

of the enzyme monoamine oxidase, however, more recent research

suggests that its antidepressant actions may be a result of other

active constituents, such as hyperforin, and flavonoids. Clinical

studies suggest that St. 's wort extracts may exert their

antidepressant actions by inhibiting the reuptake of the

neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. This

action may be due to hyperforin. St. 's wort's may work as an

antidepressant, by making more of hyperforin (a neurotransmitter)

available to the brain.

Dosage and Administration

A common recommendation for St. 's wort extract when taken in

connecton with mild to moderate depression is 500-1,000 mg per day.

Results may be noted as early as two weeks but may take longer. You

should consult with a health care professional to determine how long

to use this supplement. For more severe depression, higher intakes

may be required, under the supervision of a physician.

We recommend consulting with a doctor before starting any supplement.


There may be a number drug interactions with St. 's wort that are

not yet know. St. 's wort stimulates a drug-metabolizing enzyme

that metabolizes at least 50 of the drugs on the market. Based on

this fact alone, St. 's wort could possibley interfere with a

number of medications. Consult with a qualified medical professional

before supplementing with St. 's wort.


Depression and St. 's Wart


The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

(NCCAM) has developed this fact sheet on the use of St. 's wort

for depression. It is one of a series of fact sheets intended to help

consumers make informed decisions about whether to use complementary

and alternative medical (CAM) therapies for a disease or medical

condition. NCCAM defines CAM practices as those health care and

medical practices that are not currently part of conventional

medicine. There are many CAM practices. A few examples include

traditional Chinese medicine, meditation, chiropractic, therapeutic

touch, and herbs.

Key Facts

St. 's wort is an herb that has been used for centuries for

medicinal purposes, including to treat depression. The composition of

St. 's wort and how it might work are not well understood. There

is some scientific evidence that St. 's wort is useful for

treating mild to moderate depression. However, recent studies suggest

that St. 's wort is of no benefit in treating major depression of

moderate severity. More research is required to help us know whether

St. 's wort has value in treating other forms of depression. St.

's wort interacts with certain drugs, and these interactions can

be dangerous. Herbal products vary greatly as to their chemical

composition and quality.

For Your Safety

The information in this fact sheet is not a substitute for

professional medical advice. It is important that you seek the advice

of a health care practitioner about any medical condition or symptom

you are having, or if you are considering taking any herbal

preparation. St. 's wort can interact with prescribed drugs and

affect how well they work.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is St. 's wort?

St. 's wort (Hypericum perforatum in Latin) is a long-living

plant with yellow flowers. It contains many chemical compounds. Some

are believed to be the active ingredients that produce the herb's

effects, including the compounds hypericin and hyperforin.

How these compounds actually work in the body is not yet known, but

several theories have been suggested. Preliminary studies suggest

that St. 's wort might work by preventing nerve cells in the

brain from reabsorbing the chemical messenger serotonin, or by

reducing levels of a protein involved in the body's immune system


For what medicinal purposes has St. 's wort been used?

St. 's wort has been used for centuries to treat mental disorders

as well as nerve pain. In ancient times, doctors and herbalists

(specialists in herbs) wrote about its use as a sedative and

treatment for malaria as well as a balm for wounds, burns, and insect

bites. Today, St. 's wort is used by some people to treat mild to

moderate depression, anxiety, or sleep disorders.

What is depression?

Information on depression is available from the National Institute of

Mental Health. Here is a brief overview.

Depression is a medical condition that affects nearly 19 million

Americans each year. A person's mood, thoughts, physical health, and

behavior all may be affected. Symptoms commonly include:

Ongoing sad mood

Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that the person once


Significant change in appetite or weight

Oversleeping or difficulty sleeping

Agitation or unusual slowness

Loss of energy

Feelings of worthlessness or guilt

Difficulty " thinking, " such as concentrating or making decisions

Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

Depressive illness comes in different forms. The three major forms

are described below. Each can vary from person to person in terms of

symptoms experienced and the severity of depression.

In major depression, people experience a sad mood or loss of interest

or pleasure in activities for at least 2 weeks. In addition, they

have at least four other symptoms of depression. Major depression can

be mild, moderate, or severe. If it is not treated, it can last for 6

months or more.

In dysthymia, a milder, but more chronic form of depression, people

experience a depressed mood for at least 2 years (1 year for

children) accompanied by at least two other symptoms of depression.

In bipolar disorder, also called manic depression, a person has

periods of depressive symptoms that alternate with periods of mania.

Symptoms of mania include an abnormally high level of excitement and

energy, racing thoughts, and behavior that is impulsive and


Some people still hold outdated beliefs about depression--for

example, that the emotional symptoms caused by depression are " not

real. " However, depression is a real medical condition. It can be

treated effectively with conventional medicine, including by

antidepressant drugs and certain types of psychotherapy (talk


Why is St. 's wort used as an alternative therapy for depression?

Some patients who take antidepressant drugs do not experience relief

from their depression. Other patients have reported unpleasant side

effects from their prescription medication, such as a dry mouth,

nausea, headache, or effects on sexual function or sleep.

Sometimes people turn to herbal preparations like St. 's wort

because they believe " natural " products are better for them than

prescription medications, or that natural products are always safe.

Neither of these statements is true (this is discussed further below).

Finally, cost can be a reason. St. 's wort costs less than many

antidepressant medications, and it is sold without a prescription

(over the counter).

How widely is St. 's wort used for treating depression?

In Europe, St. 's wort is widely prescribed for depression. In

the United States, St. 's wort is not a prescription medication,

but there is considerable public interest in it. St. 's wort

remains among the top-selling herbal products in the United States.

How is St. 's wort sold?

St. 's wort products are sold in the following forms:


Teas--the dried herb is added to boiling water and steeped for a

period of time.

Extracts--specific types of chemicals are removed from the herb,

leaving the desired chemicals in a concentrated form.

Does St. 's wort work as a treatment for depression?

There has been scientific research to try to answer this question.

In Europe, results from a number of scientific studies have supported

the effectiveness of certain St. 's wort extracts for depression.

An overview of 23 clinical studies, published in the British Medical

Journal in 1996, found that the herb might be useful in cases of mild

to moderate depression. The studies, which included 1,757

outpatients, reported that St. 's wort was more effective than a

placebo (a " dummy " pill designed to have no effect) and appeared to

produce fewer side effects than some standard antidepressants.

Other studies conducted recently have found no benefit from the use

of St. 's wort for certain types of depression. For example, the

results of a study funded by Pfizer Inc., a pharmaceutical company,

found that St. 's wort, when compared with placebo, was not

effective for treating major depression (Shelton, et al. JAMA, 2001).

In addition, several components of the National Institutes of Health--

NCCAM, the Office of Dietary Supplements, and the National Institute

of Mental Health--funded a large, carefully designed research study

to find out whether St. 's wort extract benefits people with

major depression of moderate severity. This trial found that St.

's wort was no more effective for treating major depression of

moderate severity than placebo (Hypericum Depression Trial Study

Group. JAMA, 2002; for further information, view the press release or

contact the NCCAM Clearinghouse).

Are there any risks to taking St. 's wort for depression?

Yes, there are risks in taking St. 's wort for depression.

Many so-called " natural " substances can have harmful effects--

especially if they are taken in too large a quantity or if they

interact with something else the person is taking.

Research from the NIH has shown that St. 's wort interacts with

some drugs--including certain drugs used to control HIV infection

(such as indinavir). Other research shows that St. 's wort can

interact with anticancer, or chemotherapeutic, drugs (such as

irinotecan). The herb may also interact with drugs that help prevent

the body from rejecting transplanted organs (such as cyclosporine).

Using St. 's wort limits these drugs' effectiveness.

Also, St. 's wort is not a proven therapy for depression. If

depression is not adequately treated, it can become severe and, in

some cases, may be associated with suicide. Consult a health care

practitioner if you or someone you care about may be experiencing


People can experience side effects from taking St. 's wort. The

most common side effects include dry mouth, dizziness,

gastrointestinal symptoms, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and

fatigue. (Dont sit in the sun when taking st john's wort)(MH)

What are some other possible problems with using St. 's wort?

Herbal products such as St. 's wort are classified as dietary

supplements by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a

regulatory agency of the Federal Government. The FDA's requirements

for testing and obtaining approval to sell dietary supplements are

less strict than its requirements for drugs. Unlike drugs, herbal

products can be sold without requiring studies on dosage, safety, or


The strength and quality of herbal products are often unpredictable.

Products can differ in content not only from brand to brand, but from

batch to batch. Information on labels may be misleading or inaccurate.

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