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Alternative medicine: Nasturtium Thu, 03 Jan 2008 22:58:12 By Khashayar, MD., Press TV, Tehran

Nasturtium is an effective treatment for bacterial infections, especially those affecting the skin, respiratory and digestive systems. Botanical: Nasturtium officinale Family: N.O. Cruciferae Synonym: Nose-twister, , Dog grass, Dog rose Habitat: Nasturtiums have originated from South America and spread all over the world. Description: Nasturtiums are a group of perennial flowering plants with showy and often intensely bright colored funnel-shaped flowers. They are most often seen in rich shades of yellow, orange, pink, red and mahogany. Part Used Medicinally: Leaves, flowers, seeds. Constituents: Nasturtium contains high contents of glucosinolates, sulpho-nitrogenous oil, iodine iron, phosphates, potash, bitter extract, water and many flavonoids. The plant is a great source of vitamin C and contains spilanthol, oxalic acid and the myrosin enzyme. Its volatile oil is rich in nitrogen combined with some sulphur in the sulpho-cyanide of allyl. Medicinal Uses:

Nasturtium is particularly valuable for its antiscorbutic qualities and has been used to treat such conditions since ancient times. Nasturtium extract has sedative effects. It stimulates the appetite, promotes digestion and metabolism. Nasturtium is an effective treatment for bacterial infections, especially those affecting the skin and urinary tract, as well as the respiratory and digestive systems. It can also be used to treat fungal infections, such as Candida. Nasturtium has antibiotic and anti-tumor effects due to its high glucosinolates content and alleviates respiratory congestion and mitigates hyperthyroidism. It can also help treat colds and the flu. Nasturtium extract has cardio tonic and diuretic effects and helps lower cholesterol levels and treat diabetes. It is also good for treating liver disorders, renal stones and skin diseases. The topical use of crushed nasturtium leaves or juice can treat facial blotches, spots and blemishes. It can also be used as a chest plaster to treat coughs. Its mustard oils are antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial. They can help treat infections, colds, flu and digestive upsets secondary to yeast or parasites overgrowth. Preparation: Extract

Juice- For the common cold or urinary tract inflammation, a teaspoon of juice extracted from nasturtium leaves should be diluted in a cup of water and consumed daily. Skin Wash- For bacterial infections and skin inflammations, the skin should be rinsed with an infusion of a cup of leaves steeped in two cups of boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Foot Soak- For fungal infections, such as athlete's foot, two cups of leaves should be steeped in four cups of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. The feet should be soaked for 20-30 minutes each day in a solution of this infusion in two gallons of warm water for two weeks. Rose hip tea- For common colds and the flu, 2-5 grams of the herb is poured in to a cup of hot water and strained after 15-30 minutes. The tea has mild diuretic effects and quenches thirst in feverish patients. Caution: Ingesting excessive amounts of this plant can result in vomiting, and leaving it on the skin for longer than 10 minutes may cause a painful burning sensation. PKH/HGH



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