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Castor Oil Benefits

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You may have some memories of Castor bean oil from your mother giving

it to you whenever you complained about being sick. Surely you then

learned not to complain, otherwise you will get dosed with this thick

clear oil that left a terrible taste in your throat. She was on to

something though, Castor bean oil is a laxative too, and works


The article below tells how to use castor oil to soak an infected

area, or swelling, making a poultice. I had a similar experience when

nursing my son, I developed milk fever, in which I had gotten a very

high fever and my breasts were caked and swollen, I used a cloth with

castor oil on the skin and fell asleep and when I awoke it was gone

and so was my fever! Yes, its amazing stuff and it lives up to its

name: The Palm of Christ!


From the June 2000 Idaho Observer:

Castor Oil: The Palm of Christ

by Ingri Harkins

The Palma Christi

(Ricinus communis)

The Palma Christi is the name given to the plant better known as the

castor oil plant. The oil is derived from its seeds (beans) and has a

long history of miraculous medicinal benefits. The first documented

use of castor oil is from an ancient Egyptian document, Ebers Papyrus

(1550 B.C.) In this document castor oil was placed directly in the

eyes to relieve and protect the eyes from irritation. It was also

used extensively in eastern Europe centuries ago in the form of an

external compress. This method of applying castor oil has since been

revived by both Dr. R. , the father of American

Herbology, and Edgar Cayce, the renowned American psychic.

Most of us think of castor oil as a cathartic taken internally to

purge the bowels and associate it with a remedy only to be used in

emergencies due to its unpleasant taste. Since I have never taken

castor oil in this way and have used and recommended only the cold

pressed oil, we will be limiting our discussion to the external use

of cold pressed castor oil.

When I was young, our family used castor oil packs for any pain in

the abdominal area, whether it was from indigestion, the flu,

constipation, or menstrual cramps. It was always so effective that I

would ask for it if I ever became ill enough to require bed rest.

In Dr. 's 3-Day Cleansing Program, Mucusless Diet and

Herbal Combinations, castor oil fomentations are recommended for

ridding the body of hardened mucus in the form of cysts, tumors and

polyps. The castor oil is applied by soaking a flannel cloth in

castor oil and applying it over the liver. A hot water bottle is

applied on top of the pack and left on the area for 30 to 60 minutes.

This is repeated daily for three days followed by olive oil massages

over the same area for three days. On the seventh day, the patient

should rest by fasting on nothing but distilled water. Depending on

the particular case, this procedure should be repeated for between

six weeks to six months to properly cleanse the system.

The reason this treatment is so effective is that the castor oil goes

through the skin into the liver area and lymph glands and starts

drawing and flushing out toxins, while the olive oil heals and forms

new tissue. Our liver produces one third to one half of the lymphatic

fluid in our bodies and needs to be kept in good shape. The lymphatic

system is one of the major channels for absorption from the

gastrointestinal tract; its main function being the absorption of


So what are the constituents of castor oil that make this oil so

therapeutic? 89.5 percent of the oil is composed of ricinoleic acid

and three percent is composed of oleic acid. In 1961 in the Journal

of American Oil Chemists' Society, A.F. Novak writes how ricinoleic

and oleic acid derivatives were studied for their antimicrobial

properties and found that these two substances were superior in their

activity against several species of bacteria, yeasts and molds when

compared to sorbic and 10-undecenoic acids, two known antimicrobial

agents. This explains why castor oil has been used successfully in

treating puncture wounds; even when the patient is experiencing an

acute infection at the wound site.

One man tells of how he developed an intensely inflamed finger when

he was visiting his sister in the hills of Virginia. A local

physician advised him to go to a larger city to receive surgical

care. His sister encouraged him to see the local midwife instead and

she recommended that he wrap his finger in a flannel cloth soaked in

castor oil. By the morning most of the inflammation and soreness were

gone and by the second day it was completely healed. A grain of sand

was discovered at the edge of the fingernail which had caused the

infection. This came out and the finger was healed.

My first miraculous encounter was when I was four months pregnant

with my first child. I was in a car accident that left my car totaled

and my uterus and entire abdomen area felt very bruised and swollen.

The accident occurred on a Friday as I was coming home from work. My

husband and I had planned to go away that weekend but my condition

forced us to cancel our plans. I laid in bed most of the weekend with

castor oil packs over my abdomen and experienced a remarkable

recovery. I am convinced that I would have miscarried our daughter if

it were not for the healing power of the castor oil.

I was inspired to apply castor oil packs after reading about a woman

who had nine miscarriages. After applying castor oil packs over her

uterus every evening during the first trimester, she carried her

child to full-term.

Since then I have recommended castor oil whenever I am at a loss as

to what to do; especially when the person needs immediate relief from

their symptoms. Recently, a dear friend developed a raw, red rash on

the tip of her nose that continued into her nostrils. She had tried

several pharmaceutical over-the-counter medications to no avail. I

happened to have a container of castor oil with me and had her pour

out some as I instructed her to apply it liberally over the affected

area and continue using it until it clears up. The following day she

noticed considerable improvement and is continuing to use it as I


My father knew of castor oil's value to eliminate unsightly moles and

warts. The first case involved a beautiful woman who had a

disfiguring mole right in the center front of her nose. Her father

wanted her to have it taken out by a doctor, but she didn't want to

do that because she thought it might make matters worse. She used

castor oil (mixed with baking soda to form a paste) every night,

taking the bandage off in the morning so she could go to work. It

took about a month for the mole to dry up and come off. Since my

father was working on a contract basis and went to the office only to

pick up some work, he never saw the girl again. He happened to see

her boss at a theater and asked him about the girl's mole. The

gentleman said, " Oh, that came off in about a month. "

The other case involved a woman at the bank, who was getting married

and was concerned about a rather large mole on her back. My father

gave her the formula and it took about six weeks for it to come off.

Two things to remember about this remedy: The castor oil must be raw

and cold processed and labeled " for external use only. " Secondly, the

castor oil and baking soda mixture, which should be the consistency

of a paste, must be thoroughly rubbed in. The Home Health brand of

castor oil has the hexane removed because it is reported to be an

irritant. Incidentally, this way of removing moles leaves no scar.

As you can see simply from the above stories, cold pressed castor oil

is a most valuable remedy to have on hand. It is likely that the

multitude of uses for castor oil as well as its powerful medicinal

properties are the reasons it is referred to as the Palma Christi --

the hand of Christ.



CASTOR OIL - Natural Protection from Deadly Viruses

From 's Alternatives Newsletter.

Dr. G. -- ALTERNATIVES -- v6 n1, July 1995

Moving on to more " exotic " techniques to increase immune system

efficiency, we come to castor oil. I can remember my dad telling me

time after time about his mother's devotion to castor oil when he was

growing up. At the first sign of any illness in one child, she would

immediately give all the children a quick oral dose of castor oil.

There's no doubt it provided a quick solution for constipation, and

from what I can tell, it must have a positive effect on memory too.

My dad can vividly remember the taste and effects of castor oil to

this very day.

In many ways, castor oil is a very unique substance. While most of us

are familiar with its use as a remedy for constipation, folk healers

in this country and around the world have used castor oil to treat a

wide variety of conditions. Its effectiveness is probably due in part

to its peculiar chemical composition.

Castor oil is a triglyceride of fatty acids. Almost 90 percent of its

fatty acid content consists of ricinoleic acid. To my knowledge,

ricinoleic acid is not found in any other substance except castor

oil. Such a high concentration of this unusual, unsaturated fatty

acid is thought to be responsible for castor oil's remarkable healing


Ricinoleic acid has been shown to be effective in preventing the

growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds. (J

Am Oil Chem Soc 61;37.323-325.) This would explain the high degree of

success in the topical use of the oil for treating such ailments as

ringworm, keratoses (non-cancerous, wart-like skin growths), skin

inflammation, abrasions, fungal-infected finger- and toenails, acne

and chronic pruritus (itching). Generally, for these conditions the

area involved is simply wrapped in cloth soaked with castor oil each

night, or if the area is small enough, a castor oil soaked Band-Aid

can be used. (For persistent infections and those finger- and

toenails that have discolored and hardened, a good 10 to 20 minute

soak in Epsom salts, prior to applying the castor oil, usually speeds

up the healing process.)

Castor oil's antimicrobial activity, while very impressive, comprises

only a small part of the story concerning this mysterious oil. While

castor oil has been thoroughly investigated for its industrial uses,

only a minimal amount of research effort has been directed toward its

medicinal benefits.

In Russia the oil is known as " Kastorka. " The stem of the plant is

used in the textile industry. The extracted oil has a very consistent

viscosity and won't freeze even in Russia's severe climate. This

makes it an ideal lubricating oil in industrial equipment.

Medicinally, the oil is added to products to restore hair (one part

oil to 10 parts of grain alcohol), treat constipation, skin ulcers,

some infectious gynecological conditions and eye irritations.

The castor bean plant is actually native to India, where it is

called " Erand. " There we found it being used extensively for all

types of gastrointestinal problems like constipation, dysentery and

inflammatory bowel disease. It was also used to treat bladder and

vaginal infections and asthma. We were told the seed kernels or hulls

(without the actual seed) could be boiled in milk and water and taken

internally to relieve arthritis and lower back pain accompanied by


We also found early reports of nursing mothers in the Canary Islands

using poultices made from the leaves of the castor bean. They applied

the poultice to their breasts to increase milk secretion and relieve

inflammation and milk stagnation in the mammary glands. Applying the

poultice to the abdominal area promoted normal menstruation.

While I find all of these uses of castor oil very interesting, the

most exciting use deals with ways to increase topical absorption

through the use of castor oil packs or poultices.

Much of the current use of castor oil packs, in the U.S. anyway, can

be attributed to the late healing psychic, Edgar Cayce. Time after

time he recommended their use. Based on his reports, I began to use

them in my practice over 12 years ago. But even though I, and

numerous other doctors, have continued to experience remarkable

results, the technique is still practically unknown and shunned by

most health care professionals today. This is probably due to two

reasons. First, it's just too simple. It's hard for most people to

imagine that something as simple as castor oil packs could have a

profound effect on any health problem. Secondly, in our present

health care system, positive results alone do not constitute the

critical factor in determining whether a treatment will be accepted

by the medical establishment. [Everybody (except probably the poor

patient) now seems to be more concerned about how something is

supposed to work, than whether it actually works at all.] Recent

research data presented by longtime follower of Edgar Cayce, Dr.

McGarey of Phoenix, Arizona, might help shed some light on

how castor oil works.

If you're not particularly interested in how castor oil enhances the

immune system, feel free to skip the next couple of paragraphs.

Anyone suffering from AIDS or other serious viral or bacterial

diseases may find this information helpful, however. Numerous AIDS

patients have been able to increase their T-cell counts and clear up

many of their problems by using the techniques I'll be describing.

Others have found it useful in eliminating chronic problems with

epilepsy, hyperactivity, liver and gallbladder diseases and chronic

fluid retention. (Fortunately, to benefit from this and other natural

therapies you really don't have to understand how they work.)

McGarey has reported that, when used properly, castor oil packs

improve the function of the thymus gland and other areas of the

immune system. More specifically, he found in two separate studies

that patients using abdominal castor oil packs had significant

increases in the production of lymphocytes compared to increases

among those using placebo packs.

Lymphocytes are the disease-fighting cells of your immune system.

They are produced and housed mainly in your lymphatic tissue. This

includes the thymus gland, the spleen, the lymph nodes and the

lymphatic tissue that lines the small intestine (called Peyer's

patches, or more commonly, aggregated lymphatic follicles).

Strangely, other than knowing it produces the body's white blood

cells, most doctors are not very knowledgeable about the lymphatic


The lymphatic system is an amazingly complex structure. It works hand

in hand with both the blood circulatory system and the digestive


In the circulatory system newly oxygenated blood from the lungs moves

from the heart along smaller and smaller arteries until it reaches

the smallest vessels called capillaries. It is in these microscopic

tubules that the blood exchanges oxygen and nutrients for cellular

waste products with surrounding body cells. The capillaries then

gradually become larger and form veins through which the

unoxygenated, waste-carrying blood returns back to the lungs and then

to the heart to be recirculated time and time again.

Much of the fluid accompanying the blood and large protein molecules

leak from these capillaries. Additional fluids and waste products are

expelled from every cell in the body. These fluids accumulate in the

small spaces between the cells. If all of this material weren't

somehow removed we would begin to swell like a toad and die within a

matter of 24 hours. Fortunately, we have a completely separate

circulation system, called the lymphatic system, that is able to

absorb and remove these fluids, proteins and waste materials. With

the exception of the brain, where these proteins and fluids flow

directly into the fluid that surrounds them, the extensive lymphatic

network has hundreds of miles of tubules that cover the entire body.

Through these tubules all of this material is returned to the blood

so it can be utilized or eliminated from the body. (There is no

pathway, other than the lymphatic system, that excess protein

molecules can use to return to the circulatory system.)

Also, along these lymphatic tubules you'll find bulb-shaped masses

called lymph nodes, which act as filters and produce antibodies when

foreign proteins are encountered. I'm sure you've experienced the

tenderness and swelling of an inflamed lymph node at one time or

another. It is usually a result of antibodies fighting an infection

either in the node itself or somewhere in the draining area of that

particular lymph chain.

In addition to returning leaking fluid from the circulation system

and creating antibodies for the immune system, the lymphatic system

also performs another very important function. Clumps of lymphatic

tissue, called Peyer's patches, are spread throughout the small

intestine. Unlike other nutrients, fat molecules are generally too

large to be absorbed directly from the intestine. Instead, they are

absorbed by these patches and transported along the lymphatic system

and then released into the blood stream where they can be carried

throughout the body. Between 80 to 90 percent of all the fat absorbed

from the gut requires the help of the lymphatic system.

When it comes to treating the majority of health problems, the status

of your lymphatic system is rarely given any consideration

whatsoever. Medical students are taught that a failure of the

lymphatic system is obvious to detect because it is accompanied

by " pitting " edema (the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, i.e.

swelling, usually in the feet, ankles or hands). The test

for " pitting " edema is rather simple. A finger is pressed into the

skin at the area of the swelling and then quickly removed. The skin

stays depressed, forming a small " pit " , which remains until the fluid

outside the cells has time to return to the area (this can take

anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds). Unfortunately, research studies have

shown that " pitting " edema and other signs of fluid retention can't

be observed until fluid levels outside the cells reach 30 percent

above normal. In other words, you can have a serious lymphatic

drainage problem long before it can be detected.

Several problems occur when the lymph drainage slows and fluids begin

to accumulate around the cells. First, the individual cells are

forced further and further away from the capillaries. The amount of

oxygen and nourishment they receive is decreased. Under exertion or

stress some cells may die. Additionally, cells are forced to survive

in their own waste and toxic by-products. This situation can

eventually lead to the degeneration and destruction of organs. For

example, poor lymphatic drainage of the heart can lead to tissue

damage and even heart failure. Similar problems occur in the liver,

the kidneys and other organs.

A good analogy would be if you confined yourself to one room of your

house. Someone could bring you food and water, but not remove any of

your waste products. Eventually you would have difficulty remaining

healthy in such an environment. As your waste accumulated, not only

would you become sick, those around you would begin to experience the

same fate. Just like it is for each cell, in addition to nourishment

and oxygen, the removal of waste products is essential for continued

health of the entire body.

Fluid accumulation outside the cells also stretches the tissue in the

area. The more it stretches and the longer it remains that way, the

harder it becomes to correct the problem.

Regardless of the health problem, most doctors generally assume the

lymphatic system is working adequately. This assumption is made at

the peril of the patient. Research has shown that as we age certain

organs begin to degenerate. The thymus gland is a key component of

the immune system. It is initially responsible for the proper

development of the lymphatic system and is practically absent in

older individuals. Peyer's patches, those clumps of lymphatic tissue

found in the small intestine, begin to get smaller with age and are

often destroyed by certain diseases like typhoid fever. (Cayce felt

that the overall health and well-being of an individual was directly

related to the health of these Peyer's patches. He stated on several

occasions, that a certain compound formed in these patches was

necessary for maintaining the integrity of the nervous system. He may

very well be correct. To this day, we still don't totally understand

the functions and importance of either the thymus gland or Peyer's


Efforts should be taken to improve the function of the lymphatic

system in every health problem. This applies to AIDS, as well as

heart disease, hemorrhoids and everything in between. No drug exists

that has the ability to improve lymphatic flow; however, the job can

easily be handled through the topical application of castor oil.

When castor oil is absorbed through the skin, several extraordinary

events take place. The lymphocyte count of the blood increases. This

is a result of a positive influence on the thymus gland and/or

lymphatic tissue.

The flow of lymph increases throughout the body. This speeds up the

removal of toxins surrounding the cells and reduces the size of

swollen lymph nodes. The end result is a general overall improvement

in organ function with a lessening of fatigue and depression.

As toxicity is reduced, the pH of the saliva becomes less acidic,

indicating improved health. The Peyer's patches in the small

intestine become more efficient in their absorption of fatty acids,

which are essential for the formation of hormones and other

components necessary for growth and repair.

Common Methods of Using Castor Oil

The most common way to use castor oil (and most objectionable, I

might add) has been to take it orally. Generally, oral doses are used

to correct constipation. The recommended dose is usually 1 tablespoon

for adults and 1 teaspoon for children. You can usually expect

a " purging " of the system in about four to six hours.

Rubbed or Massaged Directly Into the Skin

For several conditions I'll mention later, the oil can simply be

rubbed into the skin. It can also be used as a massage oil which

seems to be especially effective when applied along the spinal

column. If the oil is massaged into the body, the direction of the

massage should always follow the same path as the underlying

Iymphatic drainage system. The diagram below shows the proper

direction to massage the oil and further facilitate lymphatic

drainage. [Vater and Asdonk, Gesaltschaft for le Lymph Drainage

(Essen, Germany).]

Conditions Responding to Topical Application

Oftentimes there is no need for castor oil packs; amazing results can

be obtained by simply applying it directly to the skin. The following

is a short list of some of the more common ailments it can remedy:

skin keratosis


fungal and bacterial infections


abdominal stretch marks (prevention)


sebaceous cysts


senile lentigo ( " liver " or " aging " spots)

muscle strains

ligament sprains


Castor Oil Packs

One of the most useful and least utilized methods of using castor oil

is to employ packs. Packs are an economical and efficient method of

absorbing the ricinoleic acid and other healing components of castor

oil directly into body tissues. (The following basic procedure was

outlined in several of the readings of Edgar Cayce.)

To make a castor oil pack you will need the following items: cold

pressed castor oil, a standard heating pad, a plastic garbage bag,

two or three one-foot square pieces of wool or cotton flannel and one

large bath towel.

1. Start by placing the heating pad on a flat surface and turn the

setting to high.

2. On top of the pad lay the plastic garbage bag. Next, soak the

flannel pieces with castor oil generally about 1/2 cup) and lay them

on top of the garbage bag and heating pad.

3. The entire pack can now be placed against the body with the oil-

soaked flannel on the skin. For general conditions the pack should be

placed on the abdomen. (For treating lower back problems, the pack

can be placed there.) To help hold the pack in place and to keep oil

from getting on bedding, etc., the body can be wrapped in a large

bath towel.

4. The pack should remain in place for at least one hour and the

temperature of the heating pad should be kept at the highest

temperature tolerable to the patient.

5. When you remove the pack, the remaining oil can be massaged into

the skin or cleaned off using a little soda water made from 1 quart

of warm water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

6. The flannel can be reused if stored properly after removing the

pack. Put the flannel in either a plastic bag or zip-loc container

and place it in the refrigerator. Before using it next time let it

warm up and always add another 1 or 2 tablespoons of fresh cold

pressed castor oil. (After a month of use I would recommend using new


Conditions Responding to Castor Oil Packs

Due to the many effects of its fatty acid component, ricinoleic acid,

the use of castor oil can be used topically to treat a wide variety

of health complaints.

Lymphatic Congestion

Obviously, conditions known to be related to poor drainage of the

lymphatic system will tend to benefit from this type of therapy.

These would include complaints such as:

1. chronic fluid retention with swollen joints and pain

2. arthritis

3. upper respiratory infections involving the sinuses,

tonsils and inner ear

4. colon problems like Crohn's disease or colitis

5. gallbladder disease

6. boils

7. liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, enlargement or congestion

8. menstrual-related congestion

9. appendicitis

10. hyperactivity

11. constipation, bowel impaction or adhesions

12. swollen lymph nodes

13. bladder and vaginal infections

Neurological Problems

Several neurological problems have also been responsive to castor

oil. These include:

1. nerve inflammations such as sciatica, shingles, etc.

2. Parkinson's disease

3. multiple sclerosis

4. migraine headaches

5. cerebral palsy


Conditions that stress or compromise the immune system will very

often benefit from castor oil packs. Nowhere is this more obvious

than with AIDS. I have talked with several AIDS patients who have

added castor oil packs (usually for one hour a day) to their

treatment regimen with very positive results. Within two weeks, it

was not uncommon for them to see increases in their WBC counts (white

blood cell counts), platelet counts, hematocrit readings and RBC

counts (red blood cells).

I should mention also that in addition to the castor oil packs most

of those I talked to are also drinking a combination of olive oil and

lemon juice to further stimulate lymphatic flow and liver activity.

It can be made by blending the following:

1 clean whole lemon, (pulp, rind, seeds and all)

1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

1 1/2 cups of distilled water

4 rounded tablespoons of frozen orange juice concentrate

The blended material is then strained through a wire strainer to

remove the pulp, which is discarded. The remaining liquid is divided

in four equal portions of approximately 1/4 cup each and a portion is

consumed with each of the three daily meals and before bedtime.

In addition to stimulating lymphatic flow, the drink increases the

flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder, which, in turn, enhances

one's ability to digest essential fatty acids through the Peyer's

patches in the small intestine. It is not uncommon for AIDS patients

to experience weight gain and a reversal of a long list of complaints

often associated with fatty acid deficiencies.

Buying Castor Oil

Any oil that enters your body either orally or through the skin needs

to be of the highest quality. Castor oil is no different. Check your

local health food store for cold-pressed castor oil. If you can't

find it there or they can't order it for you, then it can be ordered

through the mail from Heritage Store, P.O. Box 444, Virginia Beach,

Virginia 23458. They can also be reached by calling 1(800)862-2923.


In his readings, Cayce attributed several actions to castor oil. Most

were in one way or another related to the body's lymphatic system.

However, he also alluded to the idea that castor oil has a

vibrational quality that helps harmonize and promote healing within

body cells. Based on statements like these, many people labeled his

psychic readings as quackery. As we gain new knowledge about the

workings of the human body, however, these explanations don't seem so

far fetched.

Dr. Johanna Budwig has related much of the healing properties of flax

oil to its unique chemical bonds that vibrate at the same frequency

as the wavelengths of sunlight. She feels the essential fatty acids

in flax oil have the ability to absorb and store the energy from

sunlight. It's possible that the special bonding in castor oil's

unique ricinoleic acid works in a somewhat related method.

Regardless of exactly how it works, I think you'll be more than

satisfied when you experience the amazing feats that can be

accomplished with the simple oil of the castor bean. Centuries ago

the castor bean plant was referred to as the " Palma Christe. " It was

called this because the shape of the plant's leaves were thought to

resemble the palm of Christ. Knowing the healing power of this plant,

the name may be one of the most accurate descriptions ever.

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good old remedy,thank you for this.


--- epifany97523 <epifany97523@...> wrote:

> You may have some memories of Castor bean oil from

> your mother giving

> it to you whenever you complained about being sick.

> Surely you then

> learned not to complain, otherwise you will get

> dosed with this thick

> clear oil that left a terrible taste in your throat.

> She was on to

> something though, Castor bean oil is a laxative too,

> and works

> miracles.


> The article below tells how to use castor oil to

> soak an infected

> area, or swelling, making a poultice. I had a

> similar experience when

> nursing my son, I developed milk fever, in which I

> had gotten a very

> high fever and my breasts were caked and swollen, I

> used a cloth with

> castor oil on the skin and fell asleep and when I

> awoke it was gone

> and so was my fever! Yes, its amazing stuff and it

> lives up to its

> name: The Palm of Christ!



> http://www.proliberty.com/observer/20000615.htm


> From the June 2000 Idaho Observer:


> Castor Oil: The Palm of Christ


> by Ingri Harkins


> The Palma Christi


> (Ricinus communis)


> The Palma Christi is the name given to the plant

> better known as the

> castor oil plant. The oil is derived from its seeds

> (beans) and has a

> long history of miraculous medicinal benefits. The

> first documented

> use of castor oil is from an ancient Egyptian

> document, Ebers Papyrus

> (1550 B.C.) In this document castor oil was placed

> directly in the

> eyes to relieve and protect the eyes from

> irritation. It was also

> used extensively in eastern Europe centuries ago in

> the form of an

> external compress. This method of applying castor

> oil has since been

> revived by both Dr. R. , the father

> of American

> Herbology, and Edgar Cayce, the renowned American

> psychic.


> Most of us think of castor oil as a cathartic taken

> internally to

> purge the bowels and associate it with a remedy only

> to be used in

> emergencies due to its unpleasant taste. Since I

> have never taken

> castor oil in this way and have used and recommended

> only the cold

> pressed oil, we will be limiting our discussion to

> the external use

> of cold pressed castor oil.


> When I was young, our family used castor oil packs

> for any pain in

> the abdominal area, whether it was from indigestion,

> the flu,

> constipation, or menstrual cramps. It was always so

> effective that I

> would ask for it if I ever became ill enough to

> require bed rest.


> In Dr. 's 3-Day Cleansing Program,

> Mucusless Diet and

> Herbal Combinations, castor oil fomentations are

> recommended for

> ridding the body of hardened mucus in the form of

> cysts, tumors and

> polyps. The castor oil is applied by soaking a

> flannel cloth in

> castor oil and applying it over the liver. A hot

> water bottle is

> applied on top of the pack and left on the area for

> 30 to 60 minutes.

> This is repeated daily for three days followed by

> olive oil massages

> over the same area for three days. On the seventh

> day, the patient

> should rest by fasting on nothing but distilled

> water. Depending on

> the particular case, this procedure should be

> repeated for between

> six weeks to six months to properly cleanse the

> system.


> The reason this treatment is so effective is that

> the castor oil goes

> through the skin into the liver area and lymph

> glands and starts

> drawing and flushing out toxins, while the olive oil

> heals and forms

> new tissue. Our liver produces one third to one half

> of the lymphatic

> fluid in our bodies and needs to be kept in good

> shape. The lymphatic

> system is one of the major channels for absorption

> from the

> gastrointestinal tract; its main function being the

> absorption of

> fats.


> So what are the constituents of castor oil that make

> this oil so

> therapeutic? 89.5 percent of the oil is composed of

> ricinoleic acid

> and three percent is composed of oleic acid. In 1961

> in the Journal

> of American Oil Chemists' Society, A.F. Novak writes

> how ricinoleic

> and oleic acid derivatives were studied for their

> antimicrobial

> properties and found that these two substances were

> superior in their

> activity against several species of bacteria, yeasts

> and molds when

> compared to sorbic and 10-undecenoic acids, two

> known antimicrobial

> agents. This explains why castor oil has been used

> successfully in

> treating puncture wounds; even when the patient is

> experiencing an

> acute infection at the wound site.


> One man tells of how he developed an intensely

> inflamed finger when

> he was visiting his sister in the hills of Virginia.

> A local

> physician advised him to go to a larger city to

> receive surgical

> care. His sister encouraged him to see the local

> midwife instead and

> she recommended that he wrap his finger in a flannel

> cloth soaked in

> castor oil. By the morning most of the inflammation

> and soreness were

> gone and by the second day it was completely healed.

> A grain of sand

> was discovered at the edge of the fingernail which

> had caused the

> infection. This came out and the finger was healed.


> My first miraculous encounter was when I was four

> months pregnant

> with my first child. I was in a car accident that

> left my car totaled

> and my uterus and entire abdomen area felt very

> bruised and swollen.

> The accident occurred on a Friday as I was coming

> home from work. My

> husband and I had planned to go away that weekend

> but my condition

> forced us to cancel our plans. I laid in bed most of

> the weekend with

> castor oil packs over my abdomen and experienced a

> remarkable

> recovery. I am convinced that I would have

> miscarried our daughter if

> it were not for the healing power of the castor oil.



> I was inspired to apply castor oil packs after

> reading about a woman

> who had nine miscarriages. After applying castor oil

> packs over her

> uterus every evening during the first trimester, she

> carried her

> child to full-term.


> Since then I have recommended castor oil whenever I

> am at a loss as

> to what to do; especially when the person needs

> immediate relief from

> their symptoms. Recently, a dear friend developed a

> raw, red rash on

> the tip of her nose that continued into her

> nostrils. She had tried

> several pharmaceutical over-the-counter medications

> to no avail. I

> happened to have a container of castor oil with me

> and had her pour

> out some as I instructed her to apply it liberally

> over the affected


=== message truncated ===

Spiritual freedom is my birthright.

I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mental

prejudices and stereotypes of others.

I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulate

me or deceive me.

I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love.

Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritual




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