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A Wonderful Article for the New Year!

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Entering the Portal of Personal Renewal By DL Zeta There is a great thread of yearning in human consciousness now tosearch out new beginnings and bring about a renewal that will carrythrough the year ahead. The beginning of a new year marks thebirthing of new energetic possibilities. This awakens the greening ofnew growth that symbolizes hope within the heart.The renewal so many seek at the beginning of each new year has at itsroot a desire for renewal that extends well beyond receiving a spatreatment, improving one's diet, undergoing a fast or beginning a newregimen of physical exercise. All these steps have the possibility ofbringing you closer to the recognition of your deepest longing, butthey are just stepping stones along the path to self-realization. At adeeper level, this hope seeks to transcend limitations and to realizeone's true nature. It is transcendence that allows the spirit to flyfree of the shackles of illusion that holds so many in servitude onthe physical plane.With each year that passes, there is either a moving toward therealization of the deepest longing of the soul, or a moving away fromit. Those who have taken their meaning solely from the outer worldwill begin to notice a hollow feeling. Over time, this empty spaceexpands into a void. This is often experienced as the dry rattle of alonely wind howling across a great barren expanse. This is thesensation of spiritual poverty as life force recedes from the life andphysical body. Life force energy arrives proportionate to the amount that is needed. Those who put a great effort toward discovering their spiritualmission and carry it out in whatever means available receive the lifeforce energy needed to do this. Within the moment, they receive agreat pulsing of life force energy. By contrast, those who retreatinto illusion, seeking only the comfort of distraction andentertainment, suffer a stagnancy that shuts down the flow of lifeforce energy over time. You may consider how much life force energy is required to start a newhealing center and assist many beings to health and well-beingcompared to how much life force is used to play a video game or eat aplate of cookies. There is nothing wrong with the latter unless ittakes the place of fulfilling one's purpose in life. What we aretalking about here is allowing an external pleasure- seeking impulseto become the guiding desire of one's life. When one's life force energy is shut down or stagnant for long periodsof time, the physical body starts to "amp down," and the spirit beginsto withdraw from the life. At the physical level, you can measurelife force in terms of the oxygenation of cells. A lack of oxygenmost always results in physical disease. This is the physicalexplanation for disease that reflects the spiritual withdrawal of lifeforce energy from the body.The good news is that regardless of how far you have traveled offcourse, regardless of the current state of your physical being, youcan choose to enter into the Portal of Personal Renewal and beginturning this energy around. We are offering you today 12 steps tocreating true personal renewal in your life. One need not wait untilthe beginning of the new year to undertake this journey of renewal.You can choose to step into this Portal of Renewal any time and anyplace. In fact, every day, every hour, every moment can, with thealignment of intention, will, purpose, and soul desire, become aPortal of Personal Renewal, moving you further along the path of yourdeepest longing.12 steps to creating personal renewal:1) Identify your life purpose and ask your guides to reveal to you thesteps to fulfilling this purpose. If you don't know yet what yourlife purpose is, begin reading the energy of your entire life to lookfor clues. Write your autobiography and examine the energy andessence of all the major milestones. Everything that has ever beencreated in your life has been designed to carry you further into therealization of this purpose. Make lists of your strengths andweaknesses, the things you love, your talents, and your deepestdesires. These are further clues to the nature of your life purpose.2) Set aside time each day for silence and meditation.3) Learn to still your mind by practicing concentration skills. Concentrating the attention on a candle flame for 10 minutes each daywhile releasing all thoughts will help still and focus the mind.4) Eat a diet that consists of primarily live foods.5) Fast periodically to clean and detox the body and help release yourself from over involvement in the physical world.6) Develop your intuition. Recording and interpreting your dreamseach day is a good way to begin developing intuition. Also, make apractice of listening to the still, small voice within you and observehow the information it offers assists you throughout your day.7) Create a list of the 10 things you most dearly desire to create andask your guides to show you steps you can take to begin creating thesedesires now. Look to see how each item on your Ten Most Wanted listis aligned with your life purpose.8) Have a goal, purpose, and activity for everything you do.9) Engage in some sort of physical activity each day. It is especiallybeneficial to incorporate physical activity such as yoga that unifiesmind body and spirit.10) Make time each day for creative play. Write in a journal, paint,take a long walk in nature. Do what gives you joy.11) Find some way to share your gifts and talents with others.12) Clean out closets, drawers, your house and everywhere unused itemsaccumulate. Release everything that you no longer need. Thisincludes old feelings you may be holding onto. Practice gratitude andforgiveness and release the past so you may step more fully into thepresent moment.www.celestialvision.org

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