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Special Report: Diabetes

The Proven Natural Cure for Diabetes

The diagnosing, treatment, and testing of Diabetes brings in over $10 Million Dollars every single hour of the day to Doctors, Pharmaceutical companies, and testing supply businesses. With that kind of money at stake Big Pharma is going to extreme lengths to silence information about natural cures and alternatives for treating diabetes. It's been widely reported that one company that was having successful results with a natural herbal treatment was offered $30,000,000 to take this natural cure for diabetes off the market. Fortunately the recent groundswell of interest in natural medicine has made it possible for companies with successful natural remedy products to resist such pressure.

Recently in books, on the internet and TV there's been a lot of talk about a possible natural cure for diabetes. A combination of herbs researched at a Canadian University for over 20 years was hailed by the Asian Diabetic Association as "The Final Cure for Diabetes" Indeed there is recent research that shows that there is a natural diabetes remedy that can regulate blood sugar and in many cases eliminate the need for painful injections. The natural herbs Banaba, Guggle, Bitter Melon, Licorice extract, Cinnamon herb powder, Gymnema Sylvestre, Yarrow, Cayenne, Juniper Berries, Huckleberry, and Vanadyl Sulfate each have an important role to play in a scientifically engineered formulation that has been proven to be successful in going to the cellular level to lower your blood sugar level, lower your insulin resistance, and increase insulin production naturally. This scientifically proven, natural remedy for diabetes is currently available under the brand name Diamaxol. (Note: Originally this was called Diabeticine until the FDA forced them to rename it just because the name implied it could treat diabetes naturally, which it does... That's just how crazy these regulations are getting)

An inside source recently informed us-

"The recent explosion of interest in next generation alternative medicine and natural cures has vastly increased the demand for our all natural products. We don't have anything close to the marketing budget of a pharmaceutical company so we rely mainly on word of mouth from satisfied customers. Quite simply the success of our business relies on having natural health products that work. We have the clinical studies and the satisfied customers to back that up and word is spreading fast thanks mainly to the growing interest in alternative medicine on the internet. We've developed our products with real doctors who have a passion for healing patients vs. just treating their symptoms. Instead of simply combining herbs they've discovered how to dramatically increase the potency of natural ingredients used for thousands of years in treating diabetes through the science of molecular bonding. Diamaxol acts at the cellular level to attack the root cause of the disease and this is why it is so effective vs. drugs which merely mask the symptoms. In addition, because it's created with all-natural ingredients it has none of the dangerous side-effects of synthetic drugs."

Diamaxol, along with a healthy lifestyle, has been shown to be 99% effective for Type 2 diabetes and 64% effective for Type 1 diabetes at reversing the root cause of diabetes, based on clinical studies and over two years of use. Currently, this natural cure for diabetes is still available in most countries without a prescription.

>>> Important News Update 7/24/06! - It has come to our attention that Canada has now classed one of the safe, natural ingredients of Diamaxol, l-carnatine, (which by the way is found naturally in many of the foods you eat everyday) as a Drug??? available now by prescription only! If Big Pharma has its way the USA could soon follow. If this and other natural supplements are available by prescription only it would force the formulators to either remove these key ingredients and sell a much less effective product or raise prices 300-400%!

Are you starting to get the picture now? This is the way Big Pharma intends to drive natural medicines like Diamaxol off the market! Render them ineffective by taking away their key ingredients or force manufacturing costs through the roof to make them unaffordable! Why? because these next generation alternative medicines and natural cures are simply safer and more effective than their ultra-expensive synthetic drugs and word is spreading fast. Add to that the fact that they are freely available without a prescription and at a fraction of the cost and you can easily see why they'd want to eliminate this threat to their astronomical profits.

Fortunately, there is still strong resistance to these attempts to take away our health care choices here in the USA! (The Resistance in Canada and Europe is growing now too) We encourage you to spread the word about what's happening - as only public awareness and support for these advanced natural medicines like Diamaxol from the millions of people who have and will benefit from them can fight the deep pockets of Big Pharma!

Further information about this breakthrough treatment for diabetes including the clinical study by an independent laboratory and testimonials can be found Here.

© Copyright 2007 AlternativeHealthSecrets.com

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www.alliance-natural-health.org is a uk based charitable organisation, who work with like minded organisations in

Europe and USA and probably also Canada ( probably worldwide..) they do need donations too please..

to try to prevent the drug Companies and the various governments from taking away our rights to natural nutrition and herbs.. this includes this complicated thing called CODEX

please check out this site..to see the problems that are going on..spread the word..

They use us as cash cows..(pardon to the cows) they get us working all hours..we pay tax..if we get ill ..they charge us to take their vile drugs which only have side effects...

at least allow people to have the choice ..if they want drugs..then fine, but if we want natural remedies that should be our right!

Freedom and democracry..do not exist in the true sense!

sorry if this a little off topic folks..


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It's not off topic! I have been reading about what is happening in UK. It seems as though they are trying to ban alternative medicine, by adding stricter codes, to weed out the quakes, they say. We know how that works, just like the Patriot Act here in USA. They say, "We are making it safer for Americans, therefore we will be eaves dropping on your email, phone calls, what ever we need to do to find the terrorists." And if you disagree, you become a terrorist.

We have to protect our rights, which includes which modality we want for our health. If we remain ostriches, then we will lose in all ways. Until the sheeple wake up, we will keep losing more freedoms under the guise of safety/protection.

Blessings, Joy

[ ] Re:Fw: Emailing: Diabetes

www.alliance-natural-health.org is a uk based charitable organisation, who work with like minded organisations in

Europe and USA and probably also Canada ( probably worldwide..) they do need donations too please..

to try to prevent the drug Companies and the various governments from taking away our rights to natural nutrition and herbs.. this includes this complicated thing called CODEX

please check out this site..to see the problems that are going on..spread the word..

They use us as cash cows..(pardon to the cows) they get us working all hours..we pay tax..if we get ill ..they charge us to take their vile drugs which only have side effects...

at least allow people to have the choice ..if they want drugs..then fine, but if we want natural remedies that should be our right!

Freedom and democracry..do not exist in the true sense!

sorry if this a little off topic folks..


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