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Happy Ho'oponopono Holidays Joyce

Happy Ho'oponopono Holidays Joyce

In this issue:Being Happy is a CLEANING ToolSinging is a CLEANING ToolHappy Holiday Tips from MabelWeekly Q & A Teleclasses & 2 hour Teleseminar audio with Mabel & Ihaleakala Prosperity Teleclass Series coming in JanuarySpecial Holiday Gift Packages and a Gift to you

We have heard from many of you that last month's newsletter made apowerful difference in your Thanksgiving interactions with familyand we are grateful.If you would like to read it again because you are gearing up formore family/friend gatherings, you can find it atwww.businessbyyou.com

This month our focus is on Happy, as in Happy Holidays

Did you know that BEING HAPPY is a CLEANING tool?How about Jingle Bells? Did you know that is a CLEANING Tool?More about that later...

Back to BEING HAPPY! Yes, as Mabel shared on a recent weeklyTeleclass, Being Happy is a very powerful CLEANING TOOLAnd the best part is that you only have to BE it (Happy) for ONEmoment...How easy is that!

Have you noticed:When we are Happy, we are gratefulWhen we are Happy, we are appreciativeWhen we are Happy, we forgiveWhen we are Happy, we love When we are Happy, we are not harboring resentment or ill towardanyone...because we're Happy and it only takes ONE moment.

Mabel says... "When we are Happy, we stop being the obstacle in ourown way".

In Each moment:The glass is either half full or half emptyWe are either CLEANING or engagingWe are happy or we're notWe are at peace or we're not...in each moment...OUR CHOICE.

Being Happy is like all CEANING tools and our choice is thesame--CLEAN or not, Be Happy or NOT.

Okay, we promised you more on to another VERY Powerful CLEANINGTool--Jingle Bells...okay, okay...Happy Birthday too! :o)YES! They are Powerful CLEANING tools...and there are hundreds, maybethousands more!


At a recent Foundation of I, Freedom of The Cosmos Weekend Seminar,Ihaleakala was asked, "Can we sing the phrases?"

His answer: "Divinity doesn't care HOW you do it, just do it...JustCLEAN."

SO, when you find yourself stuck in traffic or late for anappointment, or with too many gifts to wrap, standing at the end ofa long line, etc., etc., and you feel inclined to engage...instead,start singing the words "I Love You" to the melody of Jingle Bells.

It's a perfect fit--just squeeze "I love you" in as you go along tothe end of the melody, ANY melody, and that ONE moment might feelso good that you'll choose to do it for ONE more moment and on andon and You're CLEANING, which is our ONLY job...Divinity does therest!

And yes, the melody to Happy Birthday and the words "I love you"are a perfect fit! Try it! You'll like it AND you're CLEANING inthat ONE moment...and for as many more moments as you choose!

Happy Holiday Testimonials & Tips from Mabel

I already received MANY gifts this year--YOUR TESTIMONIES about howmuch my book, CDs and especially my teleclasses, changed your life.THANK YOU ALL!

Let me tell you about the last one. It happened at the seminar Igave in Santiago, Chile last month. The seminar was all daySaturday and half day Sunday.

At the first break we had on Saturday morning, a guy comes up to meand tells me he didn't agree with the information I was presentingso far. He also shared with me that he had some resistance to comein the seminar, because when he saw my Jewish last name, he thought"what is she going to teach ME?"

I CLEANED and smiled while he was talking. When he finishedsharing, I only thanked him for coming and told him that I actuallyagreed with everything he told me. I asked him to let go of tryingto "understand" anything I was saying and to be open, because maybeI was saying the same thing but using different words and/or names.

The following day, when he came in the morning, he brought me abook as a gift. He shared with me a problem he had the nightbefore, and the incredible experience and RESULTS he got when heused the "FLY PAPER" tool.

At the end of the seminar, everybody came to me for a hug and apicture, and when it was his turn, he gave me a HUGE hug and saidin a loud voice, so that everybody could hear him: "THIS IS PEACEIN THE MIDDLE EAST"

I am still getting emotional as I share this with you. My youngerson Lyonel (20) started crying when I called him from South Americaand shared this with him over the phone.


Holiday TIP from Mabel: These Holidays, CLEAN with your resistance when aproblem comes up. CLEAN with having to be right. CLEAN with havingto have the last word. Who cares who is right and who is wrong?CLEAN with wanting to be DEAD RIGHT. Who cares who is right?

These Holidays, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES (Not enough money, your parents,your in laws, your kids on drugs, your loneliness, your illness).They are ALL inside of you. They are YOUR PROGRAMS. YOUR BLESSINGS.YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE FREE AND HAPPY. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. NOBODY ELSE CAN.

ALL are Welcome--Join us for Our Weekly Ho'oponopono Question & Answer Teleclasses. These classes are AMAZING in what they aredoing for all involved and they are ongoing:Every Thursday night5 pm PSTFor more information and to sign up for ONE or the special packageprice of FOUR, go to www.businessbyyou.com/products

The 2 hour Ho'oponopono Teleseminar "Did you miss it?" with Mabel & Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len answering specific Ho'oponopono questionsbeautifully with specific CLEANING tools is our most popular audioand makes a perfect gift.

January Prosperity Series Also, Coming in January, we are going to offer a special TeleclassSeries on Prosperity.

The New Year is a good excuse to start doing different things inorder to get different results.

An opportunity to start working on those thoughts (11,000,000 persec.) that tell us that money is evil, that it doesn't grow ontrees, that we have to work hard for it, that if were born poor, wewill die poor, et., etc., while we go THINKING POSITIVE and MAKINGLISTS of what we want, because we THINK WE KNOW what is right andperfect for us. More information coming soon...

Happy Ho'oponopono Specials and a Gift

As our way of saying (or singing) I love you to you, we have somevery special offers for you

As our gift to you, FREE with your purchase of ANY book, weeklyTeleclass, teleseminar, or audio at www.businessbyyou.com/productsyou will receive a very special audio link of an interview withIhaleakala.The interviewer can't pronounce Ho'oponopono, but he asks somewonderful questions:o) and Ihaleakala gives some AMAZING Answers.ENJOY

Also we are offering several Christmas packages.

One example is this very special one that includes:

1. A copy of "The Easiest Way" book

2. A Ceeport pin with specialized graphic elements that willharmonize your natural rhythm. The pin activates when worn,allowing your travel experience to be jet lag proof.

3. AND a Ceeport label with the same special graphics configurationimpressed on a ¾" circular label. Special processes are used togive the configuration its ability to tune you into your naturalrhythm. Ceeports are activated when attached to the surface ofobjects. Great for computers and cell phones

Regular price for all three is normally $39.99 PLUS shippingNOW, $30.00 & NO shipping

And check out other Holiday specially priced offers atwww.businessbyyou.com/products including various combinations ofthese products:

Conference with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mabel Katz at the Loveand Understanding Institute In this conference, Mabel shares howto resolve problems in an easy way and Dr. Ihaleakalá reminds uswho we are and gives us a powerful process to CLEAN with ourrelationship with money. Conference with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mabel KatzVery playful, FUN gathering where we learn the difference betweenresponsibility and blame, Who we are and how to build arelationship with the ONE who is closer than our own breath -translation by Mabel, where needed

The Easiest Way Audio Cd read beautifully by the author, Mabel Katz

That's it for now.More information to follow on the Prosperity Series in January.

We wish you a very Happy Holiday season We are CLEANING and know you are too.We Love you and we are so thankful that you are in our lives.

Learn more about Ho'oponopono http://www.hooponoponofortoday.comhttp://www.Hooponopono4All.comhttp://www.foraword.powerfulintentions.com/blog

Learn more about Mabel Katz and "The Easiest Way" http://www.mabelkatz.comhttp://www.hooponoponoisbeyondthesecret.com

Learn more about Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len http://www.businessbyyou.com http://www.ceeports.com

Learn more about Joaniehttp://www.foraword.powerfulintentions.com

Join with others: http://www.powerfulintentions.com/forum/hooponopono5185 Wexford Run Road, Wexford, PA 15090, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:http://www.aweber.com/z/r/?LKwMDOxMtCyMLIwcbBwstEa0TJxMTGwcTA==

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