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What if

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What if . . . What if at the beginning of time.

..some children playing in the woods came across a

majickal mirror-being. one whose countenance was

mirror. Hmm And WankanTanka Gave the mirror-being

the majick of reflecting Others intent back to the

sender. . . and Wankan Tanka told the mirror

people to blend into the twisted hairs and learn all

the good things of all the peoples.. . what a

wonderful task! Of course we will! And tell stories,

and make people laugh, and make people think.

. How marvelous! Yes, yes , we will! " they said.

the Mirror being cannot control this effect, and is

put on Great Grand Mother Earth to enhance the

wonderful things which are on the planet. to remind

people their wonderful heritage, and reflect to all

those on the planet all the Love that is in them and

being sent to them by Great Spirit. the Mirror will

Reflect Happiness, Joy, Bliss, Family, Fun, Health.

And all the blessings which a harmonious, wonderful

Love filled Earth Possesses!The mirror Loves its

job!what a marvelous job. And through the eons, All

descendants of the Mirror also brought to Great Grand

Mother Earth and her inhabitants the wonderful

ability to receive blessings, immediately because of

how lovingly and wonderfully they treated

one-another.then over time, something happened. .. .

a visitor came to The Planet .. .a stranger with

strange ways. ..not like us This stranger brought

selfishness and distrust. ...through this visitor.

....a selfish and manipulative Being, the inhabitants

were tricked into negative thoughts and negative

behavior.shame on him! we were so happy!The Peoples of

Great Grand Mother Earth, the yellow people, the red

people, the black people and the white people as well


the metits. . .the mixed blood they all were

effected by this Being. So when the Happy Mirror

People, went from camp to camp, from tribe to tribe,

they brought with them the stories of the twisted

hair,they brought with them the teachings of 1,000

medicine wheels to share with who so ever was

ready.and of course, because they were mirror people

they always reflected back. Such it was, and such it

is. . since always and until always this is the

case.Some Twisted-hair are not mirrors, but a mirror

person is always a twisted-hair.After the change of

attitude among our peoples and after the change of

heart, the mirror people still traveled, but

sometimes, rather than be happy and listen to the

stories and teachings, people dis- respected the

mirror people.Only a few at first, but unfortunately

what was sent out, is what is reflected backyou see.

.. . a mirror is only a mirror, it cannot choose what

energy is reflected, it just " IS " what ever it is.Then

someone decided that a mirror was selfish and greedy,

and unfortunately, the mirror reflected back to them

selfishness and greed.Someone sent the Sunlight

through a Crystal person to hurt the mirror because

they did not like the reflection. .. did not like the

reflection of themselves. . .But

the mirror person did not know of this. it is only a

mirrorand the person who sent the condensed sunlight

through the crystal person that sender-person got

burned badly, and the friends of the crystal holder

decided that the mirror is badThey sent much negative

energy at the mirror, and the mirror was surprised,

where did the smiles go?Where did the laughter go? Why

are they up-set at me?You see the mirror had no choice

like all things it must be what it is . . such is

the way of Great Spirit.The mirror had no " intent " of

this or of that, it only goes from place to place

reflecting to those around it.After many, many years,

the lineage of

the Mirror People started knowing when someone sent

negative or positive energy.And some mirror people

studied the wheels andkeys in order to protect

themselves from negative energy, and even more so . .

.. . to bring light and happiness back into the

worldThe story is true and I hope you perceive it as

such and enjoy it! Blessings and Abundance

Phoenix Rising

Spiritual freedom is my birthright.

I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mental

prejudices and stereotypes of others.

I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulate

me or deceive me.

I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love.

Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritual




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