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Fw: SunToads Health News 293. A few web sites dedicated to genuine health

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A dear friend sent me the info below. Blessings, Joy

http://www.ojibwatea.com/products.htm Descriptions of no nonsense products.















http://www..com/shop_us/index.php?lang=en & javascript_enabled=true & PEPPERSESS=c3dc192c2102293e2ee274c188aa4592 Dr Hulda











http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/ Dr Blaylock

http://www.osteomed2.com/Sherri.html Dr Sherri J Tenpenny

http://www.drday.com/ Dr Lorraine Day

http://articles.mercola.com/home.aspx Dr Mercola






http://www.aquarain.com/ gravity fed water filters

http://www.sfherb.com/ herbs, spices, botanicals, more

http://www.realsalt.com/ salt, contaminant-free

http://waltonfeed.com/ food

http://www.otda.state.ny.us/main/ddd/claimant/SSA-3368-BK.pdf The disability application form that Social Security/SSI uses. Very hard to find. They don't want you to study it in its entirety.

http://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/index.htm This is the guide for determining criteria used to win disability cases with Social Security/SSI. It is primarily used by attorneys and physicians. You can use it too.




http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi News. About half the article are essentially true in our opinion. To avoid being killed, we think site owners must capitulate to the scum that run the planet.

http://www.rense.com/ Ditto (as above).

http://proliberty.com/observer/ News. Excellent health section.


http://www.shopworldkitchen.com/index.asp?pageid=240 & b=15 Glass stovetop cookware. Very safe.


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