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quince, golden apple

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Alternative medicine: Quince Thu, 06 Dec 2007 16:37:44 By Khashayar, MD., Press TV, Tehran

Quince known as golden apple has long been used as an herbal medicine to treat sore throats, inflammation, diarrhea and hemorrhaging. Botanical: Pyrus cydonia (LINN.) Family: N.O. ceae Synonym: Cydonia vulgaris (PERS.), Golden apples. Habitat: Quince is a fruit resembling pears which was first cultivated in the Middle East; it is a native of Persia, Anatolia and Greece. Description: Quince is a 5-8 meter high tree, related to apples and pears. The unripe fruit is green, with dense grey-white pubescence. It becomes bright golden yellow when ripe. The fruits are so fragrant that a single fruit can fill a room with its rich fruity scent. Part Used Medicinally: Seeds, fruit. Constituents:

The cotyledons contain about 15 percent fixed oil and protein, with small proportions of amygdalin. The chief constituent of the seed is mucilage. The fruit pulp contains 3 to 3.5 percent malic acid. Medicinal Uses: Quince is tonic, diuretic and constive. Smelling the ripe fruit is good for cardiovascular health. The soaked or boiled seeds release mucilage and make a jelly-like consistency, which is used to treat sore throats. It is effective in treating intestinal and stomach inflammations. The bark is used as an astringent for ulcers. Large quantities of quince decoction are good in dysentery, diarrhea and gonorrhea and are used in thrush and irritable conditions of the mucous membrane. Caution: Eating the unripe fruit may result in indigestion and constipation. Its overdose can result in abdominal cramps. PKH/HGH

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