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January 5, 2008







At the turning of the year, my thoughts, like those of many people, turn to the lessons learned during the year past and the potential for the year to come. We have accomplished great things in 2007, learned a tremendous amount and, through that process, have defined our goals and objectives for 2008.

Sometimes a critical piece of the puzzle in that process comes from a drection you least expect. That's exactly what happened when gave us his gift. I would like to share it with you.

The background: General Stubblebine and I are in Northern Thailand working out what we hope will be a powerful strategic alliance for the Natural Solutions Foundation's International Decade of Nutrition with an excellent Thai NGO (Non Governmental Organization). NGOs are the defining strenght of what is often called "civil society" and Natural Solutions Foundation is a potent force in the NGO world.

We are staying at a facility with home-grown organic food served buffet style in a lovely, open dining pavillion. Meals are taken at family-style tables so you meet, and talk to, lots of people during the course of your stay.

Waiting to get some purified water, I met who, in the first few minutes of introductory chit chat told me that he knew the secret of happiness. Of course I wanted to know what it is and he was kind enough to tell me. Here is what he said:

"Everyone has love inside themselves. The secret of happiness is taking the love that is inside and letting it out by making the world a better place. Taking action to make the world a better place changes you, your world and builds bonds and community which we all need to be happy. By taking action at the level of civil society, we become part of it in a way that allows us to be happy and help to make others happy. Governments respond to grass roots pressure so the leadership is really bottom up if we are taking our responsibility seriously and making ourselves happy at the same time! When we act for the good of others, we act for the good of ourselves and we know that we are a part of the whole in a way that is essential to our happiness."

What a beautiful thought for the start of a year full of opportunities to act for the good of the whole and of ourselves! This is a declaration of the second best reason I can think of for vigorous health freedom activism. The first, of course, is to protect our very lives and those of the people we care about from the medical threats and loss of medical freedoms that we depend upon for our health and survival. Both are necessary for happiness since illness, induced for profit or other motivations, is the destroyer of happiness.

So "Thank you, " for your apt and important gift to set the stage for powerful public action to maintain and expand health and health freedom around the world in 2008.

Natural Solutions Foundation congratulates EarthSafe Foundation of Thailand on the release of its first commercial product: tangerines grown in Tailand by organic means through cooperation with farmers in taking them from chemical growing to chemical free, certified organic growing methods. Farmers in the Northern part of Thailand are being given the support they need to convert to safe - EarthSafe - means of food production.

What's Ahead in 2008 for Health Freedom

Health Freedom is complex and will be attacked on many fronts during 2008. We will defend it on all those fronts with your strong and continued help and support. That support, of course, comes in the form of YOU --

1. Taking the action steps we provide to let the powers that be know that we are alert and awake, actively defending our health and rights

2. Vigorous dissemination of information to your contacts, both personal and professional, patients, suppliers, friends, communities and email lists. Helping those contacts to sign up for the Health Freedom eAlerts is a great way to get them involved. You can ask them if you can sign them up and then do it if they say it is OK.

3. Joining our specialized Groups forums such as our No-Forced-Vaccination forum, where health freedom advocates can coordinate a national campaign to finally end all compulsory vaccinations.

Join here:


If you are in the NYC area, Gen. Stubblebine and I have a long lay-over at JFK airport (on our way to Africa for a Codex meeting) and expect to have a brunch/lunch meeting with NFV forum members. Email me at dr.laibow@... with "JFK Meeting" in the subject line; we'll also post details on the forum.

We've also formed the NSF Heroes Forum and will be inviting our most active health and freedom advocates to join that special forum, to help us develop the tactics needed to implement our stratigic vision. If you want to be invited to the Heroes Forum, please email me at dr.laibow@... and put "HEROES" in the subject line.

4. Continuing financial support (and thank you for your generous donations in 2007!) to cover the costs of our current campaigns, attend Codex meetings, educate Congress, make a major documentary on Health Freedom and the Codex Agenda and allow us to initiate responses as needed to the curve balls that you can be sure Big Pharma and its friends in the US Governement and Codex are sure to throw at us. All donations are tax deductible, of course. Recurring donations are of incredible importance to us, as are matching grants! This is your battle and we are fighting it together.


5. Become an organizer in your circle of influence or your local community. Spread the word! Growing our eAlert email list is one powerful step we can take to make our voices heard. Let us know that you are interested and we will help you with materials, ideas and support. Send us an email at dr.laibow@... with "ORGANIZE" to help you get started. My assistant Kathy Greene will get back to you with more information.

Your Skin

There is one basic issue common to all areas of health freedom: Whose power and authority determine what can - or cannot- go into your body?

The Natural Soluitions Foundation says that your skin is the boundary at which the power of governments, companies, international commissions, laws and regulations stops. What you want to put into your body, whether natural or drugs, whether clean food or GM, pesticide tainted food, is your business. What you want injected into your body - or not - is your right to decide, and no one else's. Period. It is really that simple.

When we look at all of the many individual health freedom issues and try to find the underlying theme that binds them all together, one thread emerges as the single most important theme: Your right to determine what to do with your body and your health care. Governments, industries and multinational bodies like Codex want to control what goes past your skin.

We asked you in a questionnaire a while ago what your priorities were and you told us. It was amazing and quite gratifying to learn that we were so clearly on the same wavelength. You told us that your priorities start with eliminating the theat of compulsory vaccination and drugging and Codex. Next is making sure that you have continued acces to high potency nutrients and unhampered access to accurate scientific and clinical information on what they can do for you (strongly opposed by Codex and the FDA).

Next in line is keeping the food supply safe: you don't want your food irradiated (as the FDA, along with Codex now wants to require for green leafy veggies as well as almonds); you don't want to eat unlabled food that has been genetically modified (the FDA prohibits telling you that your food contains GM ingredients), you don't want your food filled with poisons and pesticides and veterinary drugs; you want to preserve and protect organic standards instread of allowing them to follow the Codex "standards" which are so degraded as to be meaningless.

You want the right to seek and use natural health options without you - or them - being criminalized (as Codex and the US government, along with the EU, Australia, etc., are already in the process of doing). And you want companie providing good natural products and doctors and other health practitioners who are practicing good health care to be free from absurd and abusive attacks by the FDA with their dogs and axes and rifles!

In short, we want the Constitution of the US Government applied to your right to make your own health care decisions. You have the right to learn the truth, to decide what is your truth, and to act on that truth to protect the health of yourself and those you care about.

I know that the wonderful, generous health and freedom advocates who receive this eAlert already understand that Freedom is not Free -- we can only do this work of advocating for your health and freedom if you give us the financial support we need to make your voice heard. Please give generously. Every month we need to meet basic office expenses and the expenses associated with the computer platform that lets you get those all-important messages to FDA, Congress and state legislators. Please continue your generous support by clicking here, right now: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation



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Ask the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex Alimentarius


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PS - our counsel Ralph Fucetola JD tells us the Vaccination eHandbook is coming along very well and should be ready for you all in a couple weeks.

To unsubscribe from this Health Freedom Action Alert, click on the link below and enter your email address: http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/healthfreedomusa/unsubscribe.jsp

Fax your comments at http://tinyurl.com/24mrn8






Support H. R. 2117 at http://tinyurl.com/yvm8tr






Make your donation to cover the cost of faxing and the cost of the health

freedom campaign at http://www.healthfree





Order "Nutricide: the DVD" at






Order the Codex eBook at http://www.healthfree





Shop at our online store www.Organics4U.org

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