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Fw: ~*01Angels*~ Your Angel Card for this Week

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FLEXIBILITY This card often demands that you know your own limits. Set healthy, protective boundaries for yourself and work within them to the fullest. Do not allow yourself to be pushed past what is acceptable for your greatest and highest good. Be pliable, bend easily in a healthy way, but do not go to extremes. Do not go beyond a balanced and healthy limit. Too much pressure causes damage. The energy is available for you to access the strengths and weaknesses in a situation and/or relationship. Are you giving too much of yourself to others? This is a time to consider how much is too much. Take steps to unburden your life. Life is what passes you by while you are busy doing something else. Flex your muscles. This is a good time to stretch your abilities or imagination to create changes. Be open to changes that often come rapidly. Adapt to the situation only if it feels right in your heart. If it does not, know what is right for you and proceed accordingly.

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REASSURANCE This card should restore confidence in yourself. A YES answer. Let go of doubts and fears. Proceed forward. Do not be distracted by well intending people. Your assurance must come from within. Only you know the correct action to take at this time. This card validates that the right action is occurring. Take the necessary steps to assure a positive outcome. Be sure that your directions and motives are clear then move forward in confidence. You are supported. Look closely at what may appear to be bold presumptuous. Pledge your faith only after careful consideration. Delays now may be appropriate. New opportunities will present themselves. Timing is important. Perhaps someone around you needs reassurance, or validation at this time. Find a friend and give them a big bear hug. There's incredible healing power in the human touch. You'll both feel great!!

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thanks Nancie,

I needed that!


--- Nancie Barnett <deifspirit@...> wrote:

> xo

> nancie






> This card should restore confidence in yourself. A

> YES answer. Let go

> of doubts and fears. Proceed forward. Do not be

> distracted by well

> intending people. Your assurance must come from

> within. Only you know

> the correct action to take at this time. This card

> validates that the

> right action is occurring. Take the necessary steps

> to assure a

> positive outcome. Be sure that your directions and

> motives are clear

> then move forward in confidence. You are supported.

> Look closely at

> what may appear to be bold presumptuous. Pledge your

> faith only after

> careful consideration. Delays now may be

> appropriate. New opportunities

> will present themselves. Timing is important.

> Perhaps someone around

> you needs reassurance, or validation at this time.

> Find a friend and

> give them a big bear hug. There's incredible healing

> power in the human

> touch. You'll both feel great!!







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SPIRITUALITY We are all one in spirit and we are not alone. Tap into that unlimited Universal energy that is always available. Get in touch with your higher consciousness. Look beyond what is physically in front of you and call on the higher powers: Beings of Light, Angels, God, Spirit. Incredible energy is available. Remember to ask. Renew the spirit within you. Refine your thoughts and feelings. Elevated your thinking above the mundane and don't be dragged down by life's challenges. This is a perfect time to make order out of chaos. Let the spirit move you. What is your true essence craving? Tap into the divine energy and renew your quest. Much growth can be gained at this time. Realize your full potential as a spiritual being. If God is all things, that what is life is not spiritual? A balance between spirituality and humanness is needed on this earthly journey. Be true to your beliefs but be open and do not judge other for theirs. It's a big world and there is room for us all. You can afford to be kind. Being different should not be a threat. Allow others to be who they are. Honor what you truly feel. What you can dream, you can make real.

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Excellent! It's Truth and Wisdom. Thank you for sharing Nancie. Lots of Love, Joy

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:00 AM

Subject: [ ] Fw: ~*01Angels*~ Your Angel Card for this Week



SPIRITUALITY We are all one in spirit and we are not alone. Tap into that unlimited Universal energy that is always available. Get in touch with your higher consciousness. Look beyond what is physically in front of you and call on the higher powers: Beings of Light, Angels, God, Spirit. Incredible energy is available. Remember to ask. Renew the spirit within you. Refine your thoughts and feelings. Elevated your thinking above the mundane and don't be dragged down by life's challenges. This is a perfect time to make order out of chaos. Let the spirit move you. What is your true essence craving? Tap into the divine energy and renew your quest. Much growth can be gained at this time. Realize your full potential as a spiritual being. If God is all things, that what is life is not spiritual? A balance between spirituality and humanness is needed on this earthly journey. Be true to your beliefs but be open and do not judge other for theirs. It's a big world and there is room for us all. You can afford to be kind. Being different should not be a threat. Allow others to be who they are. Honor what you truly feel. What you can dream, you can make real.

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The "Blank" card It is a clear reminder that you can have it all!! Do not put limits or restrictions on yourself or your issues. Know that you have at your fingertips all that is. You are limitless. Can you really see yourself as limitless or does the idea of so much power intimidate you? There is a grander plan in action here. A chance for unbounded, unconditional possibilities. Remove your self-inflicted restrictions and prepare the way for great things to come. It is your chance to fly. Intense energies and time of expansion are at hand. Stretch your imagination. Use this time wisely. Align with your higher self, smooth sailing ahead. Just get out of your own way. Write your own ticket. Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. This is a card of absolutely everything. Within its emptiness it is free from imperfections. A time to realize boundless dreams. _______________________________________________Join Excite! - http://www.excite.comThe most personalized portal on the Web!

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RELEASE Prepare for a new lease on life! Feel free to grow and stretch toward your fullest potential. Let go of the past and move forward. Time for change. Let go of old habits. Time to be free of a confining attitude, situation or relationship. Re-evaluate your choices. Re-negotiate. A release in energy prevents you from having to repeat the same lessons over and over again. It enables you to be in the divine flow once again. Let go of control and risk the release. What is the worst that can happen? The tighter you hold on, the harder the opposing forces pull in the opposite direction. The only way to hold on is to let go. Letting go gives you a second chance. Rel-"ease" does not have to be difficult. It is usually fear that makes us cling so difficult. Facing the fear can often be a release in itself. By not forcing an issue, you may loosen up the energy and prevent blockages or setbacks. Allow the energy to flow. Give people the gift of allowing them their own experience. Trying to protect them can often do more harm than good.

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GRACE Know that the right and proper actions are occurring for a higher purpose. Divine order is in action and what is happening is appropriate. Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Take positive action. You are divinely protected and temporarily exempt from harm. A good time to move right through a situation. Divine intervention is a hand gently guiding you into the right place at the right time. You've won the "race". You hold the "ace" within the grace card. Often, when you draw this card it signifies your need to honor the dignity of others and not try to rescue them. Call on the Angels or guides for spiritual help. With this favorable card you get an extra blessing. It surrounds you in fortunate, lucky, protective energy. A most favorable time to manifest virtuous projective energy. A most favorable time to manifest virtuous projects of Divine origin.

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AIR This card can often be a plain and simple reminder to give yourself the time to take in the breath of life. Stop an smell the roses. Breathe to clear your mind and give yourself a delightful sense of well-being. Air is the breath of the Spirit. It breathes the life force into your body. When this card appears it can mean it is time to stop and be aware. Take time to consciously breathe. A good deep breath can give you the courage and strength to go forward. Consciously breathe deeply to feed oxygen to you cells for rejuvenation and renewal. Breathe deeply, allowing the air to flow through you breathe cleansing and clearing any blockages. Air is the medium through which signals and broadcasts reach an audience. Allow creative thought forms to flow, expose them to air, encourage them out into the open. Perhaps you should become more aware of Spirit's vibrations. Are you listening? Do you need to "lighten up"? Are you taking yourself and your life too seriously? Do you need to give yourself some space? Are you too "air fairy", flighty or spacey? Do you need to be more grounded? Take a deep breath and move forward; step out of confusion and into understanding. Leave the past behind and be in the now.

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