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Fw: NorthPoint Journal Jan 7 to 13, 2008

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I thought I would share this. It gave me hope for the coming year for good changes. Blessings and Love, Joy

Sunday, January 6, 2008

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

January 7 to 13, 2008

Note: If you have difficulty reading or copying the text of this issue, please visit the "Journal" page of my website: www.northpointastrology.com.

The first New Moon of 2008 occurs on Tuesday of this week. Since it is also the first New Moon in Capricorn since 12 months ago, in many ways this lunation marks the new year in astrological terms, even though numerologically we began our new year on the first of January.

Capricorn is known for being the goal-setter, which corresponds nicely with the tradition of becoming more purposeful around this time of year. And, since New Moons always correspond with beginnings, the Capricorn New Moon each year is a good time for setting goals that will take us through the next 12 months.

If you are one who benefits from ceremony, make time during the hours immediately following the exact New Moon (at 3:37 a.m. PST) to light a candle and set your intentions for the coming year.

The Sabian symbol for this important New Moon carries the keywords "Political Power," which is interesting in light of 2008 being a presidential election year in the United States. The symbol itself is:

"The Union Jack flag flies from a British warship; The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order."

Since Jupiter has already entered Capricorn, and Pluto will be joining the goat-herd on January 25, we are likely to see much emphasis over the coming year on the use of political and personal power, in both positive and negative forms.

Also highlighted, with Jupiter in Capricorn for the next 12 months, is the theme of ethics in government. Jupiter carries the weight of our common values and hopes into the realm of social structure. He will make any weakness in those foundations readily apparent, and supply opportunities for new partnership between vision and practice.

During Jupiter's last visit to Capricorn, in 1996, France agreed to ban nuclear testing, there was a breakout of "mad cow disease" in Great Britain, and South Africa got a new constitition. China agreed to a worldwide ban on atomic testing, and Prince and Princess filed for divorce. In the United States, congress passed a welfare reform bill, the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta experienced security breaches, and Madeleine Albright was appointed as the first female secretary of state.

Pluto's entry into Capricorn at the end of the month will take us more deeply into social change, and represents an even more profound global transition. Pluto will remain in the sign of the Seagoat until early 2024, giving us 16 years to process his lessons in social reform.

There are many forecasts floating about regarding Pluto's transit through Capricorn. Global warming and our response to the environment is high on the list, as are oil shortages and financial ups and downs.

All we know for sure is that Pluto represents Change, with a capital "C." Astrologer Austin writes that "Pluto represents the evolutionary imperative; its transits coincide with the eradication of whatever has outlived its purpose."

There are certainly aspects of our social structure in need of change, and we are primed in many ways to make major shifts. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, and Pluto's transit through Capricorn corresponds with the kinds of changes in government, legal and social structures that we would see if "time as we know it" were to change.

But Pluto journeys through Capricorn 12 years beyond 2012, leaving me to believe that while the world may look different in four or five years, the planet and we will still be here.

It is helpful to remember that we have experienced a Pluto transit of Capricorn before, and not only survived to tell the tale, but ultimately created new forms out of the changes that occurred. Pluto last entered Capricorn in November 1762, and remained until December 1778.

The history books call this the "Revolutionary Era" in America, a time that includes many important events leading up to the American declaration of independence in 1776. In addition, Boone was exploring the Kentucky territory (against direct orders from the king), expanding and changing the imagined borders of the New World. III of Spain sent priests to the west coast, establishing missions in California and beginning settlements there.

Old paradigms were challenged, and those that were found wanting eventually fell aside, making room for the new.

As we embark on this important month and this important year, we are guided and challenged to set our sights high -- and to be willing to discard the elements of the past that are ready to be released. Certain structures may have "outlived their usefulness," or it may just be clear that it's time for an infusion of new energy. Complete "eradication" may be needed in some situtions, and in others we will be able to make the shifts without burning all bridges as they appear behind us.

Either way, the mountain is before us, and we are already well along in our climb to new heights.



Highlighted Aspects for This Week

Monday: Mercury enters Aquarius; Tuesday: New Moon 3:37am PST, Uranus semisquare Mercury; Thursday: Chiron sextile Venus; Saturday: Neptune semisquare Jupiter, Uranus square Venus, Saturn inconjunct Mercury; Sunday: Saturn sesquisquare Sun, Saturn quintile Mars

About the Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. The information contained in the Journal is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by factors at work with your personal chart.

If you have comments or questions about this Journal, or are interested in a personal astrology reading, e-mail pam@... or call 425-445-3775.


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