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Rosemary Herb

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Rosemary is one of my ol' time favorite herbs. I have a large bush in

front of my home, have it for almost 7 years now. When rosemary

blooms they give off little blue flowers that the bees enjoy.

I use rosemary on fish, and poultry mainly, as a spice, but it looks

like it more than just a spice.



Rosemary Herb and Oil Benefits


Rosemary (rosmarinus) is a Latin term meaning sea dew. It is a small

evergreen shrub found growing in Portugal, Mediterranean areas,

Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, and France. Today it can also be found

growing in many regions of North America as well. It is a woody-like

plant with rigid branches and a fissured bark. The leaves are needle-

like and dark green. It has flowers of a pale blue that contain

volatile oil. It thrives best in dry, warm soil with lots of light.

The leaf of the plant is used medicinally.

Rosemary is used in connection with digestive problems, circulatory

problems, pain, neuralgia, mild spasms, wounds, eczema, muscle pain,

sciatica, rheumatism and depression as well as parasites.

As an herbal medicine it may improve memory, relieve muscle pain, and

stimulate the circulatory and nervous systems. Topically, rosemary

can assist in relieving wounds.

It is used as an antispasmodic and diuretic to increasing urine

production and can stimulate menstrual blood flow.

It may be used with St. 's wart and ginkgo to improve cognitive

impairment, visual and speech difficulties associated with brain



Use as directed by a health care provider. Follow manufacturers

dosage guidelines.


Herbal remedies using Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

The use of herbal remedies, including the herb rosemary, classified

as Rosmarinus officinalis, are popular as an alternative to standard

Western allopathic medicine for a variety of problems, including

regulating blood pressure, depression and apathy as well as boosting

the health of the heart.

Rosmarinus officinalis is an effective remedy for various ailments,

and this natural holistic approach to health is becoming more and

more popular, but should NOT replace conventional medicine or

prescription drugs.

Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary is also known as Rosmarinus officinalis, and has certain

therapeutic properties and the reported benefits of using it

internally, in the form of a herbal tea (infusion) are listed below.

Rosemary is used for the following

Rosmarinus officinalis benefits:

regulating blood pressure


feeling of well-being

stimulates the circulation

boosting the health of the heart


tonic for the nerves


depression and apathy

migraines (associated with nervous tension)

Which part to use for rosemary herbal tea

The leaves are used for making the brew.

Making herbal tea

The standard way to make an infusion, unless otherwise specified, is

to pour a cup of boiling water over the material to be infused, let

it stand for 5 minutes, strain it, and drink it.

Fresh plant material

When the recipe refers to fresh plant material to be used, a 1/4 cup

fresh material is used, following the method above.

Dried material

When the recipe refers to using dried material, use 2 teaspoons of

material when making it.

Bark or seeds

Should the recipe call for bark or seeds to be used, use 2 teaspoons

of seeds or 1 tablespoon of bark.

Sweetening your infusion

You could sweeten your health drink with honey, should you so

require, and a dash of fresh lemon juice may also enhance the taste.

General warning when using herbal infusions

Only use the herbal material if you are 100% sure that it really the

herb in question.

If you are ill or have any health concerns, consult your health


Do not continuously drink the same infusion. At maximum use for 10

days and then skip 5 days.

Only have one cup of herbal infusion per day, except during acute

periods - such as when you have a cold or flu, you can then have it

three times a day, but for a maximum of 4 days.

When you use herbal remedies, be aware that they can be extremely

powerful, and should you have any side effects when taking these

infusions, immediately stop using the herb and consult your health

practitioner right away.

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