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Re: Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux

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Just off the top of my head, this could be many, many different

things. " Stomach flu " could be gallbladder attacks, for instance. I

used to get a lot of intestinal upsets, and finally realized it was

mild gallbladder symptoms. Since starting on GB remedies, the

intestinal symptoms have cleared up. One time when I had severe N & V

& D etc. I went to a local healing wizard who cured it in one hour, and

told me it was from pancreatic flukes (!). So parasites can sometimes

cause these symptoms.

The reflux could be from many things, too--hiatal hernia, for instance.

And what does your friend eat? Could be a major factor. He could have

pathogens established in his intestines--candida or others. Might need

probiotics and a diet that discourages pathogens.

There are too many possibilities to figure out long-distance,



-- In , Dilworth

<rogerdil@...> wrote:


> Okay, another one of these " someone I know has a health problem " that

I'm not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid

reflux for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus. " (By

the way, stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but

needless to say his stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other

than " stay away from soda and coffee, " I didn't have much advice to

offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.




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Hi Judith, I had gotten him to take probiotics about a year ago and he said they were effective. He even admits that he had stopped taking them, which probably contributed to his recent problems. So that one's a no-brainer for him. He also had some kind of trouble with his liver before, but I'm not sure what specific condition he had. So I wouldn't doubt that he has some kind of gallbladder symptoms. His diet isn't that great. Soda, coffee, fried chicken, cold cut sandwiches, pizza, burgers, from what I can tell. Plus, he's had a lot of stress lately. Good advise on the parasites/candida too; I bet a lot of people have these problems, especially people with poor diets. (I think most if not all people have parasite problems.) Thanks for your suggestions. Judith <howdeeeyall@...>

wrote: Just off the top of my head, this could be many, many different things. "Stomach flu" could be gallbladder attacks, for instance. I used to get a lot of intestinal upsets, and finally realized it was mild gallbladder symptoms. Since starting on GB remedies, the intestinal symptoms have cleared up. One time when I had severe N & V & D etc. I went to a local healing wizard who cured it in one hour, and told me it was from pancreatic flukes (!). So parasites can sometimes cause these symptoms. The reflux could

be from many things, too--hiatal hernia, for instance.And what does your friend eat? Could be a major factor. He could have pathogens established in his intestines--candida or others. Might need probiotics and a diet that discourages pathogens. There are too many possibilities to figure out long-distance, probably. Judith-- .

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Tell him to try a little apple cider vinegar in some water right after a meal. Most acid reflux is the result of too little acid. If that doesn't work, he really does have too much acid and could then just use a little baking soda after meals to neitralize the acid.

-- [ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux

Okay, another one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Hi :

The body has muscles that are controlled automatically, and the muscle that is meant to close off the stomach to stop acid rising too far is one of them. Sodium is required for those muscles to work properly. People who are low in sodium - perhaps through having cut back on their salt intake too far can have two problems develop: 1) - not enough chlorine for the body to produce enough HCl (stomach) acid, and 2) - not enough sodium for the muscle's needs.

Dr Batmanghelidj's books explain this.

When I increased my salt intake (several years ago) I stopped having acid reflux.


[ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux

Okay, another one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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I have found Betaine Hydrochloric Acid to be helpful available at Health Stores. I would take one with meals and had no problems. Then I decided I would try 2 capsules and my stomach felt like it was on fire. Apparently this is how you can tell if you take too much. I went back to 1 capsule and I was fine. Helensusan <ssiegel5@...> wrote: Tell him to try a little apple cider vinegar in some water right after a meal. Most acid reflux is the result of too little acid. If that doesn't work, he really does have too much acid and could then just use a little baking soda after meals to neitralize the acid. -- [ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux Okay, another one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks. You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain Make $$$$s! www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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At 09:25 AM 9/04/2008, helen/zhebee wrote: " I have

found Betaine Hydrochloric Acid to be helpful...I would take one with

meals and had no problems. Then I decided I would try 2 capsules and my

stomach felt like it was on fire. "

I experimented with one because I had so many suggestions that it would

help me but just that one put me in terrible stomach pain for

hours. The stomach is where I often react to things first.


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In that case, you should definitely not use Betaine HCl. I don't think you should take Baking Soda either during or after a meal. I tried that once and it actually upset my stomach which I think was because the food could not digest since the baking soda had neutralize the stomach acids. It is ok to take baking soda on an empty stomach like one hour before meals or 2 hours after meals because it helps to alkalize your body and increases your pH. Do you test for your

pH? Do you know how to do that? More importantly, do you want to know how to do that? Do you drink soda pop? Do you eat raw fruits and vegetables? How do they affect you? If you can tolerate them, they are best for your health because almost all of them are alkaline forming. Don't be surprised if some of your other problems disappear. The organic ones are especially good for you. They also contain enzymes. Enzymes are destroyed when heated over 115 degrees F so raw is important. I've had people tell me how they felt better after being on raw foods. All raw foods are good for you but some of the best are the green ones. Raw spinach is one of the most alkaline- forming foods and it tastes good when eaten raw. I use raw spinach in sandwiches in place of lettuce and in most salads. I remember a number of years ago I went to a restaurant and I decided I would eat healthy for a change so I had a big raw spinach salad. When I got home about an hour after finishing the salad, I went to the bathroom and water just gushed out of my intestines. There was no pain and it didn't last. I've never had anything like that happen before or since. I guess it was cleansing me or something. You might want to keep this in mind if you try a spinach salad. If going to the bathroom would not be a problem, it would be a good thing to let that happen. If you began eating spinach often, your body would get used to it and the water would not continue. Helen Leithal Dame <leithaldame@...> wrote: At 09:25 AM 9/04/2008, helen/zhebee wrote: "I have found Betaine Hydrochloric Acid to be helpful...I would take one with meals and had no problems. Then I decided I would try 2 capsules and my stomach felt like it was on fire."I experimented with one because I had so many suggestions that it would help me but just that one put me in terrible stomach pain for hours. The stomach is where I often react to things first.LD

Total Body Cleanse! Acid Reflux? Constipation? More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain Make $$$$s! www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee Helen, Ind Rep for HTC 604-420-1544

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My son had big time stomach issues and this is what helped him overcome it:Aloe vera GEL (not liquid) around 2oz taken before every mealSalt/Vit C  1-2 tsps to 5-10 grams per day together in juice (divided doses - I added some K+ too)Classical homeopathy Avoid ALL drugs including OTC, ween off as it becomes possible to do soAll of the components were equally important.Best regards,LydiaOn Apr 9, 2008, at 4:43 AM, helen/zhebee wrote: In that case, you should definitely not use Betaine HCl. I don't think you should take Baking Soda either duringor after a meal.  I tried that once and it actually upsetmy stomach which I think was because the food couldnot digest since the baking soda had neutralize thestomach acids.  It is ok to take baking soda on an empty stomach likeone hour before meals or 2 hours after meals becauseit helps to alkalize your body and increases your pH.Do you test for your pH?  Do you know how to dothat?  More importantly, do you want to know howto do that? Do you drink soda pop?  Do you eat raw fruits and vegetables?  How do they affectyou?  If you can tolerate them, they are best for yourhealth because almost all of them are alkaline forming.Don't be surprised if some of your other problems disappear. The organic ones are especially good for you.  They alsocontain enzymes.  Enzymes are destroyed when heatedover 115 degrees F so raw is important.  I've had peopletell me how they felt better after being on raw foods. Allraw foods are good for you but some of the best are thegreen ones.  Raw spinach is one of the most alkaline-forming foods and it tastes good when eaten raw.  I useraw spinach in sandwiches in place of lettuce and in mostsalads. I remember a number of years ago I went to a restaurantand I decided I would eat healthy for a change  so I hada big raw spinach salad.  When I got home about an hourafter finishing the salad, I went to the bathroom andwater just gushed out of my intestines.  There was nopain and it didn't last.  I've never had anything like thathappen before or since.  I guess it was cleansing me orsomething.  You might want to keep this in mind if youtry a spinach salad.  If going to the bathroom wouldnot be a problem, it would be a good thing to let thathappen.  If you began eating spinach often, your bodywould get used to it and the water would not continue. HelenLeithal Dame <leithaldameoptusnet.au> wrote:At 09:25 AM 9/04/2008, helen/zhebee wrote: "I have found Betaine Hydrochloric Acid to be helpful...I would take one with meals and had no problems. Then I decided I would try 2 capsules and my stomach felt like it was on fire."I experimented with one because I had so many suggestions that it would help me but just that one put me in terrible stomach pain for hours.  The stomach is where I often react to things first.LD Total Body Cleanse!  Acid Reflux?  Constipation?More Energy..Look younger..ImproveLungs/Brain     Make $$$$s!   www.holyteaclub.com/zhebee          Helen, Ind Rep for HTC  604-420-1544 

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Thanks , I've forwarded this suggestion to my friend. Thanks Phil, Helen and LD as well, I've also forwarded your suggestions.susan <ssiegel5@...> wrote: Tell him to try a little apple cider vinegar in some water right after a meal. Most acid reflux is the result of too

little acid. If that doesn't work, he really does have too much acid and could then just use a little baking soda after meals to neitralize the acid. -- [ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux Okay, another one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks. You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. __________________________________________________

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9/04/2008, you wrote:

" In that case, you should

definitely not use Betaine HCl. "

I wasn't planning to. I just shared my experience for the benefit

of others. My experience was some time back when someone thought my

health issues could be helped by digestive aids. I forgot to

mention that I'd taken them prior to that without the stomach pain

response so it could have been a combination of things while I was taking

the MMS.

" I don't think you should take

Baking Soda either during or after a meal. "

No, I haven't gotten around to testing for pH for various reasons

which I won't go into here and I figure my pH is low or I wouldn't be

dealing with all that I am. I used to have a reflux but it isn't an

issue since I changed my diet to low carb about 10 years ago.

I don't drink soft drinks as a matter of course but I've had a glass now

and again over the years. Nowhere near enough to be an


I was dx'd with FMS while I was vegetarian, following the hygienic diet

and eating mixed raw vegies every day along with taking mega vitamins and

vegie broths, etc. I was on an excellent diet. I still only

ever eat fruit away from other foods. I only eat strawberries and

cantaloupe as I eat low carb these days. I have been ill all my

life with one thing or another but not enough to keep me down for long

prior to menopause.

In my research I discovered that not everyone can digest and thus

reap the benefits of nutrients in raw vegies thus I choose to eat them

lightly steamed. I've never eaten raw spinach though but I will

give it a try. I don't eat bread as most of it is too high in


I have taken enzymes as drops and they didn't impact on my condition at

all so, having to choose where I spend my money, I haven't taken them for

a while so I could take other things. I think I gave a list of what

I currently take and what I've experimented with in a previous message.

I've spoken to one of my contacts who runs and FMS group and she's

shifted the focus to iodine and many are having much success. She's

had Dr Flechas in to give talks and she's going to talk to him about my


Jo's comments about how one could be killing lots of bugs at one time and

less at another have made sense to me. I realise I was

unconsciously fixed on the idea that the response to a particular dose

should be the same until one raised the dose, thus my surprise when my

exacerbation ramped up further on the same dose and putting it down to

the iodine. I don't know why that thinking crept in because I

actually know that's not the case. I'm now keen to experiment with

the iodine without the MMS 'muddying the waters'. Not to say that

some of the symptom exacerbation didn't also match excretion of

halides. I'm not thinking that iodine will completely eradicate my

need to continue with MMS as I don't know that. Some others who

have taken iodine have also moved on to MMS so obviously they haven't

found it to be a complete answer.

Thanks Helen. ........LD

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I started going up too quickly at first, got really really sick a couple

times, each time backing down a drop or two. And then starting back up

the ladder too quickly. I finally decided that being able to keep going

even on a lower dosage was better than charging ahead. I have an adult

special needs son to care for, and have other physical problems to deal

with myself, and can't get myself " too " sick on the way to being well.

I understand herxing, have been using cs for years now, and went through

the herxing, and go through it again whenever there is a new something I

am addressing with the cs. But the mms is reaching things the cs never

did. At any rate, I backed down from 12 drops (after sitting there a

few days after having gotten severely ill at 13) to just 4, and am only

going up one drop a week. And to my surprise, am having significant

herxing again - not the kind that lays me out flat (other than when in

bathroom) like at the higher doses, but significant nevertheless. I

think it is allowing my body to actually be able to deal with the toxins

more effectively. I get a little nauseous and " woozy " and loose stools,

but not the constant urgency and inability to stand up that I was

getting at the higher doses. My first impulse was that the severity of

my reactions meant that was how much I needed it, and needed to keep

pushing. But after " listening " to my body more closely and relaxing my

" have to " ... feel a much better rhythm with what I'm doing now. I

wasn't sure I'd have any herx reactions at this lower slower pace, and

was surprised at how much I am still experiencing. But it seems really

important to me now to be allowing my body to proceed with this healing

journey in a way that does not totally disable it/me along the way. I

have a sense I was overwhelming my body with the toxins, in a way I

couldn't really eliminate successfully, and may have been doing as much

harm as good. If I had an immediate life threatening illness, I might

have been more likely to keep pushing regardless, doing whatever I could

to help my body with eliminating the toxins. But at the current pace it

feels like my body is able to keep making progress without overloading

my system. So I'm creeping on, slowly but surely. Cheering for the

turtle (reference to the children's story, turtle and the hare)... Sara

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Tray a mouthful of colloidal silver every couple of (waking) hours for 2-4

days. Swish the silver around in the mouth for a few minutes before

swallowing. Seems to help a number of symptoms.

Cheers, Doug

[ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux

> Okay, another one of these " someone I know has a health problem " that I'm

> not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux

> for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus. " (By the way,

> stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his

> stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than " stay away from soda and

> coffee, " I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.





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Thanks, Doug, I'll pass this info on. Murray <doublaswalter@...> wrote: Tray a mouthful of colloidal silver every couple of (waking) hours for 2-4 days. Swish the silver around in the mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. Seems to help a number of symptoms.Cheers, Doug [ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux> Okay, another one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm > not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux > for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, > stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his > stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and > coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.>>>>> ---------------------------------> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster > Total Access, No Cost.

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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From another list I understand the ACS200 is the best silver on the market right now. Only passing on what I've heard. It's nano particles so gets in where others may not. Dilworth <rogerdil@...> wrote: Thanks, Doug, I'll pass this info on. Murray <doublaswalternetvigator> wrote: Tray a mouthful of colloidal silver every couple of (waking) hours for 2-4 days. Swish the

silver around in the mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. Seems to help a number of symptoms.Cheers, Doug [ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux> Okay, another one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm > not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux > for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, > stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his > stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and > coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions?

Thanks.>>>>> ---------------------------------> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster > Total Access, No Cost. between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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Thanks Edy. Is that the one discussed on InntheGardenn? Since I order from iHerb a lot, I was thinking of getting the Sovereign Silver, Colloidal Silver Hydrosol Dropper-Top, 10 ppm, but if ACS200 is that much better, I'd consider it.Edy Rayfield <edyrayfield@...> wrote: From another list I understand the ACS200 is the best silver on the market right now. Only passing on what I've heard. It's nano particles so gets in where others may not. Dilworth

<rogerdil > wrote: Thanks, Doug, I'll pass this info on. Murray <doublaswalternetvigator> wrote: Tray a mouthful of colloidal silver every couple of (waking) hours for 2-4 days. Swish the silver around in the mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. Seems to help a number of symptoms.Cheers, Doug [ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux> Okay, another

one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm > not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux > for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, > stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his > stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and > coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.>>>>> ---------------------------------> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster > Total Access, No Cost. between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I should clarify that I've been meaning to try colloidal silver myself - even though it's my friend who has the stomach flu/acid reflux. :) Dilworth <rogerdil@...> wrote: Thanks Edy. Is that the one discussed on InntheGardenn? Since I order from iHerb a lot, I was thinking of getting the Sovereign Silver, Colloidal Silver Hydrosol Dropper-Top, 10 ppm, but if ACS200 is that much better, I'd consider it.Edy Rayfield <edyrayfieldsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: From another list I understand the ACS200 is the best silver on the market right now. Only passing on what I've heard. It's nano particles so gets in where others may not. Dilworth <rogerdil > wrote: Thanks, Doug, I'll pass this info on. Murray <doublaswalternetvigator> wrote: Tray a mouthful of colloidal silver every couple of (waking) hours for 2-4 days. Swish the silver around in the mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. Seems to help a number of symptoms.Cheers, Doug [ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux> Okay, another one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm > not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux > for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, > stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his > stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and > coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.>>>>> ---------------------------------> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster

> Total Access, No Cost. between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I've been using it for a while now and it cleared up a sore throat so fast it surprised me. I also sprayed it on some tooth extraction spots and they healed very quickly. The folks that are using it are even talking about investing in the company as they feel it's going to replace the regular colloidal soon technologically. Since it's a spray you can apply it that way to anywhere you need. Some are spraying it in their sinuses with very good results for infection. Also from what I understand it's being applied to bandages for burns with very good results. I hear of parents that spray it in the mouths of their children when they leave the house for school. I believe it's the fact that it's nano particles that makes it more available to the body. Dilworth <rogerdil@...> wrote: Thanks Edy. Is that the one discussed on InntheGardenn? Since I order from iHerb a lot, I was thinking of getting the Sovereign Silver, Colloidal Silver Hydrosol Dropper-Top, 10 ppm, but if ACS200 is that much better, I'd consider it.Edy Rayfield <edyrayfieldsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: From another list I understand the ACS200 is the best silver on the market right now. Only passing on what I've heard. It's nano particles so gets in where others may not. Dilworth

<rogerdil > wrote: Thanks, Doug, I'll pass this info on. Murray <doublaswalternetvigator> wrote: Tray a mouthful of colloidal silver every couple of (waking) hours for 2-4 days. Swish the silver around in the mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. Seems to help a number of symptoms.Cheers, Doug [ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux> Okay, another

one of these "someone I know has a health problem" that I'm > not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux > for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus." (By the way, > stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say his > stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than "stay away from soda and > coffee," I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.>>>>> ---------------------------------> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster > Total Access, No Cost. between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

Mobile. Try it now.

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Make your own. It is much cheaper and probably just as effective.

Cheers, Doug

[ ] Stomach Flu/Acid Reflux


>> Okay, another one of these " someone I know has a health problem " that I'm

>> not sure how to advise him on. He says, " seem to get bad acid reflux

>> for several weeks after I get one of these stomach flus. " (By the way,

>> stomach flu and acid reflux are his own diagnoses, but needless to say

>> his

>> stomach is exhibiting bad symptoms.) Other than " stay away from soda and

>> coffee, " I didn't have much advice to offer. Any suggestions? Thanks.





>> ---------------------------------

>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster

>> Total Access, No Cost.





> between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99




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