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state fairs and home/garden shows

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Dr. Medlin:

I couldn't agree with you more regarding spinal screenings, at state

fairs, county fairs, home and garden shows, etc, etc. My wife and I

get so embarrassed at the doctors who set up their booth at these

shows because this is really no place for chiropractic, ever. I

know someone will reply that they are educating patients. NO, they

are embarrassing themselves. Especially when the second breath out

of their mouths are how superior their care is to all others, both

chiropractic and medical.

I have never done a health fair, state fair, or home and garden

show, during my private practice and have done very well. You don't

need the type of patient that will come to you from your special

offer, and you don't need that type of embarrassment for yourself or

your profession. When I witness one of these doctors in such an

inappropriate setting, I can't get out of there fast enough because

I always run in to several of my patients and/or friends that look

at the booth, then to me and a look of pity falls across their


Come on, we can build our practices the good old fashioned way with

hard work and good patient care. You don't need to give away free

care and a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken with each new patient

referred. This cheapens not only the doctor presenting this offer,

but the entire profession.

Just my two cents worth, if you are interested!!!

Grice, DC

Albany, OR

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I so agree with you Ron ... the screening mentality is so embarrassing .... I did it once and have, in 16 years, NEVER repeated it. I also run the othe way when I seem my compadres setting up or hawing or standing around looking foolish becasue no one is stopping. Not the way to me ... much more detrimental than promotional. My educational energies are spent at talks around town, 1 - 3 x week for usually about 1 1/2 hour sesssions. Not unusual for me to have people to have already called for an appointment by the time I get back to the office. It works wonderfully well.

my 2 cents.Sunny

Sunny Kierstyn, RN DC Fibromyalgia Care Center of Oregon 2677 Willakenzie Road, 7C

Eugene, Oregon, 97401

541- 344- 0509; Fx; 541- 344- 0955

From: "rongrice01" <rongrice@...> Subject: state fairs and home/garden showsDate: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 18:26:32 -0000Dr. Medlin:I couldn't agree with you more regarding spinal screenings, at statefairs, county fairs, home and garden shows, etc, etc. My wife and Iget so embarrassed at the doctors who set up their booth at theseshows because this is really no place for chiropractic, ever. Iknow someone will reply that they are educating patients. NO, theyare embarrassing themselves. Especially when the second breath outof their mouths are how superior their care is to all others, bothchiropractic and medical.I have never done a health fair, state fair, or home and gardenshow, during my private practice and have done very well. You don'tneed the type of patient that will come to you from your specialoffer, and you don't need that type of embarrassment for yourself oryour profession. When I witness one of these doctors in such aninappropriate setting, I can't get out of there fast enough becauseI always run in to several of my patients and/or friends that lookat the booth, then to me and a look of pity falls across theirfaces.Come on, we can build our practices the good old fashioned way withhard work and good patient care. You don't need to give away freecare and a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken with each new patientreferred. This cheapens not only the doctor presenting this offer,but the entire profession.Just my two cents worth, if you are interested!!! Grice, DCAlbany, OROregonDCs rules:1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is to foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on listserve members will be tolerated.2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere. However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print, forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another member without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have been removed.

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