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Re: Memory problems

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Hi ,

Sorry for delay in responding, I meant that the bank could do this on a

one time basis to update the current balance of the check book. Not sure if

any banks would offer that service today.



From: shasus@... <shasus@...>

>Hi Marta,


>Hmm.. I gave up check balancing.. lets say.. approximately eight or nine

>years ago. I was juggling between working and going to graduate school


>having this darn illness.I didn't even put down on the checkbook what


>I put on each check.. it s a losing battle..I may have lost quite some

>money.. I just couldn't do it.


>I didn't realize the banks will do that for you..They sure didn't advertise

>that.. Do you know anyone who has the bank balance their checkbooks?





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  • 4 months later...

>Memory...my lack of...is really scaring me...is this the PA, the

combination of medications or what?

I, too, have memory problems - and don't know what to blame. I did the same

thing - I sent out an email and when I got the reply I was surprised

because I didn't remember sending it.

The following afflictions all have a possibility of " fuzzy thinking "





hormone replacement therapy

lack of sleep

meds for lack of sleep


meds for depression

being the mother of young kids

so, hard to know what to blame it on


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<<Memory...my lack of...is really scaring me...is this the PA, the

combination of medications or what?>>


I also have constant, daily problems with my memory as well as speech, in my

opinion. I feel that I don't have the vocabulary that I used to have, am not

able to converse as well as I used to, am not able to handle my business

affairs or even talk to people socially anymore because I feel like an idiot

fumbling over words that don't want to come out of my mouth....when I can

remember them. I get tired of feeling this way so unfortunately I've really

turned into a recluse--I only talk to my immediate family, I no longer have

any friends outside the home. However, I signed my 9 year old daughter up

for Girl Scouts this week and I put myself out there for her....I volunteered

to be the secretary/treasurer for the troop, so I guess I'll have to

reassimilate. I felt foolish telling this woman " I have this form of

arthritis, and sometimes I just don't feel up to doing things, I'm on

disability, etc etc.... " People look at you and see someone who isn't even 30

years old and I hear them thinking, " Lazy! Lazy! " I know you all have heard

this before.

Anyway, before I got so long winded--I can type, I just can't talk--I know

exactly what you mean. It really scares me that I can't remember anything

anymore. That used to be my job. What will I go back to?


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Hi Kim, You said you felt foolish telling this woman " I have this form of

arthritis, and sometimes I just don't feel up to doing things, I'm on disability

etc., that you hear them thinking Lazy ! Lazy ! This is a common problem with

what others think. I experience it everyday, it doesn't matter if I'm at home

or work. I haven't been able to really get the message across to my own family

much less co-workers or the general public. My survival tactic is just don't

worry about it. I've more or less just put up a wall and tell myself that it

doesn't matter what anyone thinks, but I refuse to go into hiding just because I

have problems walking at times and need to use a cane, or hold on to something

to help me get around when times are bad. This also goes for having ugly skin

when the P is broke out all over me. We have a life to live. People have to

accept us as we are or else just leave us alone. Life is a big loss when you

stay in and hide. Go out and enjoy yourself. If there is something you can't

do, then don't be afraid to say NO!! I hope I haven't offended you. I'm being

a mother today and have to lecture my hard headed teenage son. He's having one

of those " I'll do as I please, not as I should days !! So I guess I'm also

venting as I write. Have a good evening. Cassie

Moderator 2 cents: Cassie, How about driving 8 hours one way to pick up son from

Fort to bring home for a " vacation " called Leave in the Army and the first thing

he does is take the car and gone for a few days to see his friends. This after

saying he would go out with us that night. Why even say he would spend time with

us?!? PatB

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In a message dated 9/14/00 8:45:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, cartman@...


<< his is a common problem with what others think. I experience it everyday,

it doesn't matter if I'm at home or work. I haven't been able to really get

the message across to my own family much less co-workers or the general

public. My survival tactic is just don't worry about it. >>

Hi Cassie...boy do I know what you mean about people understanding. When I

start describing this PA I just end up stopping ... especially when people

say... " You know, I have this pain in my knee... " I could just scream.. NO

it's not Osteo...no..no..no! LOL..but they will never understand.. except

for my husband & kids..they have been great so I am very thankful for that.

Work & other friends tho? nope...they just don't understand and I guess we

can't expect them to. You know what seems to wake them up though? When you

tell them that MTX is a Low-dose CHEMO drug...that gets them...LOL....take


, Monroe, MI

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  • 2 years later...
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Kathe, I hope they don't ever really paint it ANOTHER COLOR! You will

probably get lost!

With my " routes " i used " landmarks " to find my houses. Well, after

learning a new route, I used one house because it had no visibal

address, I used the HUGE 3 tiered bird bath by the corner of their house

to designate it.

Well, as you guessed... the very first day... they must have moved it! I

missed that one!

We are all VISUAL people! More so than we realize. I think thats why we

all get " lost " so much. We don't realize a " landmark " has moved or

changed...or big tree cut down.

What you gonna do when they pain the house Purple? You are going to

think you done drove to another STATE!


Kathe Sabetzadeh wrote: At the end ofthis block is a very bright yellow

house. One day, I began to say, wow that is a bright yellow, isn't it?

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In a message dated 6/8/2003 2:55:41 PM Central Standard Time,

lv2ryd@... writes:

i do this to my son (16 yrs) all the time, which causes him to say " DORK!!) "

and then we laugh....what really got me is a couple of weeks ago i did this to

a nurse at work and one of the other staff said how many times are you two

going to repeat this exchange?...we busted up laughing-turns out we are both

moms and do this to our kids at home....i kept repeating the question, she kept

repeating the answer and neither of us even noticed!



> I know that I sometimes ask the same question several

> times, never really seeming to hear the answer, and my

> kids have brought that to my attention in the past.

> Mom, you asked that about twice already and I keep

> telling you I have done it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The thought had crossed my mind but I really don't want to go there!


Original Message:


From: tn_weldys tn_weldys@...

Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 21:41:55 -0000


Subject: Re: memory problems

Could it be small strokes which happened before the hyperaldostronism

was controlled I wonder? W-

-- In hyperaldosteronism , elaine & eric <eeyeohs@y...>


> Hi Helen

> I'm glad you wrote about your memory problem.


mail2web - Check your email from the web at

http://mail2web.com/ .

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One reason I don't want to go there is because of the problems getting life

cover. We are building a new house and need a mortgage so life cover is

also required. I have been told they WILL give me cover but it is at twice

the normal premium. If I'd had a stroke they wouldn't give me cover at all.

Seems really silly to me as I was literally at death's door before

diagnosis but had nothing to put on the form so would have had cover at

normal rates. Now I have been treated and am " cured " and have to pay

additional rates as I am a " risk " .


Original Message:


From: mvdodge anxioushouse@...

Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 20:13:39 -0400


Subject: Re: memory problems

i wounder the same thing at times but they say i havent had one { and hope

i dont )


Re: memory problems

Could it be small strokes which happened before the hyperaldostronism

was controlled I wonder? W-


mail2web - Check your email from the web at

http://mail2web.com/ .

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  • 2 years later...
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My brain fog improved, however I still suffer some short term memory

problems that I can certainly live with. Before leaving my school & seeing the


Dr. I couldn't spell simple 5th grade words & frequently I couldn't remember

my lesson plans. I would look at my students to call on them and couldn't

remember their names at all!! It was absolutely frightening!!!

I was always forgetting where I put things. Once I paid for gas but a half

hr. later realized I never pumped it & going back was very embarrassing!

Twice I left my groceries, in the cart, right on the sidewalk!!! Fortunately,

for me, no one took them! It was so frustrating just to get out the door to

run errands. When I finally did I would have to come back at least once or

twice, because I had forgotten something like my list, my check book, coat,

keys, etc. Another thing was forgetting where I parked the car! Things are


much better now, but I still need a daily list for EVERYTHING I do, and I

live by looking at my calendar.

Make a daily list!!!!


I am so happy that I found this group. I really look forward to

reading the daily posts. I have a question for those who have been

treated for mycotoxicosis. In your experience do the memory and other

cognitive problems ever get better? This week, I lost my keys - only

to find them an hour later in the fridge. I forgot how to open the

gas tank of my car (I have had the car for 5 years). I ran through a

red light, because I forgot that I was supposed to stop. A couple of

weeks ago I got into the wrong side of my car and knew something was

wrong but couldn't figure it out. I can't even figure out little

things like how to switch the TV from the VCR mode.

Is this going to get better? I feel like my brain is getting worse.

It is embarassing. Even people who understand that mold can make

people sick, get angry at me when I ask for help or ask stupid

questions. I am tired of this. I was not like this before the

poisoning occured.

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The only thing that really helped my brain was CSM Therapy. My body

was making an OK recovery, but the brain was still really bad,all

the kind of things you are talking about an more- I really should

not have been driving- a month on Csm 4 times a day and it started

to clear enough for me to realize driving had been a dangerouse

activity. it took about 6 more months to clear up that I could say I

am almost normal- now I stay onthe maintenance dose of CSM -2x a day-

supposedly for years-if I stop it my liver pains me and I get

clogged lymph nodes. Hopfully you allready have a script for CSM



> I am so happy that I found this group. I really look forward to

> reading the daily posts. I have a question for those who have


> treated for mycotoxicosis. In your experience do the memory and


> cognitive problems ever get better? This week, I lost my keys -


> to find them an hour later in the fridge. I forgot how to open


> gas tank of my car (I have had the car for 5 years). I ran

through a

> red light, because I forgot that I was supposed to stop. A couple


> weeks ago I got into the wrong side of my car and knew something


> wrong but couldn't figure it out. I can't even figure out little

> things like how to switch the TV from the VCR mode.


> Is this going to get better? I feel like my brain is getting


> It is embarassing. Even people who understand that mold can make

> people sick, get angry at me when I ask for help or ask stupid

> questions. I am tired of this. I was not like this before the

> poisoning occured.


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You may want to check into LDN(low dose naltrexone) along with CSM.

Worked wonders for me thru past year on it. Only reason I think I

didn't kill over. Helped Big Time with the memory and cognitive

stuff as well as other things until my nasty heat came back on and

still helped thru that but I'm just overloaded now with toxins. I

can't wait to get the CSM and have a doc appt. Wed. with an

enviromental doctor. Now just gotta figure out this toxic workplace.

I had huge problems before LDN which raised the endorphin levels.

check out www.low dose naltrexone.org and also the group

low dose naltrexone.


--- In , " carondeen " <kdeanstudios@...>



> The only thing that really helped my brain was CSM Therapy. My body

> was making an OK recovery, but the brain was still really bad,all

> the kind of things you are talking about an more- I really should

> not have been driving- a month on Csm 4 times a day and it started

> to clear enough for me to realize driving had been a dangerouse

> activity. it took about 6 more months to clear up that I could say


> am almost normal- now I stay onthe maintenance dose of CSM -2x a


> supposedly for years-if I stop it my liver pains me and I get

> clogged lymph nodes. Hopfully you allready have a script for CSM

> :

> >

> > I am so happy that I found this group. I really look forward to

> > reading the daily posts. I have a question for those who have

> been

> > treated for mycotoxicosis. In your experience do the memory and

> other

> > cognitive problems ever get better? This week, I lost my keys -

> only

> > to find them an hour later in the fridge. I forgot how to open

> the

> > gas tank of my car (I have had the car for 5 years). I ran

> through a

> > red light, because I forgot that I was supposed to stop. A couple

> of

> > weeks ago I got into the wrong side of my car and knew something

> was

> > wrong but couldn't figure it out. I can't even figure out little

> > things like how to switch the TV from the VCR mode.

> >

> > Is this going to get better? I feel like my brain is getting

> worse.

> > It is embarassing. Even people who understand that mold can make

> > people sick, get angry at me when I ask for help or ask stupid

> > questions. I am tired of this. I was not like this before the

> > poisoning occured.

> >


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  • 1 month later...
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How long has he been of treatment.I think it has only been a couple of months.It took about a year to get my memory back until this past 6 months.



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  • 3 months later...
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When one of my 17 yo aspies was tested by the pdoc through

the sped ed school dept, he had forgotten division! No

answers I can sympathize though. My other 17 yo has been

known to have a meltdown or two (HAHA) and I can certainly

understand the spit, veins bulging, hands fisted etc. he too

was complaining about doing virtual school during summer,

since he failed chem two times. He also withdrew from his

virtual school because he was NOT going to do schoolwork

during the summer. WELL THEN, why didn't you do it during

school the last two times??? Now he is a jr again and his

twin is a senior. None of us with aspies is alone. Someone,

somewhere is dealing with the same issues... Toni

> What happens at 9 years of age, that make my kid stop

> using what he has learned so many years ago, a simple

> equation like 6x2... he can't come up with the answer.

> His hands go up in the air, spit comes out of his mouth

> he jumps up and down he screams. Its quite a sight and he

> then cries out, " I'm the only kid that has to do homework

> in the summer " Anyone have this problem, or better yet

> had this problem and found a solution or am I alone?

> It's gotta be the AS...isn't it?






I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy

today. I can CHOOSE which it shall be. Groucho Marx


Check your Email accounts at MyEmail.com

Login from home, work, school. Anywhere!

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Our 5 year old has shocking memory problems. He often forgets things that he

only just learnt or things that he has known for a long time. He also forgets

the names of everyday items like today he was asking for candy when he really

meant grapes. He hasn't started school so I am more than a little interested to

see how he goes having to remember so much new information on a daily basis.


( ) Memory problems

What happens at 9 years of age, that make my kid stop using what he has

learned so many years ago, a simple equation like 6x2... he can't come

up with the answer. His hands go up in the air, spit comes out of his

mouth he jumps up and down he screams. Its quite a sight and he then

cries out, " I'm the only kid that has to do homework in the summer "

Anyone have this problem, or better yet had this problem and found a

solution or am I alone? It's gotta be the AS...isn't it?

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My 3 yr old has trouble remembering alot. Summer break she has lost her ability

to count past 10. She was counting alot higher. But at least she still has her

memory of all those DORA episodes. (rolls eyes) :)


( ) Memory problems

What happens at 9 years of age, that make my kid stop using what he has

learned so many years ago, a simple equation like 6x2... he can't come

up with the answer. His hands go up in the air, spit comes out of his

mouth he jumps up and down he screams. Its quite a sight and he then

cries out, " I'm the only kid that has to do homework in the summer "

Anyone have this problem, or better yet had this problem and found a

solution or am I alone? It's gotta be the AS...isn't it?

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My son could remember some amazing things when he was young and even now,

but seemed to forget some what seemed to be 'simple' things. I finally came

to the conclusion that he remembered things that were important to him, or

that had an impact. Like he loves facts about nature/science, but often

can't remember names of people or things. When he was little and he forgot

what something was called he would make up a descriptive name for it (then I

had to figure out what it was). It is like they absorb all about whatever

their obsessions are, but the things that don't seem as interesting or

important to them just don't 'stick'.

Kathy K




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Tammie

Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 6:25 AM

Subject: Re: ( ) Memory problems

My 3 yr old has trouble remembering alot. Summer break she has lost her

ability to count past 10. She was counting alot higher. But at least she

still has her memory of all those DORA episodes. (rolls eyes) :)


( ) Memory problems

What happens at 9 years of age, that make my kid stop using what he has

learned so many years ago, a simple equation like 6x2... he can't come

up with the answer. His hands go up in the air, spit comes out of his

mouth he jumps up and down he screams. Its quite a sight and he then

cries out, " I'm the only kid that has to do homework in the summer "

Anyone have this problem, or better yet had this problem and found a

solution or am I alone? It's gotta be the AS...isn't it?

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There are different kinds of memory. Some kids need to learn and have it

reinforced constantly before they " know it. " I remember a teacher yelling at me

when my ds was in middle school that he was lying when he said he didn't know

how to do the math because she made sure he knew how before he left school. But

his short term and long term memory scores were like 1%ile, 3%ile. I mean, he

really has a hard time remembering things - especially when he has little

interest in remembering it to begin with.

If you are here in the USA and your child has an IEP, I would talk to the team

early when school begins and go over the problems with his forgetting his math

concepts. This probably means he needs some kind of " ESY " extended school year

services so that he can maintain what he has learned, especially if it takes him

a while to relearn it.

There are a lot of math games for the computer these days made for specific

grades. You might try finding something that he would like and along with the

" boring " drills of learning the math facts, he could also play games with them

which may be fun?


( ) Memory problems

What happens at 9 years of age, that make my kid stop using what he has

learned so many years ago, a simple equation like 6x2... he can't come

up with the answer. His hands go up in the air, spit comes out of his

mouth he jumps up and down he screams. Its quite a sight and he then

cries out, " I'm the only kid that has to do homework in the summer "

Anyone have this problem, or better yet had this problem and found a

solution or am I alone? It's gotta be the AS...isn't it?


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  • 2 months later...

Dear Patti,

The confusion of words seems to be a classic sign of neurological Lyme. At

one time I was so bad I would try to change the subject or just start joking

because I couldn't remember the word I wanted to use. It makes one very

frustrated as you could imagine.

Once, someone who I thought was close to me got angry and told me how hard it

was on her being around someone who couldn't remember " anything " . I told her if

she thought that was bad she ought to be inside and know the word, or fact, or

recent event but not be able to say it out loud.

I hope your mother is seeing a good LLMD. With proper treatment it can get


In the mean time, look at the advantages. Those of us with Lyme can watch

reruns on TV and it is all new to us. :)

Patti Leach <RLeach2899@...> wrote:

My mother was diagnosed with Lyme about 7 yrs ago and has severe


problems--especially remembering and understanding common words. She

has great difficulty having a normal conversation and is very

frustrated and depressed. Does anyone else have similar problems?

Lyme Disease - read the latest news and personal stories http://lymeblog.com

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I am not sure but it sound like the Lyme's may have set off the memory problem,

I due not have any such problem may be miner. May wish to look at a Alzheimer

unit for some help. they may be able to give you some help. best of wishes.


Patti Leach <RLeach2899@...> wrote: My mother was diagnosed with

Lyme about 7 yrs ago and has severe memory

problems--especially remembering and understanding common words. She

has great difficulty having a normal conversation and is very

frustrated and depressed. Does anyone else have similar problems?


Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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How old is your mother?

My step-mother (in her '80's) has many cognitive problems typical of

people who are diagnosed with early Alzheimer's: cannot think of a

word, a name, etc.

She doesn't cook anymore; she cannot remember how.

My father says he remembered seeing a bulls-eye on her some years


I gave him a lot of literature re Lyme and memory problems and he

became convinced.

He persuaded her to be tested, but it was by a non-LL doctor, came

back negative. I had explained to my father about the testing

situation, and gave him the names of 2 LLMD's in NJ, who have been

highly recommended by my support group.

Unfortunately, my step-mother just doesn't want to see any more

doctors.[Which I can understand - at their age, their life is

practically nothing but doctor appointments. I tell you, living


is a HUGE windfall for Big Pharma.]

So there it stands. I feel bad, bec. if it is Lyme and not

Alzheimer's, then at least there would be a chance to stop the


***-> I recommend you try to obtain a litle booklet which one of the

org. puts out. [maybe CA or PA Lyme org?] I gave it to my father, so

can't tell you who puts it out, I'm sure someone on this list can.

It is about 4 x 5 inches, at the back, lists all the possible

symptoms. When I showed it to my father, looking at the

category " cognitive " , it was amazing, fit my step-mother to a T.

Good luck with your mother.


ps-If you want the booklet, and can't find it, e-mail me off list,

and I'll ask my father who publishes it.


> My mother was diagnosed with Lyme about 7 yrs ago and has severe


> problems--especially remembering and understanding common words.


> has great difficulty having a normal conversation and is very

> frustrated and depressed. Does anyone else have similar problems?


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My mother is a " young " 75. She's physically active and has always been

young for her age. She has been tested for Alzheimer's and does not show any


the typical signs on her brain MRIs and neurological testing. It does not

run in her family, either. She had a brain scan with SPECT imaging that showed

some circulatory abnormalities. I had read an article on Lyme that

suggested the SPECT scan, as MRI and CT often don't show the abnormalities

caused by


Her primary MD recently did the Lyme blood test, which came back negative.

Her original test was a spinal tap, which is definitive, but I understand the

blood tests are not accurate. It was not sent to a specialized lab.

I guess I need to find her a Lyme MD as the next step.

Thank you for your thoughts,


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Hi Patty, I have neuro lyme, and yes memory problems are horrible.

word finding and processing incoming information during normal

conversation can be difficult especially if there is background noise

like loud music or lots of talking. Before I had my dx of lyme, i was

convinced (almost) that i had early alsheimers. One vote on the lyme



> My mother was diagnosed with Lyme about 7 yrs ago and has severe


> problems--especially remembering and understanding common words. She

> has great difficulty having a normal conversation and is very

> frustrated and depressed. Does anyone else have similar problems?


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Patti & et al

Along with more common Lyme symptoms, I too had neuro problems which

went unrecognized until I saw Dr. S here in Baltimore. Once he heard a

description of my neuro symptoms, he zeroed in on a co-infection,

Bartonella. Having been treated with Levaquin for two months seems to

have mitigated most of my symptoms.


loveznature wrote:


> Hi Patty, I have neuro lyme, and yes memory problems are horrible.

> word finding and processing incoming information during normal

> conversation can be difficult especially if there is background noise

> like loud music or lots of talking. Before I had my dx of lyme, i was

> convinced (almost) that i had early alsheimers. One vote on the lyme

> here.



> >

> > My mother was diagnosed with Lyme about 7 yrs ago and has severe

> memory

> > problems--especially remembering and understanding common words. She

> > has great difficulty having a normal conversation and is very

> > frustrated and depressed. Does anyone else have similar problems?

> >



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