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night sweats

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Anita...my hubby is now 48 & has night sweats....so just attribute that to

many issues. Between your age, crazy weather, your home conditions & add

CML in....just no way to be sure. I have been hot for years and all day

too.....so, everybody processes their internal temps differently.

also, when he was diagnosed three years ago, Nov, the docs were ready to

ship him off to hospice because they just assumed he was dying with his high

white count & blast crisis. They can only guess!!! You need to

FIGHT......get the help you need......and believe me we have begged & become


humble in order to keep my dh alive. Due to our financial situation, it


have been very easy for doc offices to blow us off & let him just die. I

swallowed my pride, was aggressive in asking for appts, and tests, and even

for the drugs he needed. Hubby is even working fulltime finally.....so, don't

just accept what they tell you as gospel.

also, folks have been talking about BMB's....my dh has one every 3 months

since diagnosis........for me, it gives me piece of mind instead of worrying

about slight changes. Sure, you can't control some of the changes, but it

does make you aware of your current status. Unless the white cell count goes

up in spite of the chemo, this is the other way to know if there are serious

changes going on.

He is doing so much better on Sprycel, we expect the study doc to let him go

6 months until his next bmb, but we won't know that till Wed when we got to

UTSW. Since, we can't go to a CML specialist, we have to go with the

knowledge of the docs who treat dh....and then I read & read to educate myself


best I can to know what to ask about the next visit.


**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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