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RE: How Bush administration lied in a cancer case so advisor made money

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what a surprise that Bush lies...and that the

administration places money over human lives..just

look at the Iraq war and say it aint so....BUSH and

SADDAM peas in a pod, that is why they didnt like each

other, except only one got what he deserved...

--- marcusdouglashorton

<marcusdouglashorton@...> wrote:

> Hello,


> Please pray for me because I am showing how

> the Bush

> administration lied to the American people in court

> about

> methylmercury causing cancer when we knew it did and

> how it did it.


> The Bush administration places money over the

> lives of the

> American people it has the duty to defend under the

> U S constitution.

> It will even practice perjury in order for members

> of its

> administration to make money. Steve Burd was one of

> the Bush

> administration Home Land Security advisors. The

> company he is CEO of

> is Safeway and the state of Ca. wanted to put

> warning labels on some

> of its food products so it went to court because

> Safeway refused to do

> so. The federal government wrote a letter to

> defend Safeway and in

> it the federal government stated that what the state

> of Ca. claimed

> had no scientific basis to it and also that the

> federal government did

> not want fish sells to go down. The claim that

> there is no scientific

> basis is not true. We have known for a long time

> that methylmercury

> and mercury binds to DNA. We have various

> scientific methods to show

> that this occurs. For example in circular dichroism

> studies one uses

> how items absorb beams of polarized light in order

> to determine the

> structure of an item. Different items absorb light

> in different ways

> and at different wave lenghts. Another way is to

> use DNA

> sedimentation rates. Different items have different

> rates of moving

> through sediments and that is the reason for using

> this way to look at

> things. The next one I will mention is nuclear

> magnetic spectroscopy

> (nmr). Nmr spectroscopy looks at how items absorb

> radio waves in a

> strong magnetic field. The last one I will mention

> is thermal

> analyses. Heat is used to look at things because

> things behave

> differently at different temperatures. The point I

> want to make here

> is that all these different ways of looking at

> things show that

> mercury binds to the DNA and anything that binds to

> the DNA can

> potentially cause problems to the DNA. We have

> known that mercury and

> methylmercury mutate genes years before the court

> case. Safeway and

> the Bush administration do not care if your DNA gets

> messed up due to

> methylmercury and mercury. If you do not believe

> what I state look up

> the Ca. court case the People of the State of

> California v Tr-Union

> Seafoods, LLC, et al. (case no. CGC-04-432394) since

> Safeway was in

> that court case and claimed that DNA damage does not

> happen by

> methylmercury.


> Over two hundred years ago we knew that

> mercury reacted with

> oxygen. Studies by two of the most famous

> scientists in the history

> of science found this to be important in their

> studies of oxygen. J.

> Priestley who is best known for the discoverer of

> oxygen and doing

> some of the first studies of photosynthesis used

> this fact in his

> studies of oxygen. A. L. Lavoisier who is known for

> his work in

> animal respiration also found mercury's ability to

> react with oxygen

> useful in his studies. One can find these people's

> names in high

> school science textbooks. The reason I state this

> is the fact that

> this reaction is one of the reasons why mercury

> causes birth defects,

> cancer and miscarriages. Lets look at the

> periodic table because

> things are grouped together by the fact they have

> common traits.

> Mercury is found in the transitional metal group. A

> common reaction

> to this group is the Fenton reaction. It is the

> name for the reaction

> of these metals with oxygen and it creates reactive

> oxygen species.

> Reactive oxygen species is what causes the

> destruction of DNA and thus

> causes what the state of Ca. claimed in court.

> Right next to mercury

> is cadmium which is a known cancer agent and it

> causes cancer by doing

> this reaction. Mercury does the Fenton reaction at

> the temperature

> which living things live at but at a slow rate

> according to a

> chemistry book. Also various science papers that I

> have read state

> reactive oxygen species levels go up due to

> methylmercury.


> Mercury mutates various genes found mutated

> in cancer patients.

> Some of these genes are p53, Fos, Jun and L1. The

> mutation of either

> Fos or Jun genes can cause tumor growth. L1

> mutaions are due to

> retrotransposition of DNA which causes lots of

> problems to the DNA due

> to the misreading of DNA and this can be found in

> breast and blood

> cancers.


> We have population studies out of Japan that

> show areas in Japan

> that had methylmercury problems have a higher rate

> of cancer and

> prebirth deaths. I have listed a couple of them

> below in the listing

> of science papers to back up my statements.



> Now I should state some textbooks state that a

> change in a

> single gene is not important but that is not true.

> The last time I

> checked there was around six thousand human diseases

> caused by a

> single bases change of a gene. For example there

> are osteogenesis

> imperfecta (brittle bone disease) and sickle cell

> anemia diseases

> caused by a single base changed.


> Mercury also causes nondisjunction of the

> chromosomes. This has

> been known for decades and it is because it impairs

> spindle function

> thus the cell cannot divide correctly. Various

> human diseases are

> caused by the nondisjunction of the chromosomes such

> as Down's

> syndrome, 's syndrome and Patau's syndrome.



> I should also state that methylmercury is

> found in cow's milk

> and that is one of the reasons why cow's milk causes

> cancer and we

> have known for decades (since the 1980's) that cow's

> milk causes

> cancer. Cow's milk has low rates of lots of

> pollutions in it that are

> known to cause cancer plus excess calcium in a cell

> causes tumor

> growth so it is a great chemical stew for causing

> cancer. Last year I

> sent out an email with 20 abstracts of science

> studies showing that

> milk causes cancer. For example in 1984 DA Snowdon

> and etc. wrote

> Diet, Obesity and Risk Of Fatal Prostate Cancer

> which was published in

> AM. J. Epidermiol.. A good one showing that intake

> of calcium is

> associated gene mutations is by E Kampman and etc.

> published by

> Carcinogenesis is Animal Products and K-Ras Codon 12

> and 13 Mutations

> In Colon Carcinomas (2000 Feb. 21(2):307-9. To show

> you that over

> twenty years of studies linking milk intake to

> cancer I will mention

> Giovannucci and etc. study published in Cancer

> Epidemiol. Biomarkers

> Prev. in 2006 (Feb. 15(2):203-10) entitled A

> Prospective Study Of

> Calcium Intake and Incident and Fatal Prostate

> Cancer which was done

> in the US.


> Marcus Horton

> P O Box 84

> Salinas, Ca 93902


> I should also state that methylmercury loses

> its methyl

> functional group in the human body and becomes just

> mercury so one has

> to look at studies that have to do with both when

> looking at this

> issue. Also mercury also binds to other functional

> groups once inside

> the human body.


> List of some studies to back up the statements

> in the above

> article. I have a longer list of studies showing

> what I stated is true.


> Mercury binding to DNA


> A. Casadevall and L. A. Day Silver and mercury

> probing of

> deoxyribonucleic acid structures in the filamentous

> viruses fd, If1,

> IKe, Xf, Pf1, and Pf3.

> 1983 Biochemistry Sep 27;22(20):4831-42.


> D. Ding and F. S. A circular dichroism study

> on the structure

> of DNA and the nucleosomal core particle using Hg

> (ll) and Ag (l)

> 1980 Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Nov 14; 610(1):72-80.


> D. Ding and F. S. Electric dichroism and

> sedimentation velocity

> studies of DNA-Hg(II) and DNA-Ag(I) complexes.

> 1980 Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Nov.14;610(1):64-71.


> H. Torigoe, A. Ono and K. Kawahashi Thermodynamic

> analyses of the

> specific interaction between T:T mismatch base pair

> and mercury (II)

> cation: toward the efficient detection of single

> nucleotide

> polymorphism (1).

> 2004 Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser. (Oxf.) (48):275-6.


> P. R. Young, U. S. Nandi and N. R. Kallenbach

> Binding of mercury(II)

> to poly (dA-dT) studied by proton nuclear magnetic

> resonance.

> 1982 Biochemistry Jan. 5;21(1):62-6.


> Early studies showing mercury causes

> nondisjunction of the

> chromosomes.


> J. Magnusson and C. Ramel Genetic variation in the

> susceptibility to

> mercury and other metal compounds in Drosophila

> melanogaster.

> 1986 Teratog. Carcinog. Mutagen 6(4);289-305.


> C. Ramel and J. Magnusson Chemical induction of

> nondisjunction in

> drosopila.

> 1979 Environ. Health Perspect. Aug.;31:59-66.


> Some studies showing chromosome problems due to

> mercury.


> H. C. Wulf and others. Sister chromatid exchange

> (SCE) in Greenlandic

> Eskimos. Dose-response relationship between SCE

> and seal diet,

> smoking and blood cadmium and mercury

> concentrations.

> 1986 Sci. Total Environ. Jan; 48(1-2):81-94.


> L. Verschaeve, M. Kirsch-Volders and C. ne

> Mercury-induced

> segregational errors of chromosomes in human

> lymphocytes and in Indian

> muntjac cells.

> 1984 Toxicol. Lett. Jun;21(3):247-53.


> A. Renzoni, F. Zino and E. Franchi Mercury levels

> along the food chain

> and risk for exposed populations.

> 1998 Environ. Res. May;77(2):68-72.


> J. R. Lazutka and others. Chromosomal aberrations

> and sister-chromatid

> exchanges in Lithuanian populations: effects of

> occupational and

> environmental exposures.

> 1999 Mutat. Res. Sep. 30;445(2):225-39.


> One of the population cancer studies we have

> dealing with

> methylmercury. Since methylmercury goes after

> microtubles and causes

> microtubular damage one should find chronic liver

> damage as well and

> this study also shows that.


> H. Tamashiro, M. Arakaki, M. Futatsuka and E. S. Lee

> Methylmercury

> exposure and mortality in southern Japan: a close

> look at causes of death.

> 1986 J. Epidemiol. Community Health Jun:40(2):181-5.



> One of the population studies showing methylmercury

> causes fetuses to

> die before being born.


> M. Sakamoto, A. Nakano and H. Akagi Declining

> Minamata Male Birth

> Ratio Associated With Increased Male Fetal Death Due

> To Heavy

> Methylmercury Pollution.

> 2001 Environmental Research.


> A couple of studies showing that methylmercury

> causes an increase in

> the reactive oxygen species in the cell. It does

> this by various ways.


> T. Sarafian and M. A. Verity Oxidative mechanisms

> underlying methyl

> mercury neurotoxicity.

> 1991 Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. 9(2) :147-53.


> S. Gasso and others. Antioxidant compounds and

> Ca(2+) pathway blockers

> differentially protect against methylmercury and

> mercuric chloride

> neurotoxicity.

> 2001 J. Neurosci. Res. Oct 1:66(1):135-45







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Grow up!

--- D Barone <sphynxcats3@...> wrote:

> what a surprise that Bush lies...and that the

> administration places money over human lives..just

> look at the Iraq war and say it aint so....BUSH and

> SADDAM peas in a pod, that is why they didnt like

> each

> other, except only one got what he deserved...

> --- marcusdouglashorton

> <marcusdouglashorton@...> wrote:


> > Hello,

> >

> > Please pray for me because I am showing how

> > the Bush

> > administration lied to the American people in

> court

> > about

> > methylmercury causing cancer when we knew it did

> and

> > how it did it.

> >

> > The Bush administration places money over the

> > lives of the

> > American people it has the duty to defend under

> the

> > U S constitution.

> > It will even practice perjury in order for

> members

> > of its

> > administration to make money. Steve Burd was one

> of

> > the Bush

> > administration Home Land Security advisors. The

> > company he is CEO of

> > is Safeway and the state of Ca. wanted to put

> > warning labels on some

> > of its food products so it went to court because

> > Safeway refused to do

> > so. The federal government wrote a letter to

> > defend Safeway and in

> > it the federal government stated that what the

> state

> > of Ca. claimed

> > had no scientific basis to it and also that the

> > federal government did

> > not want fish sells to go down. The claim that

> > there is no scientific

> > basis is not true. We have known for a long time

> > that methylmercury

> > and mercury binds to DNA. We have various

> > scientific methods to show

> > that this occurs. For example in circular

> dichroism

> > studies one uses

> > how items absorb beams of polarized light in order

> > to determine the

> > structure of an item. Different items absorb

> light

> > in different ways

> > and at different wave lenghts. Another way is to

> > use DNA

> > sedimentation rates. Different items have

> different

> > rates of moving

> > through sediments and that is the reason for using

> > this way to look at

> > things. The next one I will mention is nuclear

> > magnetic spectroscopy

> > (nmr). Nmr spectroscopy looks at how items absorb

> > radio waves in a

> > strong magnetic field. The last one I will

> mention

> > is thermal

> > analyses. Heat is used to look at things because

> > things behave

> > differently at different temperatures. The point

> I

> > want to make here

> > is that all these different ways of looking at

> > things show that

> > mercury binds to the DNA and anything that binds

> to

> > the DNA can

> > potentially cause problems to the DNA. We have

> > known that mercury and

> > methylmercury mutate genes years before the court

> > case. Safeway and

> > the Bush administration do not care if your DNA

> gets

> > messed up due to

> > methylmercury and mercury. If you do not believe

> > what I state look up

> > the Ca. court case the People of the State of

> > California v Tr-Union

> > Seafoods, LLC, et al. (case no. CGC-04-432394)

> since

> > Safeway was in

> > that court case and claimed that DNA damage does

> not

> > happen by

> > methylmercury.

> >

> > Over two hundred years ago we knew that

> > mercury reacted with

> > oxygen. Studies by two of the most famous

> > scientists in the history

> > of science found this to be important in their

> > studies of oxygen. J.

> > Priestley who is best known for the discoverer of

> > oxygen and doing

> > some of the first studies of photosynthesis used

> > this fact in his

> > studies of oxygen. A. L. Lavoisier who is known

> for

> > his work in

> > animal respiration also found mercury's ability to

> > react with oxygen

> > useful in his studies. One can find these

> people's

> > names in high

> > school science textbooks. The reason I state this

> > is the fact that

> > this reaction is one of the reasons why mercury

> > causes birth defects,

> > cancer and miscarriages. Lets look at the

> > periodic table because

> > things are grouped together by the fact they have

> > common traits.

> > Mercury is found in the transitional metal group.

> A

> > common reaction

> > to this group is the Fenton reaction. It is the

> > name for the reaction

> > of these metals with oxygen and it creates

> reactive

> > oxygen species.

> > Reactive oxygen species is what causes the

> > destruction of DNA and thus

> > causes what the state of Ca. claimed in court.

> > Right next to mercury

> > is cadmium which is a known cancer agent and it

> > causes cancer by doing

> > this reaction. Mercury does the Fenton reaction

> at

> > the temperature

> > which living things live at but at a slow rate

> > according to a

> > chemistry book. Also various science papers that

> I

> > have read state

> > reactive oxygen species levels go up due to

> > methylmercury.

> >

> > Mercury mutates various genes found mutated

> > in cancer patients.

> > Some of these genes are p53, Fos, Jun and L1.

> The

> > mutation of either

> > Fos or Jun genes can cause tumor growth. L1

> > mutaions are due to

> > retrotransposition of DNA which causes lots of

> > problems to the DNA due

> > to the misreading of DNA and this can be found in

> > breast and blood

> > cancers.

> >

> > We have population studies out of Japan that

> > show areas in Japan

> > that had methylmercury problems have a higher rate

> > of cancer and

> > prebirth deaths. I have listed a couple of them

> > below in the listing

> > of science papers to back up my statements.

> >

> >

> > Now I should state some textbooks state that

> a

> > change in a

> > single gene is not important but that is not true.


> > The last time I

> > checked there was around six thousand human

> diseases

> > caused by a

> > single bases change of a gene. For example there

> > are osteogenesis

> > imperfecta (brittle bone disease) and sickle cell

> > anemia diseases

> > caused by a single base changed.

> >

> > Mercury also causes nondisjunction of the

> > chromosomes. This has

> > been known for decades and it is because it

> impairs

> > spindle function

> > thus the cell cannot divide correctly. Various

> > human diseases are

> > caused by the nondisjunction of the chromosomes

> such

> > as Down's

> > syndrome, 's syndrome and Patau's syndrome.

> >


=== message truncated ===



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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must be in the 20 per cent Bush approval club

buddy...Congratulations! most Americans have already

woken up to smell the oil brewing....and the wallets

shrinking...you are entitled to your opinion buddy, no

offense meant...:}

--- Mr Stickel <stick924@...> wrote:

> Grow up!

> --- D Barone <sphynxcats3@...> wrote:


> > what a surprise that Bush lies...and that the

> > administration places money over human lives..just

> > look at the Iraq war and say it aint so....BUSH

> and

> > SADDAM peas in a pod, that is why they didnt like

> > each

> > other, except only one got what he deserved...

> > --- marcusdouglashorton

> > <marcusdouglashorton@...> wrote:

> >

> > > Hello,

> > >

> > > Please pray for me because I am showing

> how

> > > the Bush

> > > administration lied to the American people in

> > court

> > > about

> > > methylmercury causing cancer when we knew it did

> > and

> > > how it did it.

> > >

> > > The Bush administration places money over

> the

> > > lives of the

> > > American people it has the duty to defend under

> > the

> > > U S constitution.

> > > It will even practice perjury in order for

> > members

> > > of its

> > > administration to make money. Steve Burd was

> one

> > of

> > > the Bush

> > > administration Home Land Security advisors. The

> > > company he is CEO of

> > > is Safeway and the state of Ca. wanted to put

> > > warning labels on some

> > > of its food products so it went to court because

> > > Safeway refused to do

> > > so. The federal government wrote a letter to

> > > defend Safeway and in

> > > it the federal government stated that what the

> > state

> > > of Ca. claimed

> > > had no scientific basis to it and also that the

> > > federal government did

> > > not want fish sells to go down. The claim that

> > > there is no scientific

> > > basis is not true. We have known for a long

> time

> > > that methylmercury

> > > and mercury binds to DNA. We have various

> > > scientific methods to show

> > > that this occurs. For example in circular

> > dichroism

> > > studies one uses

> > > how items absorb beams of polarized light in

> order

> > > to determine the

> > > structure of an item. Different items absorb

> > light

> > > in different ways

> > > and at different wave lenghts. Another way is

> to

> > > use DNA

> > > sedimentation rates. Different items have

> > different

> > > rates of moving

> > > through sediments and that is the reason for

> using

> > > this way to look at

> > > things. The next one I will mention is nuclear

> > > magnetic spectroscopy

> > > (nmr). Nmr spectroscopy looks at how items

> absorb

> > > radio waves in a

> > > strong magnetic field. The last one I will

> > mention

> > > is thermal

> > > analyses. Heat is used to look at things

> because

> > > things behave

> > > differently at different temperatures. The

> point

> > I

> > > want to make here

> > > is that all these different ways of looking at

> > > things show that

> > > mercury binds to the DNA and anything that binds

> > to

> > > the DNA can

> > > potentially cause problems to the DNA. We have

> > > known that mercury and

> > > methylmercury mutate genes years before the

> court

> > > case. Safeway and

> > > the Bush administration do not care if your DNA

> > gets

> > > messed up due to

> > > methylmercury and mercury. If you do not

> believe

> > > what I state look up

> > > the Ca. court case the People of the State of

> > > California v Tr-Union

> > > Seafoods, LLC, et al. (case no. CGC-04-432394)

> > since

> > > Safeway was in

> > > that court case and claimed that DNA damage does

> > not

> > > happen by

> > > methylmercury.

> > >

> > > Over two hundred years ago we knew that

> > > mercury reacted with

> > > oxygen. Studies by two of the most famous

> > > scientists in the history

> > > of science found this to be important in their

> > > studies of oxygen. J.

> > > Priestley who is best known for the discoverer

> of

> > > oxygen and doing

> > > some of the first studies of photosynthesis used

> > > this fact in his

> > > studies of oxygen. A. L. Lavoisier who is known

> > for

> > > his work in

> > > animal respiration also found mercury's ability

> to

> > > react with oxygen

> > > useful in his studies. One can find these

> > people's

> > > names in high

> > > school science textbooks. The reason I state

> this

> > > is the fact that

> > > this reaction is one of the reasons why mercury

> > > causes birth defects,

> > > cancer and miscarriages. Lets look at the

> > > periodic table because

> > > things are grouped together by the fact they

> have

> > > common traits.

> > > Mercury is found in the transitional metal

> group.

> > A

> > > common reaction

> > > to this group is the Fenton reaction. It is the

> > > name for the reaction

> > > of these metals with oxygen and it creates

> > reactive

> > > oxygen species.

> > > Reactive oxygen species is what causes the

> > > destruction of DNA and thus

> > > causes what the state of Ca. claimed in court.

> > > Right next to mercury

> > > is cadmium which is a known cancer agent and it

> > > causes cancer by doing

> > > this reaction. Mercury does the Fenton reaction

> > at

> > > the temperature

> > > which living things live at but at a slow rate

> > > according to a

> > > chemistry book. Also various science papers

> that

> > I

> > > have read state

> > > reactive oxygen species levels go up due to

> > > methylmercury.

> > >

> > > Mercury mutates various genes found

> mutated

> > > in cancer patients.

> > > Some of these genes are p53, Fos, Jun and L1.

> > The

> > > mutation of either

> > > Fos or Jun genes can cause tumor growth. L1

> > > mutaions are due to

> > > retrotransposition of DNA which causes lots of

> > > problems to the DNA due

> > > to the misreading of DNA and this can be found

> in

> > > breast and blood

> > > cancers.

> > >

> > > We have population studies out of Japan

> that

> > > show areas in Japan

> > > that had methylmercury problems have a higher

> rate

> > > of cancer and

> > > prebirth deaths. I have listed a couple of them

> > > below in the listing

> > > of science papers to back up my statements.

> > >

> > >

> > > Now I should state some textbooks state

> that

> > a

> > > change in a

> > > single gene is not important but that is not

> true.

> >

> > > The last time I

> > > checked there was around six thousand human

> > diseases

> > > caused by a

> > > single bases change of a gene. For example

> there

> > > are osteogenesis

> > > imperfecta (brittle bone disease) and sickle

> cell

> > > anemia diseases

> > > caused by a single base changed.

> > >

> > > Mercury also causes nondisjunction of the

> > > chromosomes. This has

> > > been known for decades and it is because it

> > impairs

> > > spindle function

> > > thus the cell cannot divide correctly. Various

> > > human diseases are

> > > caused by the nondisjunction of the chromosomes

> > such

> > > as Down's

> > > syndrome, 's syndrome and Patau's

> syndrome.

> > >

> >

> === message truncated ===








> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.






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Hey, I live in Canada and I love Bush.

Anytime something goes wrong, I have someone to blame for it.

If the value of our dollar goes up or down, it is his fault.

The battery in my car died last week. I'm sure he had something to do with


Global warming . his fault. Global cooling . his fault.

I missed taking my Gleevec yesterday, 's fault.

The list goes on and on.

This list is about CML.


Zavie (age 69)

67 Shoreham Avenue

Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

dxd AUG/99

INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

2.8 log reduction Sep/05

3.0 log reduction Jan/06

2.9 log reduction Feb/07

3.2 log reduction Jun/07

3.6 log reduction Sep/07

3.5 log reduction Feb/08

e-mail: zmiller@...

Tel: 613-726-1117

Fax: 309-296-0807

Cell: 613-202-0204

ID: zaviem

YM: zaviemiller

Skype: Zavie


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of D


Sent: February 22, 2008 7:27 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] How Bush administration lied in a cancer case so

advisor made money

must be in the 20 per cent Bush approval club

buddy...Congratulations! most Americans have already

woken up to smell the oil brewing....and the wallets

shrinking...you are entitled to your opinion buddy, no

offense meant...:}

--- Mr Stickel <stick924 (DOT) <mailto:stick924%40> com>


> Grow up!

> --- D Barone <sphynxcats3@ <mailto:sphynxcats3%40> >



> > what a surprise that Bush lies...and that the

> > administration places money over human lives..just

> > look at the Iraq war and say it aint so....BUSH

> and

> > SADDAM peas in a pod, that is why they didnt like

> > each

> > other, except only one got what he deserved...

> > --- marcusdouglashorton

> > <marcusdouglashorton <mailto:marcusdouglashorton%40>

@> wrote:

> >

> > > Hello,

> > >

> > > Please pray for me because I am showing

> how

> > > the Bush

> > > administration lied to the American people in

> > court

> > > about

> > > methylmercury causing cancer when we knew it did

> > and

> > > how it did it.

> > >

> > > The Bush administration places money over

> the

> > > lives of the

> > > American people it has the duty to defend under

> > the

> > > U S constitution.

> > > It will even practice perjury in order for

> > members

> > > of its

> > > administration to make money. Steve Burd was

> one

> > of

> > > the Bush

> > > administration Home Land Security advisors. The

> > > company he is CEO of

> > > is Safeway and the state of Ca. wanted to put

> > > warning labels on some

> > > of its food products so it went to court because

> > > Safeway refused to do

> > > so. The federal government wrote a letter to

> > > defend Safeway and in

> > > it the federal government stated that what the

> > state

> > > of Ca. claimed

> > > had no scientific basis to it and also that the

> > > federal government did

> > > not want fish sells to go down. The claim that

> > > there is no scientific

> > > basis is not true. We have known for a long

> time

> > > that methylmercury

> > > and mercury binds to DNA. We have various

> > > scientific methods to show

> > > that this occurs. For example in circular

> > dichroism

> > > studies one uses

> > > how items absorb beams of polarized light in

> order

> > > to determine the

> > > structure of an item. Different items absorb

> > light

> > > in different ways

> > > and at different wave lenghts. Another way is

> to

> > > use DNA

> > > sedimentation rates. Different items have

> > different

> > > rates of moving

> > > through sediments and that is the reason for

> using

> > > this way to look at

> > > things. The next one I will mention is nuclear

> > > magnetic spectroscopy

> > > (nmr). Nmr spectroscopy looks at how items

> absorb

> > > radio waves in a

> > > strong magnetic field. The last one I will

> > mention

> > > is thermal

> > > analyses. Heat is used to look at things

> because

> > > things behave

> > > differently at different temperatures. The

> point

> > I

> > > want to make here

> > > is that all these different ways of looking at

> > > things show that

> > > mercury binds to the DNA and anything that binds

> > to

> > > the DNA can

> > > potentially cause problems to the DNA. We have

> > > known that mercury and

> > > methylmercury mutate genes years before the

> court

> > > case. Safeway and

> > > the Bush administration do not care if your DNA

> > gets

> > > messed up due to

> > > methylmercury and mercury. If you do not

> believe

> > > what I state look up

> > > the Ca. court case the People of the State of

> > > California v Tr-Union

> > > Seafoods, LLC, et al. (case no. CGC-04-432394)

> > since

> > > Safeway was in

> > > that court case and claimed that DNA damage does

> > not

> > > happen by

> > > methylmercury.

> > >

> > > Over two hundred years ago we knew that

> > > mercury reacted with

> > > oxygen. Studies by two of the most famous

> > > scientists in the history

> > > of science found this to be important in their

> > > studies of oxygen. J.

> > > Priestley who is best known for the discoverer

> of

> > > oxygen and doing

> > > some of the first studies of photosynthesis used

> > > this fact in his

> > > studies of oxygen. A. L. Lavoisier who is known

> > for

> > > his work in

> > > animal respiration also found mercury's ability

> to

> > > react with oxygen

> > > useful in his studies. One can find these

> > people's

> > > names in high

> > > school science textbooks. The reason I state

> this

> > > is the fact that

> > > this reaction is one of the reasons why mercury

> > > causes birth defects,

> > > cancer and miscarriages. Lets look at the

> > > periodic table because

> > > things are grouped together by the fact they

> have

> > > common traits.

> > > Mercury is found in the transitional metal

> group.

> > A

> > > common reaction

> > > to this group is the Fenton reaction. It is the

> > > name for the reaction

> > > of these metals with oxygen and it creates

> > reactive

> > > oxygen species.

> > > Reactive oxygen species is what causes the

> > > destruction of DNA and thus

> > > causes what the state of Ca. claimed in court.

> > > Right next to mercury

> > > is cadmium which is a known cancer agent and it

> > > causes cancer by doing

> > > this reaction. Mercury does the Fenton reaction

> > at

> > > the temperature

> > > which living things live at but at a slow rate

> > > according to a

> > > chemistry book. Also various science papers

> that

> > I

> > > have read state

> > > reactive oxygen species levels go up due to

> > > methylmercury.

> > >

> > > Mercury mutates various genes found

> mutated

> > > in cancer patients.

> > > Some of these genes are p53, Fos, Jun and L1.

> > The

> > > mutation of either

> > > Fos or Jun genes can cause tumor growth. L1

> > > mutaions are due to

> > > retrotransposition of DNA which causes lots of

> > > problems to the DNA due

> > > to the misreading of DNA and this can be found

> in

> > > breast and blood

> > > cancers.

> > >

> > > We have population studies out of Japan

> that

> > > show areas in Japan

> > > that had methylmercury problems have a higher

> rate

> > > of cancer and

> > > prebirth deaths. I have listed a couple of them

> > > below in the listing

> > > of science papers to back up my statements.

> > >

> > >

> > > Now I should state some textbooks state

> that

> > a

> > > change in a

> > > single gene is not important but that is not

> true.

> >

> > > The last time I

> > > checked there was around six thousand human

> > diseases

> > > caused by a

> > > single bases change of a gene. For example

> there

> > > are osteogenesis

> > > imperfecta (brittle bone disease) and sickle

> cell

> > > anemia diseases

> > > caused by a single base changed.

> > >

> > > Mercury also causes nondisjunction of the

> > > chromosomes. This has

> > > been known for decades and it is because it

> > impairs

> > > spindle function

> > > thus the cell cannot divide correctly. Various

> > > human diseases are

> > > caused by the nondisjunction of the chromosomes

> > such

> > > as Down's

> > > syndrome, 's syndrome and Patau's

> syndrome.

> > >

> >

> === message truncated ===







> Be a better friend, newshound, and

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I wish I had waited for your reply - I would not have

needed mine!

Good job - thanks for all of your help and support of

my CML tribulations!

--- Zavie miller <zmiller@...> wrote:

> Hey, I live in Canada and I love Bush.


> Anytime something goes wrong, I have someone to

> blame for it.


> If the value of our dollar goes up or down, it is

> his fault.


> The battery in my car died last week. I'm sure he

> had something to do with

> it.


> Global warming . his fault. Global cooling . his

> fault.


> I missed taking my Gleevec yesterday, 's

> fault.


> The list goes on and on.


> This list is about CML.


> Zavie


> Zavie (age 69)

> 67 Shoreham Avenue

> Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

> dxd AUG/99

> INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

> No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

> Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

> CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

> 2.8 log reduction Sep/05

> 3.0 log reduction Jan/06

> 2.9 log reduction Feb/07

> 3.2 log reduction Jun/07

> 3.6 log reduction Sep/07

> 3.5 log reduction Feb/08

> e-mail: zmiller@...

> Tel: 613-726-1117

> Fax: 309-296-0807

> Cell: 613-202-0204

> ID: zaviem

> YM: zaviemiller

> Skype: Zavie


> _____


> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of D

> Barone

> Sent: February 22, 2008 7:27 PM


> Subject: Re: [ ] How Bush administration lied in

> a cancer case so

> advisor made money


> must be in the 20 per cent Bush approval club

> buddy...Congratulations! most Americans have already

> woken up to smell the oil brewing....and the wallets

> shrinking...you are entitled to your opinion buddy,

> no

> offense meant...:}

> --- Mr Stickel <stick924 (DOT)

> <mailto:stick924%40> com>

> wrote:


> > Grow up!

> > --- D Barone <sphynxcats3@

> <mailto:sphynxcats3%40> >

> wrote:

> >

> > > what a surprise that Bush lies...and that the

> > > administration places money over human

> lives..just

> > > look at the Iraq war and say it aint so....BUSH

> > and

> > > SADDAM peas in a pod, that is why they didnt

> like

> > > each

> > > other, except only one got what he deserved...

> > > --- marcusdouglashorton

> > > <marcusdouglashorton

> <mailto:marcusdouglashorton%40>

> @> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Hello,

> > > >

> > > > Please pray for me because I am showing

> > how

> > > > the Bush

> > > > administration lied to the American people in

> > > court

> > > > about

> > > > methylmercury causing cancer when we knew it

> did

> > > and

> > > > how it did it.

> > > >

> > > > The Bush administration places money over

> > the

> > > > lives of the

> > > > American people it has the duty to defend

> under

> > > the

> > > > U S constitution.

> > > > It will even practice perjury in order for

> > > members

> > > > of its

> > > > administration to make money. Steve Burd was

> > one

> > > of

> > > > the Bush

> > > > administration Home Land Security advisors.

> The

> > > > company he is CEO of

> > > > is Safeway and the state of Ca. wanted to put

> > > > warning labels on some

> > > > of its food products so it went to court

> because

> > > > Safeway refused to do

> > > > so. The federal government wrote a letter to

> > > > defend Safeway and in

> > > > it the federal government stated that what the

> > > state

> > > > of Ca. claimed

> > > > had no scientific basis to it and also that

> the

> > > > federal government did

> > > > not want fish sells to go down. The claim that

> > > > there is no scientific

> > > > basis is not true. We have known for a long

> > time

> > > > that methylmercury

> > > > and mercury binds to DNA. We have various

> > > > scientific methods to show

> > > > that this occurs. For example in circular

> > > dichroism

> > > > studies one uses

> > > > how items absorb beams of polarized light in

> > order

> > > > to determine the

> > > > structure of an item. Different items absorb

> > > light

> > > > in different ways

> > > > and at different wave lenghts. Another way is

> > to

> > > > use DNA

> > > > sedimentation rates. Different items have

> > > different

> > > > rates of moving

> > > > through sediments and that is the reason for

> > using

> > > > this way to look at

> > > > things. The next one I will mention is nuclear

> > > > magnetic spectroscopy

> > > > (nmr). Nmr spectroscopy looks at how items

> > absorb

> > > > radio waves in a

> > > > strong magnetic field. The last one I will

> > > mention

> > > > is thermal

> > > > analyses. Heat is used to look at things

> > because

> > > > things behave

> > > > differently at different temperatures. The

> > point

> > > I

> > > > want to make here

> > > > is that all these different ways of looking at

> > > > things show that

> > > > mercury binds to the DNA and anything that

> binds

> > > to

> > > > the DNA can

> > > > potentially cause problems to the DNA. We have

> > > > known that mercury and

> > > > methylmercury mutate genes years before the

> > court

> > > > case. Safeway and

> > > > the Bush administration do not care if your


> > > gets

> > > > messed up due to

> > > > methylmercury and mercury. If you do not

> > believe

> > > > what I state look up

> > > > the Ca. court case the People of the State of

> > > > California v Tr-Union

> > > > Seafoods, LLC, et al. (case no. CGC-04-432394)

> > > since

> > > > Safeway was in

> > > > that court case and claimed that DNA damage

> does

> > > not

> > > > happen by

> > > > methylmercury.

> > > >

> > > > Over two hundred years ago we knew that

> > > > mercury reacted with

> > > > oxygen. Studies by two of the most famous


=== message truncated ===



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