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RE: Re: Sprycel and depression?

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As always, you rock! (Sorry--didnt know what other word to use, " you rock " felt

like the appropriate response!!).

I, too, think we never had time to deal with the emotional part of all of this

and that is surfacing. I keep asking what I can do for him and he keeps

saying " I just want your understanding and your patience. " So that is what I am


Our 1.5 year old son is going through the beginnings of the terrible-twos, with

crazy tantrums which majorly tests our patience, which doesnt help with all the

emotional stress! He also has been a 12-hr night sleeper ever since around 5

months and now over the course of the last 2 weeks or so has decided to start

waking up every couple hours and then waking up for good at about 5AM!!! WOW.

Just when you think one part of your life is " easy " . (I guess with kids you are

never supposed to think that, hah?!)

God never gives us more than we can handle, so and I are learning how to

handle all of this together!

Thanks as always for your wonderful words of advice and encouragement.

@...: traceyincanada@...: Tue, 20 Nov 2007

19:40:50 +0000Subject: [ ] Re: Sprycel and depression?

Hi ,Your story reminds me of when I had the Norwalk virus. I had it a few

years ago and it really wasn't pleasant! I didn't know which end to put in the

toilet....lol. I don't think I was ever so sick in my life. I couldn't even keep

water down. Needless to say, I didn't get my Gleevec down that day :)I'm so glad

to hear that is doing so well on Sprycel. I know you'll all breath a huge

sigh of relief when you get that BMB done with.I don't know of any particular

papers that address the issue of depression with Sprycel but I do remember back

in the early days when everyone starting taking Gleevec, many were experiencing

depression. Lots of people were convinced that Gleevec caused depression but

I've always maintained that having cancer can cause depression, not necessarily

the Gleevec. (and you) went through soooooo much since he's been diagnosed

and like you've said, there have been relatively short periods of time in

between when things were going " smoothly " (as smoothly as they can for someone

with cancer). In the middle of a crisis (like during the time he was treated for

his stroke), you probably all functioned on auto pilot, sort of removing

yourself emotionally from the situation because there was just so much going on.

You were just getting used to parenthood too which can be overwhelming in and of

itself. I can't even fathom all that you went through in the first year. A

diagnosis of CML can be devastating all on it's own but you had other huge life

altering events going on at the same time and honestly, I don't know too many

people who would have coped as well as you all have, given the same

circumstances. I really admire you and .Now that the stroke is behind you,

the liver toxicity has been dealt with and you're more used to being new

parents, I think the " auto pilot " you were running on, is starting to slow down

and you're facing the situation on a more emotional level. Hence these new

feelings of depression. Before, you had so much going on that you didn't have

time to feel depressed. I don't know anyone who wouldn't feel some depression if

they went through all that you and have gone through. If the depression

gets worse or becomes an ongoing issue, you could ask 's doctor about an

antidepressant. Take care,Tracey>> > Hi all:> Last week our family was hit hard by the

stomach flu. It seemed to be a 24-36 hr bug, and very unpleasant, coming out

both ends (sorry to be graphic). Right when we thought was pulling out of

it, he spiked a 103.5 fever. We didnt want to risk that he possibly had a

bacterial infection, so we went into the E.R. Ironically, that very morning he

had his monthly appt. with his oncologist, and his CBC was great--all numbers

well within normal range (because he was fighting the flu, some of his numbers

were slightly increased, which actually is a good thing). But, overall his onc

is so happy with where currently sits in his CML journey, and when

told her he was getting over the stomach flu, she said she wasnt too concerned

with him developing infections because based on all his bloodwork, his body was

very capable of fighting off infections.> > All tests ran in the ER came back

fine--all blood was good (GREAT in fact!), urine was good, his liver was ever so

slightly elevated (because of dehydration most likely), but they didnt chance it

and ran an ultrasound on his liver - all good. So, they admitted him based

solely on the fact that he was severly dehydrated. He remained in the hospital

for 2 nights--1 for dehydration, and 1 because the internalist felt he needed to

be safe and run tests on the liver even though most likely it was the

dehydration...all came back fine once was hydrated, so he was released.> >

ANYWAY--another hiccup along 's CML journey. But it seems like no longer can

JUST have a cold. Even if it is JUST a cold, he worries, and I worry and

his parents worry- " WHAT IF...? " And this probably is somewhat normal

considering everything our family has been through in the last year or so. But,

by nature has never been a worrier. Has never been " sad. " Never been " down "

for more than a few hours here or there, the type of person who can always pull

himself and others up out of a funk. But for the last few months, just

keeps saying he " isnt the old . " We know he will never be the " old " ,

there are many new things now to deal with. We feel like he will work his way

out of this, but sometimes I wonder if it isnt a possible side affect of

Sprycel. For someone who has never ever felt " depressed " , this all is new,

unchartered territory...for him and for me. I think it may also have to do with

the fact that since diagnosis hasnt really ever had a " good run " of more

than maybe a month or so. In fact, right before this flu, he was on about week 4

of hardly ANY side affects at all, starting what he thought to be a GOOD RUN and

he can put all of this behind him and not WORRY anymore. He is now " back on

track " and we look to the future and hope that the coming weeks and months are

leading up to a long stretch of a GOOD RUN!!> > His BMB - the second one EVER

since diagnosis in July 2006 - is scheduled for Dec 18th. I hope and pray and

really feel like we FINALLY for once, will have concrete evidence that is

CCR. It will be in writing, on paper, and with that knowledge hopefully

will remember that this is a chronic condition that his medications are

treating, and ultimately that God is in control and as long as we trust in that,

we can go about our lives, and really deep down feel happy inside!> > Anyone

else dealing with " new " feelings of depression? And if so, can anyone really say

whether it is a side affect, or just part of being a person diagnosed with

cancer?> > Thanks for any words of advice,> Cervera (wife of - dx

07/2006. 140 mg Sprycel daily).> >

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As always, you rock! (Sorry--didnt know what other word to use, " you rock " felt

like the appropriate response!!).

I, too, think we never had time to deal with the emotional part of all of this

and that is surfacing. I keep asking what I can do for him and he keeps

saying " I just want your understanding and your patience. " So that is what I am


Our 1.5 year old son is going through the beginnings of the terrible-twos, with

crazy tantrums which majorly tests our patience, which doesnt help with all the

emotional stress! He also has been a 12-hr night sleeper ever since around 5

months and now over the course of the last 2 weeks or so has decided to start

waking up every couple hours and then waking up for good at about 5AM!!! WOW.

Just when you think one part of your life is " easy " . (I guess with kids you are

never supposed to think that, hah?!)

God never gives us more than we can handle, so and I are learning how to

handle all of this together!

Thanks as always for your wonderful words of advice and encouragement.

@...: traceyincanada@...: Tue, 20 Nov 2007

19:40:50 +0000Subject: [ ] Re: Sprycel and depression?

Hi ,Your story reminds me of when I had the Norwalk virus. I had it a few

years ago and it really wasn't pleasant! I didn't know which end to put in the

toilet....lol. I don't think I was ever so sick in my life. I couldn't even keep

water down. Needless to say, I didn't get my Gleevec down that day :)I'm so glad

to hear that is doing so well on Sprycel. I know you'll all breath a huge

sigh of relief when you get that BMB done with.I don't know of any particular

papers that address the issue of depression with Sprycel but I do remember back

in the early days when everyone starting taking Gleevec, many were experiencing

depression. Lots of people were convinced that Gleevec caused depression but

I've always maintained that having cancer can cause depression, not necessarily

the Gleevec. (and you) went through soooooo much since he's been diagnosed

and like you've said, there have been relatively short periods of time in

between when things were going " smoothly " (as smoothly as they can for someone

with cancer). In the middle of a crisis (like during the time he was treated for

his stroke), you probably all functioned on auto pilot, sort of removing

yourself emotionally from the situation because there was just so much going on.

You were just getting used to parenthood too which can be overwhelming in and of

itself. I can't even fathom all that you went through in the first year. A

diagnosis of CML can be devastating all on it's own but you had other huge life

altering events going on at the same time and honestly, I don't know too many

people who would have coped as well as you all have, given the same

circumstances. I really admire you and .Now that the stroke is behind you,

the liver toxicity has been dealt with and you're more used to being new

parents, I think the " auto pilot " you were running on, is starting to slow down

and you're facing the situation on a more emotional level. Hence these new

feelings of depression. Before, you had so much going on that you didn't have

time to feel depressed. I don't know anyone who wouldn't feel some depression if

they went through all that you and have gone through. If the depression

gets worse or becomes an ongoing issue, you could ask 's doctor about an

antidepressant. Take care,Tracey>> > Hi all:> Last week our family was hit hard by the

stomach flu. It seemed to be a 24-36 hr bug, and very unpleasant, coming out

both ends (sorry to be graphic). Right when we thought was pulling out of

it, he spiked a 103.5 fever. We didnt want to risk that he possibly had a

bacterial infection, so we went into the E.R. Ironically, that very morning he

had his monthly appt. with his oncologist, and his CBC was great--all numbers

well within normal range (because he was fighting the flu, some of his numbers

were slightly increased, which actually is a good thing). But, overall his onc

is so happy with where currently sits in his CML journey, and when

told her he was getting over the stomach flu, she said she wasnt too concerned

with him developing infections because based on all his bloodwork, his body was

very capable of fighting off infections.> > All tests ran in the ER came back

fine--all blood was good (GREAT in fact!), urine was good, his liver was ever so

slightly elevated (because of dehydration most likely), but they didnt chance it

and ran an ultrasound on his liver - all good. So, they admitted him based

solely on the fact that he was severly dehydrated. He remained in the hospital

for 2 nights--1 for dehydration, and 1 because the internalist felt he needed to

be safe and run tests on the liver even though most likely it was the

dehydration...all came back fine once was hydrated, so he was released.> >

ANYWAY--another hiccup along 's CML journey. But it seems like no longer can

JUST have a cold. Even if it is JUST a cold, he worries, and I worry and

his parents worry- " WHAT IF...? " And this probably is somewhat normal

considering everything our family has been through in the last year or so. But,

by nature has never been a worrier. Has never been " sad. " Never been " down "

for more than a few hours here or there, the type of person who can always pull

himself and others up out of a funk. But for the last few months, just

keeps saying he " isnt the old . " We know he will never be the " old " ,

there are many new things now to deal with. We feel like he will work his way

out of this, but sometimes I wonder if it isnt a possible side affect of

Sprycel. For someone who has never ever felt " depressed " , this all is new,

unchartered territory...for him and for me. I think it may also have to do with

the fact that since diagnosis hasnt really ever had a " good run " of more

than maybe a month or so. In fact, right before this flu, he was on about week 4

of hardly ANY side affects at all, starting what he thought to be a GOOD RUN and

he can put all of this behind him and not WORRY anymore. He is now " back on

track " and we look to the future and hope that the coming weeks and months are

leading up to a long stretch of a GOOD RUN!!> > His BMB - the second one EVER

since diagnosis in July 2006 - is scheduled for Dec 18th. I hope and pray and

really feel like we FINALLY for once, will have concrete evidence that is

CCR. It will be in writing, on paper, and with that knowledge hopefully

will remember that this is a chronic condition that his medications are

treating, and ultimately that God is in control and as long as we trust in that,

we can go about our lives, and really deep down feel happy inside!> > Anyone

else dealing with " new " feelings of depression? And if so, can anyone really say

whether it is a side affect, or just part of being a person diagnosed with

cancer?> > Thanks for any words of advice,> Cervera (wife of - dx

07/2006. 140 mg Sprycel daily).> >

__________________________________________________________> Your smile counts.

The more smiles you share, the more we donate. Join in.>

www.windowslive.com/smile?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_Wave2_oprsmilewlhmtagline> > [Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]>


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Hey and ,

Your stories are incredible. May I say that you were right about what God

gives us. Often we forget the blessings that he has bestowed upon us and focus

on ourselves. I look at it like WOW, you have a child! How cool is that when

many can't have and don't have any! Wow, your child is growing up and your able

to enjoy it, even if it seems " Terrible " right now. What joy it must be to see a

child at that young age.

What I'm saying is what a wonderful time to BE THANKFUL! Thankful for having

the opportunity to share such stories when we've lost loved ones. Thankful that

we have this " Thing " today as opposed to yesterday when cures and discoveries

were just ideas! Thankful for what ever time God has granted us for some folks

never see day 2.

Life is short: So lets continue to:

Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh

uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.

Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never

get back ..

Love Life: LIVE!!!


Take care and Happy Thanksgiving...

Cervera <weez_555@...> wrote:


As always, you rock! (Sorry--didnt know what other word to use, " you rock " felt

like the appropriate response!!).

I, too, think we never had time to deal with the emotional part of all of this

and that is surfacing. I keep asking what I can do for him and he keeps

saying " I just want your understanding and your patience. " So that is what I am


Our 1.5 year old son is going through the beginnings of the terrible-twos, with

crazy tantrums which majorly tests our patience, which doesnt help with all the

emotional stress! He also has been a 12-hr night sleeper ever since around 5

months and now over the course of the last 2 weeks or so has decided to start

waking up every couple hours and then waking up for good at about 5AM!!! WOW.

Just when you think one part of your life is " easy " . (I guess with kids you are

never supposed to think that, hah?!)

God never gives us more than we can handle, so and I are learning how to

handle all of this together!

Thanks as always for your wonderful words of advice and encouragement.

@...: traceyincanada@...: Tue, 20 Nov 2007

19:40:50 +0000Subject: [ ] Re: Sprycel and depression?

Hi ,Your story reminds me of when I had the Norwalk virus. I had it a few

years ago and it really wasn't pleasant! I didn't know which end to put in the

toilet....lol. I don't think I was ever so sick in my life. I couldn't even keep

water down. Needless to say, I didn't get my Gleevec down that day :)I'm so glad

to hear that is doing so well on Sprycel. I know you'll all breath a huge

sigh of relief when you get that BMB done with.I don't know of any particular

papers that address the issue of depression with Sprycel but I do remember back

in the early days when everyone starting taking Gleevec, many were experiencing

depression. Lots of people were convinced that Gleevec caused depression but

I've always maintained that having cancer can cause depression, not necessarily

the Gleevec. (and you) went through soooooo much since he's been diagnosed

and like you've said, there have been relatively short periods of time in

between when things were going

" smoothly " (as smoothly as they can for someone with cancer). In the middle of

a crisis (like during the time he was treated for his stroke), you probably all

functioned on auto pilot, sort of removing yourself emotionally from the

situation because there was just so much going on. You were just getting used to

parenthood too which can be overwhelming in and of itself. I can't even fathom

all that you went through in the first year. A diagnosis of CML can be

devastating all on it's own but you had other huge life altering events going on

at the same time and honestly, I don't know too many people who would have coped

as well as you all have, given the same circumstances. I really admire you and

.Now that the stroke is behind you, the liver toxicity has been dealt with

and you're more used to being new parents, I think the " auto pilot " you were

running on, is starting to slow down and you're facing the situation on a more

emotional level. Hence these new feelings of

depression. Before, you had so much going on that you didn't have time to feel

depressed. I don't know anyone who wouldn't feel some depression if they went

through all that you and have gone through. If the depression gets worse or

becomes an ongoing issue, you could ask 's doctor about an antidepressant.

Take care,Tracey--- In , Cervera <weez_555@...>

wrote:>> > Hi all:> Last week our family was hit hard by the stomach flu. It

seemed to be a 24-36 hr bug, and very unpleasant, coming out both ends (sorry to

be graphic). Right when we thought was pulling out of it, he spiked a 103.5

fever. We didnt want to risk that he possibly had a bacterial infection, so we

went into the E.R. Ironically, that very morning he had his monthly appt. with

his oncologist, and his CBC was great--all numbers well within normal range

(because he was fighting the flu, some of his numbers were slightly increased,

which actually is a good thing). But,

overall his onc is so happy with where currently sits in his CML journey,

and when told her he was getting over the stomach flu, she said she wasnt

too concerned with him developing infections because based on all his bloodwork,

his body was very capable of fighting off infections.> > All tests ran in the ER

came back fine--all blood was good (GREAT in fact!), urine was good, his liver

was ever so slightly elevated (because of dehydration most likely), but they

didnt chance it and ran an ultrasound on his liver - all good. So, they admitted

him based solely on the fact that he was severly dehydrated. He remained in the

hospital for 2 nights--1 for dehydration, and 1 because the internalist felt he

needed to be safe and run tests on the liver even though most likely it was the

dehydration...all came back fine once was hydrated, so he was released.> >

ANYWAY--another hiccup along 's CML journey. But it seems like no longer can

JUST have a cold. Even

if it is JUST a cold, he worries, and I worry and his parents worry- " WHAT

IF...? " And this probably is somewhat normal considering everything our family

has been through in the last year or so. But, by nature has never been a

worrier. Has never been " sad. " Never been " down " for more than a few hours here

or there, the type of person who can always pull himself and others up out of a

funk. But for the last few months, just keeps saying he " isnt the old

. " We know he will never be the " old " , there are many new things now to

deal with. We feel like he will work his way out of this, but sometimes I wonder

if it isnt a possible side affect of Sprycel. For someone who has never ever

felt " depressed " , this all is new, unchartered territory...for him and for me. I

think it may also have to do with the fact that since diagnosis hasnt

really ever had a " good run " of more than maybe a month or so. In fact, right

before this flu, he was on about week 4 of

hardly ANY side affects at all, starting what he thought to be a GOOD RUN and

he can put all of this behind him and not WORRY anymore. He is now " back on

track " and we look to the future and hope that the coming weeks and months are

leading up to a long stretch of a GOOD RUN!!> > His BMB - the second one EVER

since diagnosis in July 2006 - is scheduled for Dec 18th. I hope and pray and

really feel like we FINALLY for once, will have concrete evidence that is

CCR. It will be in writing, on paper, and with that knowledge hopefully

will remember that this is a chronic condition that his medications are

treating, and ultimately that God is in control and as long as we trust in that,

we can go about our lives, and really deep down feel happy inside!> > Anyone

else dealing with " new " feelings of depression? And if so, can anyone really say

whether it is a side affect, or just part of being a person diagnosed with

cancer?> > Thanks for any words of advice,>

Cervera (wife of - dx 07/2006. 140 mg Sprycel daily).> >

__________________________________________________________> Your smile counts.

The more smiles you share, the more we donate. Join in.>

www.windowslive.com/smile?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_Wave2_oprsmilewlhmtagline> > [Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]>


Your smile counts. The more smiles you share, the more we donate. Join in.


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