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Iron and Anemia

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There have been some discussions on iron in a few posts (although

they were a bit buried with other subject lines) so I thought I'd

start a new post with the title.

There are several different kinds of anemia with different sources

and as a result there are different kinds of treatments for it. It's

important to find out which type of anemia you have so it can be

treated properly.

The most common types I see on the list are iron deficient anemia,

B12 deficiency and Gleevec induced anemia.

If iron deficiency is the reason for the anemia, then iron

supplements can help. You can find out if your anemia is caused by

iron deficiency by having a ferritin test. Bobby, is there any

particular reason for choosing ferrous sulfate over one of the other

types of iron supplements? I have taken ferrous gluconate in the

past which is supposed to be easier to absorb than ferrous sulfate.

Also, I've found that magnesium helps with the constipation that the

iron can cause.

A deficiency in B12 can cause another type of anemia

called " pernicious anemia " . You can have your B12 level tested to

see if this is the cause of your anemia and if it is, supplements are

often effective at fixing the problem. In the old days they used to

think that people with pernicious anemia had to have B12 injections

to fix the problem but now they know that taking high doses orally

can help. I've had pernicious anemia that was very responsive to

oral supplements.

And finally there can be Gleevec induced anemia. This is due to the

fact that the drug suppresses the myeloid cell line which includes

the red cell production. If this is the cause of the anemia, Procrit

(or other red cell boosters) are pretty much the only remedy. In

these cases of anemia B12 and iron supplements do nothing to help.

I hope that clarifies things a bit,




> I was diagnosed in March 07 and I too switched from Gleevac

(extreme toxicity) to Sprycel in July 2007. I had the usual side

affects such as Gastro and SOB so I reduced the dose from 100 mg

daily to 50 mg daily. I have gradually increased to 80mg daily and in

October 07 reached PCRU. I have continued to have anemia and extreme

fatigue so we reduced my dose to 75mg daily. Two weeks ago I went in

to see my onc because I just felt so fatigued I really couldn't

function. He did my CBC and my counts were good except my red count

was low but actually up from my last appointment. My PCR continues to

be 00.0 undetectable. My onc requested several other blood tests to

check my B12, iron, thyroid, etc. to rule out any other issue

contributing to my extreme fatigue. He also suggested I take a

medication vacation until I came for my next appointment which would

be in two weeks to see if the Sprycel was the culprit. My next

appointment is for this Friday. I have felt so much

> better these last two weeks off the Sprycel. I didn't realize how

bad I felt until I had some of my energy back. I have actually had a

life and been able to do things again. I really don't want to stop

taking the Sprycel because my response has been so good and the side

effects are really not that bad except the extreme fatigue. I'm

hoping to lower my dose again but I'm not sure how low will still

maintain my complete response.


> What dose are you on now? And to others ready this post, is anyone

else taking a lower than recommended dose of Sprycel and still having

a good response? My oncologist is very hesitant to go any lower than

75 mg daily. Sprycel is still relatively new and I know they have

already adjusted the starting dose from 140mg daily to 100mg daily so

who's to say if an even lower dose might not be effective in some

people. I am hoping to find a happy balance so that I can stay on

Sprycel, have a complete response but also have a better quality of

life. Am I asking for too much?


> Thanks for any advice,

> Patti



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