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Try to get on the waiting list. It is ridiculous to have to wait a month when

time is of the essence! I hope this specialist knows about plagio because he

should know better then to make an older baby wait a month!

Every specialist is different, but he will look at the head and probably feel

it. He might take measurements, but not all do. He also might order x-rays or

a CT scan to rule out cranio.

Marci (Mom to )


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Hi ,

I would definitely push to get in earlier. We had an appointment to see a cranial facial plastic surgeon scheduled on a Monday about a week after I called. But I was so frantic to get Cole in that I called and basically begged them to fit us in earlier. They saw us on Thursday afternoon, which meant that he got to have his CT scan on the Monday when we would have had our first appointment (and we got the initial appointment out of the way before the weekend). Then we got the results of the CT scan and had the casting on Tuesday (the very next day). I was so happy with how quickly things got moving. Luckily the doctor's office was very understanding and took pity on a mom who was completely freaking out. They warned me that they were squeezing me in, so the wait might be really bad... but it was well worth it to get things going. And it turned out that if we had waited until the Monday appointment to see the specialist, we wouldn't have been able to get the CT scan until later in the week, and the reading of the results would have been delayed, etc. At the very least, most offices will put you on a list to call if there are cancellations. But I would definitely let them know that you are frantic with worry and anxious about losing precious time. Good luck getting an earlier appointment and keep us posted.

If you want to bypass the specialist, her ped should definitely be able to write the rx and order a CT scan to rule out cranio. When I told my ped I was going to see a specialist, and I definitely wanted to have a CT scan to rule out cranio, he said to let him know how long it would take me to get in to the specialist. If it was going to take longer than 2 weeks, he said he could order the CT scan and I could have that done before I even went to see the specialist. But I was able to see the specialist pretty quickly so we didn't have to worry about that. That's definitely another avenue worth exploring.


-----Original Message-----From: dee11302 [mailto:donnivanh@...]Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 8:52 PMPlagiocephaly Subject: hey everyone!hey everyone!!it's been busy with delylah and I..she has an appt. with the ped. neuro on Sept 4 at 3:00...she'll be almost turning 8 then, ...i think it really stinks...to wait for a month...has anyone ever tried to get the doc to move their appt. earlier? ...the nurse i talked to said that she don't know what he'll do..(look and feel her head is what she said) on ct scans, what do they do exactly?...i'm a bit frustrated on it taking a month to get in..and one more thing, can't her ped. give her a Rx instead of the ped. neuro? -maryFor more plagio info

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In a message dated 8/13/2002 8:53:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, donnivanh@... writes:

and one more thing, can't

her ped. give her a Rx instead of the ped. neuro?


My ped wrote the rx for the DOC band. You could call the office and ask to be on their waiting list for any cancellations that come up, but still keep your appt. date just in case you don't get in earlier. At least the ball is rolling, maybe a little slowly, but the wheels are turning finally! Good luck!

' Mom

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  • 5 years later...

Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't written in a while. Life has been

prettyy crazy especially with school. But I have some awesome news!

August 9th I got a bone marrow test and the results showed that my

bone marrow is completely normal. I'm in complete remission. My doctor

couldn't believe it. I was only diagnosed in March.

I hope everyone else is doing well! And sorry I haven't been on here

to post much at all lately.


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