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I hardly have that problem anymore but when I did have it I would take 2 Atropine tablets with my morning meds and 2 of them 30 minutes before eating lunch and dinner and 2 more at night with my night meds. This worked for me I would take 8 pills a day they are tiny anyway. One thing that would cause me problems was rare beef. I have been off atropine since I started my new regimen of Truvada,Norvir and Reyataz.

Another thing to put into your stomach is cultured yogurt to bring back the gut flora the way it needs to be.


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I hardly have that problem anymore but when I did have it I would take 2 Atropine tablets with my morning meds and 2 of them 30 minutes before eating lunch and dinner and 2 more at night with my night meds. This worked for me I would take 8 pills a day they are tiny anyway. One thing that would cause me problems was rare beef. I have been off atropine since I started my new regimen of Truvada,Norvir and Reyataz.

Another thing to put into your stomach is cultured yogurt to bring back the gut flora the way it needs to be.


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Good foods: rice, apples, beef (for me), low fiber

foods except oatmeal, avoiding milk products and

processed juices, taking calcium carbonate tablets

(not with your meds though), etc.

Lark Lands has one of the best articles on this


--- Kendall Hitchler <kendallnsf@...> wrote:

> Has anyone come across a diet that gets rid of

> diahrea, I've had it

> for years. Right now I'm on tinture of opium which

> works but taking

> itevery four hours is a drag. I just don't think

> taking opium everyday

> isn't a great idea. Dr. don't seem to concered that

> I'll end up in

> some bunk in a opium den. Guess I'd have to give up

> a lot of differnt

> foods which I'm willing to do if it will make me

> normal .

> Thands for any help

> Kendall




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Good foods: rice, apples, beef (for me), low fiber

foods except oatmeal, avoiding milk products and

processed juices, taking calcium carbonate tablets

(not with your meds though), etc.

Lark Lands has one of the best articles on this


--- Kendall Hitchler <kendallnsf@...> wrote:

> Has anyone come across a diet that gets rid of

> diahrea, I've had it

> for years. Right now I'm on tinture of opium which

> works but taking

> itevery four hours is a drag. I just don't think

> taking opium everyday

> isn't a great idea. Dr. don't seem to concered that

> I'll end up in

> some bunk in a opium den. Guess I'd have to give up

> a lot of differnt

> foods which I'm willing to do if it will make me

> normal .

> Thands for any help

> Kendall




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> Forward this email to anyone who may benefit from

> this information! Thanks!

> In Health,


> Vergel (PoWeRTX@...)

> List Founder and Moderator



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First, I hope that you've seen a great gastroenterologist, to make sure nothing else is going on in the bowels (colonoscopy, stool tests MRI, etc). I ate a lot of rice when I had it, and I had it SEVERELY. I lived on Immodium AD back then. But my problem was caused by colitus, and then a few of my meds, and then later, Kaposi's sarcoma in my intestinal lining. BTW, opium and other meds like that can make the bowels "sleep" and create even more havoc on your intestines. These meds can clog up your pipes leading to constipation and/or more of the runs. Also, check your meds side effects to see if they are causing it. You may be able to switch meds to alleviate the problem. Kendall Hitchler <kendallnsf@...> wrote: Has anyone come across a diet that gets rid of diahrea, I've had itfor years. Right now I'm on tinture of opium which works but takingitevery four hours is a drag. I just don't think taking opium everydayisn't a great idea. Dr. don't seem to concered that I'll end up insome bunk in a opium den. Guess I'd have to give up a lot of differntfoods which I'm willing to do if it will make me normal .Thands for any helpKendall


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First, I hope that you've seen a great gastroenterologist, to make sure nothing else is going on in the bowels (colonoscopy, stool tests MRI, etc). I ate a lot of rice when I had it, and I had it SEVERELY. I lived on Immodium AD back then. But my problem was caused by colitus, and then a few of my meds, and then later, Kaposi's sarcoma in my intestinal lining. BTW, opium and other meds like that can make the bowels "sleep" and create even more havoc on your intestines. These meds can clog up your pipes leading to constipation and/or more of the runs. Also, check your meds side effects to see if they are causing it. You may be able to switch meds to alleviate the problem. Kendall Hitchler <kendallnsf@...> wrote: Has anyone come across a diet that gets rid of diahrea, I've had itfor years. Right now I'm on tinture of opium which works but takingitevery four hours is a drag. I just don't think taking opium everydayisn't a great idea. Dr. don't seem to concered that I'll end up insome bunk in a opium den. Guess I'd have to give up a lot of differntfoods which I'm willing to do if it will make me normal .Thands for any helpKendall


Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

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Personally, I do better avoiding milk products and onions in particular. Although Garlic does not seem to have an affect. Rich, greasy foods, heavily laced foods with Olive Oil also can predictably cause a problem. I am on Atripla (Sustiva, Viread, Emtriva) which has work very well otherwise. Some sexual dysfunction, but still a workable situation.

I also take pysotropics, high blood pressure, and other heart medications. Since they are since the HIV meds, I do not find that they have any significant affect. Bob Reynolds A Person Living With AIDS 813-932-9971

For complete and current updates: JOINPeopleLivingBetterWithHIV @ plwa/hivPeopleLivingBetterWithAIDSHIV/?yguid=267666564

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Personally, I do better avoiding milk products and onions in particular. Although Garlic does not seem to have an affect. Rich, greasy foods, heavily laced foods with Olive Oil also can predictably cause a problem. I am on Atripla (Sustiva, Viread, Emtriva) which has work very well otherwise. Some sexual dysfunction, but still a workable situation.

I also take pysotropics, high blood pressure, and other heart medications. Since they are since the HIV meds, I do not find that they have any significant affect. Bob Reynolds A Person Living With AIDS 813-932-9971

For complete and current updates: JOINPeopleLivingBetterWithHIV @ plwa/hivPeopleLivingBetterWithAIDSHIV/?yguid=267666564

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

NO you are not the only one!

I finally got it under control with Sandostatin, I had to inject

it daily. It was a pain but at least it controlled the diarreaha.




> Am I the only one who can't leave the house without taking Imodium?

Is the from CML or

> Gleevec?


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