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Try this link: <A

HREF= " http://www.autism.com/ari/danlist.html " >http://www.autism.com/ari/danlist.\

html</A> There are 2 drs in

Durham and 1 in North ton, SC. I have lots of sites bookmarked and

I'll have to see what's there.

Yes definitely more autism. Though I have more than 25 years experience as a

Feingold volunteer and even more as a teacher, I didn't hear much about new

autism treatments (and how Feingold, etc. might help) until about 10 years

ago. I had several students (much of my later work was in special ed) and

some Feingold kids that must have been on the autism spectrum though

identifying them was back then hardly or relunctantly done. I wonder about

those kids today hoping they are getting help.


> Markey, Wow that is incredible.I wish I knew what you must know. I need a

> doctor nearby. So if you know of one in Wilmington Or Raleigh( I might have

> to go there if I can't find one here) Feel free to e-mail me any helpful

> info

> at DSCCARR5@... you see an increase in children with these problems

> from when you first started studying them?I grew up here but lived in MS

> for

> a while but I moved back in time for the era of Hurricanes starting in

> 1996.


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  • 1 year later...


a lot of this info is new to me, but that's what this dr. said. i'm not sure

yet what ryan will be getting. we're waiting for the appointment to

determine which he'll get. is one better than the other? or does it depend

on the severity of the plagio?

thanks, Donna

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I have never heard about this. I was told that Twin A is much more

likely to have plagio because of being crammed down in there for so

long by twin b, so it is present at birth.

Is your son in a helmet/band?

Dane's mom DOC Grad

> hi, i'm new to this group as my 6 mo old son was also diagnosed w/


> the dr who we went to said that some babies skulls have a certain

level of

> calcium that make them much more prone to their heads flattening.

he (a

> pediatric neurosurgeon) said he sees a lot of twins and 1 baby

doesn't have

> this problem, but the other will - despite the both of them being

on their

> backs the same amount of time! hth!

> Donna - richmond,va

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to hear it went well & wasn't too traumatic!

Kelli & Luke (5wks in local helmet)Indiana

-- Re: Donna & in VA - report on casting

thanks for asking how things went! i think it went pretty well thanks to having everyone's prior input and advice. i took toys to distract him and that helped a lot. the orthodist put a sock over his head with a hole for his face and then preceeded with the strips for the casting. i think the whole process took 15 minutes. when he was done, it looked like ryan was wearing a plaster helmet. of course, he didn't like it, i think it was hot, he got all red and some sweat dripped from his scalp. i'm sure his crying didn't help the condition!but as everyone posted, within 5 minutes after it was taken off, he was fine. worn out from the ordeal, but fine!we go back on the 22nd to get the band and do the fitting. i'm sure i'll be posting regularly then with questions!Donna, richmond, vaFor more plagio info

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  • 7 months later...
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I just wanted to tell you that my Hannah does NOT have tort (her

plagio developed inutero), but that we still were told to do the

exercises. It can't hurt I guess. She had full range of motion

always, but favored her right flat side anyway. Our neurosurgeon

said to think of it as a bowl coming to rest on the flat bottom. No

matter which side you angle it toward it will always fall back onto

that flat spot. It's funny b/c her headsicle does the same thing :).

, Hannah's mom DOCbanded 5/12

Cape Cod, Ma

> In a message dated 6/20/2003 12:53:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> djs611@h... writes:


> > I am

> > not even sure if he has that but it sounds like he does because


> > favors one side????

> >


> Hi Donna,

> That can be tricky- in many cases the tort causes secondary plagio,

in other

> words the lack of rotation and the fixed position creates a flat

spot, or in

> my son's case, the ability to only turn right made him rub it flat

basically by

> constantly turning in only that direction. Some cases of moderate

to severe

> plagio make it a physical challenge for that child to have the

strength to get

> off that flat spot, its like the bottom of a bowl, you roll it and

it will

> eventually land right on that flat spot, which only perpetuates the


> further. I would call your ped today, and schedule an appt. to

evaluate your

> child for tort. You want to make sure its a muscular problem that

can be worked

> out with pt, some causes of tort also include hip displasia, eye

problems or

> bony fusion so its important to know which one your dealing with

(most cases its

> CMT- congenital muscular tort). I will attach a few links that

talk about

> tort and show exercises, please read about it and discuss this with

your ped

> asap! Good luck and keep us posted, if I can help in anyway,

please let me know!

> Also check out <A

HREF= " www.torticolliskids " >www.torticolliskids@gr

oups.com</A> for more support as well.


> nicholas'mom

> <A

HREF= " http://www.torticolliskids.org/ " >http://www.torticolliskids.org/



> <A

HREF= " http://www.pedisurg.com/PtEduc/Torticollis.htm " >http://www.pedis


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  • 3 months later...

-That's for the encouragement! Xavier is a real cutie. His pics look

like he did receive good correction. I go to Dr HAll, a physician on

the datatbase, he is a plastic surgeon. My Ot told me from day one Dr

Hall is quite conservative. He is very concerned with head

circumference and size of anterior fontanel. He told me before

treatment even started he only prescribes a band for max 4 months, no

matter what the outcome. He states " Cranial growth or brain growth

matters much more than head shape. "

received his band at 9.5 months with quite a large anterior

fontanel . However, in one month it did close a considerable amount.

Right away, he put up a red flag, but he grew a 1/2 cm in

circumference, so he continued treatment. The next visit the fontanel

stayed the same,but the head grew only 1/4cm. So he said one more

month will do it. He loves the outcome on the right occiptal area,but

the right parietal-occiptal joining area is his concern.

So therefore, I don't really have a choice he is very srict and there

is no discussing treatment time with him. -

I keep praying for a miracle, because my peditrian is an asshole, I

kept verbalizing my concern overhis head shape from 2 weeksI kept

hearing the usual line of bullshit " IT WILL ROUND OUT ON IT'S OWN "

Thanks for listening,


- In Plagiocephaly , " djs61111 " <djs611@h...> wrote:

> I just wanted to let you know I know where you are coming from. My

> son Xavier was banded at almost 4 months and was in his DOCband for


> weeks and he did have great correction. He had plagio on the right

> side but also showed brachy esp after band #1 was done. When he


> got his band the back of his head was actually dented! Well we

> thought we could get more correction with another band so we


> to go for it. He is now 6.5 months old and has been in his second

> band for 1.5 weeks. If you want to look in our album " xavier " there

> are before and after pics. It was a very hard decision to make but


> just wanted to do what was best for Xavier. Hang in there and

> whatever deciison you make I know will be the right one :o)

> Donna and Xavier DOCband 7/25 and 10/8

> Phx, AZ

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 months later...
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Donna, I had almost the same experience with doctors--the MD's. I used to trust them greatly. I never had to go to doctors before implants. I think I only went to an ob/gyn for the birth of my babies and a once a year Pap smear. Other than that, I had no need for them. So when I started seeing docs after I got sick from implants, I couldn't believe the garbage I was hearing! A rheumatologist even told me after my blood work came back abnormal that he didn't believe it, that it was lab error. He told me other stupid things. And then he told me I was all better, I didn't need to see him anymore. I thought fine! I'll go see someone else who is a bit smarter about the human body. I gave up on MD's altogether, and have only seen naturopaths since then, with the exception of a endocrinologist for my thyroid issues. But he was almost as dumb as the rheumy. So I just

don't see doctors. You have to be careful with naturopaths and homeopaths and their kind, however. Since most of them don't deal with insurance, you can rack up huge bills in no time flat. And most of them will recommend supplements out the wazoo....pricey supplements that you can usually find on the internet much cheaper. Some of them will have their own label that they will want to sell you. I just find out what it is that they want to give me, make notes of them, and go buy it myself, unless it is a certain blend of herbs or whatever. Then I buy what they are suggesting. Another issue with the naturopathic treatment versus the allopathic medicine (based on drugs) is that we expect natural medicines to work like drugs....but they don't. Drugs are a quick fix, herbs and other supplements take much longer to work well, like 6 weeks to 3 months of use before you can tell a difference. So,

we get our hopes up very high of getting better right away with naturopathic treatment, and then we get disappointed when it doesn't seem to be working fast enough or well enough. I think your treatment plan with Dr. Kolb and the other homeopathic doctor is a great one. It sounds like the homeopath knew what he was talking about. I think the liver is the organ we need to focus on too, so it looks like he is on the right track. I know this is a really hard trial to be going through, and I beat myself up for making such a stupid choice too. But we just didn't know. We were told lies and we can't keep beating ourselves up for making the choice we did. It's a lesson we had to learn. I believe God was watching over me and knew what I would be dealing with....and He provided the way out. God is watching over you too. You are finding out things you needed to

learn, and you will be much stronger for it all. God bless! Patty BSBanshee1@... wrote: Patty, I knew it had to do with the implant, prior to getting them I had very nice skin. I am Thankful that I am compulsive about myself or I would have let this go on maybe until it's to late. I can only pray that I get these out on time to get well. I hope so for my sake and my children, I don't know how much more of this my poor kids can take. I wish I had never gotten these implants that was the worse mistake I ever made. I have done some dumb thing but this is the dumb. I can't believe that I let

this go over a year and believed the Dr's telling me Saline is safe. The gut feeling said, Implants!!! I don't know if I can trust a doctor again???? Sometime I think after I get these implants removed, I may go to a homeopathy Doctor who is real close in my area. I can't trust anyone else. I went to this homeopathy Doctor and he was very puzzled with me when I got in there. He said, Donna you have 47 organs affected by this, liver is number one organ, if I can fix your liver you will get better. Then he said, you are allergic to Mold, then he said, your nerves are affected by this. To me he made more sense to me than all the other medical doctors I went to begging for help, saying am I gonna die. They said, you are psycho see a physiatrist. I just can't believe. I think I will go back to the homeopathy Doctor and Dr. Kolb and fire the rest. Donna

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Thanks for the info greatly appreciated. I think your right about certain Dr's that is for sure. I like this homeopathy Dr. because he is also a licensed chiropractor also. He made a lot of scense to me were no other Dr. did that is for sure.

Thanks again,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm so happy for you I'm so glad this is behind you. I have now made up my mind and it will be Dr Kolb I will be seeing. Please give me the address and number and name to the motel you used and any other imformation you think will be helpful to me. Tell me the meds your on and detox...I'm so interested. When do you get the pain pump removed and when can you shower etc...take it easy girl. I'll call you over the weekend. Lots of love

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Yes, please call and I will give all to you. I am having hard time seeing this computer screen.

Hugs and so glad you are going to be in good hands I won't worry so much about my twin now.



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Yes I've spoke with Dr Kolb trying to get my insurance worked out then I am off. She has been so nice to me.Emailing calling etc...and Donna and many others swear by her...I want this to be my LAST surgery so I better go to the best.

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I'm so glad you decided to go with Dr. Kolb. I was worried that your

current PC would not be able to do what DR. Kolb does when it comes to

explant and detox. Will you be going in August?



> I'm so happy for you I'm so glad this is behind you. I have now made

up my

> mind and it will be Dr Kolb I will be seeing. Please give me the

address and

> number and name to the motel you used and any other imformation you

think will

> be helpful to me. Tell me the meds your on and detox...I'm so


> When do you get the pain pump removed and when can you shower

etc...take it easy

> girl. I'll call you over the weekend. Lots of love


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Not for sure what is going on with me. May be too much anesthesia 4 hours is a long time to be knocked out. I do feel some relief, but It is not easy when you can't shower, you have to change all eating habits, detoxify and med's. I am sure I am just adjusting here, it can't get no worse now that the infection and fungi bags were removed. I am staying hopeful I will regain my health over here. It can't get no worse, I hope not anyway. I am sick of being sick that is for sure but we are all in the same boat here.



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This is true, thanks for the support. I got my operative report from Dr. Kolb today and almost threw up. This is enough to upset anyone just to think we had stuff floating around in us for so long. I appreciate the support .


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Hi Donna,

Sorry you are feeling like this. I was 4 hours too and it does take it out of you. I know you cannot shower but you can sit in the bath and it makes you feel better. I washed my hair over the sink though blow drying was a little difficult and had to get some help on that. My bandages came off after three days and I was told I could shower. I must admit though, I felt it easier to soak deeply in the bath as the shower jets hurt me at first.

We have a long road to recovery Donna and we have to take it one step at a time. Your doing great, just hang on in there, you are not alone.

I felt great after about a week but this last week I have been having a few aches and pains again. I try not to worry now as I know that there is no more of that awful toxic stuff, loose and fancy free getting out, its just the old rubbish I have to eliminate.



-- Re: Donna


Not for sure what is going on with me. May be too much anesthesia 4 hours is a long time to be knocked out. I do feel some relief, but It is not easy when you can't shower, you have to change all eating habits, detoxify and med's. I am sure I am just adjusting here, it can't get no worse now that the infection and fungi bags were removed. I am staying hopeful I will regain my health over here. It can't get no worse, I hope not anyway. I am sick of being sick that is for sure but we are all in the same boat here.



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I wish I had a detailed operative report. He has given me my implants so I can send them to Dr Blais but at the moment, money is tight so they are still in the fridge!! I have no idea what is inside mine but they are red inside which I believe to be blood. The capsules are floating around in little plastic tubs and look disgusting, like liver. It is upsetting to know that its there, floating around but relief too that its no longer floating around inside your body!!!Yuk..

Stay positive honey, you will get there. They are OUT and that is the best thing you have done for your body and peace of mind. Keep giving yourself a pat on the back for being strong enough to have got this far. Its not easy going through the explant. I was so scared before surgery, I have to admit and thought that if I got through it my heart would give up during the operation through nerves. Then afterwards you have to contend with being unable to do things for a while as well as having to get used to the "new look" (still haven't got used to mine as I am still healing and hoping they get to look a little better but have resigned myself to the fact that maybe they will not but I just look at it like its another challenge in my life)

Does anyone know what the Baker thing is? I have seen it mentioned in previous posts but didn't understand it but it is written in my discharge papers.


-- Re: Donna


This is true, thanks for the support. I got my operative report from Dr. Kolb today and almost threw up. This is enough to upset anyone just to think we had stuff floating around in us for so long. I appreciate the support .


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Hi , The Baker scale is a measure of the amount of capsular contracture that is present. The scale goes from I to IV (using the Roman numeral system). In Baker Class I, the capsule surrounding the implant is as soft as a natural breast. In Class II, the capsule can be felt but not seen. In Class III, the capsule is firmer such that it can be easily felt and can be seen (or distortion is present) In Class IV, the capsule is firm and hard. Significant capsular contracture can be a reason for implant removal in which insurance coverage can be obtained. Patty Lambert <manditenerife1@...> wrote: Does anyone know what the Baker thing is? I have seen it mentioned in previous posts but didn't understand it but it is written in my discharge papers. .

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The binders are so cute I love them too. I put on a sports bra today and man so uncomfy. I agree with the binder part. Mine was pink my favorite color and I was so happy. I told Bruce they must have known pink was my favorite color, because my toe nails were painted pink. He just laughed. The binders are very cute and comfy I am in love forever myself. I bought a bra and don't like it at all. I will stick to the binder forever I think. LOL Penni don't be mean to Tom, he is wonderful man. I do the same thing to Bruce, I also tell him who else is there to vent this out on. He totally agrees with me after I say that. LOL We all get angry and tired so don't feel bad. I think if we take it easy all day and don't over do we will make the day. If we try to over do, crash and burn. I do the same Penni. Good Luck on the therapist and the arm. I know my right arm and breast still hurts. My left fine right is ouch still. Maybe from all the infection on that side. I hope I am ok. Good Luck let me know how therapy goes.


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Incase you don't have the website it's www.Breastbinders.com I bought two and with the attachable straps. They haven't arrived yet.

Your so kind and encouraging. Thank you for being such an up lift to me.



Re: Donna


The binders are so cute I love them too. I put on a sports bra today and man so uncomfy. I agree with the binder part. Mine was pink my favorite color and I was so happy. I told Bruce they must have known pink was my favorite color, because my toe nails were painted pink. He just laughed. The binders are very cute and comfy I am in love forever myself. I bought a bra and don't like it at all. I will stick to the binder forever I think. LOL Penni don't be mean to Tom, he is wonderful man. I do the same thing to Bruce, I also tell him who else is there to vent this out on. He totally agrees with me after I say that. LOL We all get angry and tired so don't feel bad. I think if we take it easy all day and don't over do we will make the day. If we try to over do, crash and burn. I do the same Penni. Good Luck on the therapist and the arm. I know my right arm and breast still hurts. My left fine right is ouch still. Maybe from all the infection on that side. I hope I am ok. Good Luck let me know how therapy goes.


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