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hi susan

thankx for the welcome for a long time i was causious about joining a group,

but it is important to connect with others going through the same

experience, for a long time i have been in ignoring the cml but it has forced me


wake up ; thankx guys for the welcome advice i had no idea that there were

specialists in cml now to find one in my area. once again thankx for the welcome

do well and stay well.

aliza rochester n.y.

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I have been diagnosed for just under 3 years now. I was 33 years old at the

time with 3 little children. I am doing much better. I still have good

days and bad days but the good days far outweigh the bad now.

I have shortness of breath too. I also have chest pain and find it most

annoying as I become dehydrated. So, when you are having these pains, see if

not increasing your fluid intake helps. Also, when my hemoglobin drops under

11, I notice more chest discomfort as well as increased shortness of breath.

So, I can usually go in and have blood drawn as see why I am having increased

symptoms. If I can relate it, then I am okay with it. Weird but, then I

don't have to worry that it is something else. It usually last a day or two

and then goes away until the next time.

I would check with your insurance and make sure in fact that your counts

have to be a certain level before procrit. My experience has been if you are

symptomatic and your doctor feels it would benefit you, he can normally make a

call or send in a letter of explanation and get it approved. This normally

just involves a phone call.

Use this site to verbalize your questions, comments, questions and fears.

It is a great therapeutic avenue especially on the bad days. We have all

walked in your shoes at on time or another and it is important that we are all

here to support one another. Cancer is scary and we all need the support no

matter where we are in our CML juorney.

Hugs and Hope-


CML 5/13/05

Gleevec 800mg until 8/07

Spyrcel 100 mg since 9/07

Wife and mother of 3 (12,9,7)

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Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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Hi , the chest pains and shortness of breath is what goes along with

pleural effusion, have you checked this out with your doctor? I put mine off

too long, due to a dr. in emergency telling me it wa pneumonia, and had to have

a thoracentesis done - not pleasant. I had to have my sprycel dose stopped, then

decreased, then stopped again, and am now back on 40 mg a day. Please be sure

you do not have pleural effusion, good luck. Bobby

vegasrnjen@... wrote: Alisa-

I have been diagnosed for just under 3 years now. I was 33 years old at the

time with 3 little children. I am doing much better. I still have good

days and bad days but the good days far outweigh the bad now.

I have shortness of breath too. I also have chest pain and find it most

annoying as I become dehydrated. So, when you are having these pains, see if

not increasing your fluid intake helps. Also, when my hemoglobin drops under

11, I notice more chest discomfort as well as increased shortness of breath.

So, I can usually go in and have blood drawn as see why I am having increased

symptoms. If I can relate it, then I am okay with it. Weird but, then I

don't have to worry that it is something else. It usually last a day or two

and then goes away until the next time.

I would check with your insurance and make sure in fact that your counts

have to be a certain level before procrit. My experience has been if you are

symptomatic and your doctor feels it would benefit you, he can normally make a

call or send in a letter of explanation and get it approved. This normally

just involves a phone call.

Use this site to verbalize your questions, comments, questions and fears.

It is a great therapeutic avenue especially on the bad days. We have all

walked in your shoes at on time or another and it is important that we are all

here to support one another. Cancer is scary and we all need the support no

matter where we are in our CML juorney.

Hugs and Hope-


CML 5/13/05

Gleevec 800mg until 8/07

Spyrcel 100 mg since 9/07

Wife and mother of 3 (12,9,7)

**************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &

Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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hi jenifer you sound like me always evaluating whats going on. In the

begining i felt that i was producing symtoms and many of my friends made me feel


if I was, but in time i learned to ignore thier comments 'cause when there

are symtoms they must be addressed. glad i found the site


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Dear ,

Good Morning,

I also feel same problem, when my RBC (Red Blood Cells) goes down, you take

diets which increase the RBC i.e. Apple, Paneer etc.

Since last 2 months I started a Antioxident called BIO C ( A product of

NUTROLITE CO.) My counts are very good, my RBC increased to 5.

With my best wishes

J P Tiwari

vegasrnjen@... wrote:


I have been diagnosed for just under 3 years now. I was 33 years old at the

time with 3 little children. I am doing much better. I still have good

days and bad days but the good days far outweigh the bad now.

I have shortness of breath too. I also have chest pain and find it most

annoying as I become dehydrated. So, when you are having these pains, see if

not increasing your fluid intake helps. Also, when my hemoglobin drops under

11, I notice more chest discomfort as well as increased shortness of breath.

So, I can usually go in and have blood drawn as see why I am having increased

symptoms. If I can relate it, then I am okay with it. Weird but, then I

don't have to worry that it is something else. It usually last a day or two

and then goes away until the next time.

I would check with your insurance and make sure in fact that your counts

have to be a certain level before procrit. My experience has been if you are

symptomatic and your doctor feels it would benefit you, he can normally make a

call or send in a letter of explanation and get it approved. This normally

just involves a phone call.

Use this site to verbalize your questions, comments, questions and fears.

It is a great therapeutic avenue especially on the bad days. We have all

walked in your shoes at on time or another and it is important that we are all

here to support one another. Cancer is scary and we all need the support no

matter where we are in our CML juorney.

Hugs and Hope-


CML 5/13/05

Gleevec 800mg until 8/07

Spyrcel 100 mg since 9/07

Wife and mother of 3 (12,9,7)

**************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &

Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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i would rather say that Aliza in hebrew is more cheerful, but that is symantic


are you Israeli?

best regards


Re: [ ] Aliza

gee thkx lotttie

all your advice is wellworth it lov always is of help " aliza " means

gay/happy in hebrew

lov aliza

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my mom lived in eretz Israel when she was a young girl before it became a

state, and imigrated to latin america

I think it had to do with my father , and thats where i and my sister noemi

and brother ruben were born. then we all came to america.been here since.

you are Israeli ?yes?my mom's maiden name was medinat


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i am Israeli born and i live here since i was born 56 years ago


Re: [ ] Aliza

my mom lived in eretz Israel when she was a young girl before it became a

state, and imigrated to latin america

I think it had to do with my father , and thats where i and my sister noemi

and brother ruben were born. then we all came to america.been here since.

you are Israeli ?yes?my mom's maiden name was medinat


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I don't think you guys should feel sorry about complaining or feeling bad.

These bad days come and go and I think as far as myself, I usually feel the

worse as far as down on myself and " why me " , when I am truly fatigued, overtired

or not feel good (pain). Everything is worse when you don't feel good to

begin with.

We have cancer, we have earned our right to bitch or complain or simply lay

around if we need to. You owe no one an explanation. Until someone has

truly walked in your shoes, they can't possibly understand what you are going

through. I have a VERY supportive family including my hubby, yet I don't

think anyone will totally understand it all. They just give me support, let me

rest when I need to and are a shoulder to lean on when I need it.

We will all have up days and down days. Hopefully your up days will out do

your down days but you'll get through it. Brighter days are coming. When

you are having a bad days just remember tomorrow will be better, its something

to look forward to!


Hugs and Hope-


CML 5/13/05

Gleevec 800mg until 8/07

Spyrcel 100 mg since 9/07

Wife and mother of 3 (12,9,7)

# 907 in Zavie's Zero Club

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Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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I completely understand. We are here for you! Almost 3 years into this, I

still have those feelings.

Hugs and Hope-


CML 5/13/05

Gleevec 800mg until 8/07

Spyrcel 100 mg since 9/07

Wife and mother of 3 (12,9,7)

# 907 in Zavie's Zero Club

**************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &

Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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hi jenifer

thats what keeps me alive expecting that tommorow or the day after

will be a better day. but there's nothing more anoying than

the " don't dwell on it so much or keep a positive attitude " when you

fell frightened and without energy to breath and you're right no one

can relate unless ( god forbid) they're in your shoes: you have no

idea how much this group helps I can't thank everyone enough



> I don't think you guys should feel sorry about complaining or

feeling bad.

> These bad days come and go and I think as far as myself, I usually

feel the

> worse as far as down on myself and " why me " , when I am truly

fatigued, overtired

> or not feel good (pain). Everything is worse when you don't

feel good to

> begin with.


> We have cancer, we have earned our right to bitch or complain or

simply lay

> around if we need to. You owe no one an explanation. Until

someone has

> truly walked in your shoes, they can't possibly understand what

you are going

> through. I have a VERY supportive family including my hubby, yet

I don't

> think anyone will totally understand it all. They just give me

support, let me

> rest when I need to and are a shoulder to lean on when I need it.


> We will all have up days and down days. Hopefully your up days

will out do

> your down days but you'll get through it. Brighter days are

coming. When

> you are having a bad days just remember tomorrow will be better,

its something

> to look forward to!

> Sincerely-


> Hugs and Hope-


> 35

> CML 5/13/05

> Gleevec 800mg until 8/07

> Spyrcel 100 mg since 9/07

> Wife and mother of 3 (12,9,7)

> # 907 in Zavie's Zero Club





> **************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL

Money &

> Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)




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-hi donna to be frightened i think is natural I mean it's cancer ,

but people are actually alive for years in this group so it gives me

more stregth to fight actually I think I fell more anger at cml

itself than sorry for myself I'm just a big cycy when it comes to

sickness . ive delt with ulcerative colittis for years and other

problems that weaken you.I can also get very tragic and I trust my

dr. sometimes too much without realizing that they're human beeing I

am begining to accept that and taking resposibility for the bug(cml)

stay strong as you can. you have good friend here

lov aliza

-- In , donnaberry99 <no_reply@...> wrote:



> Aliza,

> I know what you mean about being frightened. Gosh, I freak out so

> easily and go for days at times down in the dumps (my friends and

> family, except Hubby don't know it though) I wonder if that all


> away with time too, I hope so as I am naturally a really happy

> person. If I let myself I can be quite melodramatic about it, not

> wanting to listen to music I liked before DX etc. I feel guilty

> feeling sorry for myself as I have minimal side effects compared to

> some people who post here.

> Regards,

> Donna

> Up and over LOL


> > >

> > > I understand the remission but like when I was on Gleevec


> I

> > was MMR

> > > and CCR yet my platelets would be down in the 50-90's.(Low).

> > >

> > > Not sure if that is the reason but thought I might bring it


> > Maybe you

> > > have a hemorrhoid either internal or external that just got

> > irritated? I

> > > would watch it and if it is constant or anything more then a

> smear,

> > I would

> > > notify the doctor. My feelings are its better to be safe then

> > sorry.

> > >

> > > Keep us posted.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hugs and Hope-

> > >

> > > 35

> > > CML 5/13/05

> > > Gleevec 800mg until 8/07

> > > Spyrcel 100 mg since 9/07

> > > Wife and mother of 3 (12,9,7)

> > > # 907 in Zavie's Zero Club

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > **************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL

> > Money &

> > > Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?


> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Donna - what is TMJ? With the arthritis, I had a myriad of aches and

pains in all my joints which disappeared after 2 weeks of Glivec treatment.

The bone pain I was alluding to is some of the listers have said they had

terrible pain in their legs and couldn't walk due to the severe pain they

were in. Anti inflammatories and even morphine can't treat it, as you need a

blood supply to the area to get the drugs to work.


from Downunder


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Sunday, 23 March 2008 3:18 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Aliza

I too was diagnosed with arthritis in the knees as I was in horrible

pain, that was 18mos before dx. Now no knee pain at all.

Another thing I had a strange bout with was TMJ and I have ironically

heard others mention this too. Sometimes I wonder if this is all

related especially when you try and determine how long you had CML





> hi group

> I knew something was wrong years ago when i felt low gradw fevers

and bone

> pains that were dianosed as inflamatory artheritis and as such i

lived on xtra

> strenghth tylanol. once dx in 2007 3weeks after taking gleevec,

all gone, i

> get ocational bone pain but nothing like b4.

> aliza yaffa

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Aliza,

Are you o.k. I didn't get any emails from the group for a few days, so I

was wondering if you were o.k, haven't heard a peep from you. I know you live

alone and wonder if you have anyone you can call on if you need help?



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