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Pity party

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Dear Sharon,

I don't allow myself more than 10 minutes on a pity party. LOL. Sometimes

support from your family is not your only you need, you need to dump right

here. You will be heard and understood. What do you think the odds are of you

having a heart attack or sudden death? Not very likely. I hope you get through

the day. Tomorrow will be better, go easy on yourself. Just remember Day by


Take care and receive your blessings,


Matt, I'm glad you posted that you give blood for research. I go to MDACC and

always let them take extra blood for their research. I don't mind, because I

was a regular blood donor before I was diagnosed. I happened to go to the blood

bank when I went to the hospital for a CT Scan. They asked what I was doing

that day in general conversation and I said I was there for x-rays. The tech

said they wouldn't take my blood because if I was there for an x-ray, I might

need surgery, and need my blood. In a few days I was in the hospital for an

attack of GERD. they must not have taken my blood because I was not told

anything, but this happened on a Saturday night. My doctor called the following

Monday and asked if I wanted a follow up. I said yes and I wanted a C B C


When they did t he CBC it was 27,000. They took it again in a month and it was

47,000. Then they ordered a BMB and that day it was 77,000. It was really

beginning to take off. The first thing I took was Hydrea. It's an old drug,

but very good to bring your counts down quickly. They once gave me 1200 a day

and I looked like I had reverse vitilago, so the command was to abort. I was

waiting to get on Gleevec and had a washout period in which my WBC spiraled

upwards. I guess inside each of us, there is a story to tell.



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I agree 100%. I have allowed myself more than a 10 min pitty party

since diagnosis. It wont help anything really, it is more a means to

let it out for a minute and move on. This week has been one of my

hardest since the first month of treatment and it just got to me

yesterday. Today is a new day and some of my side effects have

eased. It is beautiful out and I am spending the day with my family

no matter what.


> Dear Carey,

> I think it's o.k. to have a pity party now and then, but I

always think we should not let them go beyond 10 min. LOL. The

clock is ticking and we still have a lot of living to do. Not

everyone is lucky enough to have a compatible group like ours to help

pull us out of the doldrums. Store up some of the good times in your

memory and fall back on the good old days. Take advantage of the

days you feel better and say to yourself, but this sure is a good day

to have CML It's completely natural to feel depressed, anxious, and

even angry when you have cancer. Sometimes it might be caused by the

difficult decisions you have to make regarding your treatment or the

difficulty you have in getting to an appointment, the distance you

have to travel, etc. It's o.k. to discuss your feelings with us, who

will better understand? Above all, take care of yourself physically

and emotionally. We only have one you.

> Blessings,

> Lottie



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I just saw the post from Lottie and I totally agree. Pity parties are

okay for a while. Ithink we all went on the emotional roller coaster

off and on for a while - still do on occasion. Carey, losing our good

health is a loss like any other one. We need to grieve that loss, and

the grief process is the same - denial, anger, bargaining and then

acceptance. All those stages bring a multitude of emotions. My rule

of thumb is this: I allow myself a pity party no longer than 24 hours

and then it goes. I make sure my husband runs the timer!

Be well and look for all the good things in life and around you. I am

a 6 year survivor and I truly mean it when I say, I am better because I

have CML. Let me know if you need me to run the timer! Ha!



> >

> > Dear Carey,

> > I think it's o.k. to have a pity party now and then, but I

> always think we should not let them go beyond 10 min. LOL. The

> clock is ticking and we still have a lot of living to do. Not

> everyone is lucky enough to have a compatible group like ours to help

> pull us out of the doldrums. Store up some of the good times in your

> memory and fall back on the good old days. Take advantage of the

> days you feel better and say to yourself, but this sure is a good day

> to have CML It's completely natural to feel depressed, anxious, and

> even angry when you have cancer. Sometimes it might be caused by the

> difficult decisions you have to make regarding your treatment or the

> difficulty you have in getting to an appointment, the distance you

> have to travel, etc. It's o.k. to discuss your feelings with us, who

> will better understand? Above all, take care of yourself physically

> and emotionally. We only have one you.

> > Blessings,

> > Lottie

> >

> >

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