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RE: Sorting out the members

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Sharon, I was 65 when I was dx too. But that was in '95, and the prognosis was

about 5 years. they were quite right too, because at the end of 5 years my

counts started to go crazy, and I was lucky enough to get into the trial for

Gleevec. And so 8 years later, here I am, comparing stories with you gals! And

feeling fit as a fiddle, and looking forward to either staying on Sprycel, or

switching to Tasi, whichever Dr. Talpaz says to do , next week. I don't worry

about it, I'm in good hands. And Aliza, those numbers change quite often,

don't let it worry you so. I think perhaps the more you read other posts, the

more you will realize these ups and downs happen quite often, don't borrow

trouble til you have to....and boy! doesn't it help a lot to just sit down and

write it all down to someone who has been there?

Good luck, and blessings, Bobby

Sharon & Denny <onthewtr@...> wrote:

Ok here is my history

July 2004 dx

Gleevec for about 8 months of which 6 of them was suffering from terrible

side affects.The rash was the worst!!

Switched to Sprycel March of 2005. Did real real well and was PCRU for the

last year---then all of a sudden one morning I woke with swollen eyes, and

pains in my muscles. After three years. I had also being have terrible

diarrhea but I learned to live with that side effect. But then I had a

chest x ray and I had plural Effusion. They drained 1 quart from my lungs.

So they switched me to Tasi. I have only been on it since Wednesday. I was

so afraid to leave the house on the first day because of all the side

effects I was told about-heart problems-I thought I was going to have a

heart attack so I did not want to go anywhere. About 1pm I decided I was

being ridiculous and I called my husband and told him to meet me at the

park, So we got sandwhiches and I took our little dog for a walk at the part

then we had lunch. We discussed how I felt and that made me realize that

life is too short to worry so much. Like I said I am 65 and have had a

wonderful life.and I intend to live another 10 or 15 at least.

Yesterday my Dr. called and told me that my PCR went up to 0.011..and again

I got depressed about that.

There are so many ups and downs but we have to learn to handle them. I

think my PCR went up because 3 months ago we lowered my sprycel to 50mg

twice a day(I ws taking 70M twice a day) then when I got the Plural Effusion

I was off all meds for a month before starting Tasi. My Dr has sort of

agreed with me-but y ou know they don't ever want to say " oh yes you are

right "

So that is my story.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2008 3:41 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Sorting out the members


why did you change to tasi from sprycell "

aliza yaffa

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