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Hugs and kisses

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Dear Esther,

I feel sad that you don't have memories of your grandmother. I was 6 when

she died and I still miss her, she was so special. I know kids are on the run

but if you want to be close to your grandchildren, find out what they really

like and have it for them when they come to visit or vice versa. I used to keep

mine after school for a time and I used to buy the tall drug store glasses and

fill them with Jello topped with whipped cream and a long stemmed cherry. They

still talk about it and I have given them the glasses to remember me by. One

grandson used to say, maw maw, you treat me like a king and I would answer that

he was a king at my house. I used to make hamburgers they loved so much they

would always ask for them. When they got older, I would call them to come by, I

had frozen some for them to take home. Now they are grown and busy with their

lives, but we still talk about our memories and they talk about it among


When one was about 10 he asked if I had a will and I said I did. Then he

asked if I would write one for him and he picked out all the things he wanted me

to leave him. He would ask what country it was from and tell me to write it

down. I asked him if he thought I was going to die soon and he said

noooooooooo, he wanted me to live as long as I wanted to. Every once in a while

he asks if I still have that will and I tell him yes, it is tucked away with my

china and in my heart. I always write personal notes on their birthday cards

and they ask if they can read it at home when they are alone and their mothers

tell me they are saved in their clothing drawers. There must be others who do

their own thing, but I just wanted to share my own experiences as an example. I

have two little great grandaughters who love to play school and secretary. When

I go to TN to visit, I bring a box of paper clips, small notebooks, index cards,

gel pens, etc. and throw in the soaps and shampoo bottles from the hotels. in a

box and dump them in the middle of their bed and they go after them like fish

after food. Do they use the paper clips to play school? No, they make

necklaces with them. That's o.k., they are just being creative.

Good luck,


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  • 2 years later...


I know exactly what you're feeling! This was my son too for most of his life. This actually improved when he was put on zoloft. I still have to ask him, "can I have a hug" and sometimes I'll get one and sometimes he still says no. But every now and then he'll give me one on his own and those are precious to me.

So it's not that odd for you to feel that way. I am so happy for you that your son has made this huge step. As for the medication, I would just keep a close eye on him. But if you read the warning labels of just about any medication they all sound terrifying. Hopefully he will be fine on this medication and not develope any side effects. Good luck and hugs to you! ne

From: <amandabeneteau@...>Subject: ( ) hugs and kisses Date: Friday, February 11, 2011, 9:12 AM

hello my son has always had a thing about being touched hardly a hug and especially not a kiss. He is now taking metedate cd and yesterday he ran up to me and gave me a hug, it felt so good even brought me to tears. as much as Iam against these stimulant meds they do help, at least for a short time. but iam still so scared of the serious side effects these meds can cause. but the hug was so nice., sorry if this seems odd but to me it's a big step for my son

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thank you

From: <amandabeneteau@...>Subject: ( ) hugs and kisses Date: Friday, February 11, 2011, 9:12 AM

hello my son has always had a thing about being touched hardly a hug and especially not a kiss. He is now taking metedate cd and yesterday he ran up to me and gave me a hug, it felt so good even brought me to tears. as much as Iam against these stimulant meds they do help, at least for a short time. but iam still so scared of the serious side effects these meds can cause. but the hug was so nice., sorry if this seems odd but to me it's a big step for my son

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It is hard on us all using medication, because it is impossible

to pinpoint what it is they need, so there is so much trial

and error. I am happy for you that you had success with.

Is he on the 10mg dose? Try to keep the dose low to reduce

side effects of higher doses.



> hello my son has always had a thing about being touched hardly a hug and

especially not a kiss. He is now taking metedate cd and yesterday he ran up to

me and gave me a hug, it felt so good even brought me to tears. as much as Iam

against these stimulant meds they do help, at least for a short time. but iam

still so scared of the serious side effects these meds can cause. but the hug

was so nice., sorry if this seems odd but to me it's a big step for my son


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My 3 year old son is the same way about hugs and kisses. They have to be

initiated by him (or done with the exact pressure he wants at the moment) to be

accepted and not wiped away. I think it is not so much a lack of affection, but

a sensory thing. He generally wants firm hugs and light kisses (or better yet no

kisses, unless it is on a boo-boo). When I kiss too hard, my son says " That was

a Mommy kiss! " in a mad voice (Daddy is better at remembering to give soft

kisses, which are only accepted once my son has confirmed that his face is

freshly shaved and free of " speckles " ). I am glad that you have been getting

more hugs from your son - since they are not so freely given, that makes them

extra precious!



> hello my son has always had a thing about being touched hardly a hug and

especially not a kiss. He is now taking metedate cd and yesterday he ran up to

me and gave me a hug, it felt so good even brought me to tears. as much as Iam

against these stimulant meds they do help, at least for a short time. but iam

still so scared of the serious side effects these meds can cause. but the hug

was so nice., sorry if this seems odd but to me it's a big step for my son


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