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blood test

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I have been a patient of Dr. Franco's for 10 months and I tested negative for

both mycoplasma and chlamydia. My other blood tests confirmed that my RA was

very active and he put me on the AP. After 10 months, I am doing great. A

negative test isn't the only answer.

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leslie, i sent my blood for testing for mycoplasmas and still took the

meds.my result showed i had it in the past--maybe thats why it didn't

just show positive. as for chlamydia maybe you should call the lab--the

can do a test of cure. again it will tell them you had it but are now

cured--but i think they may do that anyway.


M Carroll wrote:


> From: M Carroll <LCARROLL@...>


> Hello all,

> I recently made an appointment with Dr. Franco and asked the person who

> made the appointment if I should stay off of the antibioitics for four

> weeks before the blood test. ( I had read from someone from the group that

> they had done this). I was told NOT to and to stay on my meds as normal.

> I went to the support site last night and saw a note from Dr. Franco

> about staying off the antibioitics prior to the visit. Now I am concerned

> that the two tests are going to be incorrect after sending the blood FED Ex

> ( spent 50.00) . I had cut way back to only 100 mg twice a week but I am

> still concerned about the results.

> Has anyone else had the myco and the clamydia test run while on antibioitcs

> and they still came out with a positive reading while on the antibioitics

> or did this mess it up and the tests will be negative regardless because

> of the doxi.Thank you so much!



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Hi ,

I think in Dr. Franco's letter to the group that you read on the website at

rheumatic.org, (Frequently Asked Questions section) it refers to testing for

the mycoplasma and chlamydia infections. He prefers that people start the AP

AFTER they have been tested for these infections. If you are already on the AP

by the time you see Dr. Franco for the first time (as I was) its OK to stay on

your regular routine. Some people do indeed test positive for the mycoplasma

after they have already started the antibiotics and some do not. The tests are

a tool used in the diagnosis, but not the only answer. Dr. Brown treated his

patients who had negative mycoplasma results with the AP anyway, after he had

made a clinical evaluation including other bloodwork.

If this is your first visti to Dr. Franco, you are in for a treat! He is one

of the most respected doctors using the AP. Be prepared to spend 2-3 hours

total (or more?). Some of the time is spent with the nurse as she takes

additional blood for a CBC and an up to the minute SED rate (at that point, I

had to wait a while while Dr. Franco was seeing another parient, or until they

got the blood work results tabulated), and lots of the time is spent with the

doctor and some is spent with taking X-rays. I just got back from my

annual visit yesterday. I am considering going back on a six month basis

preferred by Dr. F, as I forgot to ask him a few things.......I even had a list

of my symptoms and a month by month report all typed up for him concerning the

past year. I also listed my pattern of Minocin and Zithromax and all of my

supplements (He liked both of those) If you are staying at the Holiday Inn

in Riverside, you're in for another treat. As per Dr. Franco's

arrangements.......they are instructed to treat us all with the utmost

kindness, we receive coupons at registration for free tickets to the breakfast

buffet, and a discount rate, as well. They also pick you up at the airport and

take you to and from your appointment! All in all a very pleasant trip.

take care,


M Carroll wrote:

> From: M Carroll <LCARROLL@...>


> Hello all,

> I recently made an appointment with Dr. Franco and asked the person who

> made the appointment if I should stay off of the antibioitics for four

> weeks before the blood test. ( I had read from someone from the group that

> they had done this). I was told NOT to and to stay on my meds as normal.

> I went to the support site last night and saw a note from Dr. Franco

> about staying off the antibioitics prior to the visit. Now I am concerned

> that the two tests are going to be incorrect after sending the blood FED Ex

> ( spent 50.00) . I had cut way back to only 100 mg twice a week but I am

> still concerned about the results.

> Has anyone else had the myco and the clamydia test run while on antibioitcs

> and they still came out with a positive reading while on the antibioitics

> or did this mess it up and the tests will be negative regardless because

> of the doxi.Thank you so much!



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  • 10 months later...

Hi All

Geeee this Internet thing is GREAT

I sent in my abnormal Blood Tests to About Coms Dr.Bones, and he/she

replied to me!

Love and God Bless



It is not the norm for anyone to have an increase in monocytes, and

atypical lymphocytes in the blood. This suggests possible exposure to a

number of acute viral infections, and does not mean that Infectious Mono

is the only culprit.Monocytosis is seen in the recovery phase of many

other acute infections, rheumatologic conditions, and hematologic

neoplasms. Toxic drug reactions also are associated with monocytosis.

You need to keep checking with your local doctor, to make sure that an

illness is not brewing.


Dr Bones

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Hi All

" I told you I was ILL! "

I contacted Dr.Bones with my latest set of BLOODS and this is his


Thought you might ALL enjoy the read and his medical opinion.

Love and God Bless


Re: Blood test

Hello again,

Thanks for the follow-up information. I would say that your marrow has

been challenged and that the reversal in differential reflects this. In

your case it does not appear to be from infection, but rather from an

autoimmune process. This could, of course, be viral triggered. I would

suggest that your blood count is a secondary response to a primary

autoimmune challenge. It would be best to concentrate your concerns on

the predominate target organ abnormalities, which at this point is not

your marrow or peripheral blood count.


Dr Bones

Re: Blood test

Hello Dr.Bones

Initially can I thank you for a quick reply.

Up to August 99 I had persistent leucytosis, thankfully my white

cell count is falling, down to 12.5% x10 ^ 9/L. I am not on any drugs except

Evening Primrose Oil. I have been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis, RF

positive 1:80, with aspects of Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Raynauds.

I was virally screened; Monospot,CMV, Toxoplasma all negative. ASO

titre less that 200, lymes disease negative, mycoplasma negative.

Immunoglobulins IgM 12.45g/l with raised alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulin's.

Lymphocyte subset normal. ANF positive titre 1:80 and anti DNA negative.

Chest x-ray normal.

I then underwent a bone marrow biopsy which shows a Myeloid Hypoplasia.

My last blood test came back as wbc 12.5H Neutrophils 40%

Lymphocytes 47% Monocytes 12% Eosinphils 1% Bashophils zero.

Breakdown over the 12.5% wbc. Neutrophils 5. x 10 ^ 9/L Lymphocytes

5.9H, Mono 1.5H Eosinphils 0.1 Bashophils zero. The Lymphs and Mono's

appear atypical.

So as to what the problem is? You guess is as good as my medical

team and me!

Love and God bless


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  • 6 months later...

PCR is, of course, the type of test being performed. The " Chlamydia " is the

Genus of the bacteria. However, this is an incomplete classification. The

most recently discovered Chlamydia (and the one now also being associated

with atypical community aquired pneumonia) is called Chlamydia Pneumonaie.

Go to the CDC page http://www.cdc.gov and do a search on chlamydia. There

are several published documents on this particular bug and its involvement

with infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases. I also believe that the

RoadBack foundation has a document that shows the antibiotic succeptability

of individual species.

Hope this helps.

rheumatic blood test

Hi I have a question: My blood test for mycoplasma was negative. but

chlamydia PCR test was positive. What exactly is this PCR? My doctor

thinks because I have improved lately (lung and kidney function tests

improved) that I should not change my treatment,i.e., hold off on

starting AP. Any comments appreciated.

Thanks, Dottie, CREST

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Where and how was the sample sent? If it is not shipped properly and tested

in a certain way your chances of a positive result may be compromised.


Ottawa, Canada

Scleroderma, Jan.95, AP Oct.97

(My Story) http://www3.sympatico.ca/mousepotatoes )

(Ottawa Support) http://www3.sympatico.ca/mousepotatoes/rbf.html

rheumatic blood test



>Hi I have a question: My blood test for mycoplasma was negative. but

>chlamydia PCR test was positive. What exactly is this PCR? My doctor

>thinks because I have improved lately (lung and kidney function tests

>improved) that I should not change my treatment,i.e., hold off on

>starting AP. Any comments appreciated.

>Thanks, Dottie, CREST




>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups





>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Thank you judy for responding....could you tell me what to look for on my test for the liver? I am sure he is checking it. but just don't know what to look for. Thanks again and God bless, BJ


"CRP is an acute phase reactant, which can be used as a test for inflammatory diseases, infections, and neoplastic diseases. Progressive increases correlate with increases of inflammation/injury. CRP is a more sensitive, rapidly responding indicator than ESR. " from http://www.labcorp.com/datasets/labcorp/html/chapter/mono/se019500.htm Jerry wrote: I was wondering if anyone here knew what CRP, Quantitative means on your blood test. For the last 6 months mine has steadly gone up. I don't know if it is the test my RM takes for my liver or not. It is now at 30.3 and it says the norm is 0-4.9. Does anyone know? I have been having some pain in my abdoman on my right side. My sil says it is my liver. She is an RN. I am taking mtx...1cc a week and arava....20mg a day. Also my diebetic meds. This is really scareing me alot. I also take 3 darvocets a day for pain. I have been on all this now for 13 yrs. except the arava....just started it 8 weeks ago. Please if someone knows what i am talking about....share with me. Thank you all for all the help you have been to me. I really appreicate you all and you are all in my prayers each and every day. God Bless, BJ-- Judy O'Dell Independent Candle Consultant CandlelightDreams@... Free product and a wonderful opportunity await you. Ask me how!!!!! "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." - Buddha

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"CRP is an acute phase reactant, which can be used as a test for inflammatory

diseases, infections, and neoplastic diseases. Progressive increases correlate


increases of inflammation/injury. CRP is a more sensitive, rapidly

responding indicator than ESR. "

from http://www.labcorp.com/datasets/labcorp/html/chapter/mono/se019500.htm

Jerry wrote:

I was wondering if anyone

here knew what CRP, Quantitative means on your blood test. For the last

6 months mine has steadly gone up. I don't know if it is the test my RM

takes for my liver or not. It is now at 30.3 and it says the norm is 0-4.9.

Does anyone know? I have been having some pain in my abdoman on my right

side. My sil says it is my liver. She is an RN. I am taking mtx...1cc a

week and arava....20mg a day. Also my diebetic meds. This is really scareing

me alot. I also take 3 darvocets a day for pain. I have been on all this

now for 13 yrs. except the arava....just started it 8 weeks ago. Please

if someone knows what i am talking about....share with me. Thank you all

for all the help you have been to me. I really appreicate you all and you

are all in my prayers each and every day. God Bless, BJ


Judy O'Dell

Independent Candle Consultant


Free product and a wonderful opportunity await you.

Ask me how!!!!!

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a

single candle, and the life of the candle will

not be shortened. Happiness never decreases

by being shared." - Buddha

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Check this site out for the various liver function tests. Be sure

and let your doctor know about the pain you're having and also talk to

him/her about your concerns. He/she should be able to explain all

your lab work to you in detail.


Take care,


Jerry wrote:

Thank you judy for responding....could

you tell me what to look for on my test for the liver? I am sure he is

checking it. but just don't know what to look for. Thanks again and God

bless, BJ


Judy O'Dell

Independent Candle Consultant


Free product and a wonderful opportunity await you.

Ask me how!!!!!

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a

single candle, and the life of the candle will

not be shortened. Happiness never decreases

by being shared." - Buddha

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My CRP is always high. My SED rate seldom is. My understanding is that an

elevated CRP is showing the level of inflamation in your blood. (Correct me

if I'm wrong folks!) I have been seeing a new Rheumy and he is determined

that I will one day have a normal CRP. I am functioning okay and with

minimal pain right now, but take lots of big guns drugs. I am 36 and have a

doctor that believes in lots of medications. Though I often have " flu " days,

my arthritis is doing pretty well. I decided that I want as good a quality

of life as I can rather than length.


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  • 2 years later...
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Hi . It sounds to me like you have excessive bone turnover which

happens in osteoporosis since the doctor mentioned fosamax, which is a drug

for osteoporosis. The test may be Alkaline Phosphatase. Mine has been

elevated, which could be from bone erosion, osteoporosis, my liver, or the

meds I take.

Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme in all tissues. Tissues with particularly

high concentrations include liver, bile ducts, placenta and bone. Since

damaged or diseased tissue releases enzymes into the blood, serum ALP

measurements can be abnormal in many conditions, including bone disease and

liver disease. However, serum ALP is also increased in some normal

circumstances (for example, during normal bone growth) or in response to a

variety of drugs.



> Hi everyone,

> I have a question regarding a blood test I recently had done. It was for

> fosimax (sp?) My understanding is that is shows bone in the blood. I had

> this test 2 months ago, because of the test (I think it was 1.3) I ended up

> having a bone scan done.

> I just had the blood test done again, and it is higher than before. My doctor

> is sending me in for x-rays. The bone scan had shown something questionable

> in the upper left rib area. He hoping the x-ray may show a fractured rib that

> is healing.


> I am wondering what can causeing the indication of blood in the bone? My

> understanding is that if you have a broken bone, or a fracture that is

> healing, it will show up this way. As far as I know, that hasn't happened. I

> don't have any pain that would indicate that. Any ideas?? I am trying to

> research this on the internet, but it doesn't help that I don't know the name

> of the test. Thanks



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

A blood test, IgG to gluten and casein sensitivity, is what lead us

to the mercury connection. Our daughter had very elevated IgG levels

to both of these. Traditional and not so traditional allergy testing

had not shown this sensitivity. So... what is the blood test that

your ped is ordering? We did do a urine test also after the blood

results came in so high. She had the caso and glia morphins in her

urine in high amounts too.

From: " adoption63 " <adoption63@y...>

Date: Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:43 pm

Subject: New Member questions about Blood Testing ordered

My pediatrician has ordered blood tests for detection of Gluetin and

Caesin sensitivities. Is this the proper test for this? I thought a

urine test was the proper test. I don't have a DAN doctor in my

state taking new patients. I was however given the names of 2 doctors

in Alabama who should be taking new patients. I live in Louisiana. I

am without a car and am not sure when I will have transportation

again. My pediatrician isn't too knowldegeable on the GF/CF diet so I

was wondering if he even ordered the correct test. Any feedback is


New Orleans Mom

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Lynn, maybe you need more folic acid. How much are you taking? Are you

still taking methotrexate?

" Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) measures the mean or average size of

individual red blood cells. To obtain the MCV, the hematocrit is divided

by the total RBC count. The MCV is an indicator of the size of red blood

cells. If the MCV is low, the cells are microcytic or smaller than

normal. Microcytic red blood cells are seen in iron deficiency anemia,

lead poisoning and the genetic diseases thalassemia major and

thalassemia minor. If the MCV is high, the cells are macrocytic, or

larger than normal. Macrocytic red blood cells are associated with

pernicious anemia and folic acid deficiencies. If the MCV is within the

normal range, the cells are referred to as normocytic. A patient who has

anemia from an acute hemorrhage would have a normocytic anemia. "



I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] blood test

> Hi a, , Everyone.

> Well my blood test are back and it's not too bad. Good news I am

> absorbing vitamin B-12. I am not absorbing iron or vitamin K, but


> is old news for me. They feel the large red blood cells are coming


> diet or therefore the lack of. They want me to see a nutritionist but

> my insurance won't pay for it, so that is out of the questions.

> The problems that I am having are coming from the surgeries, namely


> whipple. He wants me to try and eat salmon and tuna which really


> a problem as I love fish. The problem is meat which I don't like and

> dairy which I can't eat. I explained to the doctor that there is no

> enjoyment in eating for me. He understood what I was talking about.


> it is something I will have to work on. He would also like me to eat

> cream soups but that is the whole dairy thing again.

> The terrible pains in my legs and fatigue is the RA. I am trying to


> back on predisone with my Rheumy's help. I am taking tylenol for this

> pain. I didn't expect it to be so bad. So I will have to see how the

> predisone thing goes. I know I could up it but I am trying not too.

> But when it was a little higher I felt so good. Maybe I should call


> Rheumy and see what he says?

> Hope everyone is having good days. It is very hot and humid here in

> Pa.. Thank goodness for the storms at night to cool it off.

> Lynn MeMom

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  • 8 months later...
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On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 21:04:00 -0000, you wrote:

> Hi All Thanks a lot for all your help in the past,but I need to ask

>this questioh again I know We perhaps have covered this before I

>need to know for sure as Mental fog is taking over me.

> I put in 5 grams of AG this morning at 7;00 AM it is now about 2:00

>PM here in california should I go to have the blood drawn now as

>this will be my first time to do so at this time.

> I use to be on 2.5g AG but it has been two month now on 5g of AG

>so I want to see how where I am at now thanks inadvance Jack.

Good luck. I need 7.5 grams a day to reach levels of 700.

It varies for everyone. I do two 5 gr packets one day and one packet

the next. It averages to 7.5.

- - - -

Just another albino black sheep

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Thanks for the response. Yes I do have MS. I had an MRI in October and it showed lesions and placquards I just started the LDN in the end of Jan. I just had another MRI 5 weeks ago. It showed the same lesions and a very what the called miminal lesion. Before taking the LDN my neuro tested my blood for b12, since I have had my thyroid totally removed due to cancer. He said they level was ok. I just was wondering if I should steer my GP towards anything,since he is so willing to help. THanks JuDea

-- Re: [low dose naltrexone] Blood test

Hi JuDea,Do you have MS. If so, did you have an MRI before you started on LDN? I would follow up at some point with another MRI to see if LDN has stopped progression. As far as the blood test if you have MS, I would suggest checking for deficiencies in B12 (specifically B12). Does anyone have anything else to add on what to check for.By the way I am glad that LDN has helped with some of your symptoms. And I am glad that your GP is open minded.Aletha [low dose naltrexone] Blood test>>> I have been on LDN for about 3 months. It has helped alot with my> symptoms. My neuro would not give it to me. But my GP did. I need to> go back next week for a check up. Is there any kind of test I should> ask him to do, to make sure everything is ok. I am his 1st patient on> LDN. Thanks for your help!! JuDea>>>>>>>>

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My neuro checks my liver function...

[low dose naltrexone] Blood test

I have been on LDN for about 3 months. It has helped alot with my symptoms. My neuro would not give it to me. But my GP did. I need to go back next week for a check up. Is there any kind of test I should ask him to do, to make sure everything is ok. I am his 1st patient on LDN. Thanks for your help!! JuDea

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Hi JuDea,

Do you have MS. If so, did you have an MRI before you started on LDN? I

would follow up at some point with another MRI to see if LDN has stopped

progression. As far as the blood test if you have MS, I would suggest

checking for deficiencies in B12 (specifically B12). Does anyone have

anything else to add on what to check for.

By the way I am glad that LDN has helped with some of your symptoms. And I

am glad that your GP is open minded.


[low dose naltrexone] Blood test



> I have been on LDN for about 3 months. It has helped alot with my

> symptoms. My neuro would not give it to me. But my GP did. I need to

> go back next week for a check up. Is there any kind of test I should

> ask him to do, to make sure everything is ok. I am his 1st patient on

> LDN. Thanks for your help!! JuDea









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I have seen on the posting that several of people take vitamins and DL-Phenylalanine . Could someone please tell me what they take and how much. So I can discuss this with my GP. Thanks in advance. JuDea

-- Re: [low dose naltrexone] Blood test

Hi Judea,

It sounds like you are on a good tract.


[low dose naltrexone] Blood test>>> I have been on LDN for about 3 months. It has helped alot with my> symptoms. My neuro would not give it to me. But my GP did. I need to> go back next week for a check up. Is there any kind of test I should> ask him to do, to make sure everything is ok. I am his 1st patient on> LDN. Thanks for your help!! JuDea>>>>>>>>

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Hi Judea,

It sounds like you are on a good tract.


[low dose naltrexone] Blood test>>> I have been on LDN for about 3 months. It has helped alot with my> symptoms. My neuro would not give it to me. But my GP did. I need to> go back next week for a check up. Is there any kind of test I should> ask him to do, to make sure everything is ok. I am his 1st patient on> LDN. Thanks for your help!! JuDea>>>>>>>>

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

hey guys i got a cbc done last fri. when i was felling under the

weather. maybe you can help me understand if this is good or bad i

don't see my gp 'till next week and my hem/onc 'till may here goes






aliza rochester n.y.

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- In , " Tracey " <traceyincanada@...> wrote:


> Hi Aliza,


> Your blood looks very good. Your wbc and platelets are perfect but

> your reds, hgb and hct are a little bit low. They all go together


> when one is low, they usually all get a bit low. Yours are only

> slightly low which is actually pretty standard for many of us so I

> don't see anything to worry about here.


> Hope you're feeling better,

> Tracey



> >

> > hey guys i got a cbc done last fri. when i was felling under the

> > weather. maybe you can help me understand if this is good or bad


> > don't see my gp 'till next week and my hem/onc 'till may here goes

> >

> >

> > wbc...6.7

> > platelets..250

> > rbc....3.53

> > hgb....11.0

> > hct.....31.7

> >

> >

> > aliza rochester n.y.

> >


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Your Testosterone levels are just above the normal range but normal for a man

over 90 yrs. of age. Your LH is on the low side if your testis were not working

to make Testosterone this LH would be at or above the top of the range. Your

Pituitary would be asking from more testosterone so your on the lower side tells

me you can have a pituitary problem needs to be looked in to. Also your TSH is

very high tells me your Pituitary is asking for more thyroid hormones because

your Thyroid is not workng right. You need to test your Free T3 and Free T4 to

be sure.

I don't see your estradiol tested get this tested before treating your low

testosterone levels if high you need to get this down.

marsaday1971 <jphenderson@...> wrote:

i have got my blood results today. i wondered if anyone could help

with interpretation. i am normal all round. although a bit low on


i am in the uk so will give you the range as well where i have it.

Test = 10.91 (10-31)

LH = 3.6 (1-8)

FSH = 9.5

TSH = 3.2 (0.4-4)

T4 = 12 (10-23)

Ferettin = 137

any interpretation is appreciated. i see the specialist mid may

Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. "



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Here's another prospective: All you labs fall with the normal

range. And while some in this group may believe that you can tweak

all your labs, I have yet to see them post any evidence to support

this cookbook approach to hormonal management. The real question

that you need to be asking is not what your labs mean, but how do you

feel? I recommend that you focus on that, and not any specific lab

value. There are many people with your lab values that feel

perfectly fine with your t level, and that is especially true of your

TSH level. Again, all your labs are normal. What symtoms drove you

to see a specialist?

- In , philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>



> Your Testosterone levels are just above the normal range but normal

for a man over 90 yrs. of age. Your LH is on the low side if your

testis were not working to make Testosterone this LH would be at or

above the top of the range. Your Pituitary would be asking from more

testosterone so your on the lower side tells me you can have a

pituitary problem needs to be looked in to. Also your TSH is very

high tells me your Pituitary is asking for more thyroid hormones

because your Thyroid is not workng right. You need to test your Free

T3 and Free T4 to be sure.


> I don't see your estradiol tested get this tested before treating

your low testosterone levels if high you need to get this down.


> marsaday1971 <jphenderson@...> wrote:

> i have got my blood results today. i wondered if anyone

could help

> with interpretation. i am normal all round. although a bit low on

> testosterone.


> i am in the uk so will give you the range as well where i have it.


> Test = 10.91 (10-31)


> LH = 3.6 (1-8)


> FSH = 9.5


> TSH = 3.2 (0.4-4)

> T4 = 12 (10-23)


> Ferettin = 137


> any interpretation is appreciated. i see the specialist mid may







> Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what

you see. "

> Phil


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

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