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At 07:14 AM 3/10/00 EST, you wrote:



>> Yes, what you say is true. The avoidance of yeasts advocated in Crook book

>> is in my experience with clients often unnecesary.


>Hmn. Most of the research says that yeast is yeast and candida is yeast. In

>the beginning of a yeast-elimination diet, it is necessary to eliminate the

>yeast, as well as a lot of other things. There are *some* PWC's (people

>with candidiasis) who will be able to add yeast back into their diets at


>point, however the majority would be wise to leave it out forever - so many

>people will turn out to be sensitive to yeast and wheat. To even suggest

>that yeast not be eliminated, in a general public mailing list (oh, this is

>*not* a bulletin board, BTW), is irresponsible. .....I'm sorry, Margaret,

but this is simply not my experience with clients--maybe 30% will need to

avoid the yeasts in common breads and the like (which yeasts are very

different from those in " candida " -type dysbiosis), the other 70% do

perfectly OK with those breads if they are not otherwise allergic to them

as determined by the biomagnetic kinesiology used. Of course, wheat flour

products (as opposed to sprouted wheat products such as Manna and Essene

breads) are common allergens. I do agree that if no testing is done (I

don't mean the medical tests which have many false negatives and positives)

it is safer to avoid all the yeasts--in the context of what was said by me,

including in my paper 20D, I stand by my comments.

Crook's information is solid.


>>And there are often better supplements available now.

>I notice that you use certain brand(s) of supplements. You speak of them by

>brand name, but do not always mention the ingredients.

>What are these " better supplements " of which you speak? What are the

>ingredients in them?

>To date, I have not found any supplements which do not contain (at least one

>of) the standard anti-fungals mentioned by Crook and other authors on the

>subject, which anti-fungals I have mentioned here previously. Now, of

>course, I could be behind the times... I could be using " old-fashioned "

>remedies, and you *could* have something that has never been heard of by

>other authorities. If that is so, I would really like to know what it is

>(what is the active ingredient, not the brand name)..... Dr Lebowitz, the

creator of the dysbiosis-allergy protocol I use, made (and still makes) a

3-year study of nutritional supplements with his many clients as to which

were helpful and not harmful (i.e., non-allergenic for the client), buying

the supplements from the various brand purveyors and comparing like

supplements. The supplements of Thorne Research way outperformed all the

others, both in terms of doing the job and in being tolerated because of

non-allergenic aspects--therefore I use their supplements to test the

client with. Some other Lebowitz practitioners have made similar studies.

Thorne Research goes to extra expense to use highly pure gelatin capsules

and highly purified ingredients, without the usual binders, colors,

lubricants, and other excipients that go into nearly all other

commnercially produced supplements. This, of course, does not mean other

supplements might not be OK in some cases--when clients bring their own

supplements to the first session, I test them against that client and

statistically find about 85% of their supplements they are allergic to. For

example, the antifungal that shows up as most helpful for most clients is

Thorne Research Formula SF722, which is 10-undecanoic acid (derived from

castor bean oil) in a base of extra virgin olive oil. It seems to me,

however, that this BB is not a good place to attempt to discuss

ingredients--if you so choose we can communicate with each other by direct

email. Please understand I am not attacking you or your work or Dr.

Crooks--my interests are to try to alert people with various health

problems of the very good non-medical approaches to these problems,

especially through my free papers, which take me a minimum of an hour daily

to email to those requesting them. Light & Love, Cliff




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At 03:37 PM 3/11/00 EST, you wrote:

>From: Ramu555@...


>In a message dated 03/11/2000 3:35:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, Cliff writes:


>> The supplements of Thorne Research way outperformed all the

>> others, both in terms of doing the job and in being tolerated because of

>> non-allergenic aspects--therefore I use their supplements to test the

>> client with.


>I have noticed that you use Thorne Research products, but I remain curious


>to what the active ingredients in these products are............Thorne

Research supplements are normally available only through professional

health practitioners--I have mentioned them only because they are the ones

I use because they out-test and out-perform most others I've tried--You

don't seem to understand that it is not just " active ingredients " , it's

also all the other things in each supplement that are not " active " but to

which many persons with dysbiosis/allergies are allergic. Sorry I do not

have time to list even just the active ingredients in all the Thorne

supplements I use (over two dozen, because addressing nutritional

deficiencies is part of the rapid freeing of a client of dysbiosis and

allergies). If you are interested in the ingredients I can give you the tel

no of Thorne Research and you can request a catalog and see for yourself.

The main reason I have offered my paper 20D on allergies and related

comments is that on scanning this and related BBs I see many people with

" candida, " allergies, etc, who have been treating them for months, years,

and apparently not making much progress--the methods outlined in paper 20D

overcome that problem for those who can find an afford a practitioner neatr



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At 09:10 AM 3/12/00 EST, you wrote:

>From: Ramu555@...


>In a message dated 03/12/2000 3:35:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, Cliff writes:


>> You don't seem to understand that it is not just " active ingredients " ,


>> also all the other things in each supplement that are not " active " but to

>> which many persons with dysbiosis/allergies are allergic.


>Oh, yes, Cliff, I do understand that *all* the ingredients in the


>are important to examine. What concerns me is when someone will not tell

me .... You seem to be demanding that I give you a list of every ingredient

in everything I use--I do not have the time for this nor do I consider it

helpful--ingredient A from one manufacture is not necessarily identical

with ingredient A from another because of differences in production

techniques, raw material sources, and the fact that many chemical reactions

produce side products that can be allergic--no one ever knows everything in

a given product because of this--so what to do about this?--Have a testing

method (e.g., kinesiology) that can tell whether " substance A " is good or

not for client X--no list will ever tell you that. Thorne Research is not

trying to hide its ingredients from anyone (aren't you a little paranoid

here?)--here is their tel no to get a catalog that lists the known

ingredients in each of their products: 1-800-228-1966--I will appreciate

it if you cease implying I'm a crook (but not a DR. Crook), liar, etc. Cliff

>It seems to me that if these Thorne supplements which you recommend are so

>great, then the company would be happy for the general public to be made

>aware of the ingredients, so that they could judge the products on their

>merits, and choose them. Up until now, I do not know anything about these

>products which would make me want to look further into them.....What you

seem to be saying is the fact that they outtest and outperform mny other

supplements re my findings and that of many other users of them is either

irrelevant or unbelievable. Cliff


>It is important that people *know* what they are taking, and that they be

>able to research the products which they are considering taking, regardless

>of the physical issue for which the product is intended.......I'm a label

reader myself, but I also know that the law does not require that

ingredient A put into a material by one manufacturer is NOT required to be

listed by a second manufacturer who uses that ingredient A to produce or

just add to a product he is manufacturing. My clients always know what is

listed in any supplement they get through me if they want that info. Cliff

>We are living in the age of information now.......and of misinformation.....



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>From: Cliff Garner <kosmik@...>


>At 09:10 AM 3/12/00 EST, you wrote:

>>From: Ramu555@...


>>In a message dated 03/12/2000 3:35:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, Cliff writes:


>>> You don't seem to understand that it is not just " active ingredients " ,


>>> also all the other things in each supplement that are not " active " but to

>>> which many persons with dysbiosis/allergies are allergic.


>>Oh, yes, Cliff, I do understand that *all* the ingredients in the


>>are important to examine. What concerns me is when someone will not tell

>me .... You seem to be demanding that I give you a list of every ingredient

>in everything I use--I do not have the time for this nor do I consider it

>helpful--ingredient A from one manufacture is not necessarily identical

>with ingredient A from another because of differences in production

>techniques, raw material sources, and the fact that many chemical reactions

>produce side products that can be allergic--no one ever knows everything in

>a given product because of this--so what to do about this?--Have a testing

>method (e.g., kinesiology) that can tell whether " substance A " is good or

>not for client X--no list will ever tell you that. Thorne Research is not

>trying to hide its ingredients from anyone (aren't you a little paranoid

>here?)--here is their tel no to get a catalog that lists the known

>ingredients in each of their products: 1-800-228-1966--I will appreciate

>it if you cease implying I'm a crook (but not a DR. Crook), liar, etc. Cliff

Hi! I'm very sick, and I got on this list to find ways to help myself

get better and I haven't been here long enough to want to jump into

a flame war, but when I read the original message it seemed to me

that all Margaret asked you was to list some of the ingredients of

the supplements that you seem so thrilled with and you have

continually refuse to do so. I didn't take it that she wanted to know

what was in them so that she could go buy some alternative with

similar and/or inferior ingredients-- she just wanted to know what

was in them! And for like 4 messages now you have been walking around

the issue and it seems damned suspicious to me! You keep saying have

don't have enough time to list ingredients, but it seems to me that

It would take you a lot less time to have said, " for instance, in

Supplement A there is : " and list a dozen or so ingredients than keep

hedging the issue in long message after long message.

She's not implying that you are a crook or a liar-- you are acting like one.

Just my 2 cents




" A dream to some......a Nightmare to Others! "

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''At 09:26 AM 3/13/00 EST, you wrote:

>From: Ramu555@...


>In a message dated 03/13/2000 3:44:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, Cliff writes:


>>-I will appreciate

>> it if you cease implying I'm a crook (but not a DR. Crook), liar, etc.



>I did not imply that you are " a crook. " . That is your own inference. I

>simply asked for disclosure. I'm so curious as to why you feel that I have

>implied that you were a crook. Most honest people would not, I feel, come


>with that from requests for disclosure.......So I'm not honest? I have

explained repeatedly why I did not give a list of infgredients to you.

At least you have given a phone

>number for the company where I can call and get disclosure.


>>What you

>> seem to be saying is the fact that they outtest and outperform mny other

>> supplements re my findings and that of many other users of them is either

>> irrelevant or unbelievable.

>Trouble reading, here, Cliff. What I said was:

>>Up until now, I do not know anything about these

>>products which would make me want to look further into them..... The

" up-until-now " included the info on their outesting and outperforming many

othefr like products.


>All you have said, up to now, is the name of the mysterious product, with

a " formula number " .......

You have also mentioned magnets. Now, I don't use magnet

>therapy - dont' mind if you do, but it isn't my area of interest. So,

>naturally, I might be curious, wouldn't you think, about the formula in this

>wonderful product which you have mentioned.........The ingredients were

given by me for SF722 on this BB after you requested them.

Here, we all are looking for ways

>to eradicate candidiasis, either for personal benefit, or for professional

>purposes. Thus, if you mention a wonderful new product, we might be quite

>curious to know about it -- as an example, recently someone mentioned Hulda

>'s anti-parasite formula, and someone else immediately asked what was


>it -- we *want* information.


>As you may have gathered, I don't think there is anything wrong with asking

>for disclosure of ingredients, nor with providing same, because a la

>Loehman's , I feel that an informed consumer is my best client. For me, it

>seems, refusal to disclose product information on the products I use

>personally, or recommend professionally, is rather arrogant, and would


>as the allopathic medical establishment often does, that the people with


>I am talking are not sophisticated enough to understand what the

details......... As I said before, this info is always available to my own

clients. I am not advocating the products I used for everyone or anyone on

this BB, simply saying that I supplied info via my paper so that anyone

interested could seek out a practitioner if they so chose (as some have

emailed me they did)--many of the products involved are not readily

available except through practitioners. Also, although I recognize many

people do not have the money to go to a practitioner, in the long run that

can be cheaper--I have many clients who tried to " cure " themselves with

health food store supplements that evidently they were allergic to or did

not do the job--some people, especially if intuitive, will be able to fix

themselves--more power to them.

I am not afraid to educate. So what if someone goes off and self-medicates

>rather than coming to me and paying a fee? At least they will get well.

........ sometimes, sometimes not--look at the BB and see many who havre

been self-medicating for some time withouyt success.


>started doing this when self-medication was virtually the only route, and

>there was little information available to *anyone*. People helped me, gave

>me information. Now I can help them, if only by sharing and disseminating

>information......and that's also what I'm trying to do.


>>....I'm a label

>> reader myself, but I also know that the law does not require that

>> ingredient A put into a material by one manufacturer is NOT required to be

>> listed by a second manufacturer who uses that ingredient A to produce or

>> just add to a product he is manufacturing.


>One gains a certain confidence in certain manufacturers, either through


>reputation, or through word-of-mouth, or through working with the

>manufacturer directly. This is true in any endeavor. I do not recommend

>purchasing products in WalMart or PharMor, for example, unless one is

>intensely familiar with the manufacturer and the manufacturer's standards.

>Familiarity with the manufacturers' standards, even as applies to products

>purchased in a health food store, is important.


>>My clients always know what is

>> listed in any supplement they get through me if they want that info.


>Oh, so you will tell them in person when they have paid you a fee?

........Come on, who said anything about their paying a fee for such

info--if they ask they get the info.


>that is something, I suppose.


>I think, however, that I would prefer to gain my clients by my reputation


>openness and willingness to educate everyone, not just my clients. If


>can go off and heal themselves without my help, by putting together what I

>say when I am giving a seminar or talking on a mailing list, that is

>absolutely wonderful. If they need more individualized support, that is


>they will come to me. I am not afraid to teach someone how to do what I do

>so that they can help themselves. There are more people out there who do

>need me, personally. ......It seems to me that there is little benefit to

anyone in continuing this back-and-forth rebuttal --I respect you and your

work,and if I have not come across to you as a caring responsible person,

so be it. Cliff




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> hedging the issue in long message after long message.

> She's not implying that you are a crook or a liar-- you are acting like



> Just my 2 cents


> -jenny



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  • 2 years later...
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In a message dated 5/6/2002 3:26:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time,


<< his week end I developed shortness of breath that is very scary, a

hump on my upper back and the depression is just awful. I have put

on about 20 pounds from the waist up. Sleep is nul without a pill to

help at night. I have the " moon " face, a redness to my face and

chest. >>

A doctor told me the hump is called a prednisone hump - weird, huh! The

weight and face are typical side effects but often necessary to get those

liver enzyme back in order before they do even more damage.

I am concerned about the shortness of breath. It would be good to get in

right away to have that checked! You don't need infection or fluid build up

there, or be reacting to meds!

Thinking of you,


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  • 6 months later...

Kim wrote ... " You took your son to see Agin A Developmental

peditrcian. Where is she located? "

Kim, Dr. Marilyn Agin's office in in NYC (Soho). I got the reference

from the information at Cherab.

One thing that has come up with since we identified his

challenges ... as he worked through some issues others appear.

was seeing OT for fine motor issues, but we changed the focus of work

because sensory issues became more apparent.

The professional evaluation helped us fully understand what was going

on with . This helped me make sure that his services remain

focused on his primary issues, and ways of maximizing the benefits

(for example, OT to " wake up " his system before his speech sessions).

Margaret...'s Mom

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  • 2 years later...

Hey Nutty, I am taking the Schiff Move Free formula. Plus the

Chiropractor had me taking MSM before I started that even. My doctor

has me on Avinza 60mg it is a time released morphine and it really

seems to be helping me out alot. He was actually surprised I was OK

with just 60 mg he thought with the way my back looked I would need

something much stronger LOL Plus I am on Ultracet for breakthrough

pain and soma for a muscle relaxer. Are you on any prescribed

medications to help you with your pain.?

Yes I missed you and I am sure others did as well your posts were

always fun to read. Take care :)) Margaret

> Long time no see, thanks for saying you missed me, makes me feel

loved LOL ;-)


> The Glucosamine/MSM/Chondrontin joint formula is required to be

taken for a minimum of 6 weeks before it will take effect, this is

what my surgeon said and I quote:


> " Glucosamine is good for any joints and some of my patients take

it regularly for their spine. I think it is a good idea. In Spain

you can by it in the Farmacy as Cartisorb, polvo para sol. oral

1500/sobre each day for 3 months and after that two months without "


> He wrote to me by email as I asked his advice, and I have also

taken that advice and went to get myself some, what is the formula

that you use?


> Don't know if you went on my site to view the page I have about

this stuff so I will put it here just in case.


> This is one of the most research natural supplements, and one of

the few treatments that the naturopathic and traditional doctors

agree upon.


> There are virtually no side effects, and clinical studies have

documented that the combo can diminish pain for people with

osteoarthritis and other connective tissue disorders.


> The combo seems to help people plump up and repair connective

tissue such as cartilage, and it has been documented to reduce pain

and inflammation.


> Take car chica


> Nutty

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  • 9 months later...
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I am sorry you still have not tracked down the source of your pain,

although if the piriformis injections worked, that must tell them

something, doesn't it?

You do stand up nice and tall now. Do they have you on a course of

PT these days to strengthen your core muscles.

I laughed at the way you put your busy life.... " I am still

struggling to work fulltime, be a mother of a 15 year old boy-man,

and a 12 year old boy and a husband. " I know you didn't mean to be a

fulltime mother to your husband....but sometimes....well....!

Here is to hoping your pain is resoved soon.

It is good to hear from you,


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Please do not censor yourself in an effort to make others feel

better. The real value of this forum is to find out honestly how

people are doing after making the choice to have revision surgery.

How else could the rest of us make an informed decision? I want to

know both the good and the bad!


> Margaret,

> I am one of those posties that did well and wonders if I will

> continue to do so. I think I owe you an apology. I sometimes go on

> and on about my little plaguing issues and I do not always consider

> that others are still somewhat suffering post op.

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sometimes I think husbands are worse than the kids.


> Margaret,


> I am sorry you still have not tracked down the source of your


> although if the piriformis injections worked, that must tell them

> something, doesn't it?


> You do stand up nice and tall now. Do they have you on a course of

> PT these days to strengthen your core muscles.


> I laughed at the way you put your busy life.... " I am still

> struggling to work fulltime, be a mother of a 15 year old boy-man,

> and a 12 year old boy and a husband. " I know you didn't mean to be


> fulltime mother to your husband....but sometimes....well....!


> Here is to hoping your pain is resoved soon.


> It is good to hear from you,


> Cam


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Hear, hear, Suzanne.

[ ] Re: Margaret

> Please do not censor yourself in an effort to make others feel

> better. The real value of this forum is to find out honestly how

> people are doing after making the choice to have revision surgery.

> How else could the rest of us make an informed decision? I want to

> know both the good and the bad!






>> Margaret,

>> I am one of those posties that did well and wonders if I will

>> continue to do so. I think I owe you an apology. I sometimes go on

>> and on about my little plaguing issues and I do not always consider

>> that others are still somewhat suffering post op.







> scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates


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<<<<<<sometimes I think husbands are worse than the kids. >>>>>>>

Only sometimes? :-)

[ ] Re: Margaret

sometimes I think husbands are worse than the kids. >> Margaret,> > I am sorry you still have not tracked down the source of your pain, > although if the piriformis injections worked, that must tell them > something, doesn't it?> > You do stand up nice and tall now. Do they have you on a course of > PT these days to strengthen your core muscles.> > I laughed at the way you put your busy life.... "I am still > struggling to work fulltime, be a mother of a 15 year old boy-man, > and a 12 year old boy and a husband." I know you didn't mean to be a > fulltime mother to your husband....but sometimes....well....! > > Here is to hoping your pain is resoved soon.> > It is good to hear from you,> > Cam>

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It is 7:25pm and I am still at work reading the posts. I should have left work since 6:00pm! Anyway, no need for anyone to apologize, it is what it is. I am having a bad day today painwise, but thank god I am off tomorrow. I sometimes wonder if I ever will be pain free. I can't remember a day without pain. It does get me down and no one can really understand unless they too have experienced it. I often ask my husband who moans and groans about doing housework think of doing it and in constant pain. Mind you it is not excrutiating, but always there. My pcp is going to refer me to the Beth Israel's pain clinic. I have to prime myself up for that. I just needed to feel sorry for myself for a short time and now it out the door and back to reality and coping. Margaret.Bonnie <bonnie@...> wrote: <<<<<<sometimes I think husbands are worse than the kids. >>>>>>> Only sometimes? :-) [ ] Re: Margaret sometimes I think husbands are worse than the kids. >> Margaret,> > I am sorry you still have not tracked down the source of your pain, > although if the piriformis injections worked, that must tell them > something, doesn't it?> > You do stand up nice and tall now. Do they have you on a course of > PT these days to strengthen your core muscles.> > I laughed at the way you put your busy life.... "I am still > struggling to work fulltime, be a mother of a 15 year old boy-man, > and a 12 year old boy and a husband." I know you didn't mean to be a > fulltime mother to your husband....but sometimes....well....!

> > Here is to hoping your pain is resoved soon.> > It is good to hear from you,> > Cam>

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Margaret, that "always there" part is the kicker, isn't it.


Re: [ ] Re: Margaret

..... Mind you it is not excrutiating, but always there.

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Hi margaret,

It was the constant, every day, every hour, every minute, pain that

drove me to revision. i hope the clinic at BI helps.

..com, Margaret Phillibert <librariantrinidad@...> wrote:


> It is 7:25pm and I am still at work reading the posts. I should

have left work since 6:00pm! Anyway, no need for anyone to

apologize, it is what it is. I am having a bad day today painwise,

but thank god I am off tomorrow. I sometimes wonder if I ever will

be pain free. I can't remember a day without pain. It does get me

down and no one can really understand unless they too have

experienced it. I often ask my husband who moans and groans about

doing housework think of doing it and in constant pain. Mind you it

is not excrutiating, but always there. My pcp is going to refer me

to the Beth Israel's pain clinic. I have to prime myself up for



> I just needed to feel sorry for myself for a short time and now

it out the door and back to reality and coping.


> Margaret.


> Bonnie <bonnie@...> wrote:

> <<<<<<sometimes I think husbands are worse than the

kids. >>>>>>>


> Only sometimes? :-)

> [ ] Re: Margaret



> sometimes I think husbands are worse than the kids.





> >

> > Margaret,

> >

> > I am sorry you still have not tracked down the source of your

> pain,

> > although if the piriformis injections worked, that must tell


> > something, doesn't it?

> >

> > You do stand up nice and tall now. Do they have you on a course


> > PT these days to strengthen your core muscles.

> >

> > I laughed at the way you put your busy life.... " I am still

> > struggling to work fulltime, be a mother of a 15 year old boy-


> > and a 12 year old boy and a husband. " I know you didn't mean to


> a

> > fulltime mother to your husband....but sometimes....well....!

> >

> > Here is to hoping your pain is resoved soon.

> >

> > It is good to hear from you,

> >

> > Cam

> >








> scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates





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> Margaret, that " always there " part is the kicker, isn't it.

yes, it is.

In fact, I was a little surprised at the difference in pain scales

between the ortho I saw yesterday and the one my pain management doc

uses. The pain management scales rates a 10 as being severe enough

to cause you to lose consciousness. Ten on the ortho's scale refers

to being severe enough and continuous enough to have you considering



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Sounds like the ortho's pain scale reflects a better understanding of the

nature of chronic pain.

[ ] Re: Margaret



>> Margaret, that " always there " part is the kicker, isn't it.



> yes, it is.




> In fact, I was a little surprised at the difference in pain scales

> between the ortho I saw yesterday and the one my pain management doc

> uses. The pain management scales rates a 10 as being severe enough

> to cause you to lose consciousness. Ten on the ortho's scale refers

> to being severe enough and continuous enough to have you considering

> suicide.














> scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates


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  • 1 year later...
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Thank you for that Margaret, I thoroughly enjoyed the piece. You can't go wrong

following that advice.

All I need to know I learned from Noah's Ark: Don't miss the boat, (Dave



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  • 2 years later...
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Approximately how much do the Saliva Tests run? Thanks, Sylvia

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Bonnie Cole <bonnieview@...>wrote:

> Margaret you WILL feel FINE even when your hormones are totally out of

> balance. HOWEVER, you need to know that Pregnenolone can affect ALL your

> hormones.


> Perhaps you already knew that because I think you also belong to the HHN

> group, right?


> Most people seem hesitant to PAY FOR Saliva Tests but they are crucial to

> your well being.


> For less than 2 months, I used 1/2 mg. (only) of Pregnenolone cream and

> then

> did another saliva test and was SHOCKED to see that my Progesterone which

> should have been around 50 was over 800 and Testosterone was also over the

> limit, which affected Estradiol as well.


> Just trying to make you aware, that FEELING GOOD has nothing to do with

> your

> hormone levels.


> Bonnie


> _____


> From: candidiasis [mailto:candidiasis ] On

> Behalf Of margretdzn@...

> Sent: July 15, 2010 9:35 AM

> candidiasis

> Subject: Re:MARGARET







> will let you know, but just pre-testing, want to mention I've been feeling

> best I've ever felt.......everything in me seems in balance......for the

> hormones, I was taking bioidentical, stopped many months ago, was nervous

> about stopping---stopped because of cash flow........I started subbing with

> some herbal black cohosh---seems to be working fine with the 50 mg.

> pregnenolone taken 25 mg. 2x day.........my hair, skin, energy are very

> healthy.......will let you know.....


> Blessings, Margaret

> A man is what he thinks about all day long...Great men are they who see

> that the spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule

> the world....

> Ralph W. Emerson



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Okaaaaay......then what does feeling good have to do with, other than

everything being in alignment and feeling good........are you saying you can

get a " false-positive " on feeling good? if it was FALSE at all, then there

would be no positive, hence no feeling good......?? please explain.......

Blessings, Margaret

Heaven is within us. It has nothing ultimately to do with thoughts of

someone else, and everything to do with what we choose to think - not just

about one person, but about all people.

nne on

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